Fighting Fate

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Fighting Fate Page 10

by Barbara Speak

  Once we got off the bus, Mike turned to me and said, "What is up with that girl?"

  "Thank God you noticed or I would think it was all me and my crazy thoughts."

  "No, baby, the only thing crazy around here is that chick."

  I laughed in agreement as we both headed into the church hand in hand. Once we walked through the door, Mike was being called to the front. I sat down in the first pew I could find and watched as Sabrina and Colt joked around. As much fun as they were having, when it came time for their vows, tears were falling down my face. They were so happy.

  Thank God it didn't take long, I was yawning like crazy by the time Mike came for me. Don't ever drink a lot and then stop. It will put you to sleep for sure.

  Watching Mike walk toward me made me want to pinch myself. He radiated “Sex God”. Every muscle on his body showed through his clothes as he moved. There was never a better way invented to wake a girl up than having a sexy man come for them. Actually, that makes perfect dreams you never want to wake up from, but in this case, I wasn't asleep yet.

  "Like what you see?"

  "More than you can even imagine."

  "That will never get old coming from you." I stood up and hugged him

  "Sorry that took so long. You ready to go back and eat?"

  My stomach answered for me. Just the mere mention of food had me salivating.

  "We skipped lunch so I know you have to be hungry too, Mister I-eat-twenty-times-a-day."

  "You have no idea. I'm starving. Colt says there is a really good Italian restaurant that we’re heading to."

  "Lasagna, I want a huge plate of lasagna."

  "Oh, that does sound good. But I thought we could get spaghetti and eat it together like Lady and the Tramp."

  I bust out laughing, causing everyone to turn and look at us. Immediately, I covered my mouth but couldn't stop the giggles. Every time I tried I pictured Mike sucking on a spaghetti noodle, I would start laughing all over again.

  "It's not that funny."

  "Yes, yes it is."

  "What's so funny?" One of Colt's groomsmen—I forgot his name—came up behind and asked.

  "Nothing, she just has the giggles."

  "You don’t want to tell him about..."

  Mike covered my mouth so I couldn't finish.

  "Really, it's nothing. Is everyone ready to go?"

  The guy looked back and said, "Looks like it."

  The group started heading our way, forcing Mike let go of my mouth quickly. Once Colt reached us he looked at Mike and said, "I don't want to know, do I?"

  "Nope, you sure don't."

  Colt just shook his head and grabbed for Sabrina's hand while she was talking to Kelly, another one of her bridesmaids.

  "You ready to do this?"

  "Do what?"

  He looked at me with the cutest smile.

  "Walk out of a church hand in hand with me."

  What did he drink today? All of this weird forever talk is so not something I'm used to hearing.

  "I’m sure it's no different than walking into the church the same way."

  "Well played again, Daisy."

  "I'm pretty good at everything when I try, stud, you're just going to have to wait to find out."

  Did you like that? If you're ever in a conversation with a man that you want to get out of, hint something sexual and it's all over.

  "I can't wait to see you apply yourself."

  "You're going to have to. We have a dinner to eat and don't forget how hungry I am."

  "Of course food comes before sex. Even a fool knows that."

  He grabbed my hand firmly and then squeezed it before leading me out the door. The whole time I was screaming inside. "It's going to be tonight. I'm losing my virginity tonight." If that isn't a sobering thought, I don't know what is.

  Chapter 9

  Dinner was filled with a lot of laughs and amazing food just like Colt said. With the thought of sex on my mind at all times, the drinks just kept coming. Mike would stare at me every time I ordered another glass of wine but he never outright asked me what the hell was going on, which I expected from him at any second. True to form, Trish the bitch made another snide comment when Mike fed me a bite of his spaghetti. Yes, he actually ordered it. Something was going to give before the night was over. Either she was going to stop or I was going to make her because "Can't you feed yourself?" was enough to make me want to reach across the table and yank out one of her hair extensions. I know that's ridiculous but so is what she was trying to pass off as her own hair.

  We rode back to the hotel where they all agreed to meet up when we finished. Walking off the bus, I lost my balance, falling to the ground. Thank goodness Mike was there to catch me.

  "Slow down, baby girl, I don't want you to get yourself hurt."

  Just as I was about to thank him I heard, "Great. Now she can't even walk for herself. Is there anything she CAN do, other than look like a complete idiot?"

  Before I could even think, I reacted. Mike and I were last to get off of the bus, meaning everyone was either already inside or on their way there, other than Trish. For some reason she made it a point to stay close to us. Too close or what I'm about to tell you would have never happened.

  I spun out of Mike's grasp and lunged for her, throwing her up against the side of the bus.

  "What the fuck is your problem?"

  She came back at me grabbing a fist full of my hair, yanking my head down and oh my God did it hurt. I couldn't bear the pain. I always heard that girls grabbed hair in a fight but why, I will never understand. My adrenaline must have kicked in because before I knew what I was doing, I swung my fist upward and connected with something hard. I kept swinging and swinging. My hand was throbbing but I forgot all about it when I heard her scream. She let go of my hair and someone grabbed me from behind, picked me up off the ground and carried me away from her. She kept screaming and before I could even register what was happening, everyone from inside was now outside with us.

  Bryan yelled, "Let her go!"

  The hands holding me set me down, allowing me to turn and find Mike.

  "Holy shit, Daisy. Remind me to never piss you off."

  He put his hands on my shoulders and bent down to look in my eyes.

  "Are you okay?"

  Before I could answer him, I had Sadie and Heather on either side of me with their jaws dropped.

  Tony walked over with Kate but she wasn't short on words at all.

  "Marissa, what the hell just happened? Somebody needs to start talking. The police are being called."

  I kept trying to see past them so I could figure out why Trish was still screaming but they were blocking my view. Did she just say the police were on their way? What did I do?

  "That chick is fucking nuts is what happened. She’s been messing with us ever since we got here. I don't know what her problem is but it was enough to make me want to hit her. Daisy didn't do anything wrong."

  "She didn't do anything wrong? That girl’s face is a bloody mess, Mike! My sister is going to get arrested! How can you say she didn't do anything wrong?"

  That was it. My brother was yelling at Mike. I didn't want to go to jail. Everything was happening so fast. I started to cry and then all hell broke loose.

  "Shut the fuck up, Bryan! You weren't there to see that that bitch started this. All your sister did was defend herself. So the next thing that comes out of your mouth better be you asking your own sister if she's okay! Do you understand?"

  Mike grabbed me and pulled me in his arms.

  "It's going to be okay, baby. I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

  Bryan started to scream at Mike again for telling him how to treat me. Tony started correcting Bryan. Sadie was saying something about how everyone just needed to calm down. I couldn't take it anymore.

  "Am I going to jail? I didn't mean to hurt her."

  Only Mike could hear me over the commotion going on all around us.

  "You're going t
o stay right here with me. You are not going anywhere."

  His hands continued their up and down motion over my arms and back. I have never been so scared. The throbbing in my hand started to kill so I was opening and closing it, trying to stop the pain.

  "Okay, she won't stop her screaming and Sabrina is freaking out. Please tell me what the hell just happened."

  I heard Colt's voice and felt awful. This was his wedding I just ruined.

  "I'm so sorry, Colt! She was so mean to me and I didn't know why. I guess I had had enough and so I pushed her into the side of the bus and asked her what her problem was. She grabbed my hair, yanked my head down and was twisting it. It hurt so bad that I guess I started hitting her. I just wanted her to let me go and she wouldn't. I'm so sorry!"

  He took me out of Mike's arms and pulled me to his chest.

  "Don't cry. Trish can be a huge pain in the ass sometimes. I think she's still pissed that Mike turned her down years ago. Who knows? As long as you're okay, that’s all that matters."

  "I'm okay."

  "All right then, let me go troubleshoot over there. My soon-to-be wife has lost her shit and I need to go calm her down."

  "Are you all right, nugget?"

  Just hearing Dave's voice had me diving for his arms. The tears flooded my eyes. My body started to shake as I cried my heart out.

  "You messed her face up pretty good. How is your hand?"

  I had forgotten all about my hand until Dave lifted it up and I could see how swollen it was instantly.

  I looked around for my brother or Mike but both were no longer near me. All of a sudden I heard the sirens and then Mike screaming.

  "You crazy bitch! Don't you fucking dare blame her for this! You started it and your ass is going to jail if anyone is. You don’t think I have the power to crush you? Just try me bitch."

  I jumped out of Dave's arms and began running for Mike. The last thing he needed was to get in a fight. People are sue crazy and he was a golden target.


  I screamed his name but he couldn't hear me. Just as I was about to reach him, Bryan came out of nowhere and grabbed me.

  "Calm down, Mar, he's going to be fine."

  "No, he's not. None of this is going to be fine. I ruined Colt and Sabrina's wedding. I'm about to get arrested. How is anything going to be fine?"

  I never did get to Mike before the police cars pulled up. I could see Trish for the first time and oh my God did she look bad. I couldn't believe I did that. I have never been a violent person. Looking around, all things were in total chaos. My friends were screaming at Sabrina's. What did I do?

  "Excuse me, ma’am, are you Marissa Johnson?"

  I turned my head in the direction of the voice and sure enough there stood an officer already.

  "Yes, sir, I am."

  "Will you please come with me?"

  Bryan stayed by my side but Mike was nowhere to be found. We walked over to stand next to the police car and then the questions started.

  "Would you please tell me what happened in the correct order of events? I see you hurt your hand pretty badly."

  "Mar, don't say a word. I don't know if we need a lawyer or not."

  What? A lawyer?

  "We don't need a lawyer, Bryan."

  I turned to the officer ready to tell him what happened when Mike came from out of nowhere running toward me with his cell phone in hand.


  Nothing felt better than knowing he didn't leave me here.

  "My lawyer says you didn't do anything illegal. Don't worry about a thing, baby. We will get this taken care of."

  The officer’s mouth opened to say something and then recognition took place.

  "Aren't you Mike Harrison?"

  Mike's face lit up knowing this might help.

  "Yes, I am and this is my girlfriend, Daisy."

  "Marissa." Bryan was quick to correct him.

  I just stood there quiet and let them do the talking.

  "So, would anyone like to tell me what happened?"


  "She and that girl started arguing and then the girl grabbed her by the head and wouldn't let go. Daisy only hit her after that girl continued to pull her hair. What do you expect her to have done?"

  "Wait a minute. I didn't say I expected her to do anything. We just need to fill out the report and go from there."

  I wanted to say something but every time I tried, Mike was cutting me off. To be truthful I think the alcohol I had consumed wasn't helping my cause. Silence was probably the best thing for me.

  "Why don't you wait here and let me go see what Miss Wagner has to say."

  The officer walked away and then I flung myself into Mike's arms.

  "I’m going to take care of you, baby. Don't worry about a thing. You're not going anywhere without me."

  "Do you think they really won't press assault charges? That girl is pretty messed up. By the way, Mar, I didn’t know you had that in you. You kicked the shit out of that girl."

  I didn't feel good about any of this. Bryan and Mike continued to talk and then Jason and Tony came over to where we were.

  "Is she okay? I can't believe how bad that girl’s face looks. You two are a match made in heaven."

  I looked at Jason and said, "I don't enjoy hurting people. There is a difference."

  "Do you think I do?" Mike pulled away from me. "What I do is a job and everyone that steps into that octagon is working just like me. We aren't that different."

  I missed his arms immediately.

  "I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry."

  He pulled me back to him and wiped the tears from my eyes.

  "Don't cry, Daisy. It's all going to be okay."

  And I believed him. For some reason I knew he would take care of me no matter what.

  An hour later Trish was on her way to the hospital and I was being let go. Apparently Mike's attorney contacted the Chief of Police and the word trickled down to not press charges. Trish tried, don't get me wrong, and they informed me that she still could sue me for civil damages. Just great!

  After the police cars left, everyone was in a bad mood. Sabrina went with Trish to the hospital so of course Colt went with her. The rest of us all went into the bar area and ordered a drink. I wasn't in the mood at all but Mike insisted, saying it would make me feel better. And sure enough, after my third beer and listening to Sabrina's friends talk, I was feeling a lot better.

  "She had it coming."

  "Trish is a bitch and everyone knows it."

  "Don’t worry about it. You did what anyone would do."

  They all had nice things to say but I was most concerned about Sabrina. Did she hate me? I hurt one of her best friends.

  Nothing crazy happened over the next few hours. We all just sat around and talked. A couple of Rocky jokes came from Tony. Apparently Sadie held the title but I stole it away without knowing.

  Before we knew it, Colt, Sabrina and Trish were walking back through the lobby. Trish and Sabrina went to the elevators while Colt came into the bar wearing a smile. A smile! Who would be smiling in this situation?

  "So, Trigger, you want to know the damage?"

  Colt pulled up a chair and flipped it backwards before he sat down.

  "Not really."

  "I do. What did my girl do?"

  Leave it to Mike.

  Colt’s smile got bigger. He looked at me and said, "You broke her nose and left cheek bone. Her lip is busted and all of the blood from her nose doesn't come close to what you did to her front tooth. It didn't fall out but it’s going to turn black. You killed it."

  "Oh my God!" My hands covered my face and then dropped. "Why are you smiling? There isn't anything funny about this!"

  Everyone started laughing. What the hell is wrong with these people?

  "It's hilarious! You did all that! I can't wait to call Ash and tell him."

  I was mortified.

  "Mike, I'm ready to go to bed now. Can you give me t
he room key?"

  He stopped laughing. "Are you sure?"

  I nodded my head yes and watched him stand up. I thought he was going to just hand me the card when he pulled it out of his wallet but instead he gave me his hand.

  "We're gonna get going. See you all bright and early."

  A lot of "Aww, don't go" was heard but I just wanted this day to be over with.

  "Good night, guys." I said before turning and walking toward the elevator. Mike squeezed my hand, thank God it wasn't my right hand, and let me feel like everything was going to be all right. When the elevator door opened I knew there was another hurdle to face right in front of me.

  She looked at me and opened her mouth to speak but I beat her to it.

  "I'm so sorry, Sabrina! I never meant to do any of this and I hate that I ruined your wedding. I can't—"

  "Shhh, it's really okay. I'm not mad at you. Trish brought this on herself. If you think I wouldn't have done the exact same thing, you're crazy. She had no right to grab you. Stop beating yourself up over this. It is what it is."

  Sabrina walked out of the elevator, gave me a hug and finished by walking away saying, "Now, go get some sleep and I will see you in the morning." She pointed back at me "Oh, and Mike? She's a keeper."

  "I only hope she stays,” was said so softly, I don’t think he intended on Sabrina even hearing him.

  He grabbed my hand again and we walked into the elevator watching the door close in front of us.

  Mike attempted to kill the awkward silence by simply stating, "Crazy day."

  "You could say that."

  "What can I do to make you feel better?"

  I couldn't think of anything other than being in his arms.

  "Just hold me."

  He laughed a little and said, "I would have done that anyway."

  Chapter 10

  We got back to the room and all I wanted to do was go to sleep.

  "Where are you going?" I heard Mike ask as I walked straight for the bed.

  "Wait up there, woman."

  He rushed to grab me just as I was about to fall into the lush covers.

  "You need to shower. You will feel so much better, I promise. Here, let me help you."


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