Uniform Doll

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Uniform Doll Page 10

by Penny Birch

  I rang him anyway, at work, and sure enough, he was bubbling over with enthusiasm about Sarah. He hadn’t got a new uniform, which was something, and wanted to hear about my exploits. So I ended up accepting an invitation to dinner on the Friday, hoping that by then my face would look rather less like a smacked bottom and vice versa.

  It did, more or less, after using up an awful lot of cream. I’d also accepted a job on the Wednesday, back at the office where Sam worked. I thought that was going to mean trouble, but it turned out that she didn’t take her leather dyke attitude to work. In fact she was really friendly, making sure everyone was nice to me and even had a go at one of the male employees for using me as a coffee maid. She was also seriously keen on a date with me, which was flattering, although I didn’t want her getting at me until my bottom had recovered. I didn’t want to lose my chance with her either, so I explained the problem and ended up showing her my bum and legs in the storeroom. She was well impressed, and made me promise not to let anyone else punish me until she had had her turn.

  That was the Friday afternoon, which left me in a pleasantly naughty mood for the evening. I was anticipating telling Uncle Rupert about Andrea and Mark, then listening to what he had done with Sarah. I was also sure I’d end up doing my duty again, which was how I thought about playing with his cock.

  I didn’t, nor anything of the sort. To my surprise, Sarah was there. Term had finished and she’d come to stay the weekend, so what should have been a rude evening turned into a frustrating one. Not that she wasn’t nice, but she was very demure, and treated me very much as her junior if not quite as a little girl. I suppose from her point of view I wasn’t much older than the senior girls at the school she taught at, but it was impossible not to resent her attitude. Sex was out of the question, with Rupert doing his best to impress her and certainly not in the mood for anything risky. The library was locked.

  So I left feeling fed-up and frustrated. He’d made a remark about me being a bit of a brat sometimes as well, just because I wasn’t deferential to her, which stung. Worst of all, as I sat on the bus home, I could just imagine what they’d be doing, kissing, cuddling, maybe Rupert inching up the prissy blue dress she had been wearing so that he could spank her bottom. That at least was a satisfying thought, although I’d have preferred to do it myself, with a whip.

  I was also pretty drunk, as Rupert had opened some fancy bottles to show off to her. So I got off the bus at Archway and took the tube into town. I’d dressed on the assumption that I was likely to end up sucking cock, with a loose skirt, little pink panties and a top it was easy to pull up over my boobs. It wasn’t exactly dyke gear, but it was going to have to do.

  I chose Sugar Babe’s, not really a dyke bar at all, but a hang out for pole dancers and glamour models, with a good sprinkling of baby dykes and bi-curious girls. It was also full of girls out for the thrill of pretending to be lesbian, which was why I didn’t normally go there. There’s not much worse than making a move on someone and then finding they’re just posing.

  It was a risk I was prepared to take. What I wanted to do was pick someone up and get rough with her, back at my flat. That was the mood I was in, because of Rupert and Sarah, because I’d spent half the week with a smacked face, and because everyone I meet seems to want to abuse me. With my reputation for liking to be on the receiving end it would have been hard in most places, almost impossible where my friends went. In Sugar Babe’s I had a chance. I knew what I wanted too. She had to be slight, delicate, preferably with an air of insecurity, and have long, dark hair. Like Sarah.

  I made my choice almost immediately. She was Sarah’s height, smaller if anything, and might have passed for a younger sister. The only thing she lacked was Sarah’s wholesome, country girl look. That was only because she had some serious make-up and two big, red silk flowers in her hair, and if it made her look as if she’d stepped out of a hostess bar, then she probably had.

  Shy I’m not. The introduction was easy and I was giggling drunkenly with her and her male friend within minutes. She was called Zoe, and she wasn’t a hostess, just a girl up west for a good time, and he was gay. That made it so easy. He spotted me for a dyke on the prowl immediately, and did his best to persuade her to go for it. After three bottles of Pils Zoe and I were snogging.

  She had real attitude, as bad as me. We got so passionate that the barman told us to cool it, and she called him a boring old fart, to his face. After that we left, sharing a cab to Turnpike Lane. My boobs were out before we’d crossed the Euston Road, with Zoe sucking on them. Girls with little ones get like that over me, and Zoe was no exception. I didn’t mind at all, and nor did the cab driver, sneaking glances back as Zoe suckled me. It was too much to resist.

  ‘Keep your dirty eyes on the road, mate,’ I warned him.

  Zoe’s head came up, her mouth wet with saliva, leaving my nipple red with lipstick. She glanced to the rear-view mirror, where the man’s eyes were still fixed on us.

  ‘Dirty old pervert,’ she slurred. ‘What d’you want, a toss off instead of our fare?’

  He said nothing, his eyes flicking back to the road as the traffic light we’d stopped at turned green. Zoe went back to feeding, more urgently now. I’d been stroking her neck, and began to pull up her top, determined that if I was going to be showing off to some dirty old man, then so was she. She responded, pulling back to peel off her top and coming into my arms again, topless. We were coming into Camden, and there were people on the pavement, looking in. I don’t think she noticed, pawing and kissing at my boobs, until finally the driver lost his cool.

  ‘Put them away, for God’s sake!’ he snapped. ‘I won’t have that sort of behaviour in the back of my cab.’

  ‘Yeah,’ Zoe sneered, ‘unless we gave you a bit. Come on, I dare you, the fare against a hand job. I mean it.’

  ‘Just put your tits away, love,’ he answered, ‘and watch what you say. One day someone might just take you up on it.’

  I thought that was it, and covered up. So did Zoe, and we contented ourselves with kissing and cuddling, until we reached Turnpike Lane. Instead of turning down towards my road, he pulled into the entrance of an industrial estate. Suddenly I realised that he’d decided to try it on.

  ‘Right girls, fifteen quid or you suck my prick,’ he said, leering back at us. ‘Take your choice.’

  ‘A toss, I said, you dirty bastard!’ Zoe responded.

  ‘Tits out, then,’ he said.

  She nodded, accepting his filthy suggestion and leaving me gaping. I couldn’t admit to being scared, not to Zoe, and before I could decide what to do he had climbed into the back with us. Drunk or not, I was shaking, in a real state. I was between them too, which was not good. Zoe didn’t notice, or else she didn’t care. He certainly didn’t. His cock came out, a thick, dark one with a really fleshy foreskin, just gross.

  ‘Come on, girls, tits out we said,’ he urged, and before I really knew it Zoe had hoisted my top up again, bra and all, and they were bare.

  ‘Fuck me but you’ve got big ones,’ the cabbie growled, reaching out.

  ‘No, you don’t!’ I squeaked, pulling away.

  ‘Yeah, no touching, you perv!’ Zoe added. ‘Come on, give me your little willy. Jade, climb across, we’ll do him together.’

  I moved, scrambling quickly across him to the far side. Zoe already had her top up, and she took him in her hand as I settled in place. He was getting hard, and I was hoping he’d just spunk up in her hand, really quickly. It was just so ugly, with the thick red brown shaft sticking out of his fly and the bulbous, hairy ball sack underneath. Seeing it in Zoe’s pale, slender fingers just made it worse. I stared, fascinated and horrified at the same time, until she abruptly stopped wanking him and shook her hand.

  ‘Your turn,’ she said, and that was it.

  My choice was to help wank him or lose her respect, and probably her company for the night. So I wanked him. My hand was shaking as I reached out to take the horrid thing, and I felt my
stomach knot as I took it. It was hot, and a bit sticky, really disgusting, but I began to pull up and down, slowly.

  ‘Jade’s a lessie,’ Zoe said calmly, ‘that’s why she’s no good. Come on, Jade, I’ll show you.’

  Her hand folded around mine, squeezing my fingers onto his prick. She began to move, guiding my hand in a fast, jerking motion that made the cabbie grunt and gasp. His arms came around us, but she didn’t stop him, so nor did I, allowing him to squeeze us to his body. Our hands were hammering at his cock, really fast, Zoe eager to make him spunk, me eager to get it over with. He was getting over-excited, squeezing me hard into him, Zoe too, until our heads were inches apart. She was grinning, her eyes bright with mischief. She let go of him, reaching out to touch one of my nipples, and leaving me to his cock. His hand folded closer, around me, to touch the side of one boob and I began to jerk at him with frantic urgency.

  He came, a fountain of sperm erupting from his cock, spurting high to splash hot on my boobs and into Zoe’s face. Both of us squealed in disgust, jerking back to leave him to finish himself off.

  ‘Bastard!’ Zoe spat, putting her hand up to wipe a thick blob of sperm off her cheek. ‘Yuck, some’s gone in my eye. Where’s my bag?’

  ‘Here,’ I answered, ‘have a tissue.’

  We took several, cleaning ourselves up as best we could while he watched, as pleased by our disgust in getting spunked over as by the view of our boobs. Zoe kept calling him a pervert, but it just made him laugh, and five minutes later we were on the street, decent, fifteen quid better off than we would have been, but seriously humiliated. I was anyway, Zoe seemed to regard what we’d done as no big deal.

  Her arm came around my waist as we started for my flat, and I responded, trying to push what we had done from my mind. The prospect of sex with her was too good to miss, and after making me toss the cabbie off, she really was in trouble. We walked, unsteadily, stopping to snog now and then, until we got back to my flat. Inside, we just fell on the bed together, pulling at each other’s clothes in our eagerness.

  We didn’t strip, just pulled everything out. She was eager, really passionate, kissing and pawing at me, my boobs especially. I wanted her bum, and got it, pulling her down and throwing a leg across her back before she could stop me.

  ‘This is for making me wank that filthy old git off!’ I told her, and twitched up her skirt.

  ‘What?’ she demanded. ‘What is?’

  ‘This,’ I answered.

  Her panties were already down, just off her sweet little peach of a bum. I smacked, making the cheeks wobble, then again, harder.

  ‘What, you’re going to spank me’ she said, giggling. ‘Ow! Jade!’

  She might have been giggling, but her squeal had been for real. I smacked her again, harder still and she bucked under me.

  ‘Ow! Not so hard!’ she protested. ‘Jade!’

  ‘It’s got to be hard,’ I told her, smacking away. ‘It’s the only way.’


  She lurched under me, twisting suddenly. I went over, sprawled on the bed. She came on top of me, smacked at my thigh, to catch it a stinging blow.

  ‘Not on the leg!’ I squeaked. ‘On the bum!’

  She took no notice, rolling on top of me in an effort to pin me down. I pushed back, clutching at her as we struggled, laughing, slapping at each other’s bottoms. Tumbling together, each determined to get at the other’s bum, we fought, smacking and pulling hair, but giggling and kissing too.

  In no time we both had red bums, and both had our knickers off, pulled down and free in the fight. My top was up too, everything showing, sweaty and wet, flushed hot with excitement. My pussy was soaking, hers too, our nipples hard and sensitive.

  It was me who lost, in the end, so far as there was a loser. I just got carried away, spanking her and kissing her bottom, with her squealing and wriggling in mock anguish. I could smell her sex, and I wanted to lick while I spanked her, but she was writhing so hard I couldn’t get my face to her pussy and ended up having her bum shoved in it instead. I caught her scent and that was too much. A moment later I was licking her bumhole.

  She gave a little gasp, called me a dirty bitch and stuck her bum in my face. That was the end of my wanting to be on top. Her bottom was lovely, soft and round and girlie, also warm from spanking, the most lickable of bottoms. I did it, saying sorry with my tongue, burying it right up her dirty little hole as she sighed and moaned. Before long she was frigging, rubbing at herself and telling me to get my tongue further up her hole. I tried, pushing really deep, until her anus was sloppy and open under my mouth.

  I pulled round, until she could get at my pussy, frigging me as I lapped at her anus. I took over on her pussy, pushing a thumb up the hole and rubbing with my palm. Her hand went to my sex, a finger poked up my hole, and as I spread my thighs she started to slap at the tuck of my bottom, fingering and spanking as I licked her bottom out. She was in charge, punishing me, with my up tongue up her bumhole, licking in dirty, lewd submission, a little fat slut, only fit to get my nose dirty for her pleasure.

  When she came she screamed and called me a whole string of dirty names, bucking her whole body up and down, her bottom stuck right into my face. I just licked and licked, until she had finished, smothering my face in her bottom. Her attention recovered, her fingers became firmer, more purposeful, and I was coming too, sucking and slobbering over her open bumhole as my muscles clenched and locked, in dirty, drunken ecstasy.

  We slept together, after more or less constant sex until it had begun to get light. There were no inhibitions between us, and I got it properly after our first orgasms, at my own request, lying over her lap with my hands tied behind my back as she spanked me with my own hairbrush. She thought it was hilarious, and really went to town on my bum, indifferent to my lingering bruises. She was good too, teasing me with her fingers to make me think she would let me come, only to go back to spanking me and feeling my boobs. When I did come it was glorious, long and high and uncontrolled, with her laughing at the state she’d got me into by punishing me. Afterwards I licked her pussy, kneeling nude at her feet, my hands still tied, with her sat on a chair, looking down on me with the most wonderful expression, of pleasure, amusement and just a little contempt, all at once.

  It was nearly noon when I woke up, to find her lying beside me, fast asleep, still with the red flowers in her hair. I made coffee, and by the time it was ready she was awake. We got up slowly, not really speaking much, which was good. She didn’t freak about what we’d done, which was better still, and by the time we were dressed we were getting on really well.

  We went shopping in Wood Green, then to a place in Barnet to get some silk flowers for my hair. That left us closer to her place than mine, so we ended up there, a big suburban house in Whetstone, where she lived with her mum and dad. They were friendly, old hippy types, leaving us to our own devices, and we were soon up in her room, looking through her stuff.

  She had loads of clothes, and some seriously fancy shoes, including some zebra-stripe thigh boots I’d have given a month’s wages to own. That wasn’t what really caught my eye though, or any of the designer stuff, not even the leather. It was the plainest thing in the wardrobe, a knee-length skirt in green tartan with a white blouse and a bottle green tie thrown over it.

  ‘Do you like dressing up as a schoolgirl?’ I asked, pulling the outfit out.

  ‘No . . .’ she answered, with all her boundless confidence suddenly gone from her voice.

  ‘Why not?’ I demanded. ‘This is cute.’

  ‘It is not cute! It’s really daggy. I hate the thing.’

  ‘Why . . .?’

  I stopped. I’d been going to ask her why she’d bought it if she hated it so much, but the penny had finally dropped. She shrugged, blushing.

  ‘That’s right,’ she said. ‘I’m still at school.’

  ‘That’s not a problem! You’re what, eighteen?’


  ‘Seventeen? Ha
ve you been to bed with another girl before?’

  ‘Yes, I have! Look . . .’

  ‘Sorry, sorry, sorry . . . I didn’t mean it to sound that way. I’m just a bit surprised, after last night and everything. I mean, you were good. You really handled me when I got into my subby thing.’

  ‘I just did as you asked, Jade, but yeah, it was good. You’re a bit pervy, but I like that. It’s . . . it’s like you don’t give a fuck. You licked my bum!’

  It was my turn to blush, but the awkward moment was past.

  ‘So you’re still at school?’ I asked, eyeing the uniform.

  ‘Marchmont Girls,’ she said. ‘Lower Sixth, but fuck that. I want to hear about how you got in to having your bum spanked.’

  ‘Simple, it turns me on.’

  ‘Yeah, I noticed.’

  ‘Didn’t you like it? I had you quite red.’

  ‘I suppose. I don’t know really.’

  ‘It’s great. Put your uniform on and I’ll show you.’

  ‘My uniform? No way!’

  ‘Go on, it’s best. It’s not all physical, you see. Most of it’s in your head, like you want to feel you’re really being punished.’

  ‘If any masters tried that on me at school I’d kick their balls into next week!’

  ‘Sure, but I’ll bet a lot of them would like to do it to you. Think how randy they must get. You know what dirty bastards men are.’

  She nodded.

  ‘And think how jealous they’d be,’ I went on, ‘to think of you getting a spanking from another girl, in your uniform.’

  ‘They’re not going to find out!’

  ‘You’ll let me, then? It’ll be nice.’

  ‘No . . . Maybe. I don’t know, Jade . . . Okay, you can spank me, but not in my uniform.’

  ‘Pretty please?’

  ‘Oh, all right, you perve! You’re worse that that old bastard of a cabbie! Lock the door, and you’re not to do it hard. If you make me squeal Mum and Dad’ll hear!’

  ‘There’s a way around that. Come on, get in your uniform!’


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