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by Shera Eitel-Casey

  My crush couldn't be helped, sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you just like who you like. Well, Jett didn't think it was too funny that I got his name. He had to know I was crushin’ because he glared right at me, got up looking really pissed, swept his towel off the ground and headed right for the locker room. I felt a little abashed by my cheering. I did that to myself on a daily basis so normally I wouldn’t care – but what I really felt bad about was the fact that Jett was upset and may resent me.

  When he came out of the locker room he was alone, so I took a deep breath and walked up to him. I told him since he was so upset that I got his name, I could switch his name with anyone else’s on the list. I also explained to him that I had nothing to do with me getting his name.

  “Just let me know which girl you would like me to make the switch with and I'll make it happen.” I went to walk away and he caught my arm. I felt a little tingle go through me, nothing I could control. I turned around and he let go. I smiled at him and said “Yesss” a little goofy like. He smiled back at me, we made eye contact, there was a slight pause. I just waited; normally I'd have my mouth spouting off something sarcastic. It was a good quiet moment though.

  “No, it's fine. You and I will get along just fine, besides Declan said you can cook.” I laughed.

  “Time will tell won't it?” I said “Actually, I'm a good baker but not a real good cook, but I could feed the masses.”

  “The masses?” He questioned.

  As I was backing up to grab my coat and bag I said “My mom likes to cook big and entertain –I help cook, we cook a lot. You talk to Declan a lot?” I asked.

  “Yeah he’s my best friend and has been since the seventh grade.” He said smiling. I knew that fact but was dumbfounded, I had no idea what else to say. A first for me.

  That weekend Nic was at my house. We were bored so we went up to The Akron Reading and Speech Center to get a candy bar. I didn't go there often but every now and then we would run in for some chocolate. There was a small moving truck around back. A new tenant, we figured, was moving in. Rumor was she's a real psychic.

  We stepped inside the lobby and there were two ladies talking; Marge from the Richfield Reading and Speech Center and the other lady we had met briefly before. How Marge remembered our names when we visited impressed us because, as I said, we only came in once or twice a year, but we always did chat with her.

  As soon as we got to the counter Marge put her hand on the counter to acknowledge we were there. She took a few seconds finishing her conversation, and turned to us and said “Girls this is our new tenant, Shelia. She is a psychic and will be renting the back office.”

  Shelia shook our hands and asked if we wanted a free reading and pizza in return for helping her empty the truck. We shrugged our shoulders and said “sure.” Sheila had dark hair with big wavy curls. She was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. She was shorter than the both of us, she wasn't skinny but not fat either. She looked totally normal, like someone you'd meet in the grocery store, she didn’t look crazy psycho at all.

  There weren't that many boxes and it went quickly with three of us. When we were done she called for pizza and sodas. She dug around in a box marked “IMPORTANT” and pulled out a large deck of cards in a tattered card box.

  “Who's first?” she asked. I let Nic go first. As she was shuffling her tarot cards she told us “Sometimes you need a couple of readings to get the gibberish out and the truth pulled forward.” We knew there would be a sales pitch somewhere. Then she said “But sometimes we just nail it on the head the first time, depends on how open you are to the reading.” She gave us a sincere smile.

  Nic got cards like love, the queen, the sun and she was told she would travel a lot. So I thought, piece of cake. Sheila reshuffled the cards, I cut the deck and she started laying them out. “You have an admirer” she said to me.

  She flipped an evil looking card “You have another admirer; this one is upset with you.” She continued. “You are destined for a great love very soon.” Then the death card came up, then the fool card and then she stopped. She said it doesn't necessarily mean death that it could also mean illness, or a loss of a job and not necessarily to do with me but someone around me.

  She pushed all her cards together and cleaned them up. She suggested to me that I was an emotional reader and asked me if I had any experience, meaning 'could I' read cards. She didn't press the issue – Nic and I just gave each other a wide-eyed look. She said her gift was handed down to her.

  I looked Sheila in the eye and asked why they moved here and about her history. I was curious and really wanted to know. Shelia started talking slowly about her past. “In the early 1900's there was a man by the name of “Dr. Sal Rewtnic.” He's not in the history books, but should be. He was what we would call, these days, a 'mad' scientist. He did experiments on humans to try and cure diseases such as leprosy, auto immune disorders and the like. He would use strange things such as animal parts, bone marrow, blood, saliva, magic potions, spells and other sorts to try and cure illnesses. That's how my ancestors got involved…magic and spells. Rewtnic's son was ill and he experimented on him along with his nephew until he was forced to institutionalize both of them. Rewtnic continued his experiments on others and some of his patients went crazy and that's how the rumors came about that there were vampires and werewolves during that time period.”

  “In one instance, a man that was being experimented on, began to grow hair all over his body and went mad. When people tried to capture and help him he was outraged and became unhinged. Some people got hurt and one man was killed trying to commandeer him. Hence the rumors of werewolves coming about at that time. After his newest experiments other such rumors entailed that, he cured people of their diseases, but they would burn through their blood cells quickly, needing transfusions every few days. They would grow pale, become sensitive to sunlight and then need more blood. A couple of them that had agreed to multiple experiments were brainsick and went around trying to suck people's blood. They weren't vampires just ill, but that's how these rumors started. This all happened in the early 1900's. However, in these instances of seeing the so called werewolves and vampires, our groups recorded them as rumors because that’s exactly what they were, rumors. And our group hasn’t recorded seeing werewolves or vampires since, rumors or real.” We looked at her in awe and just listened intently.

  “When the authorities found out about his experiments, his books, journals and all his notes were confiscated and burned. Even his patients were burned at the stake for fear they were evil, contagious or would turn into vampires or werewolves. But not everything or everyone experimented on was destroyed. My family took on the role as “watchmen” when he started his experiments and were witnesses to his work. It was my great great great grandmother who fell in love with Sal and started our watchmen duties.” “Before they destroyed everything she took some of his books that listed patients and experiments. Authorities thought they had destroyed all evidence to do with Dr. Sal Rewtnic, but they hadn't. The reasons why the gypsies were so interested in his work was because his last tests had shown great results of curing people, and that group of people never got sick for the rest of their lives. Some even gained the gift of psychic abilities and foreseeing the future.”

  “Most everyone who survived his treatments that didn't go mad has now passed on, but we are tracking their offspring. The only two remaining from his time are his son, Sal Rewtnic the third and his cousin Neil Royce. However, they are in their 70's now.” She shook her head and we all snapped out of our trance. Shelia said “I cannot believe I just told you all that. I haven't shared that story with anyone.”

  I looked over at Nic and she looked just as freaked out as I was. We got up wanting to leave but the pizza came. We ate as fast as we could and got out of there, laughing all the way home. I hadn’t shown Nic any of my notes about my dreams about my wolf, but I was a little freaked out by her story and my dreams and I had a feeling they had a connection. I
was wondering if I should tell Nic or would she think I‘ve gone off the deep end.

  That night I had a bad dream. It started with the wolf running after me, I tried losing him but I just couldn't run fast enough. I recognized where I was, the ravines behind me, but just couldn't put my finger on the exact location when something else started chasing us. I ran down a hill and through trees and brush. I jumped over the creek and then back up a hill. I stopped to see where I was and got knocked down, it was pitch dark and I couldn't see a face. With the weight of his body on me I was fighting to keep him from biting my neck. Flashbacks and horror entering my mind, my wolf jumped him from behind. I felt a slash across my arm, and scrambled to break free. I picked up a branch and started backing up. As I got to the top of the hill, the tree line broke and I was on someone's lawn; the grass was cut and manicured. There was another tree line to my right probably a property line, as I was walking backward, I was surrounded by darkness.

  I kept backing up, I looked down and I was on the street standing next to a four door car. Looking up I saw someone backing out of the woods wearing a white shirt, my heart was thumping and my eyes tearing. I woke so horrified, my eyes were actually wet. I was glad it was just a dream. I was exhausted and relieved it was only a dream. I looked at the clock. It was 3:17a.m., I started writing.

  I woke the next morning still unable to shake that feeling from my dream. It was leaving such a strong impression on me, more so than seeing a really good movie that just stays with you. I tried thinking of other things just to shake the unpleasant vile feeling coursing threw me, the dream was so intense I was having a hard time.

  Brushing my teeth I realized I hadn't had a dream I remembered in a couple of weeks. I wonder if Shelia was able to push me to dream or if it was a coincidence.


  That Monday when I walked out of art class, I spotted Jett across the hall with his hands in his pockets and one foot bent backwards leaning on the wall looking very cool. It didn't matter how he stood he always looked hot, of course Cale fooled me with his 'in school' looks. I wonder how Jett looks after school or better yet on a date. As I looked at him he looked right back at me, I squeezed my eyes together ever so slightly and gave him a nod, I turned right and started walking to history.

  From behind me I heard “Hey Addie” I turned to look over my shoulder not stopping and it was Jett catching up to me. I stopped and he almost ran into me. “What's up...?” I said, and then I remembered he may not want me to be his Lil Sis anymore and said, “Oh, who do you want as your Lil Sis?” I turned around and started walking again, he caught up.

  ”That's not what I wanted to talk to you about, I don't want to switch, I'm cool with it.” Jett said. He had a fitted t-shirt on under a flannel shirt and work boots that were unlaced.

  “So, what's up?” I said very slowly because my heart started to beat so hard, like it wanted out of my chest and my face started to flame.

  “I uh... I wanted to see if you wanted to go out Friday.”

  “With you?” I replied questioningly.

  He laughed “Yeah, with me. You told Declan if I had anything else to ask you, to ask in person.” He slid his hands back in his pockets. I did say that but I didn’t expect this.

  “Friday? For what?” I was confused. I swore he was mad when I got his name as his Lil Sis so I thought he didn't like me, at all.

  “Here I thought you would have been excited.” Jett said. I started walking slowly, trying to make the blood circulate again, because my brain wasn't really working. He followed alongside me.

  “It just seems weird you asking me out.” I said. He laughed again. I stopped and had to smile at him. He had a smile that shined, and when he smiled, I had to smile.

  “I need a date for Friday, dinner and a movie.” I stopped in front of my classroom, thought about it a second, then shrugged and said “sure” and walked into my classroom and sat at my desk.

  “Hey,” Jett said leaning on desk, startling me. “I'll, ah, pick you up at six o'clock.”

  I looked up at him and said “K”. I watched him walk out.

  I had a smile on my face, ear to ear. I didn't care why he asked but as I sat through class I realized I should have gotten more details out of him. I looked over at Storm, my face still warm, with a shit eaten grin spread across it, and he just snarled at me again. I didn't care.

  Since Jett didn’t wrestle last night, I was anxious to get a glimpse of him today if I could get one, I wonder if that's being stalker like. Sure enough I came down a different stairwell to go to Algebra and I noticed Jett leaning against his locker in his 'locker pose'. Knee up, hands in pockets and a sexy smile on his face. He had his work boots on again, untied, just my thing.

  I glanced at him then turned pretending not to notice him. I heard his friend say “Hey, isn't that your little freshman friend?” all snarky-like. I was walking slow, trying not to run away but not too slow to make it look obvious either. Jett caught up to me and tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around smoothly, right in the middle of traffic - across from the elevator where it always gets jammed up and immediately people were crabbin’ at us to move, so we moved toward the windows. I think I said it pretty coolly “Oh, hey Jett, what's up?”

  He cleared his throat “I wanted to confirm our date for Friday night.” He continued and said we were going out in a big group, my jaw must have dropped because he laughed and asked me if that was okay.

  “Who is the group?” I asked. He rattled a bunch of names off including the name Lisa; I didn't know any of them.

  “Lisa, isn't that your ex-girlfriend? Why would we go out with her?” I asked and swallowed hard. It felt like an apple went down. I just looked at him weird and focused on his face, yet not looking him in the eye. I couldn't think Lisa's name was ringing in my ears. I heard she wasn't even nice. My heart began racing, its thump so loud, I could hardly make out what he was saying. I swallowed hard again. What was he saying? “Sure, that’s fine” I said with regret.

  He said “Great, I’ll pick you up at six.”

  I was so excited yesterday and since I hadn't thought to give him my number the first time, I thought I would do it now, with short instructions on how to get to my house. I had written them down on a piece of paper in class as I daydreamed about him. I handed it to him. My hand was trembling, so as soon as he grabbed it, I put my hand in my pocket and kept the other tightly on my books. “I guess I'll see you Friday” he said.

  “I'll guess you'll see me tonight.” I replied.

  “What?” he jerked his head up.

  “We'll that's if you'll be at wrestling.”

  “Oh yeah” he said softly and smiled out of the corner of his mouth.

  I walked away slowly. I wish I could say I was having déjàvu and had had a dream about this, but that wasn't the case. I just had a bad feeling. This wasn't a good sign. Why was our first date with a big group of people? I could see a double date, but with a big group and his ex, ick. I bumped into someone and almost dropped my books, my concentration was gone. I finally got to class with no other thoughts in my head.

  I took a deep breath and figured it didn't matter why. The important thing was he had asked me over a thousand other girls he could have asked. Plus, it was Wednesday so he was planning ahead and giving me details which were good to know, I felt a little better, but underneath I had a harrowing feeling I was being ambushed. Me and my tingly senses; I wish they weren’t working today so I could just enjoy the thought of going out on a date with Jett, instead I was all worked up about it all day.

  By Thursday, I was so worked up I needed to blow off some steam so I went to wrestling after school, helped Nic clean the mats and went down to the pool to do some laps. There was no swim team practice on Thursdays, just some swimming lessons with a couple of lap lanes open, so I was actually looking forward to it. When I got there the pool was empty.

  Water and swimming were second nature to me, it relaxed me. I stretched a little befor
e getting on the starter block, and then got in place with both feet on the edge, toes wrapped. I placed my hands to the side of block, placed my right foot back, leaned forward and held tight pretending to wait to hear the pop of the cap gun go off, and dove in.

  It felt good to hit the cool soft water; I raced down to the end and back in freestyle. Then two laps of breast stroke, backstroke and then butterfly. It felt good to swim. I started doing all my favorite drills from practice; I had the pool to myself for the moment. It felt like I was cutting through that water like there was no tomorrow.

  As I turned back doing fly, I noticed someone standing at the shallow end of the pool. My eyes were blood shot from the chlorine and I couldn't tell who it was. When I got to the end, they were gone. I headed back for another lap of breast stroke and someone was standing at the deep end now. I slowed coming to the edge and before I reached it they pushed me under, I got loose from their grip but they dunked me again as I came up for air. When I broke the surface again I thought I was in the middle of the pool so he couldn’t reach me but he did and this time I took in water, making my nose and throat burn awfully. I grabbed his hand on my head pulled him in the pool with me we were a tangle of arms and legs as I was trying to break free. I was trying to come up for air but he was fighting to keep me down. We both finally came up for air and I gasped for air loudly but didn’t hear a thing from him. I swung, hitting him in the nose. He dunked me again and this time I couldn't get loose, I felt like I was under water for quite a while. I was on the verge of hysterics but instead I told myself I am not afraid of the water, let some air out through my nose and tried to relax. He loosened his grip and I kicked him in the stomach and swam to the bottom of the pool, let out my last bit of air and held my breath. When I came to the surface he was running into the guy’s locker room.


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