Unbroken -Part One - A Second Chance at Love Romance: The Collective - Season 1, Episode 1

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Unbroken -Part One - A Second Chance at Love Romance: The Collective - Season 1, Episode 1 Page 4

by Riley Edwards

  “Ava, a word in private,” I requested.

  “Sure, Reid.” She pulled away from Jimmy. “Give me a minute to get Jimmy in the house.”

  She disappeared into the house with Jimmy. As the seconds ticked by the more I thought this was not a good idea, Ava and JJ being in the house alone with a drunk criminal.

  Just as I was about to go into the house and voice my opinion, Ava walked out.

  “What happened, Reid? Jimmy said you came out of nowhere and attacked him,” Ava asked.

  “Really?” I chuckled, “Is that what he said? I suppose he would think that. I noticed him walking around your house as I pulled into my driveway. Obviously, I wasn’t going to ignore someone wandering around your house in the middle of the night.”

  “Right. Thank you for checking it out.” She stopped and smiled at me. “I really need to remember to leave the outside lights on, too,” she added, more as a reminder to herself.

  “Listen, are you sure it’s a good idea, him being here?” I asked.

  “Oh, sure. Jimmy is harmless.”

  No, he wasn’t. But she didn’t have the file I had on Jimmy, with his rap sheet. Over the last five years he had been investigated for petty theft, robbery, illegal gambling, and grand theft auto. He was now running with a high-profile gang. It had been a few months since I had checked in on James Kelley. Him being here now, did not give me a warm and fuzzy feeling.

  “It’s after three AM and he is clearly drunk. He certainly has not been around in the last five years.” As soon as the words left my mouth I wanted to pull them back. The last thing I wanted to do was remind her of the last five years.

  “We’ll be fine,” she snapped. “Thank you again, Reid.” With that she turned and walked back into her house.

  I waited to hear the lock click before I turned to leave. Mentally kicking my own ass all the way back to my house.

  I tossed my keys on the entryway table and headed upstairs. As much as I wanted a beer or ten after my night, I knew it was not a good idea. I needed a clear head, just in case Ava and JJ needed me.

  I rushed through my shower in a daze. Today’s events still plagued my mind. First, Sally’s findings on the dead girl in the alley. Something wasn’t sitting right with me. In my line of work as a private investigator, I had seen a lot of overdoses and investigated even more missing persons cases. Sadly, most of those ended up with my client’s loved one an addict. I had never heard of addicts using cloves to help with the side effects of withdrawal. Second, there was the badly decomposed body in Mount Diablo Park. The more I ran through what I knew, the more questions I had.

  I got into bed only to toss and turn. I prayed that exhaustion would finally win out over the crime scene photos that were replaying over and over in my mind.

  Then there was Jimmy. Why was he in San Francisco? And just how much trouble did he bring to Ava’s doorstep?

  Chapter Five

  White Knight – no armor needed


  “Hey, where is Jacob Junior?” Jimmy asked as he drunkenly stumbled to the couch.

  My heart squeezed at the name. I hadn’t called JJ by his given name in years. It was too painful. I had taken to using JJ on school and medical documents as well. I couldn’t even write the name Jacob, let alone say it out loud. Hearing Jimmy use that name in such a blasé manner made me want to duct tape his mouth shut.

  He had no right to say that name. None at all. Jimmy had completely checked out of our lives these last five years. If I was honest, he had checked out before Jacob died. When Jacob and I moved to California, Jimmy stayed in Texas. As much as Jacob tried to shield me from Jimmy’s criminal behavior, I knew. I could see it in Jacob’s eyes. He was heartbroken his little brother had followed in their father’s footsteps and became a shit-bird criminal.

  “It’s the middle of the night, Jimmy. JJ is sleeping. He has school in the morning.” I was trying to keep my cool. My initial shock of finding Jimmy on my porch with Reid was starting to wear off. Even though I would never admit this to Reid, he was right. This might not be a good idea. “How did you get here, Jimmy?” I hoped to God he didn’t drive, as drunk as he was. Thankfully I didn’t see a car out front, not that I looked all that hard.

  “I’m starving, Sis. Do you think you could make me one of those grilled cheese and bacon sandwiches? You remember the ones you used to make when I would escape from Mom and Dad’s house and stay with you and Jacob?”

  There it was again. Jacob.

  Jacob and Jimmy had a crap childhood. Their parents were absolutely horrible. My mother was horrified when I started dating the boy from the bad side of town whose father was a criminal. That might have been what pushed me to him in the first place. Anything to annoy my hoity-toity mother and her obnoxious band of snobs from the country club.

  “I’m tired, Jimmy. How about I make you a peanut butter and jelly? I need to get some sleep. I take it you’re staying here tonight?”

  I prayed he said no. That he was going to walk to a local motel. Bitchy? Yes! However, in the middle of the night when I was emotionally fried, I didn’t care.

  “Yeah, just for a few days. I thought I’d stop by on my way up north and check in on my favorite sister and Jacob Junior.” His eyes were already closing as he sat upright on the couch.

  Why was God punishing me? What had I done to deserve Jimmy showing up drunk on my doorstep after five years of not returning a phone call, a text message, or an email? Nothing. Not on a holiday, a birthday, or the anniversary of his brother’s murder. He didn’t even show up for the trial. I sat in the courtroom with no family. Only Mac and Reid stayed by my side.

  The only days either of them missed during the two-month trial was if I needed someone to take care of JJ.

  Jimmy had just abandoned us. Finally, I gave up trying to reach out to him. I had a life I had to piece back together. A child to raise, losses to grieve, and, for the first time in my life, I had to figure out a way to live on my own. I simply didn’t have time to manage his feelings as well as mine. I couldn’t help him if he was unwilling to meet me halfway.

  “Why are you here?” I asked.

  “I just told you, I wanted to see you.” His eyes closed all the way and his head nodded off to the side.

  “Right,” I mumbled. I was too tired for this shit and he was too drunk to answer any questions.

  I noticed my purse on the hook by the front door. I snagged it and my keys on my way to the stairs. I might be too nice for my own good sometimes, but I was not stupid. There was no way I was leaving my wallet and car keys unattended.

  With a quick check on JJ, I was finally ready to get back in bed. I only had two hours until I had to be up and five AM comes fast. I wished I had a job where I could call in sick, stay in bed, all day, and veg out. How long had it been since I was able to take a lazy day and just lie in bed and read? Five years, that’s how long. It had been five years since I was able to breathe.

  I burrowed back into my warm bed, my eyes closing almost the instant my head hit the pillow. I would worry about Jimmy tomorrow.

  The sound of loud banging woke me up. I was completely disoriented when I sat up in bed and threw the covers off. What the hell was that?

  The sound of glass shattering finally pulled me from my stupor. My only thought was JJ. I had to get to him. I ran across the hall to his room.


  His bed was empty. An all too familiar feeling started in my stomach and traveled out in all directions. The heat and panic I had grown accustomed to living with was coiled tight and ready to strike. It would be so easy to let it take over; fighting the panic attack was always so much harder. I couldn’t let it consume me. I needed to find JJ.

  Everything that Jacob had ever told me about personal safety and home defense came rushing back.

  Do not scream and give away your location. Never call for JJ. If he is hiding he will run to you, giving away his location. Calm. Methodical in your movements. Never leave the b
edroom unarmed.

  Mother F’er! I broke that rule. I forgot to get the .38 I kept locked in a small gun safe in my room. Too late.

  “MOMMM!” JJ screamed.

  Downstairs. The yell came from downstairs. I took the steps two at a time, coming to a sliding stop in front of my son. He was standing in the living room surrounded by broken glass and a puddle of orange juice. Jimmy was standing in front of him pointing a gun at my son.

  A gun!

  “Jimmy! What the hell are you doing? Put the goddamn gun away!”

  I was no stranger to guns. I, however, had never had one pointed at me, nor had I ever seen one pointed at my son.

  All traces of my earlier panic were gone. Replaced with white-hot rage. I was going to kill Jimmy.

  There was a movement to my left and before I could comprehend what was happening Reid was behind Jimmy. His own weapon was drawn and pointed at the back of Jimmy’s head.

  “Drop your gun, asshole.” I watched Reid’s mouth move as he spoke but his voice was unrecognizable. In all the years I had known, Logan Reid, I had never heard that menacing tone.

  Jimmy didn’t lower his gun. A wide smile pulled at his lips. “Ah, yes. The white knight has come to save the day again.”

  The dumbass must have a death wish. Why would he poke the bear who held a gun to his head?

  “Please tell me this isn’t happening! This cannot happen in my living room,” I yelled. “Jimmy, swear to God, put that gun away.”

  “JJ, sweetheart, please go up to your room.” As I gave him a gentle push in the direction I wanted him to go I noticed his bare feet and the broken glass around him. “Wait! I’ll carry you to the stairs so you don’t cut your feet.”

  “Both of you stay put,” Reid’s scary voice commanded.

  Holy shit.

  I was just about to argue when Jimmy suddenly fell to the ground. The blow to the back of his head happened so fast I didn’t even see Reid move. Jimmy’s head hit the coffee table with a sickening thud and blood instantly began to pool.

  “Close your eyes, JJ.” When Reid spoke this time, his voice was gentle and coaxing.

  Reid stepped around Jimmy’s body, picking up the gun now laying on the floor. He reached around behind him and shoved both guns in the waistband of his jeans. He was taking slow and measured steps towards us, hands out in front of him. He must’ve thought I was a hysterical wreck the way he was approaching us, like he thought I might freak out at any moment.

  I belatedly noticed he wasn’t looking at me. Reid was laser focused on my son.

  “JJ, I’m gonna pick you up and carry you to the stairs. I want you to wait until I bring your mama over to you before you go up. You with me, little man?” Reid spoke softly to JJ, a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

  My heart squeezed at Reid’s gentle care of my son.

  “I’m with you, Reid.” JJ’s little voice trembled.

  I was going to fucking kill James Kelley.

  I remained silent as Reid scooped my son up and took him to the stairs. I was too afraid to speak. Now that guns weren’t being pointed I could feel the adrenaline drop coming.

  After setting JJ down Reid turned to me. “Look at me, Ava. You’re safe. JJ is safe. Trust me. All you need to do is take JJ upstairs and I will handle the mess down here.”

  I nodded my head in response.

  “Thank you,” he acknowledged my nod.

  “Thank you? For what? You’re the one rushing in here saving the day,” I whispered.

  “For trusting me.” Reid picked me up as if I weighed nothing, cradling me in his arms. I desperately wanted to snuggle into him and soak up every ounce of warmth he had to offer.

  Wrong. This was so wrong. Not a single man had touched me since my husband died. I wouldn’t even allow Mac to hold my hand at the trial. Nor had I let him hug me in five years. I didn’t want anyone to touch me. Only JJ.

  “I didn’t see any glass in JJ’s feet but you’ll still want to check.” Reid set me down on the bottom step next to JJ and I winced. For the first time I realized I had glass in my feet. Damn, it hurt.

  “Change of plans, little man. Go ahead upstairs, I’m right behind you.” Reid picked me up again, adjusting my weight in his arms as he ascended the stairs.

  “I can walk,” I said in weak protest.

  I could walk, that was the truth. It would hurt like a son-of-a-bitch with the tiny shards of glass in the bottoms of my feet, but I still could make it.

  “You’re not walking.” That was it, no further explanation.

  Reid carried me into the master bathroom, JJ glued to his side. When he sat me on the edge of the tub I was a little confused. There was no way I was getting in the shower now. Was he crazy?

  “Do you have Epsom salts?” he asked.

  “Hmm, under the sink, I think.”

  “JJ, look under the sink, would ya?” Reid asked as he fiddled with the faucet, adjusting the temperature.

  JJ silently handed the carton of salt to Reid and sat down next to me on the side of the tub.

  “Mama, who is that man downstairs?” JJ asked.

  I hesitated, not knowing how much I wanted JJ to know. In the end, I opted for honesty. “That is your Uncle Jimmy, Daddy’s younger brother.”

  “That’s Uncle Jimmy?” JJ was shaking again. “Why was he pointing a gun at me?”

  Now that was the million-dollar question, wasn’t it? I was going to kill James Kelley.

  “I don’t know, baby. He’ll never do it again though. He came by last night after you were asleep. He said he just wanted to see us.” I smiled brightly at my son, trying to be somewhat reassuring.

  “Next time Uncle Jimmy wants to spend the night, can you please tell him no?” JJ asked.

  Reid chuckled at that.

  I jumped when he touched my ankle, lifting my foot to get a better look.

  “You’re a smart little man, JJ.” Reid continued to snicker as he set my foot in the warm water. “Let your feet soak a few minutes. I’ll be back up with some tweezers and my kit. Stay put until I get back.”

  I cocked my head to the side and pursed my lips. It had been a long time since someone told me what to do. I wasn’t sure I liked it.

  “Please, Ava, stay up here. I need to know you and JJ are safe while I dispose of the trash downstairs.”

  It might have been the please, or the mention of keeping my son safe, or maybe the fact that he was handling my problems for me, allowing me to take care of JJ.

  “Thank you, Reid.”

  “No worries. I’ll be back. You watch your mama, little man.” He winked at JJ and headed out.

  “I was so scared, Mama,” JJ admitted with tears in his eyes.

  That is when I snapped and the dam broke. I sobbed, holding onto my son. The soles of my feet might have had a thousand shards of broken glass in them, but nothing compared to the pain I felt when my boy told me he was scared.

  Chapter Six

  Pack a Bag


  “I was so scared, Mama.”

  After hearing JJ’s soft admission and Ava’s sobs I was positively murderous. That motherfucker was going to pay. I knew I should’ve never let him stay here. This was on me. I knew plenty of guys on the force who would’ve come down here and hauled his drunk ass in.

  Not to mention the fact that the name Ava Kelley had pull around the San Francisco PD. The widow of a murdered cop always got special care. She was on the watch list of every retired cop, watchdog group, and local PI. Even our not-so-friendly chapter of the Iron Claw MC had her on their radar. Everyone knew that Ava and JJ Kelley were to be protected.

  I failed.

  I pulled my phone out of my pocket, stabbing at the screen harder than necessary. When I found the number I was looking for I connected the call. “Yea,” Austin grumbled on the other end of the line.

  “Sorry to wake you, I need you at Ava’s and call Rick and Dustin. I need them at the office ASAP. Tell them I want all of the information
they can find on James Kelley’s whereabouts and dealings since the last report. And tell them to dig deeper into the last five years, I want to know every hole this douchebag has ever crawled into.”

  “Copy that boss. See you in ten.” The phone disconnected.

  I jogged down the stairs, needing to make one more dreaded phone call. Mac. He was gonna kick my ass. And rightfully so. I should’ve called this in last night and made him aware that Kelley was in town.

  “Mac here,” he answered.

  “We gotta problem. Call a unit out to Ava’s and get here.” As I rounded the stairs I saw that the douchebag was not where I left him. “Motherfucker! We need a BOLO out for James Kelley. He is injured and on the run. Last seen ten minutes ago, leaving Ava’s. He is in dirty blue jeans and a red and black button up.”

  “Ava and JJ?”

  I didn’t need for him to finish his question. I knew what he was asking.

  “Safe.” I disconnected and shoved my phone in my pocket.

  Drawing my sidearm, my training took over. I pushed all thoughts of JJ and Ava aside and cleared the downstairs, noting the black duffle bag that Jimmy had with him last night was near the dining room table. Douchebag was in a hurry to leave.

  I heard the front door slowly creak open, I turned and leveled my weapon.


  “All clear,” I informed him.

  “What the fuck happened to Ava’s garage?” he thundered as he holstered his weapon.

  “Jimmy Kelley happened. He was on her doorstep last night when I got home, a little after three. He was drunk and peeking in the window. Ava heard the commotion outside and confirmed she was okay with him staying.”

  “Jesus H! Jimmy hasn’t been around since Jacob’s funeral. That piece of shit completely abandoned Ava and JJ,” Mac boomed, not telling me anything I didn’t already know. “Did I ever tell you I reached out to him? Six months after Jacob died. I offered to set him up in San Fran to be closer to Ava and his nephew. He declined and told me Ava and JJ were just as dead to him as his brother.”


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