Deadly Reunion (Hardy Brothers Security Book 20)

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Deadly Reunion (Hardy Brothers Security Book 20) Page 12

by Hart, Lily Harper

  Peter dropped the stack of photos on the center of the table, keeping one in his hand as his busy gaze bounced around the table. “It’s important that you know I wasn’t aware of this connection until I went back through the file,” he cautioned. “I didn’t remember. This face meant nothing to me at the time it was taken.”

  “Everyone calls me a drama queen, but I think Peter is the drama queen,” Grady said, making a face. “We’re not going to blame you for this. Just … show us.”

  “Okay.” Peter handed the photo he carried to Emma instead of James, taking everyone by surprise.

  Emma stared at the photograph in disbelief, her eyes widening as she rubbed her forehead. “I can’t believe this. What does it mean?”

  “I’m not sure,” Peter replied. “I think it’s too much of a coincidence to ignore, though.”

  “Well, don’t keep us in suspense,” Grady prodded. “Who is it?”

  Emma placed the snapshot face up on the center of the table before locking gazes with Jeff. “Our mother.”

  “Holy crap,” James muttered. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  “And right there, my friends, is a really interesting circle,” Grady said, shaking his head. “Now what?”



  “You’re awfully quiet, wife,” James said later that night, stripping his shirt off as he sat at the end of his bed and glanced over at Mandy as she methodically tugged a brush through her flaxen locks. “What are you thinking?”

  “That this is the last thing Emma needs,” Mandy replied, not missing a beat. “How much is she expected to go through?”

  “I don’t know,” James said, snagging the brush from his wife and giving her a pointed look. “I would appreciate it if you didn’t bald yourself. I’m kind of fond of your hair.”

  “I was just … I don’t understand what this means,” Mandy admitted. “Just because Sheila Archibald dated David Barber, that doesn’t mean she has anything to do with this. She’s in prison.”

  “I understand that,” James said. “I don’t see how it all fits together either. That doesn’t change the fact that we have to at least question her. She might have answers. She might not. We’ll never know unless we ask her.”

  “But … Emma is already dealing with so much,” Mandy argued. “Maybe I should go to the prison with you tomorrow instead.”

  “That’s a nice offer, but someone needs to stay here with Finn,” James said. “I know you don’t want to act as a nursemaid, but I think you’re uniquely qualified for the job because he seems to be struggling under Emma’s constant attention and you know exactly how that feels because I smother you whenever you’re hurt, too.”

  “I’m okay with you smothering me,” Mandy said, holding her arm out so James could rest his head against her stomach and then falling back on the mattress so they could stretch out. She idly ran her hands through his hair as she mulled over the situation. “It’s too much, James. Emma can’t see her mother again.”

  “Emma is stronger than any of us want to admit,” James said. “She’s been through more than anyone, and given I’m in bed with you that’s a hard thing to admit because you’ve been through a lot, too.”

  “It’s not a competition.”

  “No, but every time I think you can’t survive another setback you prove me wrong,” James said. “What happened with Pritchard … .”

  “I know you don’t like talking about that so you don’t have to bring it up.”

  “I don’t like talking about it because every time I think about it I can’t wrap my head around just how close I came to losing you,” James said. “I thought my heart was going to leap out of my chest as I walked toward that bar. I thought you were dead back there, baby.”

  “Yes, and I got all the attention while Emma gave birth in front of a madman,” Mandy pointed out. “That doesn’t seem very balanced.”

  “Emma had a rough time of it, but you almost gave your life to protect Avery and her,” James said. “Don’t put yourself down. I don’t like it.”

  “I’m not trying to put myself down, James,” Mandy said, tightening her hand in his hair. “I’m trying to understand how Emma is supposed to survive sitting in front of her mother after what she did. Sheila was going to kill her.”

  “I’ll be with her,” James said. “Jeff is going, too. It’s going to be a family affair.”

  “I hope they’re okay.”

  “They’re going to be okay,” James said, rolling so he was on all fours and positioning himself on top of Mandy. “Now, give me some love.”

  Mandy pursed her lips to keep from laughing at his serious expression. “This is supposed to be a deep conversation.”

  “Quite frankly I’m stunned you’re not throwing up from all the food you ate,” James said. “I spent a fortune on that stuff. I think I deserve some loving.”

  “Okay, but I’m really full so you can’t throw me around or anything,” Mandy warned.

  “When do I throw you around during sex?”

  “Whenever we play shark in the pool.”

  “That’s different,” James argued. “That’s part of the game.”

  “Well, you can’t be a shark tonight,” Mandy said. “I’m not sick, but I do feel really full.”

  “Well, I guess I’ll just have to settle for being a loving husband tonight.”

  “I can live with that.”

  “IS AVERY asleep?”

  Finn glanced up from his makeshift bed on the floor and studied Emma’s beautiful face as she joined him.

  “He is,” Emma confirmed, lifting the covers so she could slide underneath. “It’s kind of weird putting him in the next room, but I figured we would be talking and I don’t want him to wake up.”

  “We don’t have to talk if you don’t want to talk, sweetie, but I think it’s best for everyone if we get it out right now,” Finn said. “I know it’s hard for you – heck, it’s hard for all of us given what happened – but you might feel better if you express yourself.”

  “It’s not that I don’t want to talk, it’s more that I don’t know what to say,” Emma admitted. “It’s all so … surreal.”

  “We don’t know that there’s a tie here,” Finn reminded her. “Just because your mother dated David Barber thirty years ago, that doesn’t mean she knows about the key. She’s in jail and she has no contacts outside of those walls. I doubt very much she had anything to do with Owen’s death.”

  “What if she did, though?” Emma asked, her brown eyes widening as she shifted to snuggle closer to Finn. She usually slept pressed tight on his other side, but given his injured back they both decided to switch places for a few days. “What if she went after Owen and wanted to take you down in the process?”

  “We both know she’s not my biggest fan, but the odds of that being what happened have to be astronomical,” Finn said, rubbing the back of Emma’s head as he kissed her forehead. “It’s going to be okay, sweetie. I just wish I could go with you tomorrow. Maybe there’s a way we can work it out so I can go.”

  “Absolutely not,” Emma said, taking him by surprise with her vehemence. “The doctor said you were not to go on long road trips because it might jostle your back and rip your stitches. You’re staying here.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Emma didn’t want to smile, but she couldn’t help herself. “You really are a rotten patient. You know that, right?”

  “I know you’re a bossy nurse.”

  “I’ll be fine with James,” Emma said, refusing to engage in an argument – even if it was a playful one – when Finn obviously needed his rest. “Jeff will be there, too.”

  “How is he doing?” Finn asked. “I feel bad because I’ve barely gotten to spend any time with him. I feel worse because you’re forced to take care of me instead of being allowed to hang out with him.”

  “You were shot.”

  “Yes, and you’re starting to sound like a broken record when you bring it up,” F
inn said. “I’m okay. It’s a flesh wound, sweetie. It’s in an uncomfortable place, but in the grand scheme of things it’s really not a serious wound.”

  “Well, it’s serious to me,” Emma said. “I rarely get to take care of you. I wish you would relax and let me dote on you.”

  Finn laced his fingers with Emma’s before pressing them to the spot above his heart. “Emma, you take care of me every time you breathe,” he said. “I love you so very much. I love our family. I am happy because of you and Avery. If that’s not taking care of me, I don’t know what is.”

  “That’s very sweet and I love you for saying it,” Emma said. “I still want to fuss over you. Is that so much to ask?”

  Finn blew out a frustrated sigh. He couldn’t argue with her. Not now, at least. “It’s not too much to ask,” he said, an idea forming. “In fact, I want you to take care of me.”

  “You do?” Emma was understandably dubious. He’d been fighting her caretaker efforts all day.

  “I do,” Finn confirmed, his smile devilish. “You see … I have an itch.”

  It took Emma a moment to realize what he was referring to, but when he moved their joined hands under the covers and rested them on top of his ready erection she was flabbergasted.

  “Finn,” she hissed, glancing around. She had no idea who she expected to be there. Mandy and James retired an hour before and Emma knew they were probably doing exactly what Finn was suggesting. “We can’t do that. This isn’t our house.”

  “Hey, Mandy and James did it in our apartment after they gave it to us,” Finn argued. “I think turnabout is fair play.” He raised his hips so she could feel how firmly he believed that point. “Come on. You’re my nurse. You said you wanted to take care of me. This is what I need to make me feel better.”

  “You were shot.”

  “I know, and that’s why you’re going to have to do all the work,” Finn said, grinning as her cheeks colored. “I’m injured. I need to rest while you make me a happy patient.”

  “Finn, Avery is in the next room.” It was Emma’s final argument, and even as she uttered the words she knew it was a terrible one.

  “He’s in the next room when we do it at home, too.”

  “Fine,” Emma said, taking Finn by surprise with her easy capitulation. “You have to be quiet, though. If Mandy or James come down here and hear us, I really never will get over the mortification.”

  “Mandy and James are probably rolling around and moaning like crazy people upstairs,” Finn said. “Although, to be fair, if I was James, I would be leery about rolling her around given the amount of food she ate. She might explode.”

  “Well, you’re not James, so stop thinking about them rolling around together,” Emma ordered, tugging her T-shirt over her head. She wasn’t wearing a bra and the minute her breasts sprang free Finn’s eyes almost bugged out of his head.

  “Wait … are we really doing this?”

  “You just said you needed it,” Emma replied, irritated.

  “Yeah, but I didn’t think you’d really do it,” Finn said, reaching up to cup her ample breast. The room was dark, the only illumination coming from a small lamp on the nearby table. Finn liked the way the shadows bounced off Emma’s shapely body. “You’re so beautiful.”

  “That might mean more if you didn’t have my boob in your hand when you said it.”

  “Yes, well, it’s beautiful, too.”

  Emma smirked as she rolled so she was on top of him, resting her weight on his upper thighs as she reached for his boxer shorts. “You can’t make that noise you make at home,” she warned. “They’ll hear it.”

  “You make noises, too,” Finn argued, fighting not to grimace as he lifted his hips so Emma could slide his boxer shorts down his legs. “I can’t believe you’re so gung-ho to do this. James was right about the nurse thing.”

  “I’m gung-ho to do it because … well … .” Emma broke off, her face conflicted. “I need to feel you. I know it’s horrible to say and makes me sound ridiculous, but I just want to feel you. I almost lost you.”

  “You didn’t almost lose me,” Finn argued, slipping his hand behind her neck so he could cup her head. “You won’t ever lose me.”

  “I still need to feel you.”

  “Then feel me, sweetie,” Finn said, love washing over him as Emma shimmied out of her panties. She was completely bare, and utterly beautiful. “Just be careful and don’t do that thing you do sometimes when you’re on top. I don’t think my back can take it.”

  Emma grinned. “You mean that thing where I put my hands on your chest and bounce?”

  “Yes, that thing,” Finn said, enjoying her take-charge attitude. “We’re on the floor, but the mattress still might squeak and draw attention.”

  “Anything else, bossy?” Emma asked, leaning over him and lowering her mouth until it was only an inch from his. “What else do you need?”

  “Just you, Emma,” Finn said, his heart rolling. “I just need you.”

  “You’ll always have me.” Emma slammed her mouth into his, being careful to rest her weight on the area below his waist so she wasn’t putting too much pressure on his back. Finn tangled his hands in her hair, their tongues touching as they gave in to passion.

  In truth, Finn was joking when he suggested sex. He didn’t think there was a chance she would agree to it. She wasn’t puritan in nature by any stretch of the imagination, but she believed in following rules, and one of those rules was not having sex in a room where people could walk in and discover them. She’d apparently discarded that rule for the night.

  Finn splayed his fingers over Emma’s slim back as she maneuvered her body in a way that allowed him to easily slip inside of her. She was limber, especially for a woman who gave birth a few months before.

  Finn gasped as she tightened her core around him, his eyes rolling back in his head as he worked overtime to keep from calling out her name. He didn’t particularly care if Mandy and James knew what they were doing, but he knew Emma would care and that was enough to force him to bite his tongue.

  Emma’s body was light and Finn couldn’t figure out how she managed to control her rhythm without jostling him. He rested his hands on her hips as he sucked in a long breath, enjoying the sight of his woman as she tossed her head back and the long brunette waves drifted over her shoulders.

  Finn moved his hand to her warm center and pinched the nerve bundle there, eliciting a moan that Emma quickly silenced. He did it again and relished he way she whimpered. He usually preferred a more vocal response to his efforts, but there was something hot about fighting to be quiet in his brother’s house.

  Finn moved his finger in circles, enjoying the way Emma’s skin glistened under the muted lights. She tripped over into an orgasm with little warning, taking him by surprise. She didn’t slow her pace, though, and Finn found he couldn’t hold off from joining her seconds later.

  Once they were both finished, Emma rolled to Finn’s good side and rested her head on his chest as he pulled her close. Their hearts hammered in unison and their eyes were heavy as the events of the day caught up with them.

  “I love you, Emma.”

  “I love you, Finn.”

  “It’s going to be okay,” Finn whispered. “Everything is going to be okay.”

  Emma didn’t respond with her mouth, but her heart desperately hoped he was right.




  Mandy joined Finn in the den shortly after James, Jeff, and Emma left the next morning. He held Avery on his lap and forced smiles for the baby’s benefit, but Mandy could see the unhappiness etching his face.

  “You don’t have to hover, Mandy,” Finn said, tickling Avery’s round stomach and causing the baby to gasp in delight. “I’m sick of people hovering and I thought you would be the last one to put me through it.”

  “I’m not hovering.”

  “I know you were in the hallway listening for two minutes before you came in,�
�� Finn argued.

  “How do you know that?”

  “I saw your feet,” Finn replied. “Your toenails are bright blue. They’re hard to miss.”

  Mandy shot Finn a rueful smile as she sank to the floor and got comfortable. She ran her finger down the front of Avery’s onesie, a Star Wars one featuring an illustration of Yoda that said “Big Deal I Am,” and thought hard about how to respond. “Okay, maybe I’m hovering a little,” she conceded.

  “Did Emma make you promise to watch me?” Finn asked. “She’s worried I’m not strong enough to take care of Avery myself. She says she’s not worried, but I don’t believe her.”

  “She didn’t say anything of the sort,” Mandy countered. “I’m hovering because … I’m nervous.”

  Finn shifted his eyes from his son’s angelic face and focused on Mandy’s pinched features. “Why are you nervous?”

  “I don’t know,” Mandy answered honestly. “Probably the same reason you’re nervous. I don’t want Emma to have to see her mother. I’m curious how Jeff is going to respond given the fact that he missed the last round of Sheila visitation. I’m also worried how Jeff is going to handle things now that he’s out of prison, especially because we can’t give him the attention he needs given what’s going on. And, finally, I’m worried about Emma and James being paired up together. They’re kind of an unlikely duo.”

  Instead of joining in her worry to commiserate, Finn barked out a laugh that took Mandy by surprise. Avery, in full mimic mode, tried to emulate the sound but instead came up with an adorable gurgle.

  “She’s funny, isn’t she?” Finn asked his son, tickling the baby’s stomach and causing him to squeal with glee.

  “I don’t see how that’s funny,” Mandy argued. “Those are all real concerns.”

  “James says you worry about weird things all of the time. Did you know that?”

  “Yes, I believe he says that my questions and concerns cause his scrotum to shrivel,” Mandy replied. “That was what he told me a few days ago anyway.”

  Finn chuckled. “He says you always start out with ‘can I ask you a question’ and then his heart drops because he knows it’s going to be some philosophical question that will force him to really think.”


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