Medieval Wolfe Boxed Set: A De Wolfe Connected World Collection of Victorian and Medieval Tales

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Medieval Wolfe Boxed Set: A De Wolfe Connected World Collection of Victorian and Medieval Tales Page 45

by Alexa Aston

  Robert imagined the grief they would all feel when Niall passed. He had been their sire’s best mate and had been like a second sire to them all their life. ’Tis how they grew up so closely with Brianna. The thought of losing Niall was painful enough. The thought of Brianna crying on Ferghus’s shoulder only compounded that pain. Blast it. He needed more air and even though he was outside in the dreary weather as mist surrounded him, he could still hardly breath.

  “You love her, do you not, Rob?”

  Robert’s heart stopped in his chest and he held his breath. Was he truly so terrible at concealing his feelings? Without turning to face his brother, he stood still. “What?”

  “We grew up with her, played with her every day. You were the one who saved her when Keegan tied her to the tree. I confess, I loved her then. Seeing you save her first and holding her in your arms made me envious, but I was only glad you had found her. Yet, you are so silent when she is near, as if you do not like her company. Has something changed? Do you still love her or have you grown to dislike her?”

  Realizing his brother was speaking of a familial kind of love, Robert sighed deeply. “Nay, I do not dislike her, Ferghus.” He was so far from disliking her that his brother would likely murder him for lusting after his bride if he truly knew how little he disliked her.

  “Good. I do not want to live with a wife and a brother who cannot get along.”

  Robert could see Ferghus was feeling anxious and he did not want to cause his brother any distress on this occasion. He needed to soothe his nerves. “Nay, brother. You know I quite like Brianna. I am sorry if I have been an arse lately.”

  “Aye, you have been. But I do forgive you.” Ferghus punched Robert in the arm surprisingly quickly before laughing menacingly and opening the door to their family home.

  “Fool,” Robert murmured under his breath but felt a smile form on his lips. His brother was only older than him by a year and though he was big, he was not quite as big as Robert. Still, he gave just as good as he got and they had spent many days wrestling as lads, learning how to get in quick slugs before their mama found them out. Their mama had a rule that there was to be no wrestling in her home, so Ferghus’s swift punch and run was truly sly. He would give him that.

  “Mama!” Ferghus shouted as they entered their warm home. The hearth fire was ablaze and the scent of a roasting hare filled the room, causing his mouth to water.

  Her gray hair hung about her face, but she tucked it behind both ears as she beamed up at her sons, both of whom stood several hands taller than her. She had dark blue eyes that matched Robert’s, while Ferghus had inherited their father’s sky-blue eyes. “My lads,” she said with a warm smile, then instantly swatted Ferghus’s hand as he tried to tear off a hunk of her fresh rosemary bread. “Nay, Fergh! ’Tis for our evening meal. You know better!”

  “’Tis not as if he has learned after twenty years of life, Mama,” their younger sister Ginny chimed in. With her bright blonde curly hair, she looked nothing like any of them, and yet she was the sweetheart of their family. “Let him have a piece.”

  Ferghus stuck his tongue out at his mother and shoved a huge chunk of bread into his mouth with a cocky grin. Robert grunted at his brother’s antics. He was never dull.

  Once Ferghus swallowed, which took several moments, he came up behind their mother and wrapped his arms around her. “We shall not be dining here tonight.”

  She turned in his arms and looked up at his height with a frown. “Whyever not?”

  “Because we shall be dining with my future bride and her father.”

  Mama gasped and clutched her heart. “Nay! After all this time, I shall call Brianna daughter?”

  “Aye, you shall. As soon as possible,” he waggled his brows.

  Mama gave Robert a sideways glance and he narrowed his gaze in return. He could never keep a secret from her. She knew he loved Brianna. She also knew that Ferghus had loved her longer and that Robert had sacrificed his love for his brother’s happiness. He wished to keep it that way, so he widened his eyes at her in warning.

  Getting the message, she looked back at Ferghus and hugged him as hard as she could. “I simply cannot be happier. She is a lovely lass and will make a fine wife. Will she be moving in with us?”

  Ginny squealed and shot up from her bench. “Please say aye! I want Brianna to live with us!” she clapped. Ginny was only a year younger than Bri and the two had become close companions over the years.

  “We have not discussed it just yet. We shall do so tonight. We brought her a boar to cook. You shall bring the hare and together, we all shall feast.” His face dropped and he looked down at his mother again. “Mama, Niall is dying. He said as much today. Brianna tried to look strong for us but she is suffering. I hope father will accompany us tonight. He needs to say his farewells to his best mate.”

  Her mouth turned into a deep frown. “Aye. Your papa has known for a quite awhile. I will fetch him from the King’s home and make sure he attends.”

  “My thanks. I know he is King Garreth’s champion warrior and often dines there, but ’tis most important.”

  “Agreed,” she said with a pat on his arm before hiding the tears threatening to cascade down her cheek.

  Robert hated to see his mother cry. He wished emotions came as easily to him as they did Ferghus, who openly embraced her and laughed. Why was it that all he could bring himself to do was just stand here and pretend she was not crying, only to prevent having to respond?

  “I am going to change my dress!” Ginny said as she ran over to her chest and began to rummage through her belongings.

  “Mayhap I can bring one for Brianna, as well,” Ferghus suggested. “Hers are torn to bits.”

  Robert grumbled. “Do you not know your bride at all? She will not appreciate such a thing. She is prideful. Lending her one of Ginny’s dresses will only make her feel as if you think hers are not adequate enough.”

  Ferghus crossed his arms and actually looked offended. “I would never suggest such a thing. I only want her to feel as beautiful as I know she is.”

  “Then allow her to wear her own dresses and show her how much you like them on her. She does not need a new dress to be beautiful.”

  Ferghus scowled at Robert for the first time in a long while. Had he just shown a tad too much emotion for Brianna? Mayhap he showed too much knowledge about who Brianna truly was? Well, he would not pretend to not know the lass well. Was pretending not to love her not enough?

  “Very well. I do see your point. Even if I was only trying to be kind to the lass.”

  With no more than a nod, Robert stalked off toward his bed and pulled the curtains tightly around him. He needed some sleep before their feast tonight. It was draining to see his brother so happy over Brianna, and it had only been an hour. A lifetime of this awaited him and he did not know how he would bear it. At least in his sleep, he could openly admire her form… and mayhap, if he was a fortunate man, she would arrive naked in his dream again, just as she had the night before.

  Chapter Three

  There was a light rapping at the door, followed by the entire O’Faolain family, often referred to as the Wolf Pack in their tuath. Brianna’s heart began to beat wildly as they all filed in. She was glad she had found time to bathe and change her dress. Now she wore an old green dress that was still ill-fitting, but at least it had no tears or holes, and it made her hazel eyes appear greener in her bronze mirror. She had taken the time to carefully comb and plait her hair, wanting to be presentable for her future husband. Not for Robert, who only ever ignored her. All right, mayhap a little for Robert, though she scolded herself for wanting to impress him. She should know better after all these years. Nothing impressed Robert “The Wolf” O’Faolain.

  “Welcome, welcome my new family!” her father forced, which resulted in a coughing fit.

  “Old man! ’Tis good to see ye, Niall!” the O’Faolain father, Darragh, responded, obviously trying to pretend his best mate was not cou
ghing up blood. “So, my son will become yours and your daughter will become mine, aye?” he asked with a twinkle in his light blue eyes.

  “Aye! I knew we would live to see the day! If only just barely,” Niall added as he coughed again.

  “Och. I knew as well. Only, for a wee while there I was not sure which of my sons would offer for her first. Looks like Ferghus beat Rob to it!” Darragh guffawed and swung his red braid over his shoulder.

  Brianna held back a gasp at Darragh’s proclamation, but she felt the blood rush to her face as mortification set in. She cast a glance over to Robert and saw his jaw ticking beneath his short dark beard. She also saw Ferghus glaring at Robert in a way she had never seen. Was it true? Had Robert also meant to offer for her? If it was true, she needed to speak with him and straighten this mess out. She loved him far too desperately to simply let him slip away over a miscommunication.

  “Nay,” her father waved off Darragh’s words. “I always knew ’twould be young Ferghus here to sweep my lassie off her feet!”

  Just then, she felt herself being lifted into the air and she squealed when she realized Ferghus had literally just swept her off her feet, swinging her around as he laughed with amusement. She could not help but wrap her arms around his neck for support and laugh along with him. He was always so clever. Robert turned away from them and she could not hold on to her happiness. It was beyond strange. When she looked at Ferghus, she felt a sense of calm wash over her and a contentment to know they would grow old and happy together. But when she looked at Robert, she felt a burning despair for what could have been.

  Ferghus put her down and she leaned on him for support as her head spun. “Will you live with us, Bri?” she heard Ginny ask from behind her. She turned to look at her wee blonde-haired friend who was wearing a lovely lavender dress. It only just now occurred to her that they would become sisters and that thought delighted her.

  Looking at her father, she shook her head. “Nay, I do not believe so, Ginny. I must remain here and care for my father.” Her papa opened his mouth to retort but she ignored him completely. “I will not leave him,” she said forcefully.

  “Absolutely not,” Ferghus replied. “I shall come to live here with you both.”

  He put his arms around her and pulled her to him. She embraced him instinctively, so glad to have his support.

  “Ah, bollocks,” Ginny protested, clearly not understanding the underlying reason Brianna would not move out.

  “Watch your tongue, lass. I will chap your hide with a wooden spoon if I hear you speak like that again,” Ginny’s mother warned. Ginny only pouted and walked away with her head down.

  When the meal was ready, Brianna and Ferghus helped her father out of bed so he could sit at the low table on the other side of the room. Cushions and furs surrounded the space, and they carefully lowered him to the ground. It broke her heart to see her papa so weak. He had once been a strong, brave warrior. Now he could barely walk.

  Ginny passed out slices of bread while Brianna put out the butter and carved meat with some boiled carrots. The room went silent as she sat between Ferghus and Robert, and everyone began to eat. She had sat between the Wolf Brothers at more meals than she could count. Why did she suddenly feel this tension between the three of them? Something had shifted and she was not sure how she felt about it.

  “We must discuss a day for your wedding,” Darragh said as he chewed on a boar leg, juice dripping down his chin. He wiped it away with the sleeve of his brown tunic.

  “I was hoping for as soon as possible,” Ferghus said as he looked down at Brianna with a smile. “Mayhap in a sennight?” He wore a crisp white tunic with the ties open in front so part of his strong chest and blond chest hair were visible. Her eyes were level with his chest and she could not help but stare for a brief second before tearing her gaze away. Unfortunately, Robert was on the other side and wearing much the same thing in much the same way, only his tunic was a blue that matched his eyes and his chest hair was a dark brown, like his beard. With a sigh, she decided looking straight ahead was her best option.

  “I would see her wed tomorrow if we can arrange it,” her father added with a sigh. “I have not long. I will not see another sennight. I know it in my old bones. I do not wish to dampen the mood, but I want to live to see her wed and to assure that, I must have her wed immediately.”

  Robert coughed and shifted his weight, attempting to place a hand on the cushion beside him but instead connected with her thigh. Apparently, he had not realized it was her thigh, for he then squeezed rather hard, causing her to balk. When he looked down and saw where his hand lay, his face actually turned a dark shade of red before he yanked his arm away. She had never seen him flush in all his life and she had to stifle a laugh so as not to embarrass him. Nobody else had noticed, and she preferred to keep it that way.

  “Do you have any qualms about that, love?” she heard Ferghus ask softly beside her. His hand had just gripped her other thigh, fortunately a few seconds after Robert had removed his. Only, she was certain that Ferghus knew precisely what he was doing, for his fingers continued to lazily run up and down her inner thigh. She had never been touched in such a way and it made her skin burn. It seemed innocent enough, but when his fingers moved upward with every stroke, they came dangerously close to stroking over her female parts.

  Then the thought of his male parts touching her female parts made her face flush even deeper. Gods. If they married on the morrow, she would have to learn quite quickly how the male parts worked. She had never seen one and the only time she had ever touched one was when she kneed Keegan in the groin all those years ago. “Bri?” He squeezed her thigh gently and her gaze snapped up to his. Robert cleared his throat beside her and she knew he saw where his brother’s hand rested.

  “I will do as my papa wishes,” she said. “Though I do wish he would stop referring to his death. He is not dying.”

  The fire popped loudly behind them and she flinched. Ferghus’s hand had somehow found its way under the fabric of her green dress and she could feel his fingers grazing up her bare thigh. It tickled and she wanted to slap his hand away, yet she felt herself growing warm and she had to admit, his touch was a distraction from the topic of her father’s impending death. Anyway, he was not dying, so she refused to think on it further… which was just as well because Ferghus now had his fingers nestled in the nest of curls between her legs and she squirmed, her heart beating out of her chest, yet she did not make a move or sound, lest someone notice. She did not want to draw any attention to what he was doing and besides, the more he did it, the more she liked it.

  Nobody seemed at all aware as they sat around talking about her wedding as if she was not even needed to plan the cursed thing. But she was pleased nobody asked her opinion, for just then, his finger slid down and ran in small circles over her slick female parts, connecting with a part of her that made her want to throw her head back and mysteriously push into his touch. Instead, she looked at him just in time to see him flash her a wicked grin, then he continued to pretend to listen to the others speak.

  “We must collect as many flowers as we can,” Ginny said with a smile.

  Ferghus leaned forward and whispered in her ear. “Then I shall collect your flower after the ceremony,” he breathed as his fingers slid inside her. She almost gasped, but she bit her lower lip to prevent anyone from paying attention. How wicked he was to do such brazen things to her while surrounded by their families. And yet, she found herself more than willing to allow it to continue. She had no idea what he was doing or what it was even called, but it was truly delightful. Looking down, she saw a strange bulge pressing against his beige trousers and wondered why his male parts suddenly looked so big.

  Sliding his finger in and out for a moment, she felt her breathing start to increase as some strange pressure built inside her. She had to fight some instinctive need to rock her hips and with the way she was seated with her legs crossed beneath the table, he seemed to have plenty e
nough access to do as he wished. She had to make him stop. If he did not, she was afraid she would embarrass them both by making an impolite sound. Grabbing onto his hand over her dress, she stilled him and gave him a look, imploring him with her eyes to stop. With a wolfish grin that she realized she had never seen him make before, he slyly removed his hand from beneath her dress, placing it innocently back on her knee as if it had been there the entire time.

  Feeling Robert’s gaze on her, she turned to her left and her eyes almost bulged out of her head when she saw the look in his eyes. Apparently, they had not been as secretive as she had thought. Pure rage burned in his eyes and veins bulged from his neck. His fists clenched in his lap and his face was a mottled red. She flinched at the expression on his face. He knew what Ferghus had been doing to her and he was angrier than the god of thunder.

  “Are you all right, Rob?” Ginny asked innocently from across the table.

  “I need air,” was all he said through clenched teeth just before he bounded to his feet and stormed through the door. It banged off the wall, but he did not bother to shut it behind him. The cold air rushed in, causing the fire to flicker and Brianna stood up, adjusting her skirts carefully.

  “I will go see what is ailing him,” she said quietly. She knew precisely what ailed him. She just did not know why it ailed him. He had no rights to her. He had lost that right when he stood by and allowed her to be handed over to his brother. And now that she had come to terms with her fate and even found some enjoyment in it, he had the nerve to storm off in anger?

  Suddenly, she felt her own anger rising as she stormed into the blustering night without a cursed cloak, searching for Robert while he had a temper tantrum. It was nearly pitch-black outside and it was hard to see beyond her own nose. Clutching her arms close to her body to stave off the chill, she squinted into the night, glad she had taken the time to plait her hair, or else it would be in knots by now.

  “Robert?” she shouted, but the howling wind drowned out her words. Where could he have stormed off to? Part of her wanted to leave him out here to rot for rejecting her all these years, but a larger part of her still wished to speak to him and see where his heart lay. It was not too late to be together. She felt guilt rise in her gut at the thought of turning on Ferghus, especially after what they had just shared. She knew in her heart of hearts that he was a good man and would make her a fine husband. She even knew she could love him someday. But she also knew that she may not ever love him with the fierce gut-twisting intensity that she felt for Robert. It was unfair to them all if she did not sort this out, and if Robert’s response to what he saw was any indication, he loved her just as fiercely.


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