When Sparks Fly (Sexy Secrets Book 2)

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When Sparks Fly (Sexy Secrets Book 2) Page 5

by Bailey, Nycole S.

  Chapter 4 – Ignite

  Olivia - Four days later

  It is a quarter till six on Friday night. I am sitting on the sofa in front of the TV, trying to distract myself, trying to calm my nerves - because I have a date with Isaac Rossi. In fifteen minutes, he will be at my door to take me on a date – and I am seriously wondering if he is sane.

  After experiencing firsthand my clumsy nature and the aftermath, after hearing me gush on and on about why I named my dog – Chewy and don’t get me started on how I embarrassed myself telling him about my Marvel comic book collection and my love of all things Avengers. I’m pretty sure I went full-fledged fangirl on him.

  After all that – he still wants to take me out on a date.

  He must be nuts.

  Maybe I should back up some and explain what has happened in the past few days. The morning after my emergency room trip, I woke up to find Isaac still at my house. He stayed until the early evening hours. Even when I insisted that I was fine and he could leave if he wanted, he still stayed. That day we played our own version of twenty questions and learned many things about each other. This was the day when I told him I was a Star Wars fan (the original trilogy) and that I named Chewy – Chewy in honor of the movie. Then I proceeded to chatter almost non-stop about my favorite bits in each movie.

  On Wednesday, the dull throbbing in my arm was all but gone, so I decided to go to the gym at my usual time. I received a good morning text from Isaac as I was pulling out of my garage. Before backing into the street, I texted him that I was on the way to the gym and I would see him shortly. That is when I learned that he had already been to the gym and was now heading to work; turns out that he usually works out with his friends every morning at 7am. Them working out on Monday later in the morning when I was there was a fluke. Apparently, they had all been up late the night before and not one of them could drag their ass out of bed for their usual 7am workout.

  I was a little bit disappointed that I wouldn’t see him. We kept in touch throughout the day though – mostly via text, but on a few occasions, he would call. That night we talked on the phone until almost midnight. This was the night I told him about my Marvel comic book collection when he asked if I had any hobbies, which morphed into a conversation about movies based on comic books, which morphed into me going all fangirl about the Avengers movies and the Avenger comics.

  When Thursday rolled around, I was ninety percent certain that I had scared him off with my geeky-ness, but on my way to the gym, he sent me a good morning text and asked me to call him if I could. I instantly activated my car’s blue tooth and called him. He answered the phone with a simple, “Morning Baby Girl” and my stomach did a little flip-flop. We chatted about benign things as I drove to the gym.

  This was when he brought up the date we were supposed to have Tuesday and asked me if I was available for a date the following night (Friday). I quickly said yes – instantly embarrassed that I was appearing too eager, but he didn’t seem to notice. We chatted a little bit more before he had to get off the phone and once again, we texted and talked throughout the day.

  When I asked him where we were going for our date, he said it was a surprise, but he was certain that I would enjoy it. He also informed that I should wear something comfortable, that jeans were okay and to pull my hair back.

  I ended up calling Jaqueline and Taylor to tell them about my date and to get advice, but as usual, they were too busy to talk and promised to call me back – they never did.

  So here, I sit on my sofa, wearing a light pink, V-neck cashmere sweater that I have paired with dark-washed jeans and my brown distressed leather ankle boots that always make me feel sexy and badass. I’ve kept my jewelry simple with a pair of silver stud earrings and a silver necklace with a floating heart charm. My braids are pulled back into a low ponytail.

  When the doorbell chimes a few minutes later, I am all a flutter. Chewy runs to the door and starts to bark.

  “Chewy, hush!” I admonish him softly. He instantly pipes down and sits his little furry behind down right by the door. I look through the peephole and sure enough, it’s Isaac. I take a deep breath, hoping that tonight goes well and open the door.

  I come face to face with Mr. Dimples and he is looking all kinds of irresistible. He’s wearing dark-wash jeans too and they fit oh so snug in all the right places. I can see a white t-shirt peeking out at the neck of his black crew-neck sweater. The sweater showcases his broad shoulders and lean torso – the perfect triangle.

  “Hi,” I say shyly.

  “Hey,” he replies before leaning down. His lips hover over mine for a few seconds. “Can I kiss you,” he asks.

  I nod my head timidly before he brushes his lips against mine – once - twice – and then he deepens the kiss. The kiss is brief, but it is enough to get me all hot and bothered.

  “I’ve been wanting to do that ever since Monday,” he says as he straightens back up and I usher him into the house and close the door.

  Shit! I think I need to change my panties.

  He barks out a deep laugh. That is when I know, my inner thoughts are spilling out. I slap my hands over my mouth – mortified. It is a rare occurrence that I curse out loud or say un-ladylike things. While I will think all kinds of crass and crude things in my head, I rarely utter them aloud.

  I remove my hands from my mouth.

  “I’m so sorry,” I say. My face is hot with embarrassment. “I don’t know what is wrong with me. I didn’t mean to say that.”

  He gives me that dimpled smile then leans down to me again.

  “Nothing is wrong with you.” He is so close that his lips are almost touching mine. “And there is no need to apologize. I like that I have an effect on you.”

  Our lips are barely touching and I’m hoping that he kisses me again.

  “Can I…”

  I don’t even let him finish before I attack his mouth. This kiss is so different from the ones that we have previously shared. This one is not restrained, tender or sweet. It’s aggressive, wild and has me wanting to say the hell with our date. We can just stay here and do this all night and more.

  I moan into his mouth when he grips my ass with his big hands and maneuvers me until I am pressed against the closed door. He presses his hips into me and I can feel something hard and big pressing against my belly. He stares down at me – his eyes full of intensity and something else I can’t decipher.

  “Baby Girl,” he says gruffly. “My control is hanging by a thread – a very thin thread.”

  “Is that a bad thing?” I ask softly. I worry that I may have been too aggressive with my kiss and have somehow turned him off.

  “Not at all, but I want to take you on this date, so we need to postpone this until later or we won’t be leaving this house anytime soon.”

  I give what he just said a quick thought. He wants to do more of this this later – so apparently, I wasn’t too aggressive. He leans in and gives me a too brief kiss with a bit of tongue before backing away from me. His chest is heaving slightly as he looks at me.

  “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you,” I say with a blush. “You look great too.”

  I grab my black pea coat from the coat rack and I’m surprised, yet pleased when Isaac assists me in putting it on. After I tell Chewy goodbye and lock up my house, Isaac ushers me to his big gray truck and helps me into the passenger seat.

  As we drive to our date – which he still won’t tell me about – we talk about the weather – it’s starting to feel like springtime – and how my arm is feeling.

  I am finally able to get my stitches wet. I am not too fond of looking at the evidence of my clumsiness; there is an angry red line with black thread running from my wrist, up to the inside of my elbow, so I have been keeping it covered with gauze. The stitches are coming out next week and I am glad of that because my arm itches like crazy.

  After driving almost fifteen minutes, I am pleasantly surprised when he pulls into the parking l
ot of a local cooking school. Apparently, our date will consist of a night of learning how to cook the perfect springtime Tuscan meal. During our time-period of playing our own version of twenty questions, he knows that I love to cook and I know that he does too.

  After signing in and storing our belongings in lockers, we are shown to the classroom – which is a big room with two industrial-sized refrigerators situated against the back wall. There are five ovens on the far wall; five cooking stations arranged in the center of the room, each outfitted with a sink and a stovetop. At the front of the room, the menu of what we will be cooking is written on a huge chalkboard that almost covers the entire wall.

  Isaac leads me to a cooking station where he insists on helping me put on my apron.

  “Have you been here before,” I ask as he wraps the apron strings around my waist before tying them in front.

  He shakes his head as he puts on his own apron. “No, you mentioned that you loved to cook and I thought this would be fun.” He says smiling down at me. He has chosen to fold his apron in half and only wear it on his lower half.

  As we discuss some of our favorite Italian dishes, I find my nervousness from earlier completely gone. I don’t know how he does it, but Isaac has a way of putting me at ease. As we continue to talk, the instructor comes by with a large tray that has five plates with an assortment of appetizers on them. She begins to explain what each appetizer is, but I am only partially paying attention, as I am more interested in watching other couples trickle into the room. She moves on to the next cooking station and Isaac holds up what looks like a stuffed mushroom. He moves it towards me, as if to feed me and I slap a hand over my mouth.

  Most stuffed mushrooms I have come across are stuffed with some type of shellfish.

  “There’s no shellfish in this or any of the food we will be preparing tonight.”

  In addition to being able to put me at ease, Isaac must be a mind reader too.

  “That’s why you don’t want to try it, right?” he asks as he looks down at me. “Before I registered us for this class, I called the school to inquire about the menu and to let them know of your shellfish allergy.”

  We have talked about so much stuff in the last few days that I am surprised he remembered about my allergy. I am touched at this thoughtfulness.

  I uncover my mouth.

  “Thank you Isaac.”

  He gives me a boyish shrug as if it’s no big deal, before offering me the stuffed mushroom again.

  “It’s stuffed with goat cheese, cream cheese and drizzled with garlic butter.”

  I lean forward, taking what is offered from his fingers, grazing his fingers with my teeth in the process. The look he gives me makes me want to ditch the class and go back to my house to continue what we started earlier.


  As we walk back to his truck, the air seems to crackle around us. The past three hours have gotten me all riled up because cooking with Isaac is like foreplay. And not just the regular foreplay either, I am talking about the kind of foreplay that is teasing and borderline frustrating and makes you want to beg for it.

  He’s holding my hand as he leads me to his truck and I am trying not to think how good those big hands would feel on my body. I shake my head slightly, knowing my thoughts are venturing into places where they shouldn’t. As much as I want to jump him and have my way with him, I know that won’t be happening. Even though I am somewhat sex-starved, I don’t want to rush into anything and have him think I am too easy.

  We reach his truck and once again, I’m reminded of how male he is as he crowds my personal space – which he has been doing most of the night. The faint smell of his cologne mixed with his own unique scent wafts over me. I find myself balling my hands into fists and digging my short nails into my palms so I don’t rub up against him like a cat in heat. When he helps me into the passenger seat, I think his hands linger a bit longer than necessary around my waist.

  I watch him as he climbs into the driver’s seat, starting his truck and turning the heater on. I shuck out of my coat because I am hot all of a sudden and not because of the heater.

  “Is it too warm already?” he asks as he turns slightly towards me - reaching for the heat control.

  “No, it’s fine, I just don’t want this bulky coat on,” I hedge.

  He continues to look at me and I feel like I am about to go up in flames from the way his eyes take me in.

  “That was really fun,” he finally says. “We should definitely do that again sometime.”

  I nod absentmindedly as I start to have an outer body experience. I see myself move from my seat, climb over the middle console and straddle Isaac’s lap. Only it is not an outer body experience, I have actually done it. Without missing a beat, he reaches his right hand behind me to tilt the steering wheel up so it doesn’t dig into my back before he turns the truck off. He then reaches down with his left hand and his seat starts to move back.

  Since I am being bolder than I have ever been, I decide to throw caution in the wind and kiss him. The kiss is so much like the one we shared back at my house. It is unrestrained and brimming with hunger. When I feel him harden beneath me, I roll my hips trying to get some friction, which causes him to growl into the kiss. I absolutely love it when he wraps his arms around me and holds me tight against him – as if he doesn’t ever want to let me go. It is then when he starts to dominate the kiss, slanting his mouth this way and that way, thoroughly kissing me senseless.

  Bright lights briefly illuminate the interior of the truck and we both freeze. They are headlights from a car leaving the parking lot.

  “Maybe we should go before we get arrested or something,” he murmurs softly against my lips.

  I pull back some and nod, not wanting to leave his lap and by the way his arms are still wrapped tightly around me tightly, he doesn’t want me to leave his lap either. The ride back to my house is quiet; the only sounds are the hum of the truck’s engine and the music softly playing on the radio. Isaac has my left hand loosely in his right hand, his fingers ever so slightly stroking my palm. This simple gesture has me crossing and uncrossing my legs and shifting in my seat.



  After arriving back at Olivia’s house, I walk her to the door. I stand close behind her as she unlocks and opens her front door, steps inside, disengages the alarm and turns back to me. I don’t dare step into her house, because if I do, I am going to fuck her. While that is something I really want to do, I also want to take things slow with her. If it was any other female, I would already be in her house and have her naked. Olivia is different, I don’t know why – but she is.

  “Thank you Isaac,” she says softly and almost shyly, which makes me want her even more. “I had a great time tonight.” She lowers her eyes and ducks her head and I can’t help but dip my head and steal a kiss; the kiss is heated and brims with an intensity I haven’t experienced before. I break the kiss, knowing that if I don’t, I will have her naked and be buried in her within ten minutes.

  “Olivia, get in the house before I take you to bed.”

  “Okay,” she says, but instead of pulling away from me like I expect, she pulls me into her house, closes the door and is looking at me expectantly.

  Well fuck!

  I bend and throw her over my shoulder, taking her down the hall and to her bedroom. I turn on the bedside lamp before I lay her gently on the bed and immediately cover her with my body – taking her mouth in a kiss. I start tugging at her sweater, pulling it up when her hand on my wrist stops me.

  “Wait!” she says breathlessly.



  “I need to tell you something,” I say, noticing a quick look of disappointment flicker across Isaac’s handsome face before it clears. He probably thinks I am changing my mind.

  I am so not doing that!

  I just need to tell him about my almost non-existent sex life. I real
ly don’t know how to tell him so I just blurt it out as I cover my face with my hands.

  “It’s been four years since I have been with anyone, so I might be a bit rusty,” I rush out.

  His big hands gently pry my own hands away from my face.

  “Okay,” he simply says.

  “Is that alright?”

  “Why wouldn’t it be alright?” He runs his fingers down my face and lightly across my neck. A shiver runs up my spine as he helps me take off my sweater and he rests his hand over my bra-covered tit.

  I simply shrug.

  “You’re not changing your mind are you?” he asks softly while rubbing a thumb over my pebbling nipple.

  I shake my head vigorously as I involuntarily arch my back and he stealthily reaches around and unhooks my bra. When he plucks the bra from body, his eyes go wide - probably at my pierced nipples; I had both of my nipples pierced a few years ago because I wanted to do something wild. He stares at them with his mouth literally hanging open. When he continues to stare, I get self-conscious and move to cover myself, but his hands catch my wrists and pin them against the bed.

  “You are full of surprises,” he says as if in awe before lowering his head to suck on my nipple.

  Sweet Jesus!

  This is the first time I have had someone other than the piercer touch my pierced nipples and I think I am going melt into the bed. Isaac takes his time licking and sucking on my right nipple before he moves to the left one. My breathing is embarrassingly loud and he continues to pin my wrists to the bed. He is slowly grinding his hips into me and I can feel how big he is.

  “Isaac,” I finally breathe out. “Let me go, I want to touch you.”

  He releases my wrists. I immediately try to get his sweater off. I want to be skin to skin with this man. He rises up on his knees and pulls his sweater off. He then quickly grips his white t-shirt at the back of the neck and pulls it over his head. My mouth goes dry at the sight of his muscular torso and arms. I love how the muscles bunch in his arms as he leans forward and hovers over me again.


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