Open Doors [Suncoast Society] (Siren Publishing Sensations)

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Open Doors [Suncoast Society] (Siren Publishing Sensations) Page 13

by Tymber Dalton

  He stroked her back. “I’m a lucky, lucky man. Don’t think I don’t know that.”

  She got up, walked over to his office door, locked it, then turned. She yanked her blouse up and off over her head. “I think you’re about to get even luckier.”

  They didn’t often screw around in the office during the business hours. Between being too busy, and having too many people around, it wasn’t worth the risk. After hours, sure, they’d left their DNA all over the place.

  His cock stiffened in his slacks as Marcia dropped her blouse into one of the chairs and started working on her bra.

  She kicked off her shoes, her gaze meeting and holding his as she shimmied out of her slacks and panties, leaving them in a puddle on the floor. The only thing remaining, her wedding rings and the amethyst necklace she wore as her day collar.

  He turned his chair to the side, snapped his fingers, and pointed at the floor in front of him.

  With a sexy smile, she sauntered over and dropped to her knees in front of him.

  “That’s what I’m talking about,” he whispered. He leaned back, and she went to work, unfastening his slacks and fishing his hardening cock out of his briefs.

  With her eyes focused on him, she slowly wrapped her fingers around his shaft, her lips opening wide as she engulfed his cock in her mouth.

  He buried his fingers in her hair. “That’s it, baby,” he whispered. “Suck me good.”

  “Mmmhmm.” It didn’t take her long to get him over, either. He had to clamp his jaw shut against the loud moan he wanted to let out as his orgasm hit and he filled her mouth with his juices.

  As she knelt there, his softening cock in her mouth, she winked at him.

  She nearly squealed when he pulled her to her feet and lifted her up onto his desk. He didn’t say a word, simply flashing her an evil grin before he shoved her knees apart and buried his face in her pussy.

  With his hands holding her ass so she couldn’t wriggle free, she braced her arms against his shoulders. Her gasps as she tried to hold back her cries of pleasure nearly hardened him again. It didn’t take him long to get her over, either. He loved eating her out and knew the thrill of doing this here, where they might get caught, only added to her pleasure. They weren’t huge risk-takers.

  But it wasn’t like they’d fire themselves if someone caught them at it.

  Then he realized he was hard again.

  He pulled her off the desk and onto her feet, turning her around and pushing her down over it as he stood and shoved his slacks and briefs down.

  Her pussy was wet and ready when he slid his cock inside her. All he had to do was grab a fistful of her hair in one hand and pull her head back, while he reached around her with his other and found her clit.

  Then he nipped her neck as he started playing with her clit.

  She gasped, whining as he felt the spasms shuddering through her pussy. He could barely stand the wait until she finished before he started fucking her, hard and fast and that load quickly ending up inside her pussy.

  As she laid there, she said, “I think you’ll have to reprint these reports. I think I spooged them.”

  He laughed and kissed the back of her shoulder. “I don’t blame you, sweetheart. I sort of caused you to spooge them.”

  “True.” She looked back at him. “We’ve got to figure out a way to get you a private bathroom for this office.”

  “Hell, then everyone would know what we’ve been doing.”


  Chapter Sixteen

  Despite having rung her doorbell, Amelia seemed to start when Marcia opened the door for her.

  “Hey, come on in.” She hugged Amelia after shutting the door behind her. “What’s up? You sounded pretty upset on the phone.”

  Marcia led her friend into the living room, where they settled on the couch.

  “I…I don’t know who to talk to,” Amelia said. “I’m sorry to bother you like this.”

  “No, no bother.” A slight inconvenience, because unfortunately this Saturday afternoon she had to be at the club in two hours to open up, but she always tried to make time for her friends when she could. The stuff she’d planned to get done today before going in to the club, like bookkeeping, would have to wait until tomorrow afternoon.

  Amelia looked troubled, dark circles under her hazel eyes. And today her friend, who usually looked put-together but not in that fake, self-absorbed kind of way, hadn’t even worn makeup. Her shoulder-length dark blonde hair was pulled back with an elastic band.

  Amelia took a deep breath. When she finally met Marcia’s gaze, there were tears in her eyes. “I think Mike and I are in real trouble.”

  “Trouble, how?” Marcia’s mind flashed back to their tax returns, which had just been filed a few weeks ago.

  “Our marriage.”

  A record screech sounded in Marcia’s brain as she dropped the bookkeeping train of thought. “Why don’t you back up?”

  “It’s…” She let out a five-ton sigh. “I’ve felt like we’ve been losing us. For a long time now. I’ve tried a bunch of things, and he’s just not interested. I even suggested maybe he should go to the doctor to see if everything was okay, and he blew me off like he was upset I even suggested it.”

  “You mean…sex?”

  “I mean everything. It’s like all he wants to do is come home from work and sit in front of the TV. Or on the weekends work around the house.”

  “Not to make light of your situation, but there are women who’d kill for that kind of guy.”

  “Yeah, to the exclusion of no sex or physical intimacy? I even thought okay, maybe I just need hobbies. I joined that book group you told me about and some of the books I read were about BDSM. I thought ooh, okay, maybe this is how I can get him interested in bed.”

  Marcia hoped her face wasn’t flaming red at that point. Amelia was one of their strictly vanilla friends. Or, at least, she had been. Amelia had no idea what Marcia and Derrick did behind the scenes in their spare time.

  “What happened?” Marcia asked.

  Amelia burst into tears and Marcia reached for a box of tissues to hand her. “He looked at me like he was disgusted by me for even thinking it. He told me I shouldn’t be reading ‘that kind of crap,’ and that if I didn’t like the way things were, I should buy a vibrator to take care of myself.”

  Marcia blinked. “Um, wow. No offense, but that’s pretty damn cold of him.”

  Amelia blew her nose. “No shit. I asked him if he wanted a divorce since he obviously wasn’t interested in me anymore, and he told me no, but once people were married for a while they weren’t supposed to have to ‘perform’ unless they felt like it. And that if I wasn’t happy, I could file for divorce, but he was fine with the way things are.”

  Marcia’s heart broke for her friend. “How about counseling?”

  “I suggested that, too. He told me that there was nothing wrong with him, but if I thought those ‘trashy books’ I was reading were exciting that I was the ‘sick’ one and should probably get help.”

  Marcia tried to look back to what she knew about Mike, what she’d seen about her friends.

  Nothing like this would ever have blipped her radar about the two of them.

  “I thought you two were so good together.”

  “It’s been sliding for a while. I haven’t said anything about it. I thought maybe if I didn’t, maybe I could get it worked out between us. Or maybe things would get better. But it’s obvious he has no desire to work things out between us.” She blew her nose. “Hey, what’s that?” She pointed at Marcia’s laptop.

  Marcia swore. She’d been updating the schedule on the club’s website. “Um…”

  Before Marcia could reach over and close the lid on her laptop, Amelia pulled it over and looked at it. “Hey, is this that club here in Sarasota? I read about that.”

  Fuck fuck fuck! “Um…”

  Amelia’s eyes widened as she looked at Marcia. “Are you guys into BDSM?”

  Marcia swallowed hard. “Um…”

  “Please, are you?”

  Marcia took a long, deep breath. “Just like what you tell me in confidence, I don’t tell anyone. What I tell you, I’m going to ask for your confidence.”

  Amelia nodded, but the hope now shining in her friend’s eyes broke Marcia’s heart even more.

  “Derrick and I are a Master/slave couple, and have been for years. Yes, we run Venture, the BDSM club here in town.”

  “It’s real? I mean, really really real? I thought maybe it was just a fictional thing for those magazine articles I read. It’s really real? There are really people who do this in real life? And you run it?”

  She suspected the articles Amelia meant were the one’s Shay had written a couple of years earlier. “Yes, but—”

  “Can you take me? Please?”

  Ironically, Marcia was running the Introduction to BDSM class that very afternoon. And her friend looked so blatantly miserable that Marcia couldn’t refuse her. “What are you doing today?”

  “Hiding from Mike.” Amelia sat back and started shredding the tissue in her hand. “He’s going to finish yard work and then sit in front of the TV and watch whatever sports are on until he falls asleep in his chair and eventually goes to bed when his back starts hurting him.”

  “What about dinner?”

  “He’ll order a pizza.”

  “He’s not expecting you home?”

  “I told him I was coming to see you and might have dinner with you guys, depending on your plans. Or that I might end up staying here all night if we talked late enough.” She laughed, but it held no humor. “How’s that sound for a caring husband? He didn’t even question me. Just said okay, have fun.”

  This was a familiar scenario Marcia had seen before—countless times before. One partner discovering kink and then the other partner shaming them or outright abandoning them over it. Sometimes there were happy endings, the other partner either embracing it, or willingly allowing the kinky partner to get their kinky fix while preserving the relationship.


  Unfortunately, the odds usually tipped over into an eventual detonation of the relationship.

  “What you read in the books isn’t exactly real life,” Marcia counseled her. “Some of it’s written by vanilla writers who’ve never set foot in a real dungeon before.”

  “But can you take me? I want to see what it’s like.” She studied her hands again, where she’d balled up the shredded, sodden remnants of the tissue. “Before I do anything else, I want to see what else is out there. I want to make sure if I am going to walk away from a fifteen-year marriage that it’s for the right reason. I’m damn sure not happy, but I don’t want to take a risk and realize I was better off. I mean, I love Mike. But…”

  “You’re not in love with him anymore,” Marcia finished when Amelia didn’t.

  She nodded. “Yeah,” she quietly said. “Probably not for a while. And it’s been a long time since he’s acted like he’s in love with me, too. I’m thirty-seven. Life isn’t supposed to be like this. I’m not happy.”

  “Are you sure he’s not having an affair?”

  “I doubt it. He goes to work and comes home. He makes no effort to hide his phone or what he’s doing. I’d be willing to bet it’s a health issue, but we had a horrible fight the last time I tried to get him to go to the doctor, so I gave up. He thinks what he’s doing is normal. It’s how his parents were, and they were married for over forty-five years before his dad died.”

  “So he’s using that as the gold standard.”

  “I guess.” She met Marcia’s gaze again. “Can you take me?”

  “Yeah. You can go with me today.”

  “Am I dressed okay?” She was wearing jeans and a tank top, but she was about Marcia’s size. And her black sandals were fine.

  “I’ll loan you a shirt to wear,” Marcia said. “Text him and tell him you’ll be with us, and you and I are going to have dinner with some friends and hang out, that you’ll be home really late.”

  “We will?”

  Marcia nodded. “Yeah.”

  * * * *

  While Amelia was in the bathroom, Marcia called Derrick. “I have another student for my class.”

  “That’s good. Who?”

  “Mel.” He went silent. She even looked to see if the call had dropped. “Der?”

  “Yeah. Mel? Parsons?”


  “What about Mike? I would not have pegged him for kinky.”

  “Just Mel.”

  Another long pause before he spoke. “How much of this do I want to know?”

  “I think it’s bad. She’s feeling kind of hopeless. It’s a long story.”

  “Did you tell her about us?”

  “She’d brought up BDSM before I did, but then she saw the laptop, where I’d been doing the schedule, and asked me to take her. I’m going to take her to my class and let her sit in.”

  “I don’t feel right about lying to Mike if he asks about this.”

  “You don’t have to. I told her to tell him she was hanging with us and friends, and we were going to have dinner together, and be out late.”

  “Oh. Well, in that case, good job. Want me to text Tilly that we’ll have an extra person with us?”

  “Yes, Sir. Please.” After her class, a volunteer would be there to handle the office while Marcia and Derrick had dinner with their friends at Sigalo’s. It was a weekly tradition, the roster of attendees always changing, but usually the same core group of people.

  “Will do.” His voice gentled. “Is she okay?”

  “No. I don’t think so.”

  * * * *

  Mel sat in the passenger seat, holding her purse clutched to her like a security blanket.

  Marcia still wasn’t sure this was the best idea, but her friend had asked. She wouldn’t turn someone away who had a genuine interest in kink just because she worried about their motivation.

  She’d had no clue things were so bad between Mel and Mike, but then again, she hadn’t been looking for the signs, either. Now, if she thought back, she could see things in a different light.

  “I don’t want to cheat on him or anything,” Mel said. “I mean, if I decide this is something I want, I’m going to have to file for divorce.”

  “That’s good, because I wouldn’t be able to support you if you went behind his back.”

  “This isn’t going behind his back?”

  “You’re going to a class. There won’t be any play. Later tonight, after dinner, we’ll come back and all you’ll be doing is watching.”

  “No one’s going to make me play with them because I don’t have a collar, will they? I read this one book where—”

  “Stop,” Marcia said, channeling her own dominant side. “This is real-life, not a book. You’ll be shocked how normal some of it is. What we do is run a kinky community center.”

  “People won’t be having sex and stuff?”

  “Not here they won’t. It’s against the rules and keeps us from running afoul of the law. We’re a private membership club. No alcohol, no drugs, no sex. Those three things right there weed out ninety-nine percent of all potential troublemakers. They want a sex club, they can find somewhere else to go. A lot of people just come here to sit and talk with their friends. We have a large community of crossdressers and trans folk who come out because other than going up to Tampa or St. Pete, it’s the only place locally, except for the occasional drag queen bingo night at a bar, where they can just be themselves.”

  “Oh.” She went silent for a moment. “Do I know anyone else who’s kinky?”

  “Probably. But it’s not something we brag about to our vanilla friends.”

  “I just…I feel like a horrible wife.”


  “Because I said for better or for worse, but it’s like he doesn’t care that it’s getting progressively worse. He’s happy with the status quo.”

  “I wish I could s
ay your problem is unique, but it’s not.”

  They were the first into the parking lot. Marcia had arrived earlier than normal. She wanted to get Mel settled and show her around so once the class started she could focus on teaching.

  As Mel followed her inside the office, her eyes went wide. “Holy shit,” she whispered. “I never thought I’d see stuff like this in real life.”

  Marcia walked around the counter to put her purse away and to get the computer booted up. “These are just a small selections of the basics.” Blindfolds, some paddles, collars and cuffs, and some other implements. “Just try to take stuff in and don’t get overwhelmed.”

  “I’m already overwhelmed,” she said, turning to Marcia. “Because I see how happy you and Derrick are and I envy that. I can see it. I thought I was that happy once, but maybe not since our second year married, if that. I refuse to live this one life I have being miserable. If this is all there is? This sucks.”

  “I know, sweetie. That’s why you’re here.”

  “I want my happily ever after,” Mel said. “I feel like I got cheated out of it. Like someone swapped my prince for the frog at the altar.”

  “I thought his parents were happy.”

  “I wouldn’t say happy. They were dedicated. But they were both miserable, I think. His mom would always bitch about his dad, up until he died. I don’t think they were ‘happy.’ I think they were doing what they thought they were supposed to do.”

  “Life is too short to be miserable.”

  “Amen to that.”

  Once Marcia had the computer booted up she led Mel through the door inside to the main space. Mel stopped by the door and stared around as Marcia walked back to the breaker panel and got the lights and AC turned on.

  “Well?” Marcia asked, having seen a nearly identical look on the faces of other newbies before. “What do you think?”

  “It’s…” She seemed at a loss for words.

  “Not like the books, right?”

  “Yeah.” She slowly walked over to Marcia. “I thought…”

  “Richly appointed and luxurious, right?”


  “A play space stuck in a warehouse in an industrial complex isn’t very sexy and probably wouldn’t sell many books.”


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