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3 Page 8

by Shera Eitel-Casey

  “Nice to meet you” I replied and put my hand out to shake hands. “What can I do for you Cale Winters?”

  “Nothing” he retorted and asked me what classes I had, what hobbies I liked, what sports I was into. Afraid to tell him what sports I was into like golf and swim team, I told him I wasn’t in any. Nic shot me a weird look.

  He told me he was in a band and that he managed a couple other bands too. He also mentioned that he was a senior and played basketball, and he told me all sorts of other stuff he liked to do. My hands were starting to sweat not knowing what the heck he wanted.

  When our conversation started to get a little thin I repeated, “So what can I do for you today Cale Winters?”

  “Wow you like calling me by my first and last name, am I bothering you?” he asked and laughed.

  I laughed too, “Of course not, but it just kinda seemed like you were on a mission and I thought I'd help you get there quicker.”

  “Well then let's get down to business.” I was leaning on my desk but straightened up when he put both his hands on my desk and leaned in a little. “I have been taking notice of you since the first day of school and wanted to know if you were dating anyone. If not, maybe we could go out sometime.”

  I let a long pause linger, I was a little shocked. I felt my face scrunched in a questionable 'really' kind of look. My hands were clammy now – I came up with a reply. “Well, if you can change the radio station to 101.9 I’ll think about it...”

  He turned to look at the radio and then looked back at me. I just never know when to shut up do I, and Nic elbowed me like I just ruined everything. She laughed and said “Yeah 1-0-1-9 is a great station.” In reality the more nervous I get the more sarcastic I get and if he doesn’t like it why bother dating me. He may as well know how I am up front.

  Cale looked at me funny, spun around on his heal hopped over the table one armed and then stood at the art table near the radio and started chatting with Topher and they both looked over then laughed a little to themselves, but he didn't change it.

  Nic and I started giggling softly as soon as he sat down. I hope he didn’t see. “Nic, did you see that? He came up to me, I mean right in front of me and it was unmistakable that he came up to me! Did I say he came up to me.......to talk to me?” I said in a whisper, she nudged me with her elbow giving me a nod and we both giggled again. We decided that he had a bet with Topher, to see who could collect the most phone numbers in a week, or something ridiculous.

  They always seemed bored and not really into the class, I never saw any art projects that they did either. Who cares though, it was nice having them in class. From what Nic and I have heard, Topher is the most popular guy in school. I could see why, his friend Topher was also popular; he had blond wavy hair not quite down to his shoulders. A great smile and the bluest eyes you have ever seen, bluer than Tori's, not as tall as Cale though. Possibly too pretty for me though.

  When the song was over Cale looked over at me did a half nod upward and changed the station. I was a little surprised as he motioned for me to come by him with his finger, his eyes just staring at me like he'd won something. He wanted me to go in front of the class and talk to him, my legs just became a little jello-like, I wish I could send Nic or Tori for me. Tori was good with all boys, knows how to talk to them, I should send her. I looked at Nic and she nodded for me to go. I slid off my stool and walked slowly toward him trying not to lose my balance or trip over my own two feet in the process, attempting to look cool at the same time; it's not as easy as you'd think. Nic said “Don’t forget to breathe.” I shook my head and thought good advice.

  I looked up and he was still looking right at me, I of course kept his gaze, I like to look people in the eye. Trustworthy people always look you right in the eye, my dad says. I made it to the table and hoped my make-up and hair were okay, oops I don't wear make-up – note to self - rethink wearing some make-up. I wasn’t a slob or anything but never really cared about that stuff before, I was a little worried now.

  Cale immediately told me “I changed the radio station. I think you owe me something...” and he smiled a sexy crooked little smile at me, even better than the one before. “Well as long as the radio station stays on this channel for the rest of the class I think we have a deal.” Topher started laughing and said “Boy you are tough.”

  I replied “A girl’s gotta try.”

  I turned to go back to my chair and Cale caught me by my arm gently turning me toward him and said “You’re not going anywhere, don’t you trust me? Where's the faith?” He stared right into my eyes; most boys don't give you a steady stare right in the eyes. I stared back, he was so nice to look at. “I’ll keep the radio station on the rest of the class, you need to trust me.” He said with more emphasis but then lightened up “A deal is a deal, now you owe me your number.”

  Oh, I wanted to cave, a gorgeous guy was asking me out “hello”, and a deal was a deal....I looked at Nic she kinda gave me a look to do it, to give him my number. So I did, I quickly wrote my name and number on his blank drawing pad, and went back to my desk. I could feel my face flame, I'm sure it was a crimson red. I hope he isn't looking at me now, I'm overheating.

  As soon as I sat down he was right at my desk, he startled me, I didn't even have time to breath, he leaned on my desk and said “Can I ask you something? Why did you write your name down?”

  “I didn't want you to confuse my number with all your other girlfriends.” I pointed to the paper and said “That's A-D-D-I-E, I wrote pretty neatly, you shouldn't have a problem reading it.” I smiled.

  I could hear Topher chuckle in the background. Nic's and my desks were up front near Cale and Topher’s desks, well the teacher’s desk, as soon as you walked in the door and straight back. The desks were formed in a “U” shape with a grouping in the middle. We were at the end of the “U” furthest from the door so no doubt Topher heard me.

  I at least got a flash of his crooked smile again. His hair looked so smooth, he was close enough I could touch it. It fell around his face when he bowed his head. He looked up at me and put his hand through his hair, still smiling and said “Let's start over.... Addie I would like to know if you'd like to go out with me sometime, soon.”

  That’s all I remember really, the next thing I know and to my surprise I was giving him my number, again. I don’t remember talking to him or what he may have said after that, but before the bell rang I had given him my number sincerely.

  I slid off my stool and started collecting my things. “Holy Crap! I was asked out!” I whispered to Nic. “I think, and by a gorgeous guy!” He was the first boy to ask for my number in High School and he was hot and popular - I have not been asked out all that much before. I hoped I did okay – I looked at Nic as I was packing up my stuff, “What just happened.”

  She looked at me and laughed and said “You've gotta date!”

  I laughed, “Really when?” My face must have been flush because I felt very warm.

  “What did I say to him?”

  “You were your usual cute self.”

  “So I didn't drool or anything.”

  “No spit hanging out of your mouth at the time.”

  “Good, did he really ask me out? Did I give him my correct phone number? Holy crap - I wonder if he'll actually call.” I said in a hurried whisper.

  “I'll see you in Home Ec” Nic chuckled as she walked out the door and down the stairs and I went the other way. The bell rang.

  As I headed down the hall to my next class, someone put their hand on my right shoulder so I grabbed it and pulled it down by my side, pulling them next to me. “So you do like me” Cale said.

  “Crap” I said throwing his hand out of mine. “You scared me, don't sneak up on me like that!” My heart was racing.

  “You grabbed my hand.” he said sweetly.

  “Well I thought you were someone else.”

  “Who else were you going to hold hands with?” he asked as I picked up the pace.

nbsp; “No one, look I'm going to be late.” My heart was still pounding. I started to turn into my class then stopped and turned to face him. “What can I do for you?” I asked as nicely as I could. He backed me up against the wall put one hand on it, boy is he tall. He's definitely at least six foot tall or taller. He leaned in closer placed his mouth down by my ear and whispered, holding out the peace of paper I gave him in between us. “Is this your real number?” As he whispered in my ear, I felt chills go all the way down my spine, I tried ignoring it. I closed my eyes and breathed him in. He smelled clean, like fresh air with a bit of evergreen. I tried to bring myself back to reality, he sounded serious, he thinks I lied to him.

  I opened my eyes, straightened up a bit, looked him in the eyes, took the piece of paper from his hand with my left and put my right on his chest backing him up a little. I looked at it and said “Yes, of course this is my real number.” I gave him a crooked smile back. “I actually hadn't even thought about giving out a fake number to you or anyone else for that matter. Good idea though. I'll have to keep that in mind for the next guy.”

  “I hope you don’t give your phone number out to anyone else, at least until you give us a chance,” he replied.

  Pretending to ignore his response I said “I also labeled my number with my correct name so you don’t confuse it with the other numbers you've collected.”

  He laughed. “Why are you giving me such a hard time?”

  “Well, I am sarcastic and besides, I'm sure no one else does, gives you a hard time that is.”

  I hope we are done here, I didn't say it, I wanted to but I didn't want to mess it up any more than I already may have. He breathed in, and exhaled, he put his hand on my flaming cheek and said “All right, but know this, I will call you Addie Gellar.” My face was so hot and his hand felt ice cold but I bet it was normal, in any case I felt every one of his fingers pressed lightly on my cheek. I got to watch him walk away.

  I sat down next to Storm like I did every day because we had assigned seating, he gave me a dirty look and we didn't speak the whole class nor did he look at me again. I wonder why he’s mad at me this time… What do I care if he ignores me, he's dating what’s-her-face and now I may have a date!

  I was excited up 'til third period, but realized Cale might not call and if he did maybe he just wanted to see if he could get 'lucky' as the saying goes. I decided to be in a good mood regardless. Until, I thought about being alone with him and only him and then about that night and had a flashback. I started feeling very uneasy my chest tightened up and I could feel my eyes start to tear. Shelby looked at me and mouthed, “Are you okay?” I nodded my head; think of something positive, diving, swimming, golfing. I thought of my cousin Peyton and some of our escapades, I started to feel a little better and decided I wouldn't go out with him. I can't, I'm a mess. I thought I had nerves of steel, but I guess not.

  In Home Ec, Nic declared that if he wanted to date me I should take the chance and see what happens. I just told her “We'll see.”


  The next day in Algebra, Shelby caught my attention. She was sitting in the same seat as the day before. In my confusion and out of nowhere I asked her straight out “Are you dating Storm?” Shelby confessed she was and sleeping with him, that she couldn’t get enough of him. She said she couldn't help herself that’s all she wanted was sex, sex, sex, and then she laughed. She talked a lot and fast, but seemed very nice. Storm was dating a nympho, great. I wonder why he has been so hot and cold with me all the time. “Storm's not talking to me again, is he in a bad mood or what?” I asked point blank.

  “He was fine when I saw him before first period. I'll ask him at lunch.” Shelby said. I realized I really didn't care, I went from extremely happy yesterday to nervous and confused, her conversation was a great distraction and I didn't need to say much to get her to talk.

  After English I had gym, as I was walking there I saw Cale, I almost froze, but then kept on walking. Should I stop and say “Hi”, should I wave, hell no. I'll put my head down, walk fast and pretend I don’t see him, maybe he won't notice me. I’ll just walk quickly and see if I can fly right by him. I averted my eyes and kept walking… I passed him and was almost ready to turn the corner when I heard someone shout ”Addie!” I jerked when I heard my name and slowed but kept walking, please don’t be Cale.

  I heard “Addie!” again. I stopped and turned, it was six foot, sandy brown haired, sexy crooked smiling Cale. I smiled back, “Hey! Wow, nice to see you, am I lucky.”

  He flashed his bright whites. “Topher and I are thinking about going to a movie Friday night, talk to Nic and see if she wants to go, we can make it a double date.” He started walking backward and said “I'll call you later.” Storm checked him with his shoulder as he walked past, glared at me and mumbled something to me about blocking the way and hit the gym door open.

  I walked into the girl’s locker room and grabbed a locker in the first row, we hadn't been assigned permanent lockers yet, and who popped up beside me but Shelby. She was wearing super skinny jeans that were skin tight; when she took them off they left an impression of the inseam all the way down her leg. She started talking, she said still talking a mile a minute “Storm’s in a good mood and he said he didn't know what I you were talking about. He can be moody.” As we were walking into the gym she told me that Storm transferred into our gym class so that they could have a class together. I rolled my eyes, she didn't see, great I get his moody ass in two of my classes.

  She confessed she knew that Storm and I dated and that he had talked about me before and was glad to finally meet me. That she knew he still had feelings for me before they started dating. I was shocked; I assured her that we only dated in eighth grade and that we weren't serious at all. “Plus, I have a date with Cale Winters.” I told her.

  “Cale Winters!” she screamed in the hallway grabbing my arm, it echoed and since we were by the entrance of the gym I could see all the boys look up, they heard. Great.

  Shelby and I were becoming friends. She was different, eccentric but nice. We got paired into four groups, Storm ended up in mine and Shelby in another. He came right up to me and said “Nice to see you've become such a slut!”

  I was startled, where did this come from? I turned to him “Where do you get off calling me names, you don't know me, we don't even talk! What do you know about me? Nothing! We dated in eighth grade for what two days, you know nothing!” I said under my breath with my teeth gritted “You're dating Shelby and she’s a….” I didn’t finish that sentence. “I haven’t dated anyone since you and you're calling me a slut! Don’t you think you should wait until I’ve had sex with someone before you go around calling me… that?” I had started in a lower tone but my volume grew. I put my finger down took a deep breath hoping no one else was listening and said “You know what, we're not friends, don't speak to me again.”

  I walked over to Shelby's group as the gym teacher was yelling at me to go back to my group. I told Shelby “Storm wants us to switch.”

  I'll be glad when this day is over.

  That night after dinner, I was washing the dishes when the phone rang and my mom answered, she talked for a while I heard her giggle and then she called me to the phone. She put her hand over the receiver, but you know that never works – whoever is on the other end can still hear. “Cale is on the phone he would like to take you out this Friday, I told him you were available!” She said way too enthusiastically, like she had doubts I would ever find a boyfriend, and handed me the phone. Of course I was mortified. “I go to the football games on Friday’s mom.” I told her smartly.

  I got on the phone and said “Hi!” With a little bit of attitude but ended up having a very pleasant conversation. I told him how Nic and I usually go to the Friday night football games but he said he and Topher already picked the show, however, if I really wanted to go to the game we could. He asked if I talked to Nic about going on Friday and I told him I hadn't. He seemed a little shocked.
  “I'll ask her in Art class tomorrow.”

  “You aren't going to call her now, talk to her and then call me back tonight? I thought you'd be a little more excited.”

  “Too many phone calls for me.” I said “I didn't have a very good day today. I'm going to do my homework and go to bed.”

  Cale interrupted “...and finish doing the dishes?”

  “How did you know I was doing the dishes?” There was a slight pause some rustling and he replied “I can hear you through the phone.” I dismissed it.

  “Can we talk tomorrow or would you rather not be seen talking to me in public.” I felt his hesitation to answer because I was being spiteful and for no reason, at least not to him.

  “I guess you did have a bad day, the morning will be fine. I'll talk to you tomorrow.” Click. I hope I didn't make him mad. I am exhausted and can't even think about it right now. As I got off the phone my mom came in the kitchen to tell me how polite Cale was and that she really liked him and looked forward to meeting him. And then she announced she and my brother were going to the store for milk and that my dad and sister should be home any minute.

  I really did just want to finish the dishes, do my homework and go to bed. I was tired of talking, tired of thinking and just a little irritated.

  As the sink was emptying, I heard a noise just outside the kitchen window. I became absolutely still, my mind and heart began to race, waiting to hear the noise again. My heart was pounding so hard I wasn't sure I could hear anything else over it. I saw something go by my window out of the corner of my eye! Did my mom close the garage door, was the patio door locked?

  There should only be so much horror a person should have to experience in a lifetime, or in my case, a year. I felt a little light-headed. I – will - not - be – afraid - I - am - not - afraid. If someone comes close I'll hit him with this...I looked around.... grabbed a frying pan from the sink, I'll hit him with this pan and then I'll run out the front door I told myself. Since my incident this summer, I’m always thinking on the morbid side of things. I imagine someone jumping out and attacking me and then I find myself pre-planning what to do in every scenario, when I get a little startled, feel anxious about a situation, or hear a noise I shouldn't have, a little like now.


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