Never Over You

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Never Over You Page 8

by Ryleigh Andrews

  She wanted to enjoy more time in his arms but nature called. After she took care of that, she washed her face and brushed her teeth. Even though she didn’t feel too bad, she didn’t want to push it so she decided to go back to the bedroom to lie down.

  The doctors still had no idea why her blood pressure was freaking out. Both doctors said more than likely it was the strain of carrying twins, but she couldn’t help but wonder … did her old lifestyle play a role in this? The doctors felt it was highly improbable, but they hadn’t outright said no. So, that guilt had her following their orders.

  Crawling into bed¸ Mia snuggled up to her gorgeous husband. She had missed him so much but as she lay against him, she thought about the one rule that ticked her off the most—no sex. So now it was looking like it’d be at least four months without it. She’d been celibate for close to three years in the past, she could do four months, right? She studied his naked chest, still tan from the summer, and found her eyes traveling downward over those glorious abs of his down his happy trail—fuck! Before, he wasn’t right next to her. Damn! This was going to be hard. Hopefully her blood pressure headed down. Maybe it was just all the travel and nerves from performing that caused her episode. She could hope.

  She glanced at the alarm clock. Ethan should be waking up in a few minutes to head to practice. Resting her chin on his stomach, she looked up at his sleeping face. The doctor may have said no sex but he didn’t say Mia couldn’t have fun waking up her husband.

  Placing her lips against the skin right below his belly button, she slowly kissed her way up towards his chest. She lingered around his nipples before continuing to her final destination—his mouth. She could do this forever. When she reached his lips, Mia found his eyes half-open.

  “Good morning, suga,” he said, a smile covering his face.

  She returned his smile and kissed him, her eyes not leaving his.

  “That was a lovely way to wake up. Do you mind continuing?” he asked, pulling at her nightgown, the skimming of his fingers on her skin lighting her on fire. Mia wanted him to rid her of her clothing and make love to her so badly but …

  “We can’t, Ethan.”

  “What do you mean?” he asked as he attacked the length of her neck with his teeth.

  “I can’t have sex. It’s part of my bed rest instructions.”

  “What?” He cursed loudly.

  “But I don’t think it means this,” she said, sliding her hand down his stomach until she came into contact with his deliciously hard cock. Moving her hand along the length, she watched his eyes close briefly as he enjoyed what she did. Mia could at least do this, enjoy it along with him, pleasure him.

  She moved the blanket off him so he could see what she was doing because he liked that. He moaned when her lips finally touched him, one hand gripping her hair as her mouth enveloped the tip.

  “I’m not enjoying this,” he said as he raised his hips, pushing more of him into her mouth. She let him do what he needed, pumping into her fast and hard. When he slowed his pace, she removed her mouth, yet kept her hand stroking him. Nipping at his stomach, Mia looked up and found his intense gaze on her. “Totally not enjoying it,” she said with a smile, increasing her speed.

  “Ahh, fuck … speechless, woman, speechless,” he groaned when she returned her mouth to his cock. The hand he had in her hair helped set her pace. She knew he was close. She wanted to climb on him so bad, slide him inside her, and ride away. Finishing this would leave her very frustrated.

  Her mouth and hand worked in unison, up and down, until he pulled her off and climaxed on his own stomach. He pulled her to him and captured her mouth in a fierce kiss. “I love you and you didn’t have to do that.”

  “I love you and I wanted to,” she replied.

  “Thank you,” he said, kissing her quickly yet again. “Lie down while I clean up.”

  With a sigh, Mia lay in his spot, letting his scent envelope her. She thought she could handle this, but she was so turned on … she needed relief but that wouldn’t be happening. Maybe her husband could relieve the ache.

  A few minutes later, Ethan strolled back into the room, a towel wrapped around his waist. Her jaw fell open as she watched a drop of water run down his chest and the beautiful valley created by his abs. Her head fell back hard against the pillow and she sighed in frustration. “I hate bed rest!” she shouted.

  “Shh, suga. Luke and Allie spent the night.”

  “What? Ooh, yay! Company while you’re at practice.”

  “No practice for me today.”

  “Why not?”

  “Staying with you.”

  Those three words made her heart feel a hundred times lighter … and happier.

  “So, do you think …” she stammered. “Do you think it would be okay if we make out some?”

  He kissed her on her forehead and she knew the answer, frowning sadly. “This sucks, Ethan! I run. I’m in great shape. Why is this happening to me?” she said, finally voicing to him her frustrations.

  “I don’t know, suga, but it is and now we need to take care of it. You need to keep those babies inside of that comfy belly as long as it is safe for you.”

  “I’m scared,” she admitted, tears falling out of her eyes.

  “Aww, suga. Come here,” he said, bringing her into his embrace.

  “I have never been this scared. I’m scared for the boys … for me.”

  “Monday, we’ll go to the doctor and we’ll know more. Hopefully with all this rest, you’ll be better.”

  “What about practice?”

  “Your appointment is late in the day. Don’t worry about a thing, Mia, okay?”

  That switch from “suga” to her name told her differently. He was worried. So was Luke. And Allie. Their worry validated what she’d been feeling too. She exhaled deeply and pushed herself out of Ethan’s embrace. “Okay. I’m going to shower now,” she said, gingerly getting out of bed. Standing still, she tested out how she felt because she was so nervous that she’d feel like she had at the awards show. That had frightened the hell out of her.


  After Ethan had heated up a lost quiche from the freezer for breakfast, Luke and Allie sat down with him to continue their conversation from the night before.

  “How is she?” Luke asked then took a drink of his coffee.

  Ethan ran his hand through his hair before answering. “Scared. Confused. She’s trying to be brave but I see her breaking. I don’t want to see that …”

  “We’re here for the both of you.”

  “You two have been amazing. I really don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  “You’re not going to get all weepy on us, are you?”

  Ethan laughed. “No. I just needed to say it because I know I’ll be leaning on you guys even more in the coming months.”

  “We need more help. Specifically Allie. She’s working herself to the ground and won’t tell you. In Malibu, if she wasn’t helping Mia, she was doing something for the band or you.”

  “Well, she needs a damn assistant,” Ethan said.

  Luke looked over at Allie and raised his eyebrows at her.

  “Fine,” she said with a little laugh.

  “Time for you to line up some candidates,” Luke said to Allie. She tried not to smile but he knew this made her feel better.

  As they were discussing what traits an assistant should have, noise from the stairway caught their attention followed by a quiet curse. Ethan quickly got up from his desk and raced into the hallway. Allie and Luke were quick to follow. “What are you doing out of bed?” Luke heard Ethan ask.

  “I’m hungry,” came Mia’s pouty voice.

  “Go back upstairs,” Ethan ordered. “I’ll bring you up something in a few minutes.”

  “No need,” she said, heading off towards the kitchen. “I’m up and I’ll just get it myself.”

  “Mia—go back to bed,” Ethan said, his voice stern and tight.

  “Not before I get some

  “Mia. Listen to your husband,” Luke spoke up for fear Ethan may have a coronary if she didn’t go back upstairs.

  “Come on, Mia,” Allie called out, but Mia continued to walk to the kitchen. Ethan stalked after her. Luke and Allie followed. Luke thought it may have been easier with having Ethan’s help, but his stubborn best friend was quickly disproving that.

  Before they made it to the kitchen, Luke heard Mia cry out. “Goddamn it, Ethan. Put me down.”

  Luke had to laugh. When he got into the kitchen, he found a pissed off Mia in the arms of her frustrated husband.

  “You seriously are one of the most stubborn people I have ever known,” Ethan growled as he headed back towards the stairs.

  Mia sighed in defeat. “Can I at least get the fruit salad in the fridge and a banana for now? Please? I’m starving!”

  “Fine,” Ethan grumbled as he led her to the fridge. She grabbed the container of fruit salad and Allie handed her the banana and a fork.

  “Thanks,” Mia said to Allie, before kissing her husband which turned his frown into an adoring smile. “Can’t I just sit here for a little bit? I’ll lie down on the sofa after I’m done eating. I promise!”

  Luke leaned into Allie, his chest pressed against her back. When she leaned back into him, he thought he was imagining it, but he totally felt her back against his chest. “He’s gonna cave.”

  Allie chuckled softly. “Mia’s very good at getting her way.”

  And with another kiss, Ethan walked to the table and set Mia down. “See?” Allie said before heading to the table to join them.

  “Be nice to him, Mia,” Luke chastised as she dug into her fruit salad.

  “I am! Very nice and he knows it!”

  “You are, suga,” Ethan replied with a knowing wink.

  Luke didn’t want to know what that was about. La la la!

  “So, what have you all been doing while I’ve been upstairs bored out of my mind?” Mia asked between bites of fruit.

  “Getting Allie an assistant and figuring out how to deal with your stubborn ass when Ethan isn’t here.”

  She rolled her eyes at him for the last comment and completely ignored it when she spoke. “Ooh! An assistant? Will I have a say in this? How about a male assistant? I could interview them …”

  “No, that’ll send your blood pressure through the roof.”

  “Nah,” she said, turning her dark puppy dog eyes on Ethan. “I’ve only got eyes for one man.”

  “Thanks, sweets,” Luke said to her, squeezing her leg. Mia laughed and slapped his hand off her thigh. She took a few more bites of her salad before letting out a huge yawn which she tried to hide but failed.

  “I heard that,” Ethan said from the island.

  “What?” Mia asked innocently.

  “Time to rest.”

  “Okay, but let me go to the bathroom first,” she added, pushing her pregnant body away from the table. Ethan got up to help.

  “Meet us back in the office or lie down in the family room,” Ethan said to her as she walked by him. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and kissed her forehead.

  “I hate how fucking huge I am,” she grumbled as she padded off to the powder room. She may have thought she was huge, but Mia fucking glowed. Luke thought she had never looked as beautiful as she had big and pregnant—it suited her.

  Ethan stared after her, a look of longing in his eyes. Luke was pretty confident that Ethan felt the same way.

  “Uh, Ethan, is the nursery done yet?” Allie asked, interrupting his thoughts. Always so practical. Ethan turned his head towards her, shaking his head to get rid of his thoughts … or in the negative; Luke wasn’t entirely sure.

  “No, I better get on that.”

  “You need help on this one. We don’t know what’s going to happen. This will be one less worry for you and Mia. Plus I know what Mia wants. She’d kill you if you mess it up,” Allie said with a knowing smile.

  They didn’t know what would happen. The thought of those boys coming into the world premature and what that might mean was the big fear that they really didn’t want to discuss.

  With a curt nod, Ethan replied. “Okay. Work with her, but she better be resting in her bed while this happens!”

  “Ethan, unlike you, I can control your wife.”

  Luke laughed out loud at that, unable to contain himself. Allie was right on. She was tough with Mia whereas Ethan gave in to her pleas.

  Ethan glared at him. “Hey, I didn’t say it. She did!” Luke exclaimed, jerking his thumb at Allie.

  Ethan chuckled. They all needed some lightheartedness, especially Ethan. He was such a worrier and when it came to Mia and this pregnancy, he was even worse. Luke made a mental note to make sure Ethan relaxed … somehow … over the next few months.

  “Ouch!” came Mia’s voice from the hall, interrupting them.

  Luke turned and saw Mia hunched over, supporting herself with a hand to the wall, a look of pain on her face. Ethan saw it too and was there in a flash.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, his voice surprisingly calm. Luke was impressed with Ethan. Here he was freaking out and Ethan was the epitome of control—years of experience on the football field.

  “One of your kids just kicked me really hard!” Mia groaned.

  “My kids?” Ethan said, trying not to laugh.

  “Ow! He keeps kicking my ribs! You’re so grounded when you get out of there, mister,” she spoke to her stomach before she straightened up, a look of disbelief on her face, and turned back to the bathroom.


  “The other just kicked me in the bladder,” she replied, hurrying into the bathroom.

  “I have a feeling those two boys will cause her trouble the rest of her life,” Luke observed as they headed back to the kitchen.

  Ethan started laughing. “You, my friend, are probably right.”

  “What are you laughing at?” Mia called out as she made her way back to her husband.

  “Those babies,” Ethan said tenderly, kissing her softly on the lips. “Where do you want to go?”

  “Office. Can you get me a blanket? And my phone and iPad?”

  “Sure thing. Go lie down. We’ll be there in a few minutes.”

  She nodded, her eyelids heavy and headed towards the office. Luke knew she’d be asleep in no time. Ethan excused himself and raced upstairs for her things and Luke turned his eyes onto Allie who had a grin on her face.

  “What’s with the smile?”

  “They are so in love,” she said, turning her head towards him. “I hated seeing her not with him. She just wasn’t the same. This is the Mia I met … though changed a little—for the better. She’s lighter—freer. And seeing the two of them together like this …”

  “Look at you. Cool and calm Allie is a romantic.” Luke liked that piece of information.

  She grinned before shaking her head. “Shut up.”

  “I didn’t see her as much as I would have liked when they were apart,” he admitted, feeling a little jealous that Allie had had that time with her.

  “She missed you. More than I think you realized. I’d catch her looking at pictures on her phone … of you and Kaitlyn, of the three of you together, or just you and her.”

  “Really?” he asked, surprised at this but happy at the same time.

  “Of course. So, how did you two meet?”

  “We worked together. I was a sports reporter. She was the assistant to one of the editors. One day she literally barreled right into me and has been a part of my life ever since.”

  “Were you always just friends?”

  Luke scratched his forehead at that and then gave her a slight shake of the head. Not that he was ashamed of that part of his relationship with her. It just seemed so far removed from what they were now.

  “You were a couple?” she asked incredulously.

  “Yeah, for about a year and a half,” he said before giving her a very short and sweet version of their pr
evious relationship.

  “That still amazes me. You two—a couple, being all romantic with each other.”

  “Oh, it happened, but so did all the jokes. Even though the romance went away, I still love her. It’s just taken on a new form. She’s so many things to me. My best friend, my sister, my family. She knows me. I know her—way too well. She hates that at times. But I couldn’t have chosen a better member of my family. She totally makes up for the small size of the family I do have.”

  “How small?”

  “Just my mom and Kaitlyn. My parents adopted me late in their lives. My dad died when I was in high school.”



  “Wow. I never knew that.”

  “See. This is what happens when two people talk—they learn about each other.”

  Allie rolled her eyes and he was happy when he saw a beginning of a smile on her face. Now if only Allie would share some of herself, they’d be heading in the right direction.


  Indianapolis, November 13, 2011

  Smiling proudly, Mia looked around the completed nursery. The room had a pair of everything it seemed: two cribs, one on either side of the big window in the middle of the room, two gliders, one by each crib, along with two changing tables. The closet and dressers were full of tons of adorable outfits for her boys to wear. She may have gone a little overboard with the clothes, but what else was she going to do while on bed rest?

  Luke and Allie were poking their noses all over, checking everything out. With Allie’s help, Mia got this room complete in time. She was at thirty-six weeks. They’d all been worried she wouldn’t get there, but Mia did take her bed rest seriously. And even as her blood pressure got better with each visit, she continued to follow her doctor’s orders. She got more time out of bed yet she didn’t tax herself. Mia spent a lot of time with Allie the past couple months, helping her pick an assistant after many interviews—Langston Avery. He had a lot of tattoos, wore glasses, and had been working at a recording studio for the past five years. He had experience, edginess, and the willingness to take orders from two women. He’d already helped a lot with this nursery, putting things together for her because Mia didn’t want to wait for Ethan. Ethan’s schedule the past couple months had him gone more than he was home. He hated being away from her and when he was, her phone got so much action.


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