Bought by Him: A Breslyn Auction Club Romance (The Breslyn Auction Club Book 1)

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Bought by Him: A Breslyn Auction Club Romance (The Breslyn Auction Club Book 1) Page 4

by Penny Winestone

  “You know, that picture you sent us didn’t do you any justice. You’re much more beautiful in person. Look at that luscious blond hair. Those lovely green eyes. That flawless complexion! You’re going to be a hit in Breslyn’s, I just know it.” She placed a gloved hand on my arm. Her gloves looked like they were expensive – silk maybe. She ran her fingertips along my skin until she took my hand in hers. “Petite hands. Guys will really like that.”

  “Do… Do they?” I felt subconscious about my hands all of a sudden and tried to pull them away. Victoria kept a firm grasp and turned them over, outlining the creases in my palm. I felt a shiver run through my spine. This woman had a strange aura about her like she was a character out of a horror movie.

  “Oh, yes. It makes them feel empowered, you know?” She lifted her face slightly and her thin lips came into view. “But you’ll learn all about that. Your life is about to change from this moment forth. I hope you are ready for it.”

  “I am,” I said firmly, nodding my head. I needed this opportunity to survive. I couldn’t go on working at the farm. It had been a humbling experience, but I would never get back on my feet by making $8 an hour. I had to find something that would pay well. After all… I had a lot of debt to pay off and I wasn’t about to give up on my dream just yet. . “Eager. I like that. We need more girls like you.”

  Another security guard replaced the spot of the man who had left. This guard was dark-skinned and wore sunglasses even though the sun had gone down. He approached Victoria, waited for her command, and then leaned down, whispering something in her ear. I looked away, feeling awkward.

  I watched as a group of girls walked through the gates and onto the estate. They looked like twins with matching red lipstick and the same red dress on. The slit of this dress nearly reached their waistline, showing off their creamy legs. For a fleeting second, I glanced at their pale green panties. My cheeks burned crimson before I finally looked away. I wondered what they were going to do at Breslyn’s. Would they be working there like me or would they be doing something else?

  “It looks like they have finished preparing your room. Please come with me.” Victoria instructed. I expected her to walk through the gate like everyone else but instead, she turned on her heels and strode down the sidewalk, flanked by her security. I was forced to catch up with her in a brisk walk. At one point, I heard a soft crack and I was sure my shoe had finally broken but it seemed to hold firm.

  “All girls enter through the back entrance,” Victoria explained. They turned into a small narrow street. The bodyguards moved closer to their charge as I straggled behind, trying not to stumble in the darkness. “You will eventually be given a key code that will give you entrance inside the building. For now, we will just get you settled inside your room.”

  “O-Okay.” I wanted to ask her so many questions but I felt like she wouldn’t appreciate me bothering her with such trifling concerns. I still didn’t quite know what Breslyn’s was. All I could think about was what Victoria had told me on the phone. She had promised me that I could easily make $50,000 in one day. That was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up, no matter what I was getting myself into. Still, everything was moving so fast that it felt like my head was spinning.

  Finally, we approached a heavy-duty metal door. Victoria punched in an eight-digit code. The door beeped once before the tumblers were released and the door opened automatically. “Here we are.” Victoria ushered me forward. “Walk alongside me.” She said, her voice firm like that of a matron.

  Inside, we walked through a dark corridor. Our footsteps echoed loudly. “We are about to enter the lounge. This is where the girls spend their free time and mingle with one another but with your good looks I don’t think you’ll be spending much time here.” She pushed open another door and we stepped into a brightly lit room. I blinked, trying to adjust to the sudden shift in lighting.

  When I could finally see properly, I nearly gasped. The room was huge. There were at least thirty girls scattered across the leather couches that decorated the room. “Where we have entertainment.” Victoria motioned to the various flat screen TVs. “A grand piano for anyone who cares to play.” A couple of girls were standing next to it, using it as a place to put their drinks. “I hope you girls are using coasters.” Victoria reprimanded them.

  They immediately grabbed their martini glasses and scrambled to safety. It seemed like Victoria had a lot of influence here. “Some games.” She waved her hand haphazardly toward a shelf with board games on it. “But I haven’t seen anyone touch those in ages.” She shook her head. “And of course, the bar.” In the back of the room was a large bar. The counter looked like it was made from granite. The back of the bar was lined with mirror, making the lounge look even bigger. Through the mirror, I saw the reflection of the giant chandelier that hung in the middle of the room.

  “Anyway, you’ll become well acquainted with this place. Now for the sleeping commons.”

  “Do I have to sleep here?” I asked, thinking about Mackenzie. I didn’t want to completely abandon her after everything she did for me.

  Victoria turned toward me. “It’s not required, but it’ll make working here easier. I understand it took you awhile to get here. Besides, housing is free of charge and includes three meals a day - as long as you work the auction.”

  “Oh, okay. So I can go home whenever I want to.”

  “Of course, no one is forcing you to stay here.”

  I nodded, satisfied with her answer. I felt relieved to know that I could go back to Mackenzie’s if anything happened. Which reminded me that I needed to call her… she wanted me to keep her updated about the new job.

  “Now, shall we get going?” The bodyguards stepped forward and held open a set of double doors. They had static expressions glued on their faces as they looked forward. In a way, they didn’t even seem human. I passed them quickly and followed Victoria up a large spiral staircase.

  “Each room is exactly the same with the same amenities. We do, however, have a little contest. At the end of the month, whoever makes the most money with their clients gets to move into the penthouse suite on the top floor. I think you might have a good chance of moving into that apartment very early on – if you play your cards right.” I tried to commit everything Victoria told me to memory. I felt my stomach tighten. Even though I knew I had to do this, I was starting to have second thoughts. “Do you have any questions so far?”

  “No,” I answered quickly, gulping down the urge to start ranting. I didn’t want to come off as some ignorant girl who didn’t know what was going on. I remembered my first conversation about Breslyn’s. The girl had seemed so shocked that I didn’t know what it was. I didn’t want Victoria to have the same reaction.

  “Very good.” Victoria opened a door labeled #11.

  The room was small. Big enough for a twin-sized bed, a bookshelf, and a small desk. Above the bed, there was a small window, framed by a simple white curtain. “This is where you will be sleeping. This room is yours, but be reminded that any damage done to the room will be severely penalized. If you need anything, or anything stops working, you are encouraged to call the maintenance number posted here.” She pointed to the back of the door. “Go ahead and look around.”

  I nodded and stepped forward. I sat down on the edge of the bed. It was comfortable enough. I then approached the small closet. There were a few hangers on the metal pole. Above the pole was a bit of storage space. “This is nice. Thank you.” I didn’t know what else to say. I felt awkward just standing there with everyone watching me, especially when I couldn’t see Victoria’s face.

  “You are to stay here for now. The rest of the mansion is off limits for the time being. Just for your knowledge, the West Wing is where you are currently. Later, you will be free to explore any part of the West Wing. The East Wing is for the auction. You must never enter the East Wing unless you have been instructed to do so.”

  I nodded, feeling my nervousness increase. It felt like there
was a rock lodged in my throat. I could barely breathe. Victoria once again grabbed my hand and her smile flashed. “I’m sure this is a lot to take in, dear. But you will get used to it.” She squeezed my shoulder and seemed to wait for me to say something.

  “Thank you for everything. I just have one…” I paused. “…question.”

  “What is it?”

  “I’m just not quite clear what is going to expected of me…” I tried to mask the worry from my voice. I was thankful for Victoria’s hand on my shoulder. Somehow, it seemed to comfort me, but at the same time, I couldn’t get rid of the ball of nerves inside my stomach making me queasy.

  Victoria sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed, bringing me down with her. “I get this question from every girl.” Her hand moved from my shoulder to my knee. “There are no rules or expectations here at Breslyn’s. It more of a business mixer for elite clients.” Her words confused me and I was about to ask her what that meant when she continued, cutting me off. “You’re not expected to do anything specific. But, you’re free to do whatever you’d like as well. No limits.” She squeezed my knee and I had the sense she was winking at me even though I couldn’t see her face.

  “I…” I wanted to ask her what the last part meant when she raised her hand, silencing me at once.

  “Just relax. You’ll get the hang of it soon enough.” She got up, her long black dress flowing to the ground like a shadow. “Oh, and by the way, someone will be by later to help with your clothes and makeup.” With that, she left the room, letting the door close softly behind her. Inside the small, dark room, I felt alone – oh so very alone.


  I eventually kicked off my shoes and laid down. There wasn’t much else I could do. I stared up at the ceiling, listening to the sound of voices through the wall. They were muffled and I couldn’t understand what they were saying but it sounded like two women arguing over something. The sound of glass breaking echoed followed by silence. Was this what I would experience for god knows how long?

  I hid under the covers and closed my eyes, trying to fall asleep, but I couldn’t. I kept trying to speculate about what I would be doing here. Everyone had been horribly vague and I really didn’t have the slightest idea what to expect. All I knew was that it paid well. $50,000. I just had to keep reminding myself of that. But what was the job? What would I be expected to do?

  Whatever the case, I needed the money. $50,000 would really help. I thought back to the $214 check Mackenzie had given me after a full week of work. I could never survive off of wages like that. I needed this. Hell, it even seemed possible that if I played my cards right I might even be able to save up and launch a new project. I had this idea I had been working on, on the side. It wasn’t as big as First Date Boutique, but if I took my time and made sure everything was perfect, I wouldn’t find myself in the same financial crisis ever again. Then if things went well, and I felt confident in my abilities to run a business on my own, I would relaunch First Date Boutique - with my own money this time. I smiled, dreaming about my future. Maybe everything would turn out alright after all. Maybe there was still hope for me.

  Unable to sleep, I grabbed my phone, dialing Mackenzie’s number. I waited for her to pick up, but she seemed to be busy. Maybe she was still out on the farm, milking the cows. I instantly felt bad for abandoning her. Maybe if I was there helping her, she would’ve been done by now.

  Finally, she answered. “Hello?”

  “Hey, Mackenzie.” I smiled, glad to hear the familiar voice.

  “Hey girl, how’s it going? Did you get the job?” She asked eagerly.

  “You know, I’m not sure. This place is weird to say the least. Everyone is super vague and I don’t really know what I’m supposed to do.”

  “Well, didn’t they explain it to you?”

  “Not really. They just told me I would be working the auction.”

  “So, are you an auctioneer or something? Do you even know how to do that?”

  “No… but the average payout per auction is $50,000-”

  “What?” She gasped. “Did you just say $50,00 per auction. That’s insane.”

  “I’m sure you make much more than that with the pharmaceuticals.” I pointed out.

  “Still, for a company to pay that much to a new worker - that’s insane. Are you sure this place is legit? You aren’t getting yourself into anything shady are you? If you need money, I can help you, Haley.”

  “No. I have to do this on my own. I appreciate the help, but I can’t keep relying on you - on other people. I have to pick up the pieces of my life and get through this on my own. I hope you understand.”

  “I do, but I’m still worried about you.”

  “Don’t be. I’ll be fine.”

  “Just be careful and if anything happens, just call me, okay?”

  “Of course.” I smiled. “Oh and they’re providing me with housing so I might not be home for a few days.”

  There was a pause in the line as Mackenzie hesitated. “Just be careful.”

  “I will - mom.” I laughed, hanging up. I dropped the phone onto my chest, staring at the ceiling once more. My mind was buzzing with nervous excitement. Maybe if I looked up Breslyn’s one more time, I would find the information I was looking for… I ran the search through my phone’s web browser, but the results didn’t tell me much. They didn’t have a website or any social media presence. It was like they didn’t exist. A part of me started wondering if Mackenzie wasn’t right. What if I had gotten myself into a shady situation?

  Before I could refine my search, there was a knock on the door. “May I come in?” A man’s voice sounded through the door. It was high-pitched and charming. This was probably the makeup artist Victoria had told me about.

  “Yes,” I called out, my voice softer than I wanted it to be. I cleared my throat. “Yes!” I called out, louder this time. The man entered my room just as I was putting my heels back on.

  “Girl. Don’t even bother. We need to ditch these dastardly things ASAP.” He picked them up by the strap and examined them, “Knockoffs, really? Girl, please.” He shook his head and tossed them into the trashcan, pinkies up. He crinkled his nose in disgust. “If I see you wearing those things again, I will report you.” He said, his face serious before he laughed, his whole body shaking.

  The flamboyant individual took over my room like a storm. “Well, don’t just sit there, let’s get started, shall we?” He clapped his hands together, trying to get me out of bed.

  I just sat there, trying to figure out what to do. I stared at him. “Um… who are you?” I finally asked.

  He sighed, running his fingers through his dark, luxurious hair. “I’m Emanuel.” He grinned, fixing the scarf around his neck. His outfit was unique, to say the least. Tight corduroy pants, an adapted Hawaiian shirt in neon colors, and a basic black shirt. Somehow, however, when all the pieces came together, his outfit was strangely stylish.

  “Now, we’ve got to do something with this hair of yours. A bun will never do. We need to pump this up with some volume. Maybe give you some bangs. A little color might even do you some good… do you prefer red or black? Hmm… black might be a little too tacky for your complexion, but a nice red would give you that ultimate sex appeal.”

  “What are you talking about? No one said anything about dying my hair…” I stood up, my hands on my head.

  “Oh, didn’t they tell you?”

  “Tell me what?”

  “That I’d be coming round to do your makeup and all that. You may be beautiful but I’m here to make sure you’re out of this world.”

  “They did, but I just thought you’d do my makeup - not mess around with my hair.”I protested.

  “Stop worrying and just trust me, will you?”

  “That’s sort of hard to do when I just met you.” And even harder when I had been betrayed by my business partner. I looked at him and he stared back, his hands on his hips.

  “Are you just going to stare at
my pretty face all day or are you going to sit down and let me take care of you?” He pressed his hands into my shoulders and pushed me down. I sighed and did as I was told, watching him as he pushed in a large trunk. He plopped it onto the bed. I scooted over, giving him some room as he popped it open. Inside, it was stuffed with all kinds of different makeup from foundation to blush to fake eyelashes.

  “Uh… is all of that really necessary?”

  “Of course it is. Don’t tell me you don’t wear makeup.” He eyed me suspiciously.

  “I do… it’s just not this much…”

  “I suppose we could go for the natural look for you… some people like that. But I’ll have to tell you bold is in this season. It might put you behind all the other girls.” He rubbed his hand over his chin, examining my face before he grabbed a mirror and plugged it in near the small desk. He turned it on and I was nearly blinded by its bright lights. “Take a seat in my office, dear.” He pulled out the chair and waited for me to sit down.

  I hesitated. I didn’t know this man. I had no idea what he was going to do to me and yet he had this hairdresser personality. He spoke to me like we had known each other for years. I was starting to like him but that didn’t mean I trusted him with my face.

  “C’mon, time’s ticking and I’m sure all the attendees are just dying to meet you. Victoria really hyped up your arrival today.”

  I edged toward the chair and finally sat down. “Attendees?”

  “They really didn’t tell you anything, did they?” Emanuel shook his head pulling out an array of makeup brushes. “Purple or gold eyeshadow?” He asked, showing her two palates.


  “Purple. That’s exactly what I was thinking. It would make your eyes pop and we want to see your eyes, babe. They are super sexy.” He laughed and put the eyeshadow aside for a moment.


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