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3 Page 15

by Shera Eitel-Casey

  He looked like he was just out of college. He walked right up and introduced himself “I'm Detective Grey and this is Detective O'Connor.” We shook their hands and said “Nice to meet you, I'm Addie Gellar and I guess you've met Nicole Newland,” I said pointing toward her. They shook her hand and introduced themselves and said “No we haven’t met yet.”

  “Do you ladies have a few minutes so we can ask you some questions?” Detective Grey asked. We both shook our heads. “We aren't charging you with anything nor do we plan to, so there is no need for adult supervision or a lawyer. We just want to ask some questions.”

  Nic and I looked at each other and agreed. I looked behind him, the policemen in uniform were chatting, looked pretty casual. Without moving his feet Detective Grey twisted around to see what I was looking at.

  “Protocol.” he announced.

  “Hmm.” I said. Checking him out as I said it.

  ”Detective Grey smiled and looked down, giving us an 'Awe shucks moment.' “Ma'am.....”

  I interrupted “Ew, Ma'am is for my mom.” My smart mouth said.

  “Sorry,” he looked down at his pad of paper “May I call you Addie?”

  “Well that's my given name, so anything else would be inappropriate. And that's the last sarcastic remark I'll make.” I said smiling.

  Nic interrupted, thank goodness, “She's very sarcastic and just can't help herself, she gets that way when... well all the time.” I nudged her.

  They asked us questions for about half an hour and only finished with us five minutes before the game was over. However, they asked why Nic went in to the station to talk to an officer and not me.

  Then they asked us if we were eye witnesses to any of the incidents we told them about, of course we had to say no, we weren't. They asked us questions that verified the information that Nic gave them. Since she looked at me for every answer and I answered most questions, I think they knew something was up. Another question they had for us was how we came about the leads and information that we gave them.

  Nic nudged me “They said leads”.

  “So we helped you get leads on the investigation?” Nic said nudging me in the ribs again “Good job Addie.” I let out an exasperated breath, now they're gonna find out I'm a whack job – I'll have to tell them how I know.

  Detective Grey asked if he could talk to me alone and he put his hand on my shoulder and we walked only a few steps away, I turned around and gave Nic a wink, she gave me the thumbs up. Detective O'Connor just rolled his eyes.

  “So Addie, I have a feeling you're the one who came up with all the information we received from Nic. I need to know your source so we can get to the bottom of our investigations.” Now that I was looking at him, I realized, if he didn't have that scruff on his face he actually didn't look that much older than us.

  I crossed my arms and thought for a minute, “Aren't I allowed to be kind of like a reporter who reports information to you and I keep my sources confidential?” I started talking slowly but picked up speed as my thoughts formed. “I mean, if I tell you my source maybe it'll dry up.... and I'm certain they won't talk to you. And then my reporting days would be over.”

  I was watching his facial expression and he didn't seem bothered by this too badly. He rubbed his chin with a finger and thumb on either side. “Are there any other details that we didn't cover that we need to know about?” Grey asked.

  ”Besides the location of Jewel's bracelet? No.” I said nonchalantly and realized we hadn't mentioned the bracelet before. I quickly replied with “Do you know where Jewel was killed? A while ago the news said Jewel was killed in another location and then dumped in the park? I may have an address for you, I can ask my source..... Just so I know, if I give you an address and it turns out to be the wrong address, how bad would that be?” We hadn't mentioned Cale's name either but somehow I got the impression he was on their list.

  Grey replied “As long as you give us the information in good faith and you truly believe the information is correct nothing will happen to you.”

  “Okay, I'll see if I can get you the address in question.”

  My dad came up and put his hand on my shoulder. “Can I help you officer? Has my daughter done something wrong?”

  “No sir.” Detective Grey replied and straightened up in respect for my father. “These two young ladies have given us some information on a couple of ongoing investigations and we were just asking them some questions. And we may need to talk to them more later.”

  “That's fine, you let me know if we can be of further assistance,” my dad said shaking Grey's hand. And with that they left. But the look on my dad's face said it wasn't over.

  My dad, along with my mom, grilled us with lots of questions on the ride home.

  That night I had a dream where I remembered Tori losing her boot in the quicksand. When I woke up it was 3:17a.m.


  Saturday was the big day for the dance. Nic and I were going to get ready at her house. We were both asked to the dance by boys but since we weren't interested in them we decided to go by ourselves – well in a big group. I didn’t hear from Cale, thank god, and though how he had never asked me I realized he didn’t go to any school events, just another weird notch to put on his belt. I’m glad he didn’t ask me though, because I would have had to back out of that one.

  An hour before the dance Storm, Shelby, Tori, Alec, Declan and his date came over, their parents came too and we all took pictures and had some snacks. My sister even brought a bunch of mint gum to take with us. The parents trickled in and out, and finally it was just us kids left. We were waiting for Nic's mom to grab her purse while we were checking our make-up in the mirror and the boys were straightening ties when a car we didn't know pulled up.

  Nic and I walked out to see who it was and out stepped Topher. “Holy shit.” I said in a monotone voice.

  Topher looked down and around “What? Do I have food stuck in my teeth?” He bent down to look in his side mirror, “they look good to me” he said, then retrieved a couple of packages from the back seat.

  “Now that definitely deserves a holy shit.” Nic said.

  Topher walked over to us and said “Now you two knock that off.”

  Tori came out of the house and said “Holy shit.”

  Nic and I both said “I know!”


  “You owe me a coke.” We both giggled.

  He was holding two corsage boxes, and held them out to the two of us.

  “How nice, thank you” I said. “Boy did I date the wrong guy. You're hot in school but hotter, like James Bond out of school.” I pointed my hand toward him “and you're so considerate!” All the girls ‘awwwed.’

  He helped me take out my wrist courage and put it on. Then he helped Nic do the same, but when he helped Nic, I saw something in his eyes. They didn't have an official date but I knew they'd be dancing tonight. Topher gave us a ride, letting Mrs. Newland off the hook. Storm and Shelby drove with Declan and his date and the rest of us piled in Topher's Car.

  The gym was all decked out with disco balls, balloons, streamers and lights. We had a DJ that was actually played good music. Everyone was congratulating me for turning Cale in for hurting me when really, I didn't. I guess when they saw the police at the game they assumed that's what was going on. It was too long of a story to rectify, so I let them think what they wanted because frankly I am glad I am done with him.

  I guess now that Topher showed up I was a fifth wheel, but no one in my group left me alone. We all went out and danced together. Tables and chairs were set up around the perimeter of the designated dance floor. When we were sitting we would chide some of our fellow classmates for dance moves or the apparel they chose and we'd do the same to ourselves.

  I can't help it, but every time Jett walks into a room I get all choked up. As soon as I set eyes on him, I couldn't talk or pay attention to anything but him. He looked sharp with a navy suit, light blue shirt, designer tie, shiny bl
ack shoes and a gorgeous smile. He walked in with a slutty looking chick, her skirt so tight I bet you needed a crow bar to get it off and so short you didn't need the crow bar. I doubt she could sit, plus, she had three pounds of makeup on.

  Nic said to me “Jealous much?”

  I replied laughingly “Absolutely, but I wouldn't be caught dead in that dress and I'd chew off my left arm before I'd wear that much makeup.” I finished saying it as the happy couple got close to our table, and then I couldn't speak again. I caught Jett looking at me and couldn't look away and I didn't care. Declan tapping on my shoulder to ask for a dance snapped me out of it.

  When our dance was finished I noticed Detective Grey standing in the doorway. I gave Declan a squeeze and thanked him for the dance and walked on over to him.

  “Detective Grey, are you here for a dance?” He gave me a smile out of the corner of his mouth.

  “No Addie, but any one of these young men would be lucky to have you. You do look very nice tonight.” He replied.

  “Why thank you.” I said with a smile. When I am in a formal situation I am always polite and polished. It's from all the years of training my parents have drilled into our heads. My hair was up and I actually had full make up on – full for me. I had on a very simple black dress with lining which helps my lines, fitted but not too tight, long but not to my ankles with two thick straps making “x's" on my back. Black sandals and hose of course, topped off by a nice thick row of cubic zirconia's around my neck, earrings and a couple of bracelets to match. My mom always says “Less is more, k.i.s., keep it simple. Then again, not enough may have you standing on the corner and getting unwelcomed offers.” She would always giggle after that second part.

  “I have some urgent questions for you, and ah well, there's a missing person and we think there is foul play involved. Do you have time?” he asked, facing me and not backing up at all.

  “Well, I just have to tell my friends we'll be back in a few minutes.” I said as I was pointing back to our table. “Should we go get a cup of coffee?” I asked.

  “Ah, no, I sent Detective O'Connor to get us some; he set something up for us in the hall.”

  Jett came over to our table. “Uncle Grey, you're not looking for me again are you? I swear I'm clean.” He put his hand out for a shake as I was leaning over the table to grab my purse when his hand brushed along my arm. I felt a surge of electricity go through my body. Startled I looked him in the eye, he reciprocated and I knew he felt it too.

  I turned to talk “Grey, Grey McGaven, I love that name, very nice. So you’re Jett’s uncle.” He nodded. “Why don’t they call you Detective McGaven?” I asked but as I pondered it Detective Grey does have a nice ring to it.

  “It’s less of a mouthful they tell me, they started calling me Detective Grey and it stuck.”

  “And it sounds cooler,” he smiled as I said it “shall we go?” I turned back to the table told Nic I would be with Detective Grey in the hallway.

  “Grey don't you think she's a little young for you?” Jett stated and put his hand on the middle of my back, I felt the same surge as before, it made me straighten up a bit. I turned my head to see Jett, his eyes locked onto mine and then they wandered all the way down to the floor.

  To my surprise Detective Grey said “Afraid of a little competition.”

  By now we were getting a lot of attention. As I said, he was good looking and an older man meeting me at the dance. It was sure to get all sorts of rumors flying.

  I turned back to Jett and I placed my hand around his bicep, he flinched and flexed it, I think he was shocked I grabbed his arm. I found the words to actually come out smoothly “If I go missing, tell everyone it was your uncle.” Grey and Jett laughed. I told Grey “I'm ready, I'd like to get out of here, everyone is paired up but me.”

  “Shall we,” Grey said. Giving me his elbow, I tucked my hand in the crook of his arm gently. “O'Connor went to get coffee and he said he set up chairs in the back hall for us. Sorry we're disrupting the dance on you... Also the crack about competition, I couldn’t help but bedevil my nephew.”

  “Don't worry about it, I am done with the dance too, I made my appearance. Too bad O'Connor isn't picking up burgers, I'm starving.” I said.

  He laughed “Finally, a girl that eats… Should I call your parents?”

  “Not unless you're going to ask for my hand in marriage, and since this is our first coffee, I would say no.” He laughed again.

  We didn't talk shop waiting for O'Connor who had set up chairs in a circle by the gym exit that Nic and I usually waited for our rides home after wrestling. We started talking and Grey told me he graduated high school early and just plowed through college so he could get to work. I had a feeling he was some sort of genius and I bet he could do anything he wanted to, so I wonder why he picked being a detective.

  We actually had a nice personal conversation. I told him I liked to golf and swim but I wanted to go to school for fashion design. We talked about golfing a lot, “The older you get the more people you can find to play.” Grey said. “Your right, it is hard to find people to play a round of golf at my age.” I replied.

  As we were talking Jett came into the hallway and glanced our way. I wanted to give him a little wave, but didn't. Not taking my eyes off Jett I asked Grey “Do you want to ask me questions about Jewel? I didn't kill her you know, and neither did Nic.” And finally tore my eyes away and back to Grey. He let out a little laugh “I know you two didn't kill anyone nor do I think you had anything to do with either of the cases I'm working on. But my partner thinks we need to bring you into the station for questioning, and that can be really rough on someone as young as you. So I wanted to talk to you further to try and get a feel for what kind of information you've given us and where it may have come from. Maybe figure out how I, or we, should proceed from here.”

  When Grey saw O'Connor at the door he went and opened it for him, he actually brought coffee and donuts. I raised an eyebrow in pleasure. “Food, right up your ally, right?” Grey asked.

  “Absolutely.” I said. I grabbed a donut and a coffee; I could tell that Grey's mind was just ticking away trying to figure me out and what to do next. Now that O'Connor was there, Grey shared the fact that I liked to golf and we socialized a bit more. O'Connor was married and had two kids. Then they slyly started asking me the same questions they had the night before. I think they were satisfied with my answers; they had to be the same if not similar as I only knew the one side.

  Students from the dance started exiting the gym, then coming up the stairs by us, making the hallway louder and a little more crowded. We were still in a circle with me in the middle of the hall and Grey and O'Connor were nearest the wall. I was about to scoot my chair in when someone bumped me and I spilled a bit of my coffee on my dress. I immediately stood up. Grey pulled me in and then pulled my chair up against the wall. I picked up the bag of donuts and placed them on my chair, so they wouldn't get trampled. “Gotta save the donuts.” Grey said. “Of course.” I replied.

  Storm must have seen it because he charged up the stairs and asked if I was ok, “Do you need to go clean up, is your dress ruined?” I held my cup toward the middle of our circle and Storm took it, I got a napkin out of the bag and dried it, “Nope, my dress will live, it’s fine, I knew I liked black.” I crumpled the napkin and walked across the wide hall to deposit it in the garbage when I noticed them, Jett and his slutty girlfriend making out. I couldn't take my eyes off them as I was making my way back to Storm.

  Storm announced he was going to Nic's and that everyone else was getting ready to leave. I looked to Gray and O'Connor “do you mind if I grab my coat now, before the mob comes?” They shook their heads and I went down the stairs past slut girl and Jett, past the drink table and finally to the coat rack. I looked over my shoulder to see if the two of them were still stuck together, when Jett brushed by me making contact. I just smiled. I found my coat when Nic and Topher came up behind me; he helped me put my coat
on, such a nice guy.

  We walked back over to the detectives and told them I had to get going and O'Connor looked perturbed by my comment. So I suggested they drive me to Nic's so we could talk more, I didn’t tell them she was right up the road so they obviously wouldn't get much questioning in.

  When we got to her house a party was hoppin,’ they came in and met Mr. and Mrs. Newland and actually grabbed a soda. I grabbed a plate of appetizers and desserts. Mr. Newland was leaning on the counter. “I can't believe you're still eating” he said. “This is actually for you.” I replied.

  I nodded toward Mr. Newland and said “Isn't it mandatory to.....” he interrupted “Yes, it's mandatory to grab a plate while you are here or Mrs. Newland will have your head,” he said and Grey laughed.

  “These are water chestnuts wrapped in bacon” I dipped it in barbeque sauce. “They are awesome,” and popped one in my mouth.

  Mrs. Newland came by and said “Good girl Addie, eat up.”

  “Grey put his plate on the counter, took a waster chestnut and then another. He chugged his drink and said “We ought to get going.” O'Connor walked out and gave a nod good-bye.

  I walked Grey out, “You didn't ask me any new or specific questions about the cases, mostly just about my golfing habits.”

  “I know, I felt weird, I’ve never questioned anyone at a dance before – it was either that or bring you in. And now we're at a teenage party with my nephew giving me the stink eye. All just a little weird for me.”

  “Sorry, I actually feel comfortable around you, like I could talk to you, so I did what I would do with anyone – just chatted away.”

  He smiled. “I believe you Addie, and I think you’re a sincere person, and both O'Connor and I are comfortable talking to you, too.”

  “Besides, getting to know me is being able to trust me, establishing a baseline in our relationship, right? That's why we talked tonight and we did that, right?” He didn't answer but seemed like he agreed with that. I had this aching feeling he wanted to ask me something important, maybe he knows about my dreams, but then how would he, “What can I help you with?” I blurted out.


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