Cade (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 2)

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Cade (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 2) Page 2

by Selina Coffey

  “I’ll miss you, you know.” Carla’s words were an admission that would normally not have been spoken and Jacqui looked up at her friend.

  They were friends but a lot had remained unsaid between them, neither wanting to fall into the world of even platonic love. Emotion was an enemy and to be squashed. But something was different about Carla today and for a moment Jacqui’s façade cracked.

  “Will you?” Curiosity weighted her words and Jacqui looked away, hoping her sunglasses still hid her eyes the way Carla’s hid her dark chocolate brown ones.

  “Yes, I will. But that’s to be expected. So, I’ve decided to accept the offer. It happens in two days. Maybe I’ll use some of the money to come visit you wherever you end up.” Carla knew Jacqui would never accept anyone in Miami so travel would have to be involved.

  Jacqui felt a prickle of annoyance. She’d have to hide her past in her new life, Carla would not only be a reminder of that past, she’d be a clue. But the annoyance was subsumed by a quiver of delight. Jacqui suspected Carla was infatuated with her but neither had ever broached the subject. Maybe that’s what drove Carla to take the offer and make the admission.

  Jacqui had noted the sideways glances over the years, the lingering touches, but had never allowed herself to consider taking the friendship further. She’d felt curiosity the same as she had with men, she just wouldn’t allow herself to be weak. Sex made you weak. Even with women.

  “That would be lovely.” Jacqui let the words break through, her long years of friendship with the woman finally winning out. She couldn’t look at Carla after she said the words so she went back to staring at the people passing by, her salad forgotten.

  “That’s settled then. I have to get back to the office. Message me later with your decision.” Carla bent to give Jacqui’s cheek an air kiss before she walked way, quickly disappearing into the crowds.

  Inhaling deeply, Jacqui left some money with the waiter and left. She had to make a decision quickly. She assumed any man would do what she wanted. A sexless life as a decoration when needed, a woman that could pursue her own interests otherwise. A life of no children, with a husband that led a quiet life. She’d already dismissed the politicians and military men. Too much spotlight was placed on those type of men, she wanted a quiet man with no aspirations in politics or fame. If the man was well-known that was fine, but she didn’t want someone the press would hound for all their days.

  Back at her crisp, white, minimalist apartment, Jacqui settled down onto a red velvet couch, her bare feet tucked beneath her. One man had piqued her interest and she went back to him. Cade Alexander was tall, dark, and at thirty-six years of age, he was very handsome. There was something cold about him though, something in his black eyes that seemed to push people away, even from a photograph. His sexuality was not listed but she had to assume he was just as homosexual as the others.

  A rancher in Kansas, Cade was looking for a woman of her age, with her looks, and for the same reasons, she wanted a husband. A quiet, sexless, childless marriage so he could focus on his own life while letting the world think he was married and happy.

  He was perfect really, not so old she’d be called a gold-digger behind her back, and not too young. He wasn’t ostentatious or dramatic looking, he was just a rancher in a suit. A very handsome rancher. Jacqui reminded herself she wasn’t looking for love and took his picture out of the file. This was the one.

  She’d start an email exchange with him this evening and hopefully, arrangements would soon be made. As the wife of a rancher, she’d be left in peace, with a secure future. And if something happened, well, she had her own nest egg to fall back on. This marriage idea appealed because she’d be able to have more security but if it did not work out then it was alright.

  Jacqui knew she wasn’t leading the normal life and never would. She wanted the illusion of it though, for her own security. Only in her dreams at night did she long for love, to be touched, that was the one arena of her life she couldn’t control. She took pains to become adept at forgetting her dreams as time went by, now she barely knew if she dreamed at all.

  She’d worked to leave her past behind, to build a façade around herself that was next to impossible to crack. She hadn’t cried since the day her mother died. She could laugh, but to feel genuine love, care or heartbreak was not something she was willing to ever experience again. Jacqui wasn’t a cruel person, she was just unyielding and determined to never feel what she’d felt her entire childhood ever again.

  Love made you weak, vulnerable and a target. Jacqui knew she never wanted to experience any of that ever again. Her father had left her, her mother had left her, and she’d had no one else to turn to. Nobody but Evelyn, and from her Jacqui learned to make it in this world. She hadn’t wanted fame or notoriety, she just wanted security. Evelyn had given that to her and Jacqui knew that Cade would do the same by offering her the same as she offered him, an illusion for the world.

  Chapter Two

  Jacqui heard her phone vibrating and picked it up, her heart tripping for a moment. It was Cade. He’d responded to her email quickly and with interest. That was a good sign.

  Jacqui wasn’t certain why her heart tripped but she squashed the excitement. This was a business transaction like any other, she told herself, no need to go acting like a besotted teenager. No reason at all.

  She opened the email and found a cordial response, an introductory note more than anything.

  “Hello, may I have your file please?”

  Jacqui sent the file as requested, and waited. The file contained all of her information, her past, her present, everything from her bank account information to her underwear sizes. Birthdate, parentage, any notable events that might make for tabloid fodder. Evelyn prided herself on running a business with the future of her clients in mind; no hidden secrets would tarnish the reputation of her clients from her girls.

  Her phone chirped again and she opened the email.

  “I’ll get back to you within twenty-four hours. Good evening.”

  Jacqui raised her left eyebrow and looked down at the phone with detachment.

  He was very formal but this was only their introduction. Besides, wasn’t this what she wanted, only the illusion of matrimony without the caring and emotions part to make it all mucky?

  Jacqui put her phone down and pulled herself from the hot embrace of the bathtub, reaching for a plush towel to dry herself. Cade was exactly what she wanted and she knew she could have him. She was perfect, if you put a spin on the events from her childhood. She’d overcome all obstacles to emerge humble but successful in her life, a butterfly forged from an iron cocoon.

  Opening a bottle of wine, she sat down to read through Cade’s file once more. A man of simple, if boring tastes. He’d rarely gone abroad, did not like nightclubs or parties, and spent most of his days working, in meetings, or asleep. His interests included wood carving and book restoration. That must be old books, antiques or something. She imagined that could bring many interesting books to his doorstep. He also liked to knit. Knitting?

  “How incredibly dreary,” Jacqui muttered to herself, the quiet inside of her apartment almost too much for a moment.

  She’d wanted it all as a child; the husband, family, the white picket fence. But now she just wanted to live with as little drama as possible. Her father had been a very rich man once, with a collection of cars and houses, but that had all gone away. Then he’d gone away, emotionally at first, physically next. Then her mother had done the same. She’d had a lifetime of excitement and adventure before she’d even turned 18. Now she just wanted to make it through without another day of drama.

  A new email set her phone to buzzing and she opened it.

  “Do you agree to the conditions?”

  Concise, to the point, and expecting an answer. This was an alpha male for all his knitting and bookbinding. His emails disclosed a man used to being answered, not answering questions, and a man used to giving orders. Jacqui gleaned th
at from their few exchanges. There was no reason for pretense in this matter so she knew this was how the man was used to addressing people.

  “I agree, do you agree to mine?” She sent the email quickly, wanting to ensure he’d read through her file properly.

  “I’ll get back to you.”

  “Oh indeed, you’ll get back to me. Take your time but don’t wait too long or this butterfly will fly away.” She returned to leafing through his file.

  He had several brothers and both of his parents were deceased. There’d been a recent addition to the family when his brother married and the new wife was expecting a child. There was the heir to the throne, at least. Jacqui knew she was being cynical but that is how she approached life now, with sense and logic.

  She read his non-disclosure agreement, the prenuptial agreement, and the clauses that would make all void. There were the usual instances of no open adultery, clauses regarding illegitimate children she may produce from the expected well-hidden affairs and how he would accept them as his own, and the absolute hard limits on the use of drugs. There were quite a few clauses about secrecy as well.

  Jacqui assumed those clauses regarded his homosexuality and keeping it hidden. She had no problem with hiding secrets, but this seemed to imply there might be something more. Familial secrets, what did that mean exactly? Apparently, this would not be disclosed until sometime after the wedding. Smart man, wives didn’t have to testify against husbands. Now why did she think of that, she wondered.

  Flicking a well-manicured nail against her teeth, Jacqui wondered what other secrets Mr. Alexander was hiding. This part of Evelyn’s service, the marriage brokering, usually took place over the phone, with emails, and through a fax machine. She wasn’t going to have time to delve into pasts too deeply and honestly, she really didn’t care. Jacqui knew that she’d likely not meet Cade until the day of their marriage and that was fine with her. They’d both have to play the part of the happy couple occasionally, but after the wedding they’d go back to being their own people, at least behind closed doors. She dismissed the niggling worry and put his file down.

  Perhaps she should look at others, just in case. She was going through the file of a blond god in the soldier-adventure writing field when her phone buzzed again.

  Jacqui’s left eyebrow quirked. Meet? Highly unusual but not unheard of.

  “Of course, send me the arrangements.” He’d have to pay for it and arrange it all if he wanted to meet first, that’s just how it was.

  Just before she went to bed she received another email. This time, flight details and boarding passes came through. She was heading to Kansas in less than 24 hours on a chartered flight. That should prove interesting.

  Sure of herself and of her abilities to please a man, even if it wasn’t sexually, Jacqui went to bed prioritizing things she needed to do before her trip. It would be hectic but she could get it all done. That’s why he was going to marry her, after all, her efficiency if nothing else.

  The black car that collected Jacqui from the airport pulled into the driveway and Jacqui stared at the house, a beautiful creation of local materials and stone. She tapped at her lower teeth in irritation. She’d received a text from Cade as soon as she landed, advising her he’d be unable to pick her up, a family emergency required his attention.

  Jacqui stepped out once the driver opened the door, her gray pantsuit still neat and tidy, as she ascended the steps. A careful woman, Jacqui rarely looked scruffy or out of place in most social situations. Her black heels, sexy but still sensible, clicked on the stone steps as she walked up to the door. A scream from inside stopped as soon as the doorbell rang.

  Jacqui’s left eyebrow went up in curiosity but little else showed her emotion. A young man, not much older than herself, opened the door, a frantic look on his face.

  “You aren’t the doctor! Where is the fu…” His words were cut off by a bellow from an unseen man.

  “Kane, who’s at the door? Is that the doctor? Don’t just stand there you idiot, get over here, she’s crowning!” The voice was similar to the man named Kane’s voice, but deeper, smoother. There was also a note of panic.

  “Crowning? Is there a coronation going on?” Jacqui asked the air because Kane quickly disappeared, running into a room off to the side of the entry. Jacqui followed, her curiosity definitely getting the better of her for a moment.

  She’d had no idea life was about to turn upside down when she stepped on the plane this morning. No idea at all, she thought, as her eyes went round and she backed into the door that had somehow closed. A woman was there, a dark-skinned woman with no clothes on and her legs spread wide, something… Oh god.

  Jacqui looked away quickly, trying to get the door to open but the knob simply refused to turn.

  “Somebody, please. Let me out.” Jacqui’s words were quiet, her low voice smooth and rich. “Please.”

  None of the people in the room paid her any attention as the woman on the couch screamed, her wide ice-blue eyes so very startling. The woman’s wail of exertion and pain petered out and the two men around her seemed to slump with her.

  “Get that towel, Kane. The baby’s almost out. A couple more pushes.” The taller man, a photocopy of Kane with the exception of a few lines, reached for the towel and slid it under the emerging mass of hair and flesh coming from the woman’s womb.

  Jacqui wanted to look away but she felt drawn to the scene. She’d never witnessed a birth, not even an animal birth, and hadn’t planned on it, but this woman’s baby seemed to have a different idea. Jacqui swallowed down something like revulsion, wondering how the human body could stretch so much, and continued to watch as the woman tensed once more, all but sitting up against the armrest of a very expensive looking couch as she screamed out her effort.

  The woman had delicate features but a strong jaw and teeth, and when her eyes popped open, boring into Jacqui, something happened. Something inside of Jacqui shifted, popped almost, and she knew this woman would be important throughout her life. Jacqui all but held her breath as the men at her feet started to grow tense, shifting their positions as a small bundle with black hair slithered from the woman.

  She didn’t think her eyes could go any wider but they did, and Jacqui felt something odd happening, something very distressing that she hadn’t felt in a very long time. Her eyes were welling with tears! She wanted to hide, to get herself under control, but her feet were rooted until the baby’s first cry of life. Then she stepped forward. Just a step, then another before she stopped.

  There was nothing she could do to help, the quick efficient moves of the man beside Kane seemed to be all that was needed and soon he had the cord cut and the baby was laying on her mother’s chest as the man did a few more things. Jacqui had eyes only for the baby and the mother as the men paced back and forth, doing things Jacqui wasn’t aware of.

  The mother’s face was unlike anything Jacqui had ever seen on a person before. She wondered if her own mother had worn such a look on the day she was born. Jacqui’s coldness thawed for a moment and she had to fight back a sob of joy. She’d just seen life come into the world!

  The woman wiped at the baby with a towel as the man, the child’s father from the look of awe on his own face, gave her washcloths from a clean bowl of hot water. The baby protested, waved her tiny fists, and scrunched up her tiny face, screaming her head off, until the mother gave the child her breast. That soon quietened the baby down.

  Jacqui felt a smile tug at her lips and finally took a chair, unsure of what else to do. The woman had seen her, knew she was there, it might be rude to leave. How should one properly extricate themselves from a birth-crashing? Jacqui contemplated the matter as the woman was cleaned up, a bucket of towels and other things taken away, and a large towel was placed under her bottom. Jacqui heard the man taking the bucket out growling about the lazy doctor and how he was going to drill him a new one, and smiled.

  She sat back in the seat, letting the new family have their moment
as the man brought out a mop and bucket, then took it all away. If this was Cade he was very efficient, if very unobservant. He still hadn’t noticed she was there.

  Jacqui sat, quietly amused as she watched the man pacing back and forth with mops and blankets, baby clothes, and a diaper. He just kept going back and forth for at least 30 minutes before he settled down on the chair beside of her.

  “I’m sorry, who are you?” His voice was strong, sure, and like smoke rolled into honey.

  “I see that you’re quite overwhelmed today. Perhaps today wasn’t the right time for me to come. I’m Jacqui Evans.” I held my hand out to the man with a cool smile.

  “OH! Oh my God! I am so, I must apologize!” The man stood, running his hands through hair that was short on the bottom but just slightly longer on top, giving him an almost boyish air. He looked around and looked as though he was about to explode when Jacqui stood with him and sat him back in the chair.

  “I think you can be excused today, Cade. Helping to birth a child isn’t an everyday occurrence after all. Shall I go and make some tea, prepare some drinks perhaps?”

  He looked at her with gratitude and sat down in a chair while she prepared a drink for him and his brother. Jacqui found some juice and ice in a cabinet under the collection of bottles and made one for the woman as well. Handing them out from a silver tray she sat down, her own drink in hand.

  “Now, when is this doctor arriving?” Jacqui had seen him angrily swiping his phone and assumed he was giving the doctor a piece of his mind.

  “He should be here within the hour. It seems Damesha isn’t the only one to give birth today.” He all but growled the words but gave her a kinder look.

  “Why haven’t you taken her to a hospital? Or should I not ask?” She tapped at her bottom teeth with her nail again, wondering if she’d crossed a line.


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