Finding the Magic

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Finding the Magic Page 13

by Cait Miller

  “Then don’t you think that now would be a good time to complete that thing?”

  His voice was a low growl that raised goose bumps on her flesh. “No!” Then softer, “No. I don’t want you forced into this by circumstance and besides that,” he touched her face, “it should be a private, intimate thing between two people, not a performance for strangers. It can wait, we have time.”

  Aw, that’s so sweet…and annoying. Was there nothing she could do to convince him that she wanted him? All of him? But still…it was sweet. She kissed him, reveling in the way he responded to her, pulled her closer.

  The professor watched the couple embrace on the monitor in front of him, an expression of mild distaste on his face. They were all the same, unable to control their baser instincts. Except for his Theresa, she would never have made such a spectacle of herself. Until the end. Why would she believe he would want to do that to himself? He was a man of science, not an animal. And now she was lost to him, but he would get her back. If he could only learn how the so-called mating bond worked. He knew the first part was instinct. Get a pair together often enough and it took care of itself, after that though… He shook his head. He had lost too many subjects already, there was something he was missing but he would find it eventually.

  Meanwhile there were potentially other, more lucrative, opportunities to be gained from his research. The shapeshifters had some incredible abilities—speed, increased strength, enhanced senses—and then there was their healing. That alone was priceless. If he could find a way to harness these abilities, perhaps even transfer them, the possibilities were endless. Imagine soldiers who had the ferocity of a lion and the ability to heal almost any wound.

  He supposed some would ask why not just recruit the shifters themselves? But really, where was the profit in that? Men couldn’t be sold to the highest bidder and made to fight for someone else’s cause. At least not without motivation and certainly not reliably. But the means to give those strengths to already loyal soldiers… What government would not be interested in that? He smiled grimly, he might even finally get the recognition he deserved instead of hiding away like some dirty secret. And he would still make them pay for the privilege, of course.

  The couple in the cell separated, the girl going to lie on the bed while Murray prowled the room. He had taken blood from them both while they were unconscious, but he still needed some from Murray while he was in his human shape. Ideally, it would have been better to get them here before they started to link, Henry would certainly have to make some recompense for that. However, all was not lost since they had yet to make that final step. Perhaps this time, this couple would be the one. He would certainly give them every encouragement…but if it was not to be then he still had other options. He reached for the intercom and flicked the switch. It was time to get to work.

  “Bring the male subject to the examination room, usual preparations.”

  “Yes, sir, Professor.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Cameron walked the edges of the small room, exploring, checking for any weaknesses. There were none. There was only one door, securely shut with no access of any kind to the electronic lock from this side. There were no windows except the observation window to the corridor and the ventilation grate was too narrow even for Jayne’s slim form. The furniture was securely fastened to the concrete floor. He was making another inspection of the door when he heard the lock click. The springs on the cot squeaked as Jayne sat up and he backed up a few steps so that he stood in front of her.

  The man who entered was the one who had led the way when they brought Jayne in earlier. His lab coat was missing and he wore black cargo pants and a black shirt. He held a gun in one hand and some restraints in the other. He stopped just inside the door, weapon pointing at Cam’s chest and threw the restraints to Jayne.

  “Put these on him, do it right or we’ll do this the hard way.” He nodded at the gun. “He’ll probably heal if I shoot him, but it’ll hurt like hell.”

  The cat rose up within him and Cam concentrated on controlling its rage. He growled softly and the man smiled mockingly at him.

  “You can growl all you like, mate, you dinnae scare me. You might be fast but you’re no’ faster than a bullet.”

  He felt his fìorcèile’s uncertainty and turned to give her an almost imperceptible nod. “It’s all right, Jayne, do as he says.”

  He held his hands out and allowed her to fasten the heavy manacles on his wrists. She leaned her forehead on his and he caught her fingers in one hand, giving them a reassuring squeeze.

  “Get on with it! Feet, too!”

  Jayne muttered something uncomplimentary about the man’s parentage under her breath but did as she was ordered.

  “Now, get on the bed and stay there. Murray, let’s go.” He backed out of the door, keeping the gun trained on Cameron until they were both in the corridor. Cam had to force himself not to look back at his mate as the man closed the door and waited for it to lock. She was holding on to her control by her fingernails and her distress cut through him like a knife.

  His guard gestured to the left, stepped behind him and shoved Cameron forward with the gun. The unexpected motion caused him to stumble over the short chains binding his ankles and fall heavily into the wall. The collision sent pain shooting through his shoulder where it was still healing. “Just remember her if you feel yourself getting any heroic impulses, mate. The professor says she’s the only one you can fuck now so it’d be a shame for anything to happen to her. She’s a babe, right enough, long legs, great tits.”

  Cam’s fingers flexed as he imagined sinking his fist—or better yet, his claws—into the man’s face. Instead, he righted himself and shuffled forward in silence. He would remember this man’s scent and make him pay later. For now, he would try to find some way out and stay alert for any signs of Nick. He willed his mind and body to calm and focused on his surroundings. Like their cell, the walls were painted white and the concrete floor was covered with gray vinyl tiles, cold beneath his bare feet. He could still hear the faint mechanical sound of machinery and a solitary set of footsteps nearby but all else was quiet. Beneath the now familiar scent of disinfectant and blood was a multitude of other smells. Most disturbing was the distinct scent of other feline shifters. They had been here recently but where were they now? None of them were familiar but they were all tainted by fear and anger and more faintly, arousal. It made the hair stand up on the back of his neck in a primal warning. What was this place?

  Within a few feet, they came to another door and, past that, another observation window with its camera looking into an empty cell. Another two cells followed before they rounded a corner and crossed the hallway to another unmarked door. Here the scents became stronger, so strong in fact that Cameron came to a dead halt. Neither he nor the cat wanted to go in there. Whatever happened in this place seemed to be focused here and Cam wanted no part of it.

  “Move.” The gun poked painfully into his back and he forced himself to step forward and open the door.

  The small room was set up as some kind of laboratory. In the center of the floor was a reclining chair with arm and leg restraints and a small wheeled stainless steel table. Countertops, storage drawers and cupboards lined the walls. The surfaces were covered with equipment and devices. He recognized a few but most were unfamiliar.

  “Get into the chair.” Again his back was prodded and he reacted with the lightning-quick ferocity of an animal cornered. Turning to snarl at his guard and grabbing hold of the gun. The man held on but took a quick step back, fear on his face, reflex causing his finger to tighten on the trigger.

  Cam closed his eyes and took some deep breaths, reaching for his control. “Don’t touch me again.”

  He turned back to the chair and reluctantly sat, staring fixedly at the wall while his restraints were attached, ankle and wrist, leaving him helpless.

  The sound of footsteps drew his attention and he turned to see another man enter the room.
He was average height, around five-foot-ten with dark hair and cold blue eyes. He wore a white coat over a pristine white shirt and gray pants. The guard stiffened, almost coming to attention. The arrogance and mocking amusement that had been present in his tone so far was absent as he spoke to the newcomer. It was replaced by an almost fearful respect and a disturbing excitement.

  “Do you need me to stay, Professor?”

  “No, thank you, Michael, that won’t be necessary yet. I’ll call you when I need you.”

  The door closed, leaving them alone and the professor picked up some papers from the nearby counter and began to read. Moments passed in silence as Cam waited for him to speak but when he finished, he merely turned back to the counter and picked up a shallow metal tray. When he sat it on the metal table beside him, Cam saw it was filled with syringes and blood collection bottles and some small vials of drugs. He kept his gaze impassive as the professor wrapped a blood pressure cuff around his arm and switched on the electronic monitor to record his vital signs.

  “Are you not goin’ to introduce yourself, Professor.”

  The man glanced up from the monitor screen briefly his voice distracted. “I don’t make conversation with my other lab animals, why should I do so with you?”

  The machine beeped faster in time with his heart as anger flooded him at the callous words. He pulled against his bonds and the other man sighed and looked away from the readings again. “This would go much easier on you if you would remain calm and cooperate.”

  “Tell me why you are kidnapping shapeshifters and innocent women!”

  No reply.

  The professor donned a pair of latex gloves and fastened another strap just above Cam’s elbow, holding his forearm steady against the arm of the chair, palm up. Deftly he slipped a needle into a vein and filled five small bottles with blood while Cam could do nothing but glare at him. He removed the needle and pressed some gauze in its place while he undid the strap again.

  “Tell me what you are doing to them!”

  This time, instead of answering, the professor snapped open one of the vials of clear liquid and drew it quickly into a syringe. Great, more drugs. Cameron watched dry-mouthed as he tapped out the air bubbles.

  “What is that?”

  The monitor betrayed his fear as his heart rate climbed again but he refused to let it show on his face. He drew a sharp breath as he was injected with the drug. It looked as though he was about to find out firsthand what had happened to the others. With a satisfied sound the man pulled off his gloves and moved to lean against the counter, arms folded. His lips curled in a tiny smile as he studied Cameron.

  “Your friend isn’t here, you know. He was until very recently, just long enough for our little traitor to take the bait.”

  “You’re lying.”

  “Oh, I’m afraid not.” He chuckled softly. “You see, I know everything that goes on in this building. Douglass has already been moved. And when the rest of your little group gets here, my men will be waiting for them. It’ll be a nice change to let them come to me.”

  The lion rushed to the surface and lunged, snarling at the man but was pulled up painfully by the restraints. Cam reined it in with some difficulty, sinking back into the chair. His vision swam and his head spun so he let it drop back heavily onto the headrest. A warm feeling suffused him and he closed his eyes briefly and surrendered to it. When he opened them again the professor was standing over him and he wasn’t sure how much time had passed. He struggled to focus his eyes and tried to lift his head but it was too hard.

  “Hey! What the hell did you give me?” His voice was slurred and Cam struggled to bring his wayward emotions back under control, fighting the urge to laugh.

  “A very special cocktail of my own invention. You should be honored, you’re the first to try it out. Tell me your name.”

  “Cameron Murray.” The information slipped easily from his lips and he scowled.

  “And how do you feel?”

  “Confushed.” Again, the truth escaped.

  “Excellent. Tell me, Mr. Murray, about the mating bond.”

  “Derv Keel. Fear Kelly.” Cam mumbled. “Jayne.” He had to pull himself together, before his mouth ran away with him. He laughed at the image.

  “Tell me about the mating bond!”


  “Tell me!

  “S’ magic.”

  Cam watched the man visibly grope for control, a muscle ticking in his tightly clenched jaw and clenched his own teeth against the urge to chatter. The professor picked up his papers and began making notes with angry stabs of his pen.

  “It appears that I may have miscalculated the dosage since all you can do is blather nonsense at me. Let’s see what we can do to change that.” He stalked away from him and Cam’s mind began to wander. He thought about his mate, beautiful, lovely Jayne. All long legs and pale, creamy, soft skin…and that hair… He heard the door open and turned toward it hopefully but it was only the guard.

  “Michael, Mr. Murray seems to be having trouble with my questions. Why don’t you help him regain his focus.”

  “With pleasure, sir.”

  Cam watched as he cracked his knuckles and sniggered at the absurdity of the whole situation. It was like being in the middle of a bad movie. He squinted at the professor who was again leaning against the counter. “Wha’samatta, Prof, dinnae want tae break a nail?”

  “On the contrary, why should I get my hands dirty when I have others who are so willing for the opportunity?”

  The first blow landed on his jaw and snapped his head to the side. He turned back slowly and smiled at the guard. The next landed on his nose, he felt the crunch as it broke and blood poured down his chin. Inside him, the cat raged and broke to the surface. It fought against the restraints, snarling at the two men. Cam struggled to hold it in check, knowing it did him no good to lose control. The combination of pain and the drugs made the room whirl. Another blow, this one to the mouth, leaving him with the coppery taste of blood.

  “Seeing clearly yet, Murray?” Michael sneered.

  “Aye.” Cam snickered. “I’m seeing your face meetin’ my fist in the near future.”

  That gained him a flurry of blows between his ribs and stomach and face, as well as a few to his wounded shoulder. Blood splattered on the floor and the professor’s lab coat and he wrinkled his nose in disgust. Cam felt darkness intruding on his vision. Then it stopped abruptly, someone grabbed his hair and hauled his head up so that he was looking into the professor’s face. One eye was swollen almost shut and blood dripped steadily from Cam’s chin.

  “Tell me about the mating bond.”

  Cameron laughed with genuine mirth then groaned at the pain it caused to his bruised ribs. “Told you…it’s magic.”

  The professor shook his head in disgust. “Take him away.”

  Michael looked disappointed but he used a small radio from his belt and within a few moments the nervous man from earlier arrived with a gurney. They unfastened the chair restraints and hauled him up. The quick movement made everything spin around him again and he stumbled the few steps to the gurney. He climbed up, unprotesting, as they strapped him on, and closed his eyes against his various aches. One way or another, he was going to make these men pay but he could bide his time, wait for the right opportunity. They pushed him out of the room and along the corridor while Cam concentrated on keeping his mouth shut. The urge to chatter was still there, indicating that the drug was still coursing strongly through his veins. It was ironic, really, that he had been telling the professor the truth, had in fact been unable to prevent it. Why was this guy so interested in the mating bond?

  Jayne jumped to her feet as the locks snicked open. When she saw the gurney, her heart almost stopped and she took an automatic step forward before the presence of the gun again halted her. The guard waved her away from the cot and he and his companion, grunting with effort, lifted an unresisting Cameron on to it. His face was bloody, there was bruising alre
ady evident and one eye was swollen. She glared at the man with the gun.

  “What did you do to him?”

  “Don’t shoot the messengers, doll, we just pick up and deliver.” Before following his partner out of the room, he tossed a key to the floor at her feet. He grinned at her and gave her a lust-filled once-over with his eyes. She waited for the door to snick shut behind them, picked up the key and rushed to Cameron’s side, unfastening the cuffs and rubbing the reddened skin on his wrists. He opened his undamaged eye and she saw that his pupil was dilated, his eye slightly unfocused.

  “Aw man, they drugged you again, didn’t they?” She removed the manacles from his feet, stuck the key in her pocket and checked his injuries. His face was a mess, his nose was probably broken, and he had bruising beginning to form on his ribs and stomach.

  “Pick up ‘n d’liver, my ass. Bastard.” He chuckled and then caught his breath.

  “Cameron, my love, you are going to need some serious detoxing when this is all over. What the heck did they give you anyway?” She helped him sit up and watched him shake his head gently in an effort to clear it.

  “Dunno…makes me want tae talk.” He smiled crookedly at her, then winced at the resulting pain. “If you want tae know if’ve got any more secrets now’d be a good time to ask.”

  “Nah, I trust you. Come on.” Jayne stood and helped him climb stiffly to his feet. “Let’s get you cleaned up.” She led him to the bathroom area, sat him on the closed lid of the toilet and filled the sink with warm water.

  “Tell me what happened.” As he talked, she used the washcloth to remove the blood from his face, wincing at the cut on his eyebrow and the bruising she revealed. By the time she finished, he looked more alert and had stopped slurring his words.

  “I’m sorry your friend isn’t here.” He said nothing but there was an almost unbearable sadness on his battered face. Briskly, she emptied the sink and rinsed out the cloth, then stepped back between his knees. Pasting a cheerful expression on her own face.


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