Reckless Bounty (Intergalactic Justice Book 1)

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Reckless Bounty (Intergalactic Justice Book 1) Page 5

by Marly Mathews

  “Yes. And everyone also knows that we will be going in for Tyler. We can’t risk losing him to someone else. Do you know what they do to criminals on New Monaco?” Samantha asked, pushing her straggly hair out of her face. Devlin operated on his own code of justice and she’d never agreed with it.

  “You bet your life,” Dylan answered morosely. His face went completely white. “They hang them even if they don’t have the benefit of a trial.”

  “Exactly,” she answered. “And since Tyler is most assuredly not guilty of what they are accusing him of we need to get him away from them until we are able to prove his innocence.”

  “Fill me in,” Johanna began. “What exactly is he accused of?”

  “He has been accused of murdering Lord Devlin’s wife,” Dylan whispered.

  That notion was absurd, and Devlin knew it. He was doing this to get at her…he’d tried other avenues of trying to get through to her and this was his latest scheme. Dammit.

  Whatever Tyler was, murder would never enter his mind.

  “Lord Devlin. Why that should work out to our advantage,” Johanna mused, tightening her hands on the steering wheel. “Samantha almost married Lord Devlin,” she whispered.

  “Johanna!” Samantha cried. So, her sister had been listening that night when she’d spilled her guts to her.

  “Well, you needn’t sound so put out, Sam. I don’t blame you…Devlin is a real charmer.He even tried to charm me once and I can tell you without a shred of a doubt that if he asked me to marry him, I wouldn’t have just accepted his proposal. I would have gone through with marrying him! I think you’re absolutely nuts for rejecting him, and that’s why I haven’t brought it up till now.”

  “Don’t say that, Johanna. If she’d married Devlin she never would have married my brother,” Dylan grumbled.

  “I am just giving Samantha my opinion. She never should have turned him down!” Johanna darted a furtive glance back at her husband.

  “I don’t think that Tyler will be so happy to hear that,” he said.

  “What Tyler doesn’t know, can’t possibly hurt him,” Johanna drawled, rolling her eyes. “How was the courtship, Sam? I bet he was dreamy.”

  “Yeah, he was, until I was served with a good dose of reality and I realized that I could never marry a man like him. I realized that he was…” Her heart constricted. She couldn’t say he was the best thing that had ever happened to her and she’d spit in his face and broken his heart.

  She had to think of something else. At this rate, she’d go nuts before they found Tyler. Being the mayor of Crazy Town wasn’t on her top ten lists.

  Somehow, someway, she had to stop thinking about Devlin, and knowing that he was the one after Tyler wasn’t going to help her any. If she asked him to spare Tyler would he without wanting something from her in return?

  “And what did you realize?” Dylan asked, raking his hands through his curly wayward hair.

  “I realized that he was a snooty pretentious arrogant jackass and that he wasn’t the man for me—I realized that someone like Tyler was more to my taste,” Samantha lied.

  Granted, he was a hot jackass but a jackass nonetheless. He was her jackass. Dammit, she had to stop dwelling on thoughts of him. It was going to drive her up the wall.

  She stopped talking when they arrived and entered the docking bay of their ship.

  “Well, he and I got along quite well on the few occasions, that I met him. After you admitted that the two of you were once a thing, I realized why he was always so sweet to me. He wanted to impress me. You know, I could see if he would let me talk some sense into him…or you could, Sam,” Johanna suggested.

  It would be a cold day in hell before she reached out to Devlin when it concerned Tyler. She knew what he would do. He would tell her that he would let Tyler go free if she came back to him.

  Samantha got out of Aggie and slammed the door. She strode down the gangplank. Her leather boots clanged against the metal and she swayed slightly as a bout of nausea almost overwhelmed her.

  She halted mid-stride and groaned. She had a searing pain starting behind her eyes, and it had come upon her at the mention of Dev. It hurt her to think about him, and that was why she put him to the back of her mind and acted like she hated his guts whenever he was mentioned.

  “We shall not in any way shape or form resort to negotiating with that man. I know what he’d want from me, and I’m not prepared to pay that price!” Samantha reached for the railing to still the brief feeling of sickness washing over her.

  Johanna placed a comforting hand on her shoulder and Samantha reached to pat it affectionately. “I’m fine,” she gasped. Tyler was a great many things but he wasn’t a murderer and the thought of him swaying in the gallows was enough to make her lose her lunch. “We have to get to him, the sooner the better!”

  She could shortcut everything by just reaching out to Devlin if she could swallow her pride and open her heart again.

  Her heart skipped a beat. She and Johanna walked toward the cockpit. Dylan remained behind to complete his little ‘patchwork’ jobs that he had done to Aggie.

  “He is a thief,” Johanna pointed out, reaching for the controls.

  “Aye, he’s the best damn thief this side of New Earth,” Samantha agreed, lowering herself comfortably into the co-pilots seat.

  Excalibur’s large engine whirred to life and they began hovering. They streaked through the sky. Notting Prime's space control buzzed through the intercom. Johanna gave all of the authorization codes. Samantha closed her eyes and envisioned Tyler in her mind’s eye.

  He had a pretty boy kind of handsomeness that he used to his advantage whenever the opportunity presented itself, and he had probably been up to no good with Lady Devlin. But he couldn’t have killed her. She would not believe that of him. He just didn’t have that kind of violence running through him.

  She would believe a great many things of him, and she knew he would kill in self-defence but he would not prey on women…he liked to love them and leave them—alive.

  The man didn’t have a violent bone in his body toward women that was to say. She smiled and imagined him roguishly extending a rose to her. Tyler was an incorrigible flirt. He was pompous. Arrogant and stubborn to the very end, but he was not a murderer.

  He’d charmed her into marrying him, even when she didn’t love him the way he loved her.

  “How long will it take us to reach New Monaco?” Samantha asked sleepily. Her clothes had dried from her dip in the ocean back on Notting Prime, but she still needed a shower. If only she could keep her eyes open long enough. A short catnap should recharge her engines.

  The day’s events suddenly began to take a toll on her. But if the truth were known, it was her emotional angst that was causing the most damage.

  “Three hours at top speed and The Excalibur isn’t exactly a slouch when it comes to racing other bounty hunting ships,” Johanna announced. Smiling proudly, she patted the console lovingly.

  “Is that what we’re in?” Samantha asked, dreading the answer.

  “My dearest sister. We’re in a space race to save your estranged husband’s life. Why do you think Dylan suddenly decided to play with Aggie? He’s worried to the point of distraction. He loves that brother of his, and I love him, too, even if Tyler does pale in comparison to Dylan.

  He’ll fight Heaven and Earth for Tyler. The way things are going it looks as if we all might have to do just that,” Johanna said, reaching for her cup of strong tea.

  “Then you think we’re in for a struggle.” Samantha leaned back and let out a gust of frustrated air.

  “No, dearest. Not a struggle. We are merely in for a war of monumental proportions. Keep those handy little gadgets of yours close to you at all times. You’re going to need them. You might also want to keep your senses alert…if you could, tap into those abilities you wield.

  I know you hate relying on them but we just might need them if we’re going to pull your husband’s ass out of t
he proverbial fire. We should probably contact Mom before we get to New Monaco. We might have to cut ourselves off when we are trying to prove Tyler’s innocence.

  Whatever needs to be said we should say it. I think we should make sure that Mom knows how to get to our funds just in case something happens to us,” Johanna said practically, staring pointedly at Samantha.

  Johanna was right. They needed to make sure that all of their affairs were settled in case the unthinkable happened.

  They didn’t have to worry about those who Devlin employed. She knew that he would kill anyone who dared to go after her—they only had to worry about the other guys and the other bounty hunters that were their competition were bloodthirsty and bloody ruthless.

  “Ever the optimist, dearest Johanna,” Samantha murmured, flickering her eyes shut.

  She fell into a restless slumber plagued with visions of Tyler swaying in the wind.

  Chapter Three

  Tyler Cassidy pushed his way through the throng of people and stared up at the bright blue sky. He used his hand to shield against the harsh glare. The suns would be setting soon and New Monaco’s two moons would be glowing in the still sky. He had a price on his head and his loyal allies were growing thin.

  He pulled his dark brown leather trench coat closer around him and turned the collar up to hide his facial features. Holograms of his wanted poster flickered every goddamn place he went and he hadn’t eaten in over twelve hours.

  The last safe house that he had gone to had been abandoned. They’d all disappeared and gone into hiding, or they were dead.

  Obviously, his friend Jefferson had been forced to leave beneath a hail of fire. The whole place had been blown apart. Tyler had found Jefferson’s husband dead, pinned beneath a heap of stone.

  His fault.

  His bloody fault! He sank to his knees and dropped his head into his hands. With one gloved hand, he reached over and gently closed his eyes. Then rolling his eyes heavenward, he prayed for him. After that, he’d left the safe house and he’d been running ever since.

  He was at the end of his rope. He’d never been up against people that were ruthless enough to destroy everyone and anything in their path. The lives of others had no value. The bounty hunters that were after him were from a different class than Samantha or Johanna.

  His wife and her sister had principles.

  They didn’t kill innocents.

  He shuddered. He knew that if he did fall into enemy hands, his fate would be grim.

  He still had hope. He still had his prayers. And he had the memory of Samantha’s sweet face to get him through any kind of hell that came his way.

  Lord Devlin loathed him so much that when he had been around the man he could literally smell his burning hatred.

  He coughed and then smiled charmingly at a woman that was glaring at him. Her eyes suddenly softened and he winked at her. His charm with the ladies was known throughout the galaxy. He could make a woman forget about her husband with just one glance.

  He was quite proud of his talent. It had served him well in life.

  If only it had been enough to keep Samantha. But then Samantha was different from any other woman he’d ever known. Samantha was amazingly strong, resilient and courageous. But she went after criminals with ferocity he found alarming.

  She was one woman that had her own sense of justice. That sense, like his talent had served her well. However, he had always been afraid her keen sense would one day fail her, and he’d become a widower.

  Quickening his pace, he weaved in and out of the crowd. The aroma of food being grilled on an outside grill was nearly the undoing of him. He was as quick with the ladies as he was at picking someone’s pocket.

  In the blink of an eye, he spotted his mark. The man was wearing a designer suit. If he took his money, he’d be none the worse for wear. As usual, the man was in a big hurry to get nowhere fast.

  Being careful to keep his face down, he stepped into his path, bumping his shoulder hard. Using his hands to steady the off balance man, he apologized, “Sorry about that, sir.”

  “Well, the next time, make sure to watch where you’re going. I don’t have time for this,” The man barked, brushing off the area of his suit that Tyler had touched. The man hurried away, leaving Tyler to look down to eye the bulging wallet in his right hand. His score would be more than enough to fill his empty stomach.

  Tyler quickly paid the man behind the eatery booth and bit hungrily into his burger, eating on the move.

  He heard the heavy footfalls behind him. Swallowing the last bite of his juicy burger, he yet again quickened his pace. He could smell alcohol mingled with cigarette smoke and it nearly turned his stomach.

  Someone was hot on his trail. He resisted the urge to look behind him. The sound of heavy gravitational boots was a dead giveaway. Sweat beaded out across his forehead. If his hunch were correct, the person following him wouldn’t hesitate to shoot him in the back.

  He pushed past a group of teenagers and shrugged when one of the older girls tried grabbing for him.

  Unfortunately, his charm worked at the best of times and the worst of times. He didn’t even have to speak. It flowed from him in long leisurely waves.


  He was a lucky fellow indeed. Now all that he needed to do was survive until the next sunrise.

  “Cassidy, stop where you are or I will shoot!” Tyler heard a craven and slurred voice shout out to him.

  Yep, his hunch had been correct.

  A shot rang out, and in his haste to duck for cover he knocked over a cart of flowers. Bunches of violets, roses and lilies went flying through the air. He sneezed.

  He chanced to look behind him and his heart fell when he recognized Fred Crenshaw. For some reason, he’d still hoped that his intuition had been wrong.

  Well, fuck it.

  He did have the most horrid luck this side of New Earth. The women adored him but the men, well that was an entirely different story.

  Tyler would shoot back at Crenshaw. But then he’d risk hurting an innocent bystander and that wasn’t something he wanted weighing on his conscience. The death of Jefferson’s spouse had hit him hard.

  Damn, he hadn’t even known his first name. His life had been taken…and it would haunt him until the end of his days.

  Tyler winced. Gunfire ripped through the air. To his extreme relief, it blasted right past him and hit a brick wall. So far, someone seemed to be watching over him.

  “Seems you need some more target practice! Or, you’re as blind as a bat!” he taunted. He searched for an escape from the busy marketplace.

  He had been insane placing himself in such a risky circumstance to begin with and now he was going to meet his maker, in front of a toyshop of all places!

  He’d had enough. Tyler grit his teeth together and pulled out his pistol. He owed Fred some back pay. The faces of children and terrified mothers stared at him, as Fred continued to shoot.

  He had to leave. He could make a stand with Fred another day, but he wasn’t going to shoot back at him, not with all of the innocents that surrounded him.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a man attempting to park his hover mobile.

  He pointed his pistol at the man’s face. “Beat it!”

  The man’s eyes widened incredulously and he released the steering wheel with no hesitation. Reaching forward, Tyler helped the man out of the driver’s seat. The car was in stationary mode, but it still hovered about a meter off the ground.

  Tyler jumped up into the car and stared good-naturedly down at the dumbstruck man.

  “Good doing business with you,” Tyler drawled, tipping his imaginary hat at the man who merely gaped back at him.

  Tyler lifted the hover car high up into the air and winced when it emitted a horrible screeching noise. This definitely wasn’t a luxury hover car. Why did life keep on handing him lemons?

  Hell, these lemons weren’t even good enough to make lemonade out of.

flew through the air and kept a wary eye on Crenshaw who was now following him.


  He just couldn’t seem to get a break. He never should’ve run out on Samantha.

  They could have worked through their troubles. If he’d swallowed the fear he felt at losing her, he wouldn’t be on the run. More importantly, he’d still have the love of his life by his side.

  Damn, how he loved that woman! Sometimes, though he wished, she could be a bit more like her twin, Charlotte.

  Charlotte had the sweet face and none of the sass that Samantha had. Sometimes, Samantha’s spunk could be her undoing.

  He weaved in and out of the thick traffic. He felt his heart skip a beat. He nearly collided with a flying car that was being driven by an elderly man.

  He could see the tip of his stark white hair in the driver’s seat but little else. By the looks of it the man had to be pushing one hundred and twenty years of age. He felt his hands beneath his gloves grow hot and quickly looked over his shoulder to see where Crenshaw was.

  Promotional holographic ads lit up the sky. Music news bulletins and God knows what else filled his ears. He tried to drone out the overwhelming noise and felt his eyelids growing heavy with exhaustion.

  He needed sleep. He needed, Samantha.

  Tyler hadn’t been able to procure a cup of coffee in twelve hours and his system was sorely in need of his caffeine high. He swerved to the side.

  Gunfire zinged the left side of his car. “Holy shit that was close!” he said.

  His momentary distraction nearly caused him to slam into a metal post. He didn’t fancy turning this car into an accordion while he was still in it.

  He zoomed past a holographic projection of his wanted poster and frowned when he noticed that it was a bad shot of him. They could have at least taken his good side.

  He snorted when he realized that he was low on fuel and searched his surroundings for a means of escape. Of course he would steal the one car that needed a fill-up.

  Crenshaw was still fast on his heels. Tyler was thrown forward, when his stupid car let out a loud belch. If Crenshaw didn’t shoot him out of the sky, this bucket of bolts was about to have a massive coronary.


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