Scarlet Roses: Book Two of the NOLA Shifters Series

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Scarlet Roses: Book Two of the NOLA Shifters Series Page 9

by Angel Nyx

  “Mmhmm,” Caine said then flashed a wicked grin at her. “I wouldn’t mind someting else being hot and sticky.”

  Emelise felt her cheeks head up. “You just had to go there, didn’t you? Careful, Caine, I might start thinking you’re a sex-crazed fiend.”

  “When it comes to you, Angel, I am.”

  Her blush deepened and she rolled her eyes. He was in a mood, that was for sure. When they finally reached their destination she moved to step out of the boat.

  Caine saw her intention and his hand snaked out to gently grab her arm. “Not so fast,” he said and pulled her into his arms. He lowered his head and pressed his lips to hers. His tongue traced the seam in them until they parted and he deepened the kiss.

  Emelise moaned against his mouth. Why oh why hadn’t she been faster? Better yet, why wasn’t she just staying right there and asking him to take her back to the compound? No, just fucking no. She didn’t want to play house with him. Once the novelty of things with her wore off he’d get bored and she’d be left alone. At least this way she wouldn’t have to see him every day. “I really need to go, Caine,” she breathed against his lips.

  Caine reluctantly released her and stepped back. “I’m not leavin’ til I know you’re safe inside your car, Angel.”

  Emelise opened her mouth to argue but she shut it, shook her head, and made her way to her car. She glanced back at him to find his eyes locked on her. He didn’t budge until she was in the car with the door closed. From where she sat she watched him turn the boat around and head back to the compound.

  She’d seen the reluctance in his gaze but she was glad he didn’t push her to return with him. They’d had an amazing night and she didn’t want to tarnish the memory with an argument, which would have happened if he’d not backed off. Once he was out of sight she turned her car on and headed for the club. She had work to do.

  Chapter Eight


  Emelise stood in the center of her club and looked around. The second floor was officially a VIP section. The stairs leading up to it had been redone in a dark wood that Gage had hand carved with roses and vines on the front of each stair and he’d had wrought iron rails custom made to pair with the woodwork. They, too, had roses and vines and looked delicate but they were sturdy. The bar was restored to it’s original glory and shone in the soft lighting of the club. There were a few minor things still to do, mostly just adding the finishing touches, but once she had the club fully staffed she’d be ready to open the doors.

  “It looks amazing, Eme,” Lily said. She turned and grinned at her best friend. “You really did an outstanding job getting this place cleaned up and ready.”

  Emelise smiled. “Thanks, girl, but I didn’t do it alone. If Caine hadn’t sent some of the Pard to help, I’d still be cleaning.” Her gaze went to where the man in question was talking with Declan. They were having a small party there in the club to celebrate it’s completion. Caine was still trying to get her to move to the compound, preferably in his bed, and she still stubbornly refused to do it. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to be with him, the sex was insane, but she was an independent woman and she still feared that one day he would get bored and end things between them.

  “True, but it was your vision, your dream, that got you to this point,” Lily countered. She saw where Eme’s gaze kept going and shook her head. “Still being stubborn about not moving to the compound?”

  “I’m staying independent, thank you very much.” Eme ave her a mock glare before she laughed. “Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy being with him, but how do I know the novelty isn’t going to wear off?”

  Lily shook her head. “That’s not how it works when you’re mates.”

  Eme waved the comment away. “I don’t want to talk about that tonight. This is about celebrating the completion of Scarlet Flux. Now all I need to do is finish hiring people to work.” Her voice bubbled with excitement. “Oh, guess who I got a call from this morning.”

  “I don’t know, who?”

  Eme grinned. “Mal. He’ll be down week after next for a visit. I’m hoping to convince him to stay when he gets here.”

  “That is awesome. I hope he brings Venus out and performs while he’s here. He’s definitely talented.”

  “I know, right?” Emelise saw Caine and Declan headed their way and wrinkled her nose. “Testosterone alert,” she joked before she turned her attention to her mate.


  Caine was just a little frustrated with his mate. He’d gotten her to spend the night on multiple occasions but she still wouldn’t even consider moving to the compound. He knew she thought it was a way for him to control her but that wasn’t the case. He simply wanted to know she was close, and safe. Anything could happen in the city and heaven help anyone who broke into her apartment and hurt her. He’d rip them to shreds.

  They were at Scarlet Flux to celebrate it’s completion and his gaze kept going to Emelise where she was talking with Lily. He should have been paying closer attention to the wolf next to him but he couldn’t help himself. When she was near she consumed his every thought.

  “You’ve got it bad, Caine. Why don’t you just ask her to marry you already?” Declan said after Caine’s gaze shifted to Emelise for the sixth time since they’d been talking.

  Caine’s eyes snapped back to him. “She isn’t ready for dat. She still won’t stay at da compound. If she won’t do dat, she’s not going to agree to marriage.”

  “But you do want to ask, don’t you?”

  Caine decided to turn the tables on him. “What about you? When are you plannin’ on poppin’ da question?”

  Declan shrugged. “When it feels right. Don’t go changing the subject, Caine. At least I know it’s what I want, where I want things to go.”

  Caine growled at him. “Yes, da answer to your question is yes, but she isn’t ready yet. Enough of dis, we’re here to celebrate.” He ended the conversation there and turned to go to his mate’s side.

  Caine turned his attention away from the conversation he and Declan had been having and focused instead on Emelise. “Dis place looks amazin', Angel.” He leaned down to kiss her cheek. “It doesn’t even look like da same place it did a month ago.”

  Emelise flashed him a grin. “Thanks. I know, I’m a little impressed myself. Have you guys seen the VIP section yet?”

  Declan cocked a brow. “VIP section? Is that what the upstairs is? I just assumed it was a regular second level.”

  “Nope, it’s for VIP’s. It has it’s own bar so it’ll have it’s own Drink Mixologist and serving staff.”

  “Drink Mixologist? I like that. That’s definitely more catchy than ‘bartender’,” Declan told her.

  Lily laughed. “I agree. When Eme told me that was what she was going to call the position I told her it was perfect because it’s different and quirky, just like her.”

  Emelise stuck her tongue out at her best friend before she motioned them all to the stairs. The VIP section was a bit more intimate in that it was closer together and where the downstairs had a mix of tables and booths, the VIP section was just tables, with chairs tucked around them, that butted up against plush couches. The décor kept the black, gold, and scarlet color scheme but in a more expensive flair. The lights, the table edges, and even the trim around the bar were all edged in gold.

  “Holy shit, Eme, this,” Lily said. She sat on one of the couches and groaned. “Oh man, I could sleep on this thing it’s so soft. Please tell me I’m on the VIP list.”

  “Of course you are, girl.”

  “I was only kidding but I’m good with that,” Lily said with a grin.

  “You out did yourself up here, cher,” Caine said after he checked everything out.

  “Thank you. And thank you for first putting the idea in my head.”

  “My pleasure, Angel,” Cain growled and leaned closer. “I’d like to put other ideas in your head.”

  Eme blushed and rolled her eyes at him. “You can tell
you’re a male, all you can think about is fucking.” She said it only half in jest.

  “Only when it comes to you, cher.” He enjoyed their banter.

  “Get a room you two,” Lily said, flashing a grin their way. “I say we crack open that bottle of wine you brought out, Eme, and get this celebration started.” Members of the Pard would be stopping by to check out the club and congratulate Emelise, but for now it was just the four of them there.

  Eme laughed. “Bite me.”

  She reached for the bottle of wine to open it but Caine beat her to it and carefully opened it with the corkscrew. He poured four glasses and lifted his up. “To my stunnin’, sexy mate and her club.” He watched her face as he made the toast.

  “To Eme and Scarlet Flux, may it be open forever,” Lily said and tapped her glass against her best friend’s.

  Emelise smiled at both of them. “Thanks. I’ll drink to that,” she said with a wink that made all of them laugh.

  Caine set his glass down and took her hand to lead her away from Lily and Declan. “Dis really is amazin', Angel. You far exceeded what I thought it was goin’ to look like when you were done wit’ da club.”

  Emelise beamed at the praise. “That was the point, Caine. I wanted this to really be something. I worked my ass off to achieve this dream.”

  Caine dipped his head and brushed his lips across hers. “Enjoy your success, cher. You’ve earned it, but not only dat, you deserve it.”

  Eme started to lean into him but voices drifting up from downstairs stopped her. “Looks like some of the Pard has arrived.” She pulled away from him so she could go downstairs.

  Caine groaned silently and watched her go. That happened far more than he liked; getting interrupted by someone or something.


  Eme was only partly grateful for the interruption. Part of her had wanted to stay upstairs in Caine’s arms and forget the world around them, but the other part, the logical part of her, knew it wasn’t wise. The heat between them was unmistakable, but heat and attraction a relationship did not make. He kept talking about having her move to the compound, kept trying to entice her by offering to build her a greenhouse, but not once did he say anything about a serious commitment. She didn’t want to just be his go-to for sex when he was horny.

  Downstairs she found that Gage had escorted Mia, and their son, to check out the club. Mamere Eulalie was with them and trailing in behind them was the rest of Mia’s family, including sweet little Sophie. “I’m so glad y’all could come to check the club out before it opens,” she said, flashing them a genuine smile.

  “Oh wow, dis place is amazin',” Mia said. “Gage told me no one would recognize it for da old, rundown bar it used to be, and I didn’t believe him but dis...Eme, you did a wonderful job here.”

  Emelise beamed. “Thanks. It’s definitely been a labor of love but I’m thrilled with the end result.”

  “And well you should be, child,” Eulalie said. “I tink your Mama would be proud if she saw dis place right now.”

  Eme smiled. “I’d like to think so, yeah. Let me show you around.” She gave them a tour that included the VIP section upstairs.

  Sophie held a small, wrapped package in her hands and followed her siblings quietly. She was usually full to bursting with excitement but today she seemed a bit awed by the club and it tempered her usual exuberance. When they reached the second floor she finally spoke up. “We have a present for you, Eme,” she said and bounced a little on the balls of her feet. “Mama said I could carry it as long as I was real careful wit’ it.”

  Emelise knelt down so she was more eye level with her cousin and smiled gently at her. “A present? That’s so sweet. I’ll bet you took really good care of it.”

  Sophie nodded. “Uh huh.” She held the package out to her. “We hope you like it. Mama tinks you will.”

  Emelise took the small package from her before she stood and moved to a table to unwrap it. “I’m sure I will.” Once she got the wrapping paper off of it she gasped. Encased in a handmade frame was an autographed photo of Ella Fitzgerald. “ Gods. This...this Where did you get this?”

  “Mamere Eulalie,” Eliza replied. “She met Ella years ago and she thought it would be da perfect gift for your club.”

  “Beau made da frame for it,” Sophie told her.

  “Thanks, Beau. It’s gorgeous. Thank you, so much for this. It’ll go right over the bar downstairs where anyone coming in can see it,” Emelise assured them.

  Throughout the day, Pard members filtered in and out before finally it was time to lock the doors and head home. “I think it’s safe to say today was a success,” Lily said and gave Eme a hug. “Let me know if you need any help with the hiring. Emile’s been letting me handle that at the coffee shop since a couple of people quit so I’ve got a little experience with that now.”

  “Will do, girl. Have a good night.” Eme watched Lily and Declan leave. That left just her and Caine alone in the club.

  “Dis was a good day, Angel,” Caine said as he slid up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. “Come back to da compound wit’ me. I’d like you to stay da night,” he added and dipped his head so he could nuzzle her neck.

  “I can’t. I have to be here first thing in the morning. I have several interviews, and we both know if I stay getting up early isn’t going to happen.” Yeah, he wanted her to spend the night so they could fuck, no mention of committing to her though.

  Caine groaned. “Maybe dis club isn’t dat great an idea after all,” he teased and kissed her temple. “Tomorrow night den, cher. Dinner, I’ll cook my gumbo for you dat you like so much.”

  “Oo, throw in some cheesecake and I’m there,” she said with a wink.

  “Done,” Caine replied with a laugh. He escorted her out to her car,gave her a quick kiss, and got in his truck.

  Emelise saw him sitting there watching her and waved before she pulled away from the club and headed home. She wasn't surprised that he waited for her to leave before leaving himself.

  Chapter Nine


  Emelise was at the club first thing in the morning. Her first interview was set for nine am which gave her time to hang the photo her cousins and grandmother had given her and finish her cup of coffee. She knew it was going to be a long day, between interviewing wait staff, putting away stock, and finishing up last minute details like making sure the linens were where they needed to be, she had her hands full. She wasn’t complaining though because she was looking forward to it all. Her dream had finally come to fruition.

  By two that afternoon, Emelise was getting tired. She’d had several interviews and was waiting to hear back on references from all of them, and she had one last interview to give. She was also getting hungry but since her last interview was due any minute, that would have to wait.

  “Hey girl, how’s it going so far?” Lily asked as she stepped into Scarlet Flux. “I was on my way to work and decided to stop by t to see how the interviews were going.” In one hand she carried a take out bag from one of the local diners.

  Emelise eyed the bag and arched a brow. “Please tell me there’s food in that for me.”

  “Of course. I know how you can be, you get all distracted and forget to eat,” Lily replied with a laugh.

  “Damn, girl, you know me too well,” Eme said with a laugh of her own. “Thanks. It’s going okay. I’m waiting to hear back on the references from the people I interviewed earlier, and I have one final interview to give, then I’m done for the day.”

  “The other interviews went okay then?”

  “Yeah, they did. They have experience and they’re available immediately. I just need to fill the last three server positions and one drink mixologist, and it’s done.”

  “I still love that title It’s fucking awesome,” Lily said. She pulled out a burger and fries and set them in front of Eme then pulled her own burger from the bag as well.

  “I had to go with something quirky, you kno
w that.”

  Yeah, I know.” She watched Emelise a moment. “Okay, so I have to ask, how are things with Caine?”

  Eme sighed. “I don’t know, to be honest.”

  “What do you mean?” She slid onto one of the stools at the bar and dug into her lunch while they talked.

  “Don’t get me wrong, girl, the sex with him is phenomenal. I mean, I had no fucking idea sex could feel like that, it was always so boring before. But you keep talking about this deep connection you and Declan have makes me wonder if Caine and I really are mates because he doesn’t seem to have the same feelings for me that I have for him. Sure he asks me to spend the night with him so we can have mind-blowing sex, but a relationship isn’t just sex. There’s no hint of any kind of commitment from him. And you wonder why I don’t think a man can be trusted to be there when he’s needed?”

  Lily winced. “Oh, Eme, I’m sure he does feel the same way. Maybe he’s reluctant to push you for anything, worried you’ll push back and put those walls up again or something.”

  Emelise shook her head. “I don’t think that’s the case. I think it’s just sex for him. He doesn’t want me to spend the night so we can just curl up and watch a movie or something, He wants me to spend the night so we can fuck.”

  “He’s an ass, then,” Lily said and gave her friend’s hand a squeeze. “Don’t give up on that commitment though, Eme, because you deserve it.”

  Eme shrugged. “I’m used to men not being dependable.” She tried to ignore the hurt she felt at thinking she meant so little to him.

  Before Lily could say anything else the last interviewee arrived. “That’s my cue to head out,” she said and stuffed her trash into the bag she’d brought their food in. “We need to have a girl’s night out soon; you, me, and Shelli.”

  “That sounds good, just let me know when you two have a free night,” Eme replied and turned her attention to the guy who was applying for the drink mixologist position for the VIP section.


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