Fighting Fate

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Fighting Fate Page 25

by Barbara Speak

  The light turned green and I heard the little click, but when I pushed the handle down, the door wouldn't open, the chain was in the way.


  I stepped back and tried to figure out what to do next. I stepped forward again and pressed my face in the little space left open and said, "Open the door. I can't get in with the chain on."

  I stepped back again and waited, hoping for a miracle that he would answer with a smile on his face.

  All of the sudden I heard the chain rattling. It was happening, Mike and I would work this out and be back to good.

  The chain fell, bouncing off the door trim, allowing me to push it in and fall into the arms of the most amazing man on the planet.

  But that never happened.

  Once the door swung open I saw the sheet first as the light from the hall filtered in, puddled on the floor. My eyes followed the path of the light as it traveled up to see a very naked girl wrapped within it. The very same girl that was hanging on Mike when I left a few hours before.

  I couldn't speak. I just stood there hoping my eyes were deceiving me.

  "What do you want? My sloppy seconds?"

  Tears started falling down my face as I pushed past her into the room. All I needed to see was right there in front of me. He was lying in the bed passed out, completely naked.

  I ran back out of the room as fast as I could, knocking the bitch to the floor on my way. Once I reached the elevator I pressed the down arrow over and over again screaming, "You stupid fuck! How could you do this to me?"

  When the door finally opened, I threw myself to the floor screaming still through my tears.

  Did he know I would find him or even care?

  I hated him. I hated everything he had ever said or done to make me believe I meant something to him. I hated myself for ever loving him to begin with.

  The elevator suddenly stopped. I knew we weren't on the ground floor yet which meant someone was getting on.

  I stood up as fast as I could and tried to wipe away the tears but there was no point, they kept falling. What did it matter anyway?

  The doors opened slowly while I looked down, avoiding eye contact just as I heard, "Marissa? What happened?"

  I knew that voice. Looking up I saw the one person I never expected.


  Chapter 21

  I didn’t know what to say, so I said nothing. He walked in and lifted my chin, forcing me to look into his eyes.

  "What did he do to you?"

  I couldn't admit the truth. It hurt too much to say it out loud.

  "I did this to myself."

  "Somehow I don't believe that."

  "Well, it's all I've got. Why are you here?"

  He stared at me a little longer until the door closed behind him.

  "I came here to drop a guy off. He was way too drunk to get here on his own and apparently his wife was waiting for him all night to come back from the fight. Imagine that, a controlling spouse."

  "I wouldn't know."

  "Yeah, I bet you wouldn't. Anyway, my hotel is down the block, do you want to go back to the party with me and forget about whatever has you upset?"

  What I wanted to do is cry myself to sleep but that wouldn't do me any good.


  "That a girl. I'll make it a point for you to have so much fun that you forget all about what has you upset."

  He would try and fail but at least I could get away from this God forsaken hotel and the asshole staying here.

  We walked out onto the street and it felt like a time warp. If I had just gone up to my own room would he have ever told me? Or would he lie and pretend like I was still his everything? Had he been doing this the whole time we were apart?


  I looked over to him and saw his face and how angry he looked.

  "Stop what?"

  "You're kicking yourself and you need to stop. Life's too short and you are way too young and beautiful to be doing this."

  "Some things are easier said than done."

  "Not anymore."

  He looked up and my eyes followed. We were at the Grand Hotel, which must have been where he was staying at already.

  "Wow, we got here fast."

  "No, you were just not paying attention. Welcome back to reality."

  He opened the door for me as we passed through into the lobby. It wasn't as prestigious as ours but who really cares at this point. I needed a shot of whatever to make myself numb.

  I followed him up the stairs to where the elevator was located.

  "Ready to have a whole new experience in an elevator?"

  "You're not going to try to seduce me are you?"

  He laughed and then said, "You could only be that lucky."

  "Not feeling it, huh? Maybe I need to turn up the charm."

  "Or stop moping over your boyfriend."

  "I don't have a boyfriend, so there's nothing to mope about."

  “Says the girl crying on an elevator floor."

  "I was standing by the time you saw me."

  "Point proven."


  The door opened letting us off on the sixteenth floor. My nerves kicked into high gear. I wasn't going to know a soul, but then again maybe that was the best part.

  Gabriel knocked and when the door opened he led me in to a room full of people loosely by my arm. I let my hand drop down to hold his, gripping onto it with my life. He squeezed it to let me know he was there to help and walked me to the back corner introducing me to his friend.

  "You find the prettiest girl in Chicago and bring her back here. Are you nuts?"

  "She's a friend from the school I work for. Marissa, this is Jackson. Jackson, she is off-limits."

  "Then why isn't she with him?"

  My body went stiff but Gabriel was quick to respond. "I tore her away. All of her friends were going to bed and she wasn't ready to stop having fun. You of all people know how that is."

  "Good point."

  Jackson jumped up from his seat and grabbed my available hand. "Let's go find you a drink."

  Gabriel let me go but winked at me letting me know it was okay.

  "So, how long have you known Gabe?"

  "Not very long, to tell you the truth."

  He looked down at my leg and then stopped walking.

  "Are you the girl that fell down the stairs?"

  Shit! Cat’s out of the bag.

  "Yep, that's me."

  "No, shit! You're with Mike Harrison?"

  I didn't know how to answer him.

  "No, that didn't work out."

  At least that was the truth.

  "Wow! What are the odds? Fucking amazing is more like it."

  "Why? What's amazing?"

  He smiled and then said, "Nothing. I just can't believe the girl from the story is here."

  "Sorry if the real thing disappoints you."

  "Oh no, honey, not at all. This is going to be fun."

  The way he was acting kind of creeped me out as he poured two shots of something I had never heard of before. Why all of the sudden was it going to be amazing as he put it?

  "Here you go, doll."

  "Thanks, what is it?"

  "It's what's going to make your dreams come true."

  "If only that were possible."

  "Just wait and see."

  He handed me the glass and I slammed it as fast as I could. It tasted disgusting but the fool that I was asked for another. Jackson laughed as he poured the glass full this time. I didn't hesitate and this one didn't go down any smoother than the last.

  "Who's this?"

  I turned to see a huge man, and I mean huge! Steroids obviously flowed through his system to be his size. Muscles were pouring from his tight shirt. As I looked him over, something about him seemed familiar after I got past my first thoughts of drug use. I couldn't place him and the longer I stared the harder he laughed.

  "Do you have a name?"


p; It was all I could get out.

  "Well, Marissa, glad you could make it."

  "Keith, she's off-limits."

  I watched as Gabriel stomped over to us marking me as claimed.

  "Says who, you?"

  "Yes, me. Marissa, let's go over here, there is someone I want you to meet."

  He grabbed my hand and pulled me away with urgency. Once we were a safe distance from earshot he spun around looking me straight in the eye.

  "Stay away from him, okay?"

  "If you say so."

  "I'm saying so."

  "Okay, boss."

  "It's not like that. I just want you to have fun remember?"

  "Then let’s stop talking about this and have some fun."

  There were a few people sitting around the table Jackson was at when we came in playing cards. I pointed over to it causing Gabriel to laugh.

  "You know what you’re doing? These guys play dirty."

  "I can handle myself."

  Maybe playing cards but the fact I was going to have to face all my friends and people back at school after they find out what he did to me was horrifying.

  "Well, let's see what you got."

  He walked over to a side table and grabbed a chair for me.

  "Guys, this little lady wants to sit in. You don't mind do you?"

  As a group I was invited and all of them seemed genuinely nice.

  The cards were dealt out and the dealer called bullshit for the game. I laughed internally knowing that I was going to crush these men. They don't know my signs or tells like my family does and I even win when I'm at home.

  An hour later I had only lost one hand. I can't say it was as easy as it normally is but whatever Jackson had given me had my sight blurred. Gabriel kept asking me to drink the water he brought for me but I was too focused on staying as numb as possible. I couldn't thank him enough for the distraction he had given me. I needed to stay as drunk as possible or reality would have me crashing to the ground. Mike always feared he would fuck what we had up and he had succeeded far beyond measure.

  "Here you go, darlin'."

  Another shot had been set down in front of me and I didn't hesitate before throwing my head back and letting it slide down my throat. As it hit my stomach, the urge to puke went into full force. Something about what I had just drank had me gagging and wanting to run to the bathroom, but I wasn't about to look stupid in front of all these strangers. I held it back and prayed it would stay down.

  "Are you okay, Marissa?"

  Gabriel looked worried and I wasn't sure I could convince him it wasn't warranted. "I'm okay."

  "She will be fine, man, quit treating her like she's fragile."

  "You have no idea what she is, Keith, just stay away from her."

  "Is that a threat?"

  "Does it need to be?"

  "I wouldn't go there if I were you."

  "Then stay the fuck away from her and we won't have to."

  "You are fucking with the wrong man, Gabe."

  Keith walked away but Gabriel continued to watch him until he was out of sight and then turned back to me, resting his hand on my shoulder.

  "I promised you fun but this isn't feeling like a good idea anymore. Let me take you back to your hotel."

  There was no way I was going back there. I wasn't ready to face anyone yet and answer questions. I just wanted to forget.

  "No, I'm good here."

  "Marissa, if you're going to avoid your problems they will only get bigger. Trust me, you don't want to do that."

  "Stop trying to fix this! I can't, okay! He did this to me. I would have loved him forever and he threw it away without blinking."

  I stood up and pushed past him, walking to the bathroom where I was sure I would puke until morning. That last shot took my stomach over the edge of tolerance.

  Once inside, I slammed the door shut behind me and fell to my knees, gripping the porcelain bowl with one hand and holding my hair back with the other. Throwing up is never fun but as the acid expelled itself, it burned horribly.

  I heard someone knock on the door and then Gabriel's voice. "Can I help in any way?"

  I didn't answer. Tears began to fall as that question took on a whole new meaning. No one could help me. I needed to deal with this and move on. I was fine before Mike entered my life and would get there again, it would just take time. The last thing he deserved was for me to cry over him.

  I stayed in that bathroom for over an hour, ridding myself of all the contents in my stomach and was ready to go home. I rinsed my mouth out as best as I could and then opened the door to find a completely different setting. Most of the people were gone and those who stayed were passed out in random spots around the room. One glance at the clock told me that it was five-thirty in the morning already. I must have been in there a lot longer than I thought.

  I found Gabriel asleep on the couch. I did everything I could to wake him up but he wouldn't budge. Looking around there was nowhere for me to lie down and all I really wanted was for the day to be over.

  One final glance around the room and I was grabbing for my purse and walking out the door. I barely had my balance but I made it down the hall and to the elevator. Once I pressed the button I leaned my head against the wall and waited for the doors to open. All of my energy was gone. It was like having the flu; I was that tired. When the 'ding' finally came, I stood back up and fell straight back, landing on my butt.

  I couldn't help but laugh. What have I done to myself?

  I heard a door open and then "What are you doing out here?"

  It was Keith. I knew his voice before I ever saw him come into view.

  "I'm going home."

  He was at my side and picking me up before I knew it, carrying me back into the room he just came out of.

  "Why are you taking me in here, I said I was going home."

  "You are in no shape to walk that far. I’m just going to set you down on the bed and call you a cab."

  As he laid me down I couldn't help but notice how soft and comfortable the bed felt and knew he was right. I wouldn't make it out of the lobby let alone back to my room.

  "Thank you."

  He walked over to the table and grabbed his cell, typing something in and then said something about needing a girl picked up. I was already half asleep by the time he started talking. God, those sheets and the down feathered pillow felt good. Before I knew it, the sharp pain in my heart eased and I was asleep.


  I felt Mike's arm wrap around me and pull me in close to him like he had done so many times before. I moved back to be as close to him as I could, while wishing this was real and he was mine again. His hand traveled down my chest, pulling the elastic band of my top down with it, exposing my breasts. Softly he drug his fingers over the swell and came to land on my perky, waiting nipple, taking it between his two fingers and lightly twisting and pinching it.

  My hips began to rock as the sensation flooded my core. I wanted to finish what we had planned. I wanted to finally be his, even if it was just a pathetic dream.

  His hand left my breast and traveled lower over my stomach, then into the seam of my panties. I opened my legs, welcoming him in when I realized Mike would never have jumped straight to this. He always kissed my forehead and then my neck. He patterned his moves and I have every one of them memorized.

  My eyes shot open and within that second I knew I was no longer dreaming. The hand was still there, forcing its way down.


  I pushed as hard as I could against his arm but I had nothing on his strength. Time stood still as the memory of me coming in to this room came back. Keith brought me here.

  "Keith stop! I don't want this."

  His breath hit my neck before the words escaped his mouth and it made me want to throw up.

  "Don't try to go all good girl on me now."

  "Get off of me!"

  I twisted and turned to break free but it was no use. Even knowing that, I didn’t give
up my fight.

  His hand had left me but only to flip my body over on to my back as he climbed over top of me. Taking hold of my hands, he pulled them behind me giving me nothing to fight him with, but before he could slam them down on the mattress I sat up and head butted him as hard as I could, practically knocking myself out in the process.

  "You bitch!"

  My forehead had hit his nose and blood was dripping from it. I watched in slow motion as a drop clung to his nostril before it fell to his shirt. I think it was the only thing I could focus on as his hand dropped one of mine and I knew I was going to lose this battle.

  The blow landed on the left side of my face and that was it, I was gone.

  Chapter 22

  I felt the pain before I could register what was happening. Sirens, car engines, street noise all together could be heard around and the feeling of cold concrete was beneath me.

  I pushed with my arms to raise my face from the gravel that was embedded in my cheek. Looking around I couldn't see clearly and frantically scooted back against the nearest wall, folding my arms across my legs that were now pinned to my chest. My body started shaking involuntarily as my right hand came up to feel my face. I didn't need a mirror to know I was unrecognizable. It was hard for me to see, leaving no question that bones were shattered.

  I sat there trying to push away the one pain that brought me back to reality. The one place my body had never been touched. The very thing I wanted to rid myself of, that now more than anything before I wanted back. I blocked it out. I couldn't handle the idea of him robbing me of what was mine to give.

  I heard my cell phone ringing. It was the last thing I expected but I clearly heard it and the very sound made me want to scream at the top of lungs!

  It all became clear that Keith never called a cab like he said he was doing. He had planned to hurt me and cover it up. Whomever he called was the very man who left me here alone.

  I looked around and finally found my purse on the other side of the alley from where I was sitting. Scrambling off the ground I crawled over to it. Once it was in my hand I realized, it didn't matter. I couldn't face any of them. I wanted to get as far away from all of the things in this fucked up life of mine and never come back.


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