Never Over You

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Never Over You Page 21

by Ryleigh Andrews

  Maybe it had nothing to do with Todd, but something was definitely troubling her. These past two weeks with her, she’d been very emotional during sex which wasn’t all that strange. What was strange was that the emotion coming from her was sadness.

  What was making her so sad lately? And now these tears. Hell, he didn’t understand a goddamn thing. He wished she found it easy to talk to him. She didn’t seem to know how. She kept it all bottled up inside of her. He wanted to be that one person she could share everything with and it hurt that she didn’t.

  But all those thoughts were wiped away when he looked up and met his wife’s gaze. Her face lit up in a smile he hadn’t seen in ages. Returning it, he watched her make her way through the crowd of people to him, her smiling eyes never leaving his. Finally, she made it to him and looked up at him and simply said, “Hi.”

  He liked that one word from her mouth so much because it was more than just a greeting. It was hard to describe. All he knew was when she said that one word like that it filled him with such a sense of rightness, so much love.

  “Hi,” he replied.

  She stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek, her soft lips caressing his skin, her breasts pushed against his chest, his dick liking her against his body. “Wanna dance with me?” she asked, slowly rubbing against his now-hard cock.

  Maybe he was wrong …

  “Hell yeah, suga.”


  Indianapolis, May 15, 2015

  Two weeks into the tour and he missed Mia so fucking much. The night before she’d left, they’d never gone to bed … well, they’d been in bed but certainly hadn’t slept. They’d made love all night long and did some practice taking pictures for one another. He prayed no one ever accessed their phones and saw those pictures. The past week, he found himself looking at them a lot. He especially loved the one of her mouth wrapped around his cock, her eyes fixed on his phone.

  They’d been texting a lot since she’d been gone—fun, flirty texts. A missed experience, that’s for sure. She made good on her promise to send him more pictures. How he wished he could be by her side instead of sitting in the chair outside of his locker. After two weeks of being inside of her body, and now, nowhere close, it just emphasized how much he had missed her lately, how much he loved her.

  Grabbing his phone, he hoped he had another text from her, hopefully with a picture attached. He turned on his phone and scrolled through the messages on his lock screen and about dropped his phone when he saw a missed call and voice mail from Kristen Ostermann.

  What the hell did she want?

  He was tempted to just ignore it, but more than likely it was football related. He should listen to it, yet he hesitated. What’s the harm in hearing what she had to say?

  “Hey, Ethan. How are you? Probably in the middle of training for the upcoming mini-camps. That’s kind of why I was calling. My network was thinking of some ways to beef up our coverage of the preseason activities. Anyway, they want to interview all the starting quarterbacks and either air an interview daily or combine it into a special. I don’t know the specifics yet. I was just wondering if you’d be interested. If you are, give me a call back. Hope to talk to you soon …”

  Hmmm …

  Definitely about football, but he was unsure if he wanted to do the interview. He’d think on it and maybe call her back.



  Indianapolis, May 23, 2015

  “Come on, Mia. Pick up,” he urged, situating his screen so the camera got his face and not the top of his head and the ceiling.

  His breath left him when her face appeared on his screen. Fuck—she was absolutely stunning with no makeup and her hair messily pulled back in a bun.

  “Hi, suga.”

  Her whole face spread into a smile and he couldn’t help but return it.

  “Hi,” she said. “God, I miss you. I’m sorry it’s been so crazy lately. I didn’t even know if this would work today. I snuck out of an interview so I could talk to you. That picture you sent me this afternoon …so fucking hot. I wish I could have been the one to do that …”

  This morning when he woke up, he had been so hard, it physically hurt to move. His lovely wife and her pouty mouth had been torturing him in his dreams. He had to relieve himself and sent her a picture of the ending.

  “Oh, suga, you were the one, believe me.”

  She brought her fingers up to her mouth as her beautiful laughter touched his ears.

  “Are you in your hotel room?”

  “Yes,” she replied.


  “Yes,” she said, the laughter leaving her voice replaced by her husky whisper. She knew where he wanted to go with this call. And from the look in her eyes, she wanted it too.

  “You need this, suga?”

  “Yes, Ethan.”

  “You’ve been teasing me for weeks with those pictures.”

  “You’ve teased right back.”

  “I have,” he agreed, happy she was in the same boat as he. “Do you want me to make you come, suga?”

  She nodded her head repeatedly.

  “I want to see that,” he added.

  Desire flared in those big eyes of hers.

  “You wet for me, suga?”

  “Yes,” she answered with an exhale of breath.

  “How wet?”

  His eyes focused on her movements and his ears picked up the rustle of fabric as she moved aside her clothing so she could answer him. His dick twitched when her eyes closed the moment she touched herself. Unzipping his jeans, he released his cock and began stroking it.

  “I’m wet enough for you to slide easily inside of me,” she said, her eyes half-open, but by the movement of her arm she was still touching herself.

  “Let me see how wet you are.”

  Her mouth fell open slightly at that, but she removed her hand and held her fingers up to the screen.

  Fuck, they were glistening with her arousal. He wanted to taste her so badly, make her come with his mouth and fingers.

  He’d make her do that for him now.

  “Put them in your mouth. Taste them for me.”

  She took her fingers away from the screen and towards her face, hesitating at her mouth.

  “Mia,” he warned and her eyes locked on his as her lips surrounded those two wet fingers. “Holy fuck,” he cursed when she rubbed her wet middle finger on her lower lip. His hand moved faster along the length of his cock, wishing it was that wet mouth of hers instead of his fist.

  “Mia, show me. I need to see you as you come.”

  She stood up and placed her hands on her waist, when an unwanted male voice interrupted it all.

  “Hey! You left your purse in my room when you snuck out this morning,” came Todd’s voice as he barged into her room like he owned the place.

  Goddamn it! Did the fucker have a key to her room?

  Mia sat back down and Ethan saw Todd behind her. She turned towards him and he tossed her purse in her lap.

  “Don’t just leave like that, okay? I get worried that someone kidnapped our lead singer. Then what would we do? Huh?” he asked. Ethan heard the concern coming through his joking tone.

  “Find another lead singer?” she responded with a smirk.

  “There’s no one like you, baby girl.”

  The use of that nickname fed Ethan’s jealousy as did the indulgent smile she gave the drummer.

  “So, whatcha doin’? Wanna go out? Grab some food?”

  “I’m on a call with Ethan …” she told him. Ethan didn’t miss the lift of her eyebrows when she told Todd that. What the hell was she telling him with that?

  “Ohh … well, you keep doing that. Call me later if you want to go eat,” he said, making a quick retreat offscreen.

  “Call you later,” she said and then turned her attention back to her screen and him. “Sorry about that. This tour is sapping my strength right from me. If I’m not performing, I’m sleeping, it seems. The lack of sleep
is affecting my brain too. I’m forgetting shit all the time. Like my purse,” she said in explanation.

  Okay … he got the lowdown on her purse but what about the rest of it?

  “What did he mean about sneaking out?”

  “I fell asleep watching a movie with him and when I woke up, I came back to my room to sleep in my bed.”

  Where did she fall asleep? On Todd’s bed? In his arms? Did they just watch a movie or where they doing more? Fuck! Why was his mind constantly going to that?

  Trust. He trusted her. Didn’t he?

  Todd’s interruption had completely killed his mood. She’d apologized and he’d told her it was okay. Another time. Or they’d just wait until she got home in two weeks.

  About five minutes later, Langston, Allie’s assistant, stopped by to get Mia for another round of interviews before the show. He wasn’t taking no for an answer.

  “Shit. Bye!” she said as Langston dragged her away.

  Ethan angrily clicked out of the program and stormed out of his office. He’d planned on taking the boys to the children’s museum that afternoon to distract them from missing their mother and afterwards they were going out to dinner. Time to head out.

  When they came back later that evening, Rory and Pierce were exhausted and went to sleep without a problem. Ethan went down to his office with the intent of catching up on emails while watching a movie or something.

  He sat down behind his desk and swore he heard his wife’s voice. Not moving, he waited to hear it again.

  “Damn you,” came her voice followed by a banging on the door. Ethan quickly looked at the programs he had opened on his laptop and saw Skype was still up. He switched to it and saw her hotel room on his screen.

  “You are persistent as fuck today,” she said to whoever knocked at her door.

  “Well, I find it pisses me off when you shut the elevator doors so I can’t get on,” said a voice he’d heard just a few hours ago—Todd. What the hell was he doing in her room after one in the morning?

  “I was done talking about it,” Mia said.

  “I wasn’t,” he retorted.

  Mia walked across the room in her pale pink bra that was very close to her skin tone that Ethan first thought she was topless, and her tight as fuck black jeans. Her arms were still covered in her signature bracelets and bangles she wore at her shows. Damn, she was so fucking hot and right now was half-naked in a hotel room with Todd.

  Ethan could just see her face to her thighs. She turned around and put a hand to her hip. “Todd,” she said in warning.

  “Mia,” he said, following her into the space. He could see Todd from the neck down and thankfully he was completely dressed. “You are so fuckin’ stubborn.”

  She glared at him and Ethan liked that they were fighting even though he had no idea what about.

  “Damn it, Todd. I don’t want to tell him. I hurt him enough as is … I don’t want to do it anymore. I want to move on.”

  “What do you think not telling him is doing to him?”

  Were they talking about him? If so, what did Todd want her to tell him?

  “I think,” Todd continued, “you don’t want to tell him because you’re afraid—that you’ll get the confirmation about what you’ve been thinking—”

  “I’m not—”

  “Then do it! Tell him!”

  “Why are you pushing this? It’s none of your concern.”

  “You’re my concern, baby girl.”

  That broke his wife. Tears spilled from her eyes and Todd reached out with one hand and pulled her into his embrace. Her arms found a home around his waist and her head landed on his chest.

  “I don’t know how to tell him.”

  “You just do,” he answered, kissing her forehead, his hands dangerously close to her ass.

  “Uh, Todd? Your hands …” she warned. He goosed her and she squeaked, hitting him on the chest. “Go! I need to take a shower and you’re distracting me. I need to get some sleep. We’ve got an early morning tomorrow.”

  “I can help you sleep …”

  She looked up at him and smiled. “You’ve seriously kept me sane this trip. Thank you,” she said before turning towards what Ethan assumed was the bathroom. Todd stood still, watching after Mia, then he turned and walked away.

  What the fuck did she mean by that? He kept her sane how? How did Todd keep his wife sane?

  Ethan minimized the Skype screen and tried to remember he trusted her not to sleep with Todd. She loved Ethan, not the drummer.

  She wouldn’t—

  “Todd? You still here?” came her muffled voice.


  “I need you.”

  “Be right there,” he immediately replied.

  Ethan slammed down the lid to his laptop. He didn’t want to hear anything else.



  Ethan slid the card into the key slot and waited as it registered. He entered quietly. The room was pitch black except for the light coming from the huge window. He placed his bag on the sofa and walked to the bedroom and found it empty.

  Damn it, he thought, running his hand through his hair, where the hell was she?

  Returning to the living area, he turned on some lights. He smiled as he looked around. The place was a mess. Her clothes were all over the place. He picked up a shirt of hers, smelling her scent on it.

  He sat down on the oversized chair facing the entry, waiting for her return. He glanced at his watch—eleven thirty. Picking up one of her magazines, he absently flipped through it for a few minutes.

  The door unlocked and he tossed the magazine on the table and stood up, watching excitedly as it opened. But his stomach dropped at the sight of Mia on Todd’s back. She was in the process of tearing off her shirt and once it was off, she tossed it aside, revealing her pale pink bra.

  “Mia! Keep your clothes on!” Todd exclaimed laughingly. She slid off him and started undoing her jeans.

  “Maybe you shouldn’t have thrown me into that snow pile. I’m soaked.”

  “I needed to cool you down,” Todd laughed, pulling off his jacket and throwing it with her clothes. Ethan stood there, his shocked heart racing, listening to this exchange, watching Mia push off her jeans, exposing her long, lean legs.

  “It didn’t work,” she said, trying to kick off her jeans. She tripped on her fallen jeans, taking Todd with her and stumbling to the floor.

  “Ow!” Mia groaned before a peal of laughter escaped her and then Todd. She finally kicked off her jeans and lay beneath Todd in just her underwear.

  “You okay?” she asked him through her laughter. Todd stopped laughing and nodded at her, his eyes locked on hers.

  Ethan didn’t move. He couldn’t speak. He was frozen. But when Todd lowered himself against Mia, touched his lips to hers and made her moan, Ethan wanted to move, wanted to tear the fucker off his wife but he couldn’t. He was rooted to the spot.

  After what seemed like a few minutes of kissing her, Todd broke away and knelt back and removed her pants all the way. His lips made their way back up her legs and stopped between them, his face nuzzled in her panty-covered pussy.

  Whatever he did had Mia’s hips bucking off the floor and her hands flailing out and digging into the rug beneath her. His fingers crawled up her thighs and then to her hips and slowly pulled her underwear down. There was lust in Todd’s gaze as his eyes fixated on Mia’s pussy.

  “Mia, I’ve waited so long for this—I’m going to devour you,” he warned as he tossed the fabric aside. And he did and made Mia cry out as she came in his mouth. Todd rose from between her legs, his mouth glistening from her, and tore off his shirt and then his jeans.

  When Mia’s lips found Todd’s cock, Ethan screamed but they didn’t hear him. Ethan was frozen in place as Todd put her on her hands and knees and knelt behind her and rammed into her. Todd pulled back but Mia followed him, her hips moving hungrily upon his cock.

  “Fuck! You like that, don’
t you, baby girl? My cock inside of you, fucking you like this. Do you like it rough?” he asked, grabbing a hold of Mia’s abundant hair, yanking her head back towards him. “Do you?”

  “Yes,” she moaned before Todd captured her lips in a quick kiss.

  Smoothing his hands over the globes of her ass, he bent down to speak to her again. “Your ass … I’ve wanted to get my hands on it for so long? Do you know how hard it is to be behind you at each and every show? Controlling that urge to put my hands on this sweet backside …” he said, gripping each side of her hips, holding her still as he rammed into her, over and over.

  Ethan watched as Todd made his wife scream in pleasure. That’s all he could do. He knew he was living out some nightmare but he couldn’t wake himself up.

  “Tell me you’re coming, Mia. Let me feel that pussy pulse around my cock.”

  Ethan regarded her face and saw the instant her orgasm started. Her head dropped and her mouth opened, but then shut before she spoke. “Todd … oh fuck, coming! Coming so hard!”

  “Yeah, baby girl, I feel you. So fucking good!”

  Ethan finally broke through the dream and bolted up in his bed. Flipping on the light, he searched the room—his bedroom. He was in Indianapolis and not back in St. Paul, not watching his nightmare play out in front of him. His wife was not there fucking Todd. No—that was happening thousands of miles away in Europe.

  He rolled over and grabbed her pillow, holding it to his chest, imagining it was her. That she had her arms wrapped around his waist and her head on his chest and not Todd’s. Ethan had hoped that vision would calm him down. Instead, stinging tears built up in his eyes. Angrily shaking his head, he fought those tears. He didn’t want to cry. He didn’t want to admit that she could be gone. That he had lost her—his home.

  He didn’t know what to do.

  Fuck—he hurt.

  Burrowing his head into her pillow, he let the sobs come, hot tears streamed down his face.

  Mia had broken him.


  Indianapolis, May 30, 2015

  Entering the Hyatt lobby, Ethan took a deep breath and went about finding the conference room Kristen had given him. He had called her the morning after that damn nightmare featuring Todd fucking his wife, and didn’t even feel guilty about it. Why should he?


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