Laws of Attraction

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Laws of Attraction Page 7

by RC Boldt

  “Lee, stop making me laugh ….” His smile grew wider, as if it made him even happier to have her participate in the conversation, in their silliness. “Or you’ll make me puma pants.”

  And the entire table erupted into laughs—from the men—and giggles from the women.

  Including her.



  Hofstadter’s law: It always takes longer than expected to complete something with considerable complexity.

  Lawson’s take: Yoda once said, “Take long to woo her, it will. Worthwhile, it will be.” Orrrrrr that was me talking about Lee. Okay, yeah. It was me.


  LAWSON PRESSED THE SEND BUTTON to call her. Shit, he hadn’t been this nervous in years. Wiping the palm of his hand on his khaki shorts, he waited for what he hoped would be an answer.

  “Hello?” He barely resisted a fist pump when he heard Lee’s voice on the other end of the call.

  “Lee. How’s my favorite girl?”

  “Lawson Briggs. I’ve heard you call Raine, Laney, and Tate your favorite girl on several other occasions,” came the smart reply. He could hear a tinge of amusement in her tone.

  Smiling, he said, “It’s to appease them, clearly. Otherwise, there would be a riot.” Lowering his voice conspiratorially, he added, “You know you’re my favorite.” There was a pause, then, “Plus, I don’t fantasize about them like I do with you when I have private time with myself.”

  He heard her make a choked sound. “Laws. I don’t even know …”

  “What to say to that? Yeah. It happens to me all the time. No biggie. I get that you’re overwhelmed with pride at finding out about that little tidbit, there.”

  “Briggs, is there actually a reason you called me? Besides to basically tell me you masturbate to fantasies about me?” she asked drily.

  “Of course. I called because I wanted to ask you to be my date to the wedding.”

  “What wedding?”

  He furrowed his brows in confusion. “Uh, Miller and Tate’s, of course. How do you not know about that? You work with Miller and everything.”

  There was silence for a moment.

  “Um, Laws, I don’t really know if—”

  “Got everything covered, Lee. Trust me. All you need to do is agree to be my date on Saturday and let the ladies come scoop you up to head over to Mac and Raine’s place at about four o’clock because all of you lovely ladies will be doing some beautification rituals or whatever.

  “Then, I’ll show up, looking as dapper as can be, you’ll swoon a little when you see me, beg me to be yours forever, and I’ll play hard to get and make you work for it. We’ll dance and sing and have a grand ol’ time and you’ll be in love with me by the end of the night. Oh, and pack an overnight bag with a change of clothes and bring that with you. Sound good to you?”

  Silence greeted him on the other end.

  “Lee? You still there?”

  With a sigh, she answered, “I’m still here.”

  Taking a seat on his couch, he leaned his forearms on his knees and softened his tone before he spoke. “In all seriousness, Lee, it would mean the world if you agreed to be my date. I just really want to …” He broke off with a bit of dismayed embarrassment. “I just really want to be with you, to have you by my side to witness my friends getting married. I can’t tell you why, but I feel like I really need you to be there with me.”

  She was quiet for a moment before she finally responded, her tone so subdued that he found himself nearly straining to hear her. “I’ll be there.”

  “Awesome,” he said, trying to play it cool.

  Once they finished up the conversation and ended their call, he gave in to the mother of all fist pumps.

  Pumping his fist up and down rapidly while the other still held his phone, he chanted, “Yes, yes, yes!” Breaking into his own happy dance, he sang to himself, “Lovely luscious Lee is going to the wedding with me!” Stopping abruptly, he said aloud, “Hey, that rhymed. Groovy.”

  “Uh, Laws?”

  Startled at the voice, he glanced down at his phone.

  Oh. Shit.

  He hadn’t hung up, but had merely pressed the speakerphone option instead. His damn big ass thumbs and smartphones just didn’t mix that well sometimes.

  Bringing the phone closer to his mouth, his face twisted into a self-deprecating smile. “Sorry about that. You, uh, heard all of it?” Wincing, he awaited her answer.

  “Yep. Especially the last part. Nice alliteration, by the way.” The amusement lacing her tone was obvious.

  “The fact that you know that was alliteration is so hot.”

  “I’m hanging up now, Laws. See you on Saturday.”

  Yep, no doubt about it—he heard the smile in her voice.

  “Later, gorgeous.”

  This time he made sure to hit the correct button to end the call before resuming his happy dance.

  * * *

  Shit, shit, shit! What the hell had she just agreed to?

  Staring numbly down at the cell phone in her hand, she felt dazed. Then again, that was a usual occurrence whenever she encountered Lawson.

  She was going to attend a wedding, was expected to go over to Raine Mackenzie’s home to get ready for the festivities with the rest of the ladies. Hell, the mere thought nearly induced dry-heaving.

  Just then, her phone vibrated to signify an incoming text message.

  Lawson: Stop thinking and worrying about things. It’ll be fine. Scratch that, it’ll be purr-fect.

  Shaking her head with a chuckle at the reference to their last Sunday night dinner gathering at Momma K.’s a few weeks ago, she couldn’t resist her response.

  Langley: Are you paws-itive?

  Lawson: Yep. You’ll have a meow-vellous time. I paw-mise.

  She was about to set her phone down when another message came in.

  Lawson: Seriously, though. Thanks. With you by my side, I’m going to be the envy of every guy there. Have a great night, gorgeous.

  Blowing out a long breath, she let out a tiny grunt. Because two things were certain.

  Lawson Briggs was breaking through her defenses, little by little.

  And there were times, like this, when she wasn’t entirely sure that she minded.



  Murphy’s military law #49: The enemy diversion you are ignoring is the main attack.

  Langley’s take: I tried to ignore him, tried to dismiss him, and what happened? He began to slip past my defenses. Sometimes, though, I don’t even really mind that much …


  “I STILL DON’T UNDERSTAND WHY you didn’t ask me to be the officiant. We all know I would be the bomb diggity when it came down to it.”

  “The fact that you just said the words ‘bomb diggity’ further proves why you weren’t chosen, darlin’.”

  They heard Lawson and Kane’s voice trailing down the hall and Raine laughed along with Tate. The two women were ‘beautifying her’ in Raine’s large master bathroom, one doing her makeup while the other created soft, loose curls using the curling iron.

  “Did Laws seriously think they’d let him be the officiant?” Tate mused.

  Raine rolled her eyes good-naturedly, laughing. “Of course, he did. He’s Lawson Briggs.”

  “Knock, knock! May I enter?” Lawson asked from the doorway of the bedroom.

  “What do you need, Laws?” Tate called out over her shoulder as she continued working the curling iron.

  “Well,” his voice sounded closer, “I was thinking you could use my help since I saw you were short one assistant as Laney’s currently in the throes of a makeout session with Zach.”

  Lawson appeared in the bathroom doorway, slouching against it casually. She couldn’t resist letting her eyes drift over him and … wow, what a sight he was. In a pair of pressed, light-colored khaki pants, nice leather flip flops on his feet, and a dark blue, long-sleeved button-down shirt, the sleeves neatly rolled up to display
his strong forearms, he looked handsome as ever. Still clean-shaven, his lips appeared even more inviting than normal and his hair—those short blond curls on top—looked perfectly styled.

  “Did you just sigh?” Tate’s muted whisper caught her off guard. Eyes darting to the thin blonde, she saw her eyes sparkling with humor.

  Pursing her lips in thought for a moment, she finally answered with a whispered, “Maybe.”

  Tate smiled down at where she was perched atop the toilet in order to allow the two women to make her presentable for the wedding. Her smile was kind and genuine, and she leaned close to whisper in her ear. “Glad you crossed over from the dark side, Lee. It’s good to have you.”

  Meeting the other woman’s eyes, she nodded with what she hoped was a smile as genuine as the one bestowed upon her. Because Tate’s words resonated deep.

  She had been stuck on the dark side for so long, and the fact that people had noticed? Hell, that in itself, spoke volumes.

  “You ladies look stunning. But, what else is new, right?” Lawson’s words drew her from her thoughts. “Aren’t you supposed to be the person getting fussed over?” He gestured to Tate, the bride-to-be, who was clad in a simple, form-fitting, strapless white wedding dress that fell to her ankles. Her hair was in an elaborate looking up-do.

  “You know me, Laws.” Tate flashed him a quick smile as she put the curling iron back upon the vanity and picked up some hairspray. “I’m much more at ease fussing over someone else.”

  “It pretty much goes without saying, but you look beautiful, Tate.”

  The way Lawson spoke, without the usual humor lacing his tone, made the three women turn toward him. His words were stated sincerely, with such affection. She watched as Tate’s eyes grew misty. As if sensing that he needed to turn the conversation back to being lighthearted, he straightened from his slouch against the door and turned his back on them.

  “Quick question. Do these pants make my butt look fat? Be honest. Because I totally cheated and had a chocolate bar the other day.”

  Raine shook her head with a laugh. “Laws, never change, sweetie. Never change.”

  Turning to face them, he started unbuttoning his shirt. “That reminds me. I’ve got a little something new to show you.”

  “What are you doing, Laws?” Tate asked, holding up a hand in protest. “Because the last thing we need is Miller and Mac finding you in here, getting undressed.”

  “As if I’m afraid of two former Navy SEALs,” he scoffed.

  “What’s this about you not being afraid of SEALs?” came Mac’s voice, sounding as if he had just entered the bedroom.

  Immediately, Lawson looked over as Mac approached the doorway to the bathroom, laying a hand on his friend’s shoulder.

  “You know I’m just playin’, darlin’.” Lawson’s imitation of Kane’s accent was laughable at best.

  “I know what you’re up to. Let me see.” Mac waved to his friend’s shirt which was halfway unbuttoned.

  Preening, Lawson’s fingers continued working the buttons on his shirt to reveal a white T-shirt beneath it. Upon reading it, they all chuckled.

  What do we want? A cure for Tourette’s!

  When do we want it? Douche!

  “Laws,” Mac shook his head with a laugh. “You and your shirts, man.”

  Lawson beamed with pride as he buttoned his shirt back up. “I try,” he said with an air of cockiness.

  “Where’s my bride?” they heard Miller call out. “I’m ready to get hitched, Donnelly!”

  She watched as Tate’s whole face transformed, a glow seeming to come over her, radiating such happiness that it made even her feel wistful. Wistful at the desire to know how that felt, to love someone so much and have it returned tenfold.

  “Keep your pants on, mister!” Tate hollered back.

  “That’s not what you said last night!”

  “Oh, for the love of …” Tate muttered under her breath. Yet the woman still had a happy grin upon her face as she spoke.

  Her gaze found Lawson, taken aback at finding his eyes already on her, the intensity—the heat—of his gaze startling.

  What was even more staggering was, aside from the apparent heat, the underlying hint of yearning in his eyes. As though he, too, wanted the same thing these other couples had … and that he wanted it with her.

  Even more astonishing was the fact that there might just be a tiny sliver of her that wanted it also.



  Newton’s third law of motion: For every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction.

  Lawson’s take: Thank God I became a reading teacher. When it comes to physics, I’m pretty sure my brain starts to bleed.


  LEE WAS LOOKING EXCEPTIONALLY GORGEOUS. He had trouble keeping his eyes off of her as his two friends spoke their vows along the beachfront of Mac and Raine’s home. Apparently, Mac had offered up the home to Miller and Tate since they had all helped Miller in setting things right with the couple, utilizing that same beachfront area.

  “I promise to encourage and inspire you, and love you in good times and bad—” Tate broke off, misty-eyed, secret smile playing upon her face. “Since we’ve been through so much bad, I’m pretty sure we’ve got nothing but good times ahead.” The way she gazed up at Miller with such immense love made him feel a tightness in his chest at merely witnessing it.

  Tate continued. “I will be there for you, forever, to laugh with you, lift you up when you are down, and to love you unconditionally through all of our adventures in life.”

  Kane spoke. “And now, Miller had something he wanted to add to his vows.”

  Tate looked at Miller in surprise. He merely smiled down at her, reaching out to tuck some stray hairs behind her ear which had been tousled, undone from her up-do by the slight breeze coming off the Atlantic Ocean.

  “Tate Elaine Donnelly, you could never fully understand how much I’ve looked forward to this day.” Giving a rueful smile, he added, “It’s been long overdue, that’s for certain.” He paused, appearing to swallow hard and, damn, if it didn’t look like Miller Vaughn—tough, former Navy SEAL—was getting teary-eyed.

  “You have always been with me, T. Even when we were thousands of miles apart, you were still with me, in my heart.” Miller glanced down at their joined hands before raising his eyes to meet Tate’s. “You’ve always been the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Having you as my wife, us embarking on another journey, is exactly what I’ve always wanted—what I’ve always dreamed of. You’re it for me. You’ve always been.” He brought her hand up to his lips, pressing a kiss to her fingertips.

  Kane looked at the couple with affection and spoke the words they were all waiting to hear. “And it is with great pride that I can now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride!”

  Lawson smiled on as he watched Miller and Tate share a kiss, joining the others in letting out loud whoops of accolades.

  “I now present to you Mr. and Mrs. Miller Vaughn!” Kane announced, proud smile upon his face.

  Lawson joined the others in congratulating the couple. He pressed a kiss to her forehead before saying in a loud whisper, “You’re the most beautiful bride, ever. Don’t tell Raine I said that, though.”

  “Laws,” Raine’s voice rang out, her attempt at sounding stern at odds with the underlying laughter in her tone.

  His head whipped around to where she stood, merely a foot away—which he had known, of course. “Yes? Oh! I didn’t see you there.” He grimaced and received a playful swat at his arm. Slinging an arm around Raine’s shoulders, he tugged her close, pulling Tate close to his other side. “You both know you’re equally as beautiful and I love you, right?”

  “We know, Laws,” the two women answered in unison.

  “But, I can’t allow you to be in lust with me any longer.” He shook his head in faux sadness. “I just can’t do that to the guys.”

  Tate and Raine rolled their eyes a
t him as they laughed. Looking over at where Lee had been standing, he saw the spot empty. Alarmed, he straightened, removing his arms from around his two friends.

  “Over there.” Tate tipped her head in the direction of the beach area behind him before she and Raine moved off to join the others. Turning, he saw Lee a few yards away, the hem of the strapless, blue dress loaned to her by Raine hitting her legs at just above the knee. It was made of some flowy material that made her appear almost angelic, standing there at the shoreline, as it got tousled by the ocean breeze.

  He felt a nudge and looked down to see Laney now standing beside him, watching him. “Be careful, okay?”

  Confused, he tipped his head to the side in question. “Be careful with …”

  One corner of her mouth hitched up and she slid her arm through his. “With you.” With a glance at where Lee stood, her gaze met his again, and her other hand reached for him, tapping an index finger on his chest, over his heart. “With this.”

  Furrowing his brow at Laney, surprised by her response, he said, “And here I thought you were Team Langley Ford.”

  She squinted. “Meh. Maybe twenty percent Team Langley Ford.” Tightening her arm around his, she leaned her head on his shoulder, turning her gaze upon the woman in question. “I’m always going to put you ahead, though. Just because you’re my Laws.”

  Looking down at the top of Laney’s head, he smiled and pressed a quick kiss to her hair. “Let’s be honest, shall we? You know you’re bluffing and you’re always one hundred percent Team Lawson Briggs.” His tone was teasing, so he was startled when she lifted her head to look up at him with such a serious expression upon her face.

  “You’re right. I was trying to be diplomatic, trying to be more like Raine.” She grinned. “Clearly, I failed miserably.” Pausing, her expression sobering, she said, “But, seriously. Be careful. The last thing I want to do is try and take on some badass female PJ all because she broke my friend’s heart. Because we all know how that would end.”


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