Fighting Fate

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Fighting Fate Page 15

by Barbara Speak

  He stared at me for a second and then his features mellowed.

  "Listen, I'm sorry. It's been a long time since I was here and in the middle of all this. I guess I just forgot that this is all part of college."

  "So now that we're back, our differences are dividing us already."

  "No, not already. We just have to figure out a way to make this work. Day by day, remember? Let's not overthink anything. Now go with your friend. I will call you before I go to sleep, okay?"

  He reached over and pulled me in for a kiss but it was cut way too short for my liking.

  I waved as he pulled out of the parking lot and then grabbed my bag and headed inside. At least ten girls were standing inside the door waiting on me to tell them all about Mike but I briskly walked past them wearing a fake smile and said, "I don't kiss and tell."

  When I got up to my room Blythe was ready for all my juicy details but I lost all desire.

  "What do you mean not much happened? Your hand, first of all, looks like you punched a brick wall. "

  "Something like that."

  "Not good enough and you know it. Did I do something wrong out there?"

  "No, you didn't. I guess I'm just worried that now that we both are back to our normal lives nothing can be the same as it was this weekend."

  Blythe scooched closer to the end of the couch.

  "Listen to me. For once take me seriously. You have never felt like this for someone before. You're scared and that's normal. But thinking that it will fall apart will make it fall apart. Trust that your feelings for him are real and are shared. It will be fine."

  "Thanks. I think I'm just going to go take a shower and then get some sleep. We didn't have a chance to get much with everyone partying all weekend."

  "Whatever you need to do, girl. Just know I'm here if you want to tell me all the juicy stuff that him and you did together, no pressure."

  I laughed as I grabbed my shower bag and left the room.

  Mike didn't call that night. I knew it when I woke up, looked at my phone and only had a text.



  Well at least he didn't not call me on purpose. But later in the day when I tried like he asked, I began to question that thought. He didn't answer. I thought about calling him again but didn't want to come across stalker-ish. When I didn't hear from him until another text came the next morning, I refused to even read it. I left my phone in my room and went about my day as usual. Well, as usual as it can go when every other second is filled with a sense of panic that it was just wishful thinking all along.

  Breakfast was awkward every morning. Allison and Jordan sat at two different tables than ours. Avery acted like nothing happened while Hudson, Blythe, Talon and I sat quietly until she would leave. After we made sure she wasn't in earshot we would be normal again. Something about acting like it didn't happen felt wrong, but none of us knew what was right. In the end, Allison showed her true colors, hallelujah! No more Allison was always a good thing. As far as Jordan went, something inside of me kept hearing what Mike had said. What if she made it up to break them apart? I wouldn't have put it past her.

  Classes were the same but each night ended without a call and every morning brought another text.

  It was now Friday and I had a total of four that I never read. If he couldn't pick up a phone I was not responding, it was as simple as that. What point was there in reading words? Because that was all they were. Actions always speak louder, don’t they say?

  By nightfall I was ready to let it all go. The hope, the anger, it was pointless. He got what he wanted just like I always knew he would do. Say kind things to get in a girls pants and then move on. Typical guy. The only thing that didn't make sense was the fact that he could have slept with me and he didn't. Zoey reminded me daily of that fact.

  "You look fucking hot, girl! I'm almost ready to stay home just so I don't have to stand next to you all night."

  "Blythe! I'm not going by myself and I need to do this. I can't sit here and mope over the fact that he—"

  "Hold up, sister, I said almost. I'm not missing this party either. It’s going to be epic seeing their faces as you walk through the door."

  "It's not going to be like that."

  "Really? You don't think so? Just wait and see."

  As we got closer to the football players’ house I started to get self-conscious. My dress was a little short and way too tight for my normal liking. The heels I had on were almost four-inch stilettos and to top it off, I had on thigh highs. Nothing short of sexy was my goal. I over achieved it and was about to turn and go back to my dorm when Blythe stopped me.

  "Oh no you don't. We are going in there. No backing out now."

  "Are you serious?"

  "Dead serious. You need this, remember?"

  "Whatever, let's just go."

  The door was open from people coming in and out constantly. We walked up the steps slowly, while several guys took a cover charge off of everyone in front of us. One look at Blythe and they were waving us past.

  "Must be nice being the Coach’s daughter sometimes. Okay, now we can say we came, can we leave?"

  "Just wait."

  We got through the jam at the door and then the whole room opened up. People were everywhere. Some were dancing, some talking, some were passed out already on the floor and all I could think about was this is why I don't come to these things.

  "Isn't this killer?"

  Before I could even say a word, Blythe had me by the arm and was dragging me into the back part of the house. Once we made it through the crowded hallway the room opened back up. They had set up a ping pong table in the center and were all gathered around it.

  "What's up, guys?"

  All of the chatter in the space stopped. Once Blythe announced our presence it was game over for me. The guy’s jaws fell open and the girls began whispering. Never had I ever wanted to crawl into a hole so bad in my life and I had brought all of this on myself.

  "Holy shit, Marissa, you came!"

  Thank God for Talon. He walked into the Twilight Zone from the kitchen, missing the awkwardness completely. Coming straight for me, he pulled me into a hug and then turned to Blythe, "I can't believe you got her to come."

  "Good to see you too, Talon."

  "Aww, did poor Blythe not get her usual welcoming committee?"

  "Very funny, asshole. Where's Hudson?"

  "He went upstairs a while ago with Jessica."

  "Nice. Okay, well I'm off to get a drink. You want a soda, Marissa?"

  "No thanks, I’ll take a shot of Vodka to start."

  Now their faces matched the rest of the room.

  "Whatever, everybody!" I threw my hands into the air and spun around. "Have you never seen a girl in a dress do a shot? Well, let me enlighten you on how it's done."

  I walked into the kitchen and away from the weirdos only to find another group of people having the same reaction to me.


  "I'm right behind you. You don't have to yell."

  "I'm leaving."

  "Oh no you're not." Talon came around Blythe and took a hold of my hand. "You just got here. It's time for the real party to start. You want vodka? We have it all. What flavor?"

  He led me to the island in the middle of the kitchen and then walked around it to pour the drinks. I almost told him caramel but shoved that thought back down.

  "Cherry will be fine. Can I get a beer to go with it?"

  "Who are you?"

  When I heard the question at first I thought it was Blythe making a joke but then it registered. That was not Blythe, or a female at that. I slowly looked over my shoulder and found a drop dead gorgeous man. I'm talking HOT, girls

  "Who's asking?"

  He smiled but there was something else in his expression I didn't recognize.

  "My name is Gabriel, what would yours be?"

  "Not interested."

  I turned back around and grabbed the shot that Talon had poured, slammed it and then asked him for another.

  Blythe was sitting on the counter laughing at me.

  I almost caved to that guy. Everything in me wanted to prove to myself I could move on but I didn't want another man, I wanted Mike. Mister Hottie could go find another willing participant.

  Talon handed me another shot and just like the first, it was gone as soon as hit my hand. I grabbed the beer and tilted my head back to take a drink but when I set it back down on the counter, Gabriel was now standing next to Talon.

  “So, ‘not interested’, I asked for your name?"

  "And I'm pretty sure I said what needed to be said already."

  The rest of the room had gone about their business but this guy was on the wrong mission. Talon and Blythe watched back and forth but didn't help me out at all. I was hoping my last comment would be enough to make him go away, I was wrong again.

  "Whatever your name is, you need to understand a few things. This is my house, I make the rules. I own the liquor you're drinking and the glass you're drinking it from. So when I ask you a question, I expect a direct answer."

  I looked at both my friends but they still wore smiles and didn't pipe up. Who is this guy and what did he mean by this is his house? He couldn't be older than twenty-five, tops.

  "Well, Gabriel, good for you. I believe I gave you as direct an answer as was called for. My name is none of your business and neither am I. As far as your liquor—“ I pulled a twenty dollar bill out of my purse and set it on the counter in front of him—" that should cover it. If I choose to consume more you will be reimbursed and I will be sure to wash my glass out before I go. Now, is there anything else you need to say or are you ready to go find a girl who cares about who you are and what you own?"

  He wasn't fazed one bit by my rudeness. If anything I could have sworn his eyes lit up. Great! What the hell can I do to get this guy to go away?

  "I like you." He turned to Blythe and said, "Way to pick your friends, kiddo" and then walked out of the room.

  "What the hell was that? Attack of the weirdo?"

  Talon walked around the island and wrapped his arms around me.

  "No, my dear, that is our new offense coach that you just blasted."

  "Yep and he started last weekend when you were gone. I totally forgot to tell you when you got back. He's fucking beautiful, isn't he?" Blythe hopped off the counter and grabbed a glass for herself.

  "On that note, I’ll leave you two to go find a woman who wants these goods."

  "Talon, no woman wants a man to use them."

  "You have no idea what really goes on at this school do you? Blythe, fill her in for me."

  He walked away and I felt my buzz start to kick in when I looked back over at Blythe.

  "Girls use the guys just as much as the guys use them. People have sex because it feels good. You're the only person I know that doesn't agree."

  "That's because it's disgusting. What ever happened to being with someone you care about?"

  "Keep reading your books."

  "Kiss my ass; it's real. You all just have a demented, warped idea of what love is."

  "Are you drunk?"

  "Why would you ask that?"

  "Haha, you are. I've never heard you talk about love before. You're too cute. Want another shot?"

  "Will big bad Gabriel tell me I can't?"

  "That was funny! No, I don't think he'll be back in here anytime soon. You made him look pretty stupid."

  "I didn't want to. The dude just wouldn't take a hint."

  "Here"—she slid the full shot glass over to me—"cheers to living not loving."



  Several hours later I had gone from the outcast to the center of the party. I danced on the coffee table, kicked the guys’ asses in ping pong and even made up a new drinking game.

  "Why did I never let myself have this much fun before?"

  Talon looked back at me.

  "We all wondered the same thing. I'm glad you're here, Marissa."

  "Me too. Where's Blythe? I'm getting tired."

  We were on the couch in the family room and I’m pretty sure the second my butt hit it, my buzz went to crap.

  "She and Hudson went somewhere. I'm sure she will be back soon."

  "Are they…?"

  "When did they ever stop? According to him, it's too good between them to not keep doing it."

  "Really? So they just hook up with no ties?"

  "Always have. Probably always will, unless one of them finds a real relationship somewhere else."

  "Real relationship, ha! No one believes in those anymore."

  "Marissa, you don't fool anyone when you say stuff like that and you have been at it all night. What the hell happened to you? You are the one girl everyone here wants to be with. Why? Because you aren't putting out to every guy that gives you attention. I've always respected you for that. Don't become a hater. It's not pretty on you."

  "I really just want to go home now."

  I fell into his lap and was ready for sleep when I heard, "I'll get her back to her dorm. Why don't you start cleaning up the mess out on the deck?"

  "Don’t worry about it, Coach, I got her. I'll clean up that mess when I get back."

  "You need to find Chase, Jordan, Mills and Hudson. I'm not touching this mess. I'll be back in five minutes and this shit better be on its way back to good if you know what I mean."

  "Yes, sir." Talons hand started rubbing my arm back and forth. "Come on, Marissa, Coach is going to take you home. Let's get you up."

  I felt another hand lift me until I was sitting back up and standing on my own. Talon supported my weight by wrapping my arm over his shoulder and then led me out the door, down the steps and to the little black sports car whose lights just flashed. Gabriel walked around and got in the driver’s seat while Talon helped me get buckled in. Before he closed the door he kissed my cheek and said, "Sweet dreams, Marissa. It was really good seeing you tonight."

  The door closed leaving only me and Gabriel.

  "Where am I taking you?"

  "I don't really care."

  "Well, this is a new side of you. Maybe now you will tell me what I can call you."

  "I live in the Eastbrook dorms."

  "So it's still going to be like this? Well then, let's just get you home."

  The car pulled off the curb way faster than I was expecting, causing my stomach to turn over. I thought it would pass but I was very wrong.

  "GABRIEL! Pull over!"

  He jerked to the side of the road just as I threw open the door, jumped out and ran to the nearest tree, throwing up everything I think I had consumed all week. When I looked up, I could see my dorm. I wiped my mouth with my arm and told Mister Wonderful—who I might add, was still in the car—to go on back. I could get myself to my room.

  I reached in, grabbed my purse and closed the door behind me. Idiot! I laughed to myself about how the car matched the asshole driving it. He didn't pull away but he never cut the engine either. I wasn't walking a straight line to say the least but I was getting from point A to point B. It took longer than it should but I finally reached the steps up to my dorm when I heard, "Daisy!"

  Oh fuck no! Not now. I walked faster up those steps than I ever should have tried, just to get away from him. Stupid move. Stupid! I was almost to the top when my heel caught on the edge of the step. I used everything I had in me for balance but it was pointless. Ten steps up meant ten down and when I fell I hit each and every one of them. I screamed at the top of my lungs when I landed on the flat concrete.

  "Oh my God, Daisy! Fuck! It's okay, baby, I've got you."

  The second he touched me, my body felt home again and I hated it.
I could hear tires screech in the background and then they stopped too.

  "What the hell happened?"

  It was Gabriel, great.

  "She fell. Go get help. Call an ambulance!"

  "Honey, are you okay? I'm here and we are going to get you some help. Can you understand me?"

  "Who the fuck are you? I said call somebody, not fucking talk to her!"

  "Mike, calm down."

  "Oh, Daisy! Thank God. You're going to be just fine. We're going to have help here soon."

  I opened my eyes and a sharp pain went straight through them forcing me close them again. My left leg was killing me. Like a pain you can't explain.

  "Daisy, it's me, Gabriel. I called 9-1-1. They are on their way." I felt him brush my hair away from my face and then...

  "Did you just fucking call her Daisy? Listen, I don't know who you are or where you came from but it's time for you to go back there. Thanks for the call but get the fuck away from my girl."

  "Your girl, haha, really? Have at it, hero, but just to let you know, she wasn't claiming any man tonight. In fact..."

  Mike let me go and then I heard a crunch. Something fell to the ground and my guess is it was Gabriel. Just great! Mike was back at my side seconds later. "When I make sure you are all better, you have some explaining to do."

  Me? Was he kidding? I was in too much pain to care. The sirens finally could be heard in the distance and that’s when it all hit me. What the hell has my life turned into? Every time Mike is around there are police or now an ambulance. I hurt so bad I wasn't in a place to argue that fact, I just wanted it to stop.

  The ambulance sirens were deafening once they arrived. Everyone in a square mile could hear them, which is probably why that many people were now staring at me.

  The paramedic checked me over and said I have a concussion and probably a fracture in my left leg. I wish that was all the drama I needed to tell you about but no, Gabriel woke up. Thankfully there were police already at the scene. He went ape shit! Once he realized what happened, he went straight for Mike. The smile Mike wore on his face as Gabriel was being held back was nothing but predatory. Mike was baiting him. The expression literally read, "Bring it and I will rip you apart".


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