Orchard Hill Volume One

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Orchard Hill Volume One Page 23

by Kara Lynn Russell

  “He can bring the ladder,” said Pansy hastily. “So how about it? Can I tell Irene you’ll do it?”

  Riley shrugged. “Okay. I’m in.”

  Grace hesitated, not sure she wanted to do a project with Riley right now. But brain freeze had set in, and she couldn’t seem to think of even a flimsy excuse. Finally, she answered, “I think I’ll have time.”

  “Great. I’ll call Irene, and she can call you two with the details.” Pansy turned to Lily and began to steer her toward the refreshment table. “Have you tried the mint fudge? It’s a new recipe I found.”

  Grace and Riley were left staring at each other. Riley looked away first, dropping his gaze to his shoes. “So, are you avoiding me now?”

  “No,” said Grace with a twinge of guilt for lying in the church building. They both knew that normally Riley would have been the first person she sought out to talk to.

  “Well, I guess I should be going. I’ve had all the cookies and punch I can hold.”


  He stopped and turned back to her..

  She put a hand on his arm. “I’m afraid. I don’t think I’m ready for things to change between us.”

  “That’s too bad then, because they already have.”

  When he shrugged off her hand and walked away, Grace felt abandoned. This wasn’t fair. She’d already lost Steve. Did she have to give up Riley, too?


  Riley didn’t come into The Grace Place all week. Grace pretended she didn’t care because she had so much work to do getting ready for the annual Christmas party. On Saturday night, she was serving hot chocolate and Christmas cookies. They’d been baking cookies all week. Several local church groups were going to perform, and the evening would end with a sing-along.

  “I’m so excited,” Vanessa told Grace as she lugged a heavy pan of dishes back to the kitchen after the morning rush. “I wonder if Riley will come. It sounds like something he’d like.” Vanessa was particularly looking forward to it, because she had never been to one of Grace’s parties before.

  “Maybe,” Grace replied.

  “I haven’t seen him in here lately, come to think of it.”

  Grace cringed. She hoped no one else had noticed.

  “I thought he came in every day.”

  “He’s probably busy with Christmas stuff, too.”

  “Yeah, probably.” Vanessa disappeared into the kitchen, and Grace gave a sigh of relief.

  Her relief was short lived. She looked up just in time to see Steve enter the shop. Her breath caught in her throat. Were they back already? She’d been so wrapped up in her problems with Riley, she had actually forgotten about Steve.

  “Hi Grace,” he said, advancing to where she stood behind the counter and smiling shyly at her.

  She stood there like a deer caught in someone’s headlights and let him come right up to her. “Hi Steve.” She managed to force the greeting out.

  “Look, I’m sorry about the wedding. I just couldn’t go through with it.”

  As shock subsided, her anger woke. “Isn’t this conversation a little personal to be having in public?”

  He smiled a little more. “Well, I figured here you wouldn’t start throwing things at me.”

  “I’m not the sort of person who does that, Steve.” She may have been glad they didn’t get married, but she was still angry about how he’d run out on her and betrayed her, the coward.

  “Anyway, I’m sorry. Is there anything you need me to do? Do I owe your dad anything for lost deposits or whatever?”


  Riley thought that maybe he’d given Grace enough space. Maybe it was time to try talking to her again. So, on his break he walked down to The Grace Place. The sun was shining, making snow glisten everywhere. He could feel Christmas spirit in the air. It was going to be a good day.

  He heard his name and turned. Jeff was jogging across the street toward him. “Hey, Riley, how about a cup of coffee? I’ll buy.”

  “I’m in a generous mood today. I’ll let you buy.” Riley laughed at his own joke.

  They walked into Grace’s. Riley saw Steve immediately, saw that he was smiling at Gracie, turning on the charm. It was easy to read the hurt and anger on her face. She looked alone and vulnerable. Something inside Riley let go…

  And the next thing he knew, Jeff was pulling him off Steve, who was lying on the ground with blood streaming from his nose.


  Chapter Five

  Jeff drove home in a roundabout way, trying to untangle his scattered thoughts. He should he be glad the dog stopped him from kissing Angel. Darn that dog! Jeff’s life had been nothing but trouble since it showed up. Or was it since Angel showed up?

  It was just as well he hadn’t kissed her. What would Tony say if he knew Jeff had almost kissed his little sister? He looked down at his dirty shirt and smiled in spite of himself. He hadn’t kissed her, but he hadn’t been able to pass up the chance to hold her, if only for a minute.

  The image of Angel at his mother’s dinner party came to mind. Maybe he could take her instead of Susan. After all, Susan was already mad at him. He groaned. Angel was sweet, impulsive and as naïve as Tony had said. Some of the women his mother was supposedly friends with would eat her alive. No, he’d better call Susan and patch things up. Angel was entirely wrong for him. Susan was a perfect match. Organized, efficient, ambitious.

  He paused, thinking that was a pretty unromantic inventory of a girlfriend. Then, he shrugged. Romance wasn’t everything. By all accounts it didn’t last long after you got married. Better to pick someone you could get along with when there was no romance involved.

  He couldn’t help but think of his parents who were still affectionate after almost three decades of marriage. When he was younger he had prayed that God would send him someone he could care so deeply about. It hadn’t happened, and so he figured that it probably never would. Very few people found that kind of love.

  He pulled his car into his garage and switched off the engine. Yes, he’d definitely call Susan tomorrow and make up. He’d remind her of the invitation to his parents’ party. That should appease her. And he’d forget all about Angel…and how she’d felt in his arms…and how she looked when he’d almost kissed her. No, he wasn’t going to think about Angel anymore at all.


  Over the next few days Angel visited several more businesses in the area, gained a few new customers and worked like mad on her Valentine’s Day cards. She hardly thought about Jeff at all. Really.

  She was thinking an awful lot about Valentine’s Day, however. Nothing she tried seemed to work. Why was this so hard? Angel was sick to death of hearts and cupids by Sunday. She was glad to take time off to go to church with Misty.

  The Orchard Hill Community Church had a beautiful facility. The sanctuary was the oldest part of the structure, filled with well-maintained woodwork and windows that let in plenty of sunshine. There was only one stained glass window at the back. It depicted Jesus praying and it’s simplicity along with the rich colors used made it stunning.

  She had a moment of homesickness for her own church back in Minneapolis. She belonged to a small, traditional congregation in one of the suburbs. Her church family and her faith were what had kept her going in the long bleak years of her mother’s illness. She would never regret putting her own life on hold to take care of her.

  At first it had been hard, but after chemotherapy appointments, when her mother was too sick and weak to sit up for long, Angel offered to read her daily scripture and devotions to her. Then she’d joined her mother in praying. At first she’d felt bored by it all, but as the days grew darker and hope for her mother dimmed, Angel found comfort in the words of scripture and the prayers they offered up together. When she’d finally laid her mother to rest, it was with the firm belief that she was in a better place.

  After the service, Misty took Angel around and introduced her to a lot of people. One of them was church secretary Pansy Parker.

  Pansy acknowledged the introduction politely. “I had heard your cousin’s daughter was coming to visit. It’s nice to meet you…what did you say your name was?”

  “Angel. It’s nice to meet you, too, Mrs. Parker.”

  “Please dear, call me Pansy.”

  “Oh look,” interrupted Misty. “Isn’t that Jeff trying to get your attention over there. You’d better go talk to him.”

  Misty shoved Angel in that direction. She went reluctantly, knowing he wasn’t really trying to signal her. Misty must just have wanted time alone to talk to her friend. She didn’t think she should talk to Jeff, but she didn’t know anyone else here so she kept walking toward him. She was only a few feet away when someone stopped her.

  “Hi, Angel. How’s that little dog doing?” It was Ian, the veterinarian.

  Angel smiled in relief. “She’s doing great. Has anyone tried to claim her yet?”

  “No. I doubt if anyone will. I’m sure she’s yours if you want her.”

  Off to the side of Ian, Angel saw Jeff’s head turn, and their eyes met briefly.

  Jeff paused in his conversation with Joseph Velasquez when he saw Ian talking with Angel and felt a rumble of something like jealousy in his gut. He drew his attention back to Joseph, who was asking him about finding a bigger house. It didn’t matter to him who talked to Angel. He didn’t really want to talk business in church, but since Joseph had brought it up…

  The sound of Ian’s deep laugh distracted Jeff and pulled his attention back to the pair. Looking past Joseph, Jeff watched Angel smiling up at Ian. He towered over her diminutive frame. He said something that made her laugh, and her face lit up. Jeff thought she really did look like an angel, although he’d never seen one depicted with wild red curls. Suddenly he wanted to be the one who made her laugh like that.

  He couldn’t concentrate on Joseph and his housing needs any more. Jeff finished the conversation, gave the man his card, then walked to where Ian and Angel stood, noting with sudden, inexplicable anger, that Ian had his hand on her shoulder.

  “Hi, Angel. Ian, I think Riley is looking for you.” The lie slipped out so easily that it shocked him.

  Ian looked around for his brother. “Is he? I don’t see him.”

  “He must have gone back into the sanctuary.”

  “How could he miss Ian?” asked Angel. “He’s a head above everyone else in the room.”

  Jeff shrugged and Ian went off in search of Riley. When he was gone, Jeff turned to her and practically growled, “What was going on with you two?”

  Angel blinked in surprise. “We were talking.”

  “About what?”

  “About Cherub running away, and then he was telling me a story about…hey, I don’t have to tell you this. You’re starting to sound like my brother.”

  “Yes, your brother. What would Tony think about you flirting with some guy you hardly know.”

  “Flirting? I don’t think…”

  “I’m just watching out for you. Not all guys are as nice as you think.”

  “Are you suggesting that Ian isn’t trustworthy?”

  “Well, no.” Even in his present state of mind Jeff knew that trying to cast Ian as a villain was ludicrous. “It’s just that…”

  “I thought you didn’t want to be my keeper anymore.”

  “That was when I didn’t think you needed one.”

  Her lip trembled, and her beautiful eyes filled with tears. “I can’t believe you’re acting this way.”

  “Angel, don’t do that. I’m sorry.”

  “What are you doing to make this poor girl cry?” Pansy had somehow sneaked up on them.

  “I’m…I’m all right, Mrs. Parker.” Angel brushed the tears from her eyes. “Jeff didn’t do anything.”

  “You just come with me, dear, and he won’t bother you any more. And call me Pansy, please.”

  Jeff watched Pansy lead Angel across the room to where Misty stood. The woman didn’t look any happier than he did. Was she angry that he’d upset Angel? Funny, but her glare settled on Pansy, not him.

  Angel looked back at him once, her expression so distressed that he could have kicked himself. What had come over him? All he knew was, he didn’t want Ian or anyone else getting that close to her. Of course, it was because he’d promised Tony he’d watch out for her, and he was keeping his promise. That was all.

  Riley approached Jeff. “I heard Ian is looking for me. Have you seen him?”

  Jeff sighed, utterly disgusted with the mess he’d made of things. “I think he’s in the sanctuary.”


  Jeff didn’t see Angel for the next few days. He was starting to wonder if she’d gone back home, when he saw her through the window of The Grace Place one morning. She was sitting alone at a table with a sketch pad and a mug of coffee. Her head was bent over the paper, and she was intent on her drawing. He stood and watched her for a moment, and she never noticed him.

  He crossed the street to his office, avoiding The Grace Place. He didn’t need to buy coffee there everyday. He had a coffee maker in his office…somewhere.

  Not that he was avoiding Angel. It was just that she had a knack for complicating his life. Susan was finally speaking to him again. He needed to steer clear of anyone who would put his name back on her black list.

  Of course, she had been delighted with the invitation to his folks’ dinner party. That invitation alone might grant him forgiveness for many sins.

  And as he crossed the street and got to his office, he had a feeling he was going to need that kind of grace, because on his doorstep sat a little brown mutt with trouble written all over her face.

  He bent down and scratched Cherub’s ear. “What are you doing here?” The dog leaned into Jeff’s hand. “I should just pretend I didn’t see you,” he told the dog. “You are bound to get me into trouble again.”

  “Jeff, darling, who are you talking to?”

  And here came trouble. Jeff straightened and faced Susan who was briskly striding up to him.

  “Hi Susan.”

  “Did you get a dog?”

  “Not exactly.”

  “Is it a stray?”

  “No, I know who she belongs to.”

  Susan looked at him strangely, but he didn’t elaborate.

  After a moment, she said, “Anyway, I stopped by to tell you that I just got the contract to sell that brick colonial on Maple. Do you know which one I mean?”

  Jeff tilted his head back and thought for a moment. “Yes, I know which one you mean.”

  “I have the fact sheet here.” Susan dug in her tote. “I thought it might be a good prospect for the Hamilton family. It seems like you’ve shown them twenty houses.”

  “Yes, they are a bit particular. Maybe this will be just what they’re looking for.” He took the paper she offered him. “Thank you, Susan.”

  “You’re welcome. I’m really looking forward to meeting your parents Saturday night.”

  “That’s great.”

  “How about we make a full day of it? The Annual Orchard Hill Art and Crafts Show is being held at the community building. Let’s spend the afternoon there and then go on to your parents’ house.”

  Art show. How boring could you get? “I don’t know,” he hedged. “I’ve got a lot of paperwork to catch up on.”

  “I find it’s a good place to meet potential clients,” Susan told him. “So make sure you bring business cards.”

  Now that sounded like Susan, ever anxious to advance her career. His parents were going to love her.

  Cherub was obviously getting tired of not being the center of attention. She scratched at Jeff’s pants leg as if to say “Hey, I’m still here.”

  “Ugh. That mutt’s still here,” said Susan, her lip curling in distaste.

  Cherub turned and looked up at Susan with sad brown eyes, tail wagging.

  “That creature needs a bath.”

  This was obviously not the reaction Cherub wanted, so she jumped up and put
her paws on Susan’s leg.

  Susan jerked away. “Yuck. It’s gotten me all dirty. I’ll have to go home and change.”

  Jeff could barely see the mark on her designer slacks where Cherub had jumped up against her. For a sensible person, sometimes Susan could be such a drama queen. “Come on, Susan, I don’t think it’s that bad. Come into the office, and we can sponge off the dirt.”

  “No, no. Jeff you said you knew who this dog belonged to. Why don’t you do something about it?”

  “Um, it’s my dog.”


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