
Home > Romance > Unveiled > Page 13
Unveiled Page 13

by Alice Raine

  When Allie had woken up and looked towards the window I’d felt sure she had seen me, and I’d been on the verge of laughing off my failed attempt and crawling into bed with her, but when she’d turned her back to switch on the light, some external force seemed to take over my body, propelling me onto my stomach where I could roll swiftly beneath the bed.

  So that’s where I was. Flat on my stomach on the thick carpet beneath Allie’s bed like some night-time assassin. A night-time assassin who really needed to sneeze. Great.

  Nearly getting caught had been my own stupid fault though, because as I’d entered her room earlier I had paused to gaze at her as she slept, wasting precious time that could have been spent putting my plan into action. I couldn’t help it, I was seriously addicted to her, and would take any chance I could get to watch my girl unnoticed.

  If I had just pounced on her as I’d intended then she wouldn’t have woken up and seen me illuminated by the moonlight as I watched her like a love-sick puppy, but here I was, now getting intimately acquainted with the floor like a complete idiot.

  My neck was twisted uncomfortably, so I turned to the other side to rest on my cheek and came face to face with a small cardboard carton. Frowning, I shifted my head slightly and then smiled – cinnamon chewing gum. At least twenty packets of the stuff by the looks of it. So that was where the bloody smell was coming from. Shaking my head in amusement, I twitched my nose and settled my head down again to listen for any movements from Allie.

  Half of me was tempted to clamber out from my hiding space and just admit my failed attempt at a midnight booty call, but my more determined side had decided that I was seeing this through. Allie had admitted that she quite liked the idea of someone sneaking in and pouncing on her in the middle of the night, and I was determined to make her fantasy a reality. In fact, ever since she’d mentioned it in passing it had taken root in my thoughts and become my fantasy too.

  After today’s text messages where she’d told me I owed her a ‘nice surprise’, – something I’d upgraded by promising a ‘pervy sexy surprise’ – I’d decided this was the perfect opportunity.

  The idea of surprising her as she slept and having my wicked way with her was such a huge turn on for me that even now, as I lay there under her bed barely breathing, my cock was already as hard as granite and digging painfully into the carpeted floor.

  I must have really freaked Allie out, because it was at least another five minutes before her light went out again, and then a further fifteen before I heard her breathing deepen and slow with sleep.

  Once I was definitely sure that Allie was asleep, I crawled from my hiding space and briefly stretched out my stiff joints before fully turning to face the bed.

  Where should I begin?

  When Allie had first joked about liking the idea of an intruder sneaking into her room I had salaciously described how I would pin her to the bed or tie her up and take her however I wished. I hadn’t actually expected her to look so thrilled by the idea, but thrilled she had been.

  A small groan slipped from my lips at the flood of ideas that swept my mind, all deliciously naughty and so arousing that I had to adjust my straining erection as it desperately sought a way free from my trousers.

  I wasn’t entirely sure how feasible tying her up would be without waking her, but she’d certainly seemed keen on the idea, and after my impromptu use of the belt to fasten her wrists at the beach house I couldn’t wait to give it another go.

  Hell, the idea of having Allie tied up beneath me was so appealing that I felt my cock give a gigantic lurch of approval. If Allie was up for it, why not try it out?

  This night had been in my plans for a while now, it had just been a matter of waiting for my work schedule to ease so I had an evening free. It was also one of the reasons I’d asked her to pick a safe word that day in the pool house, because realistically, tying her up while she slept was more extreme than anything else we’d ever done, so I needed to make sure she was definitely comfortable at all times.

  Reaching into one of the side pockets on my combat trousers, I removed two lengths of black silk that I had borrowed from the dressing rooms at work today. I say ‘borrowed’, but I mean taken. They were sashes from two of the dressing gowns in the make-up area. I’d slip them back in tomorrow, unless they went down really well with Allie, in which case I might just have to keep hold of them until I could purchase a suitable replacement.

  Licking my lips, I cautiously approached the bed and smiled. Allie was asleep on her back with her arms thrown above her head. It was the perfect position for me to tie her wrists, and even better, from the glimpse of bare shoulder I could see, it appeared she was naked. Perfect. It was settled. I was tying my girl to the bed.

  As I considered her positioning a wicked grin spread across my lips. Instead of using both sashes and tying her wrists to each bedpost, I could tie them together and attach them to the frame above her head. This would be far better, because not only did it mean I only needed to disturb her hands once, but if her wrists were tied together, I’d be able to flip her over onto her stomach, which was a position that presented some rather exciting possibilities.

  Pulling on the thin leather gloves I had purchased for this evening, I slid one long sash through the bedframe directly above her hands then carefully tied two loops for her wrists.

  Before attempting to move her hands, which would undoubtedly be the trickiest bit, I paused and glanced at the balaclava I had brought with me. Was that a step too far? Would it completely freak her out or just add to the overall excitement and realism? I toyed with the idea for several seconds then pulled it on with a shrug. I was already here and tying her up, I might as well go the whole hog. Besides, I was an actor, using props to enhance a scene was natural for me.

  To my surprise I managed to get the sash around Allie’s wrists without her even stirring. The knots were tight enough to create the feeling of restraint, but if Allie really tugged I was fairly sure she’d be able to pull herself free.

  Carefully kicking off my boots, I stood to the side of the bed and caught sight of my reflection in the mirror; black combat trousers, tight black T-shirt, leather gloves, and a balaclava. I actually looked like an intruder. Which I supposed was exactly what I was. The raging hard-on tenting the front of my trousers was perhaps a little out of place with the burglar visual, but I was so aroused that it couldn’t be helped.

  I tried to calm the roaring of my heartbeat in my chest, but knowing what I was about to do had me so turned on that my body was barely mine to control; my pulse was wild, my muscles tense with anticipation, and my cock was literally aching.

  What to do first?

  The sheet. It was definitely in the way. I wanted to see if she really was naked, and I wanted to see now. Holding my breath I gently held the corner of the thin fabric and began to peel it down Allie’s sleeping form, exposing her beautiful body inch by teasing inch until my face felt well and truly flushed.

  I took a moment to appreciate her in all her glory. Allie was indeed naked. Well, almost, in nothing but some very chaste white cotton knickers. My gaze lingered on the simple underwear and my pulse heated even further. Hmm, it was almost as if she had known I was coming and worn them on purpose, because they looked practically virginal.

  As if aware of my gaze, her nipples began to harden, and although I knew it was because they were exposed to the coolness of the room, I couldn’t help but grin my approval.

  Finally allowing myself to touch her, I ran the pad of a gloved finger gently around one nipple, the nub pebbling and tightening even more under my attentions until it was a tiny pink bullet. Allie gave a soft moan but didn’t wake, so I repeated the touch to her other breast, this time being rewarded with a small shift of her hips, as if she were becoming aroused even in her sleep.

  My control was pretty much maxed out now. The gloves were a nice prop, but I was desperate to feel her skin, so I dipped my head and took a nipple into my mouth. At first I gave a
few gentle licks, savouring the sweet floral taste, but then my control began to fail and I sucked the peak into my mouth, hard, just as she liked it.

  Allie jerked below me, her whole body tensing as she woke with a start and arched her body into the contact. A breathy moan left her lips and as I raised my head to watch her pleasure I saw her eyes expand into a terrified expression that twisted her entire face.

  I’d been so lost in the moment that I’d briefly forgotten about the balaclava. Oops. That must have scared the shit out of her. It was easy to see the exact second she fully woke up and went into panic mode, because her hands jerked against the restraints and her lungs violently expanded below me.

  Fuck, she was about to scream. Aware that Cait was somewhere in the bungalow I moved in a blur of limbs so I was straddling Allie and pinning her down, and clamped a hand over her mouth.

  My girl was a fighter, that was for sure, because even without the use of her hands she was bucking wildly, writhing and squirming so violently that she nearly succeeded in flipping me off the bed.

  As wrong as it was, I found that her struggling just made my cock even harder, but as I held her down I knew I had to reassure her, let her know it was me, but without directly stopping the scene.

  Leaning down close to her ear, I licked at the lobe, which caused her to give a muffled yell of anger against my hand and try to bite down on one of my fingers. Grinning at how feisty she was, I repeated the lick and whispered to her, ‘If you want me to stop at any point, just say the safe word. You remember our word, baby?’

  Her struggling ceased almost immediately and as I leant my head up to meet her gaze, I found her eyes shadowed with a confused frown as she searched the holes in the balaclava for something recognisable in my eyes.

  I saw her features relax marginally and I removed my hand from her mouth.

  ‘S … Sean? It’s you?’

  I didn’t want to answer directly – that felt like it would spoil some of the fun – so I merely persevered with my question. ‘What’s the safe word, my gorgeous girl?’ I lowered one hand and gave a soft tweak to a nipple, causing her to gasp and then flush with colour.

  ‘B … blizzard.’ Her body arched upwards towards my touch and I grinned at how keen she was.

  ‘That’s my girl,’ I praised. ‘Do you want to use it, or are we good to continue?’

  ‘I didn’t think midnight intruders would have such good manners,’ Allie murmured breathily. ‘Aren’t you just supposed to use me any way you wish?’

  Use her any way I wished? Jeez. My balls nearly exploded right there and then.

  Well, if that was how she felt about it all, I supposed I better just get on with it. Kneeling up I practically ripped my T-shirt over my head and, leaving the balaclava and gloves on to add some excitement, I descended on her again like a man possessed. Which was exactly what I was.


  This was all so unexpected that it took me a few seconds to get my heart rate back under control. Waking up with a masked man crouched over my body had been the most singularly terrifying thing I had ever experienced, but as soon as I’d realised it was Sean making good on his promise, I felt arousal flooding my body as I relaxed into it.

  Although really, I shouldn’t be relaxed, should I? If I really wanted to get into the whole role play thing properly then I should probably act like a terrified damsel in distress and at least put up a bit of a fight. At the moment I was limp with relief – where was the fun in that?

  Catching Sean off guard, I resumed my violent wriggling, but this time kept quiet so as not to wake Cait. I even managed to half dislodge him from my hips before he looked up at me and I caught sight of a startled look in his eyes. That balaclava was actually rather erotic. Well, not the balaclava as such, but more the fact that it sort of hid his identity. The gloves were sexy too, the soft leather felt so sinful against my skin that I hoped he would dip his hand between my legs soon so I could experience it there too.

  ‘You’re going to be a wriggler?’ he murmured, re-establishing his mounted position with some difficulty, sitting more of his weight onto my thighs and using his hands to pin my bucking hips to the mattress. ‘That’s OK, the harder you fight, the harder I get,’ he informed me, leaning forward to give a very firm thrust of his very firm groin. And I definitely didn’t miss the wiggle of his eyebrows at the edge of the wool before his head dipped to my breast. Oh goodie. Sean was in full teasing mode tonight, and I couldn’t have been happier.

  This time the bucking of my hips had nothing to do with trying to escape, and everything to do with the deliciously hard suckle he had applied to my nipple. Pleasure soared through my veins, travelling straight from the throbbing tip down to my groin, which was now aching for contact.

  As if reading my mind, Sean shifted his position slightly, peeled my knickers off, chucked them carelessly over his shoulder, and slid one gloved hand down from my hip, across my belly, and through the small strip of hair to my clitoris. The teasing bastard then circled it just once – nowhere near enough, in my opinion – and sat back with a smirk, completely removing his touch.

  A garbled complaint rose up my throat as I stared at him in shock. He wasn’t seriously going to stop, was he?

  Chuckling, he proceeded to sink one single leather-clad finger fully inside me. A murmur of pleasure fluttered across my lips because his touch felt so good that I simply couldn’t keep quiet. My hands tugged uselessly against the sashes as I wriggled frantically, but remembering that I was restrained only heightened my arousal. ‘Oh god …’

  ‘That’s not my name, but feel free to call me it for this evening …’ Sean mumbled in a gravelly voice, and I could tell from his tone that he was grinning from ear to ear. Arrogant bastard. But what talented fingers my arrogant bastard had. My eyes practically rolled backwards in my skull in appreciation of what he was doing.

  A second gloved finger began to press inside me, the slickness of the leather giving a bizarre, but hugely erotic twist to the act. My back arched as he curled the two digits just enough to find my g-spot. Even with his gloves on he managed to zero straight in on it and give it a firm massage with each thrust, and that little bundle of nerves deep inside of me exalted at how skilled Sean was at locating them. It was sheer bliss.

  Suddenly his fingers were gone and I was left on the brink of orgasm, empty and whimpering. ‘Time for a change,’ he whispered beside my ear. ‘Over you go.’ And gripping my hips, he somehow managed to flip me over with surprising ease so I was flat on my stomach.

  Blimey. I had no idea how he had managed that quite so easily, but clearly from the way my face was now squished into the duvet, he had. I wasn’t in this new position for long either, because Sean snaked a hand under my hips and pulled me up so I was on my elbows and knees practically presented before him.

  Sliding from the bed I heard the sound of his zipper and the soft movement of fabric as he removed his trousers. I couldn’t see him, but I hoped he had taken off his boxers too. If he was wearing any, that was, because I’d discovered that Sean quite often went commando when I was around.

  The mattress sank as he climbed back onto the bed and I shivered as he ran a gloved hand over my bottom. ‘Hmmm. What a perfect sight. Tied up and bowed over for only me to see. You make a very pleasing captive, my gorgeous girl.’ In response, I gave a brief, teasing wiggle of my hips, which earned me a sharp spank on my right buttock that caused my eyes to bulge in surprise.

  ‘Oh!’ A shocked gasp slipped from my lips, but actually, even though we’d never done anything remotely like punishments before, that had definitely added to my arousal. The feel of the leather had been incredibly erotic, and as bizarre as it was, I almost wanted him to do it again. Hmmm …

  This surprising realisation was something Sean had clearly picked up on, because he landed another stinging slap to my other buttock and slid a finger between my legs. I heard a sharp inhalation as he pulled it away and then gently rubbed the excessive moisture on my cli
t in a series of hard, teasing circles.

  ‘Well, well, you are excitable this evening, aren’t you, my little captive? Perhaps you are enjoying being experimental.’

  My reply was nothing short of a garbled warble. I was hot, horny, tied up, and waaay past speech.

  One of Sean’s hands gently massaged my warm bum cheek while his other slid from my clit and dipped into my moisture before continuing on around to my other entrance. I tensed slightly at the feel of him massaging at my behind, but I knew from experience that he often did this and no more. Apparently, my man was more than a little obsessed with this other entrance.

  Tonight though, instead of just giving it a quick tease, I felt the tip of his moist, gloved finger begin to press against it more firmly, and my body tensed. What he did to me always felt nice, but I wasn’t sure I wanted more action around that side. ‘Sean …’ My hesitancy must have shown in my voice because he stilled immediately.

  ‘Hush … trust me, baby. If you don’t like it say your safe word.’ Hmm … I wasn’t convinced, but I knew with certainty that he would stop if I asked him to, so I gave a small nod of acknowledgement and tried to relax.

  ‘Besides, I’m a heartless robber, remember? I can do whatever I like to you,’ he murmured in a low, gravelly tone that sent shimmers of excited pleasure dancing across my skin.

  I wondered if that was why he was finally extending our play to that area, because the role play allowed him more freedom. Whatever the reason, lucid thoughts were pushed from my mind the next second as he splayed a hand on my lower back and began to probe at my back entrance with his gloved thumb. At least I assumed it was his thumb, because it felt thicker than the finger that had gone before.

  The sensation was pleasurable but so alien, and as much as I wanted to relax, I found it difficult. Sensing my struggle, Sean reached with his free hand and began to rub at my clitoris with firm, slick circles, and as pleasure radiated out from his touch I felt his thumb sink deeper until it was gently moving in time to his fingers at my clit.


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