Rescuing Gracelynn (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) (Bravo Series Book 1)

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Rescuing Gracelynn (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) (Bravo Series Book 1) Page 9

by Anna Blakely

  Gracie nodded slowly in agreement.

  “Good. Then, I need you to trust me on this, too, okay? These phones are highly encrypted. No one’s going to be listening to them. You have my word.”

  “Okay,” she whispered softly.

  She may have agreed, but Nate could still hear the trepidation in her voice. Could see the fear reflected in those beautiful, golden eyes.

  Putting the phone on speaker, Nate dialed Kole’s number. Sounding groggy, as if he’d been sleeping, Kole answered on the third ring.

  “Nate? Why the hell are you calling on this line?”

  “I found her.”

  “What?” Kole instantly sounded alert and fully awake. “You found Gracie? Where is she?”

  “Well, actually…” Nate gave Gracie a tiny smile. “She found me. She’s here, at my place.” With a tilt of his chin, he motioned for Gracie to say something.

  “H-hey, Kole. I’m here. I’m okay.”

  “Gracie? Oh, thank God.”

  “Where have you been?” Sarah’s voice came through next. “We’ve been looking all over for you!”

  It sounded like she was crying, but at least this time, they were tears of joy.

  “I’ll explain everything when I can. For now, please just know I’m okay. And I’m sorry I worried you.” Her eyes found Nate’s as she added, “I just didn’t know what else to do.”

  When Kole began to bombard Gracie with his rapid questioning again, Nate could tell she was feeling overwhelmed and wasn’t sure what to say. Taking the phone off speaker, he gave her a wink before putting it to his ear.

  “Hey, Kole, it’s me. Listen, I think Gracie needs a minute to regroup.”

  “Regroup? She vanished for six fucking days. She doesn’t need to regroup. She needs to tell us what the hell happened.”

  “And she will. Look. Let me talk to her first. I’ll get the whole story, and then I’ll call you back with the details.”

  “I’m coming over.”

  Gracie must have heard Kole’s voice through the phone, because she began to adamantly shake her head.

  Understanding her concern, Nate told Kole, “No. Don’t come here.”

  “The fuck you mean? Of course I’m coming there.”

  “Kole, listen to me a minute, okay? Whoever broke into Gracie’s apartment knows her. She overheard him mentioning her name to someone on the phone and saying he’d be back. I’m assuming that’s why she didn’t go to Sarah in the first place. She didn’t want to risk the guy following her there.”

  Gracie bobbed her head, letting him know his assumption was spot on.

  “Now, I know you both love Gracie, and you’re worried about her,” Nate continued. “I also know you don’t want anything to happen to Sarah. Especially not after what went down with Prescott.”

  Ian Prescott used to be a lawyer at the firm where Sarah worked. The guy became obsessed with Sarah and began stalking her. He even went so far as to break into her and Kole’s apartment and assault her.

  Luckily, Nate and Kole showed up before the maniac could cause her any serious harm.

  “You’re right,” Kole begrudgingly agreed. “I don’t. But, damn it, I don’t want anything to happen to Gracie, either.”

  “And it won’t. How about this? She stays here with me tonight, and then we’ll all meet up at the office tomorrow. I’ll text Gabe and tell him to get ahold of the others. You can text Jake and let him know what’s going on. We’ll plan on meeting at the office at oh eight-hundred. We can figure everything else out, then.”

  There was a long pause, and Nate waited. He could hear Kole relaying the plan to Sarah. From what he could make out, she didn’t like it, but in the end, she agreed.

  “Fine. We’ll see you at the office at oh eight-hundred. I’d tell you to give her a big hug and a kiss from me, but that would probably come back to bite me in the ass. So, just tell her goodnight, we’re glad she’s safe, and we love her.”

  Nate chuckled. “Will do. ’Night.”

  “Goodnight. And Nate?”


  “Thanks for taking care of her.”

  “Never have to thank me for that, brother.”

  Not waiting for Kole’s response, Nate ended the call and shoved the phone back into his pocket. He drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly then locked his eyes with Gracie’s.

  “First things first. Let’s get you a hot shower and some clean clothes. I’ll order some more food to be delivered, and then, you’re going to tell me what the hell it is you’ve gotten yourself into.”

  Chapter 6

  With her head tilted forward, Gracie stood beneath Nate’s large shower-head, letting the hot water run down her shoulders and back. It was the first time in nearly a week she’d felt safe enough to give herself more than a handful of minutes to wash, rinse, and get out.

  The hotels she’d stayed at the past few nights were less than stellar, but they were off the beaten path and within her meager cash budget. She was very careful to make sure she wasn’t followed, but still. Her paranoia was in full form lately, and she’d been too afraid to let her guard down, even for a second.

  “Gracie?” Nate’s voice carried through the closed bathroom door and over the noise of the shower.

  Opening the frosted shower door, Gracie stuck her head out. “Yeah?”

  “Just checking to make sure you are okay.”

  A warm sensation spread across her chest, and it had nothing to do with the temperature of the water.

  “I’m good. I’ll be out in just a minute.”

  “Take your time. The food’s here, but we can warm it up if we need to.”


  She waited a few more seconds to make sure he wasn’t going to say more before closing the door and finishing her shower. After, she got out and dried off, then squeezed as much water from her long hair as she could into the towel she’d used.

  Gracie looked down at the pile of clothes she’d been wearing and cringed. They were still damp from the rain, so there was no way she was putting those back on.

  That’s when it hit her.

  Her extra set of clothes was still at the last place she’d stayed. Damn.

  She couldn’t explain why she left there in such a hurry. There’d been no sign of the man she’d seen at her apartment. Still, something had told Gracie she needed to get out of there tonight.

  Knowing the general details of their current op, she’d assumed—and prayed—Bravo had made it back home. Banking on that, she’d grabbed what cash she had left and called for a cab.

  Because she’d been so worried about possibly being followed, Gracie had told the cab driver to drop her off a few blocks from Nate’s. From there, she walked down a block, went into a nearby alley, backtracked, and crossed the street before heading down the next block.

  She continued the erratic behavior, hoping to throw whoever it was off…just in case they were back there somewhere, following her.

  Gracie reached Nate’s block just as he was walking into Chu’s. The relief she’d felt from just seeing him again was almost indescribable.

  As the rain poured down, she’d stood across the street, watching him while he waited for his food. As soon as he left the restaurant, she’d high-tailed it across the street and into the alley behind him.

  She was trying to catch up to him when he’d taken her by complete surprise, spinning around and pushing her against that wall. She’d tried to tell him who she was, but he’d knocked the wind out of her, making it impossible to speak.

  By the time she could talk again, he was pushing his gun against her chest. Right above her heart.

  Fear had left her frozen. To be fair, Gracie had never even had a gun pointed in her direction, much less had one pressed against her body like that.

  She looked down at the small, round bruise beginning to form on her skin. She wasn’t mad at him for it. How could she be?

  Her thoughts returned to that moment in the alley. Not
the fear and uncertainty she’d felt, but the powerful way Nate had moved.

  He didn’t appear to even have to think about what he was doing. He just attacked with strength and purpose. In a weird, twisted way, it was almost beautiful to see.

  Shaking those thoughts away, Gracie went back to the task at hand. Wrapping the large, black towel she’d used around her body, she secured it between her breasts before opening the door and walking out into Nate’s bedroom.

  She started to look around for something to throw on when she spotted his favorite shirt laid out on top of his bed. Next to it were some running shorts and a pair of socks.

  Smiling for the first time in days, she started to undo the towel when the door opened, and Nate stepped inside the room.

  Letting out a little squeal, Gracie quickly covered herself and held the towel in place. Their eyes met and Gracie froze. She wasn’t the only one.

  They both stood like that for a solid ten seconds before talking all over each other.

  “I was just changing into—”

  “I’m so sorry. I was just checking to see—”

  They both laughed nervously.

  “You go first,” Gracie offered.

  “No, please.” Nate held out a hand. “Ladies first.”

  “I-I saw these and assumed you’d left them for me.”

  “I did. You weren’t carrying anything with you in the alley, so I figured you’d need something for tonight.”

  Nate’s thoughts must have returned back to that moment because his eyes lowered toward her chest. Not in a sexual way, but more of a clinical, assessing manner.


  He mumbled the low curse before closing the distance between them. Slowly, as though he were afraid to hurt her, Nate raised his hand to the small bruise.

  His fingertips traced the tiny, reddish-blue circle, sparking a flame of desire as they moved across her delicate skin.

  Gracie felt her pulse quicken and tried with all her might to control her breathing. It was so hard to do when the man who’d invaded her most recent dreams was this close. Touching her in such a gentle, caring way…while she was practically naked.

  “I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I didn’t mean to—”

  “I know.” Gracie covered his hand with hers. “You didn’t know who I was,” she spoke softly. “How could you? You reacted the way you’ve been trained, that’s all.”

  Nate’s stunning eyes rose to meet hers. Gracie stared into those deep seas of blue and then lowered her gaze to his mouth.

  She wanted to kiss him. Had thought of little else ever since the last time she’d been here.

  Gracie didn’t know if it was her adrenaline running on full steam or the roller coaster of emotions she’d experienced as of late. But something inside her said to go for it. So, she did.

  Rising on her tiptoes, Gracie glanced back up at him one last time before closing her eyes and pressing her mouth to his.

  At first, Nate didn’t reciprocate, and Gracie feared she’d made a terrible mistake. Just as she started to pull away, he cupped the back of her head with one hand and pressed his other at the small of her back.

  Taking over, Nate began to kiss her back forcefully, his lips pressing against hers with a hunger matching her own.

  Exhilarated by the fact that he wanted her just as badly, Gracie took things a step further. Using the tip of her tongue, she traced the seam of his mouth, enticing him into letting her in.

  Nate grunted as they tasted each other for the first time, the sound making her even more aroused than before. As their tongues danced and twirled together, Gracie became bolder with her movements.

  Closing the remaining few inches left between them, she pressed her hips against his. Wearing nothing but a towel, it was easy to feel his jean-clad erection against her lower belly. Slick heat began to pool between her legs as she imagined herself setting it free.

  Sliding her hand in that direction, Gracie’s fingers had almost made it to Nate’s belt buckle when he stopped her. Placing the hand that was once against her back over hers, he pulled his lips free, abruptly ending the kiss.

  Their panted breaths mixed together as Gracie tried to figure out what had just happened. It didn’t take long to get her answer.

  “I’m sorry, Gracie. I shouldn’t have done that.”

  “What? Kiss me back?” Gracie teased.

  She waited for him to make some sort of joke, but the look of regret on his face said he was one hundred percent serious. Her heart sank inside her deflated chest.

  “Oh, um…” She licked her lips, hating that she still tasted him there. “I think I’m the one who should apologize. I thought you wanted—”

  “I did,” he answered quickly. “I do.” Nate took a couple steps backward, raking a hand through his hair.

  Even when it was messy, he looked sinfully delicious.

  “You’re a very attractive woman, Gracie,” he remarked.

  Just not attractive enough.

  Mortified, Gracie became focused on her bare feet so she wouldn’t have to look him in the eye while he let her down easy.

  “Hey, look at me.” Nate used his thumb and forefinger to lift her chin, forcing her to make eye contact despite her efforts to the contrary. “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Don’t doubt that for a second, sweetheart.”

  Oh, God. Had she actually said that out loud?

  She closed her eyes and regained her composure. Doing her best to salvage what was left of her dignity, Gracie moved out of his reach.

  “It’s fine, Nate. I’m probably all hyped up on adrenaline or something. Really, it’s fine.”


  Trying to pretend like nothing happened, she purposefully made her voice overly cheerful.

  “You said the food’s ready, right? Because I am starving.”

  Yeah, she knew it was lame, but it was the best she could come up with. What she really wanted to do was crawl into a hole and never come out.

  Thankfully, Nate didn’t push the subject. “Uh, yeah. I’ll go warm it up while you get dressed.”

  “Perfect.” She gave him her best, everything is fine smile. “I’ll be out in a minute.”

  After giving her a final, assessing look, Nate left the room, quietly closing the door behind him.

  Growling at herself, Gracie turned and plopped face down onto the bed. She lay there, wallowing in self-pity for a few more seconds before sitting back up and pulling herself together.

  Once she was dressed, she went into the bathroom and used a brush she’d found in one of the vanity drawers to tame her still-damp locks. There was nothing more she could do to try and look any more presentable—not like it would matter, anyway—so, she took a deep, calming breath and went to find Nate and the food.

  She wasn’t lying when she’d claimed to be hungry. With only a bit of cash she’d had stashed away in her apartment, she’d been very stingy on what she spent money on these past few days.

  The delicious aroma of sweet and sour pork hit her half way down the hall, the scent reminding her of the night she was here with Nate. Gracie looked down at the letters sprawled across her chest and found herself wishing she were wearing it for a whole other reason.

  Pushing those useless thoughts away, she decided to focus on the fact that she was safe, and be thankful Nate was kind enough to let her stay here.

  “Food’s on the counter, and I set a plate and fork out for you to use. Help yourself.”

  “Thanks,” Gracie muttered as she walked past him. Hating the uneasy look in his eyes, she added, “And thanks, again for letting me stay here. I didn’t know where else to go.”

  “Of course.”

  That was all she got, making her feel even worse for forcing herself on him like she had. Although, he did kiss her back, and damn.

  For someone who wasn’t interested, he sure as hell kissed like he was.

  They both filled their plates in silence before taking a seat at Na
te’s table. It didn’t seem possible that a week had gone by since she was last here, laughing and joking around.

  It’s crazy what a difference a few days can make.

  Hating the awkwardness between them now, she tried to apologize. “Nate, I’m sorry. I never should’ve—”

  “Tell me what happened at your apartment,” he interrupted. “Exactly. Don’t leave anything out.”

  His abrupt tone took her off guard. “Um, okay. Sure. Let’s see, I left the office with Sarah. We went back to my place and hung out for a while.”

  “What did you talk about?”

  Her heart rate increased. “Is that relevant to what happened?”

  Nate shrugged. “I don’t know. Probably not, but the more details you can give me, the better chance I have of catching this guy.”

  Gracie really didn’t want to divulge her entire conversation with Sarah, given that Nate had been the main topic for the last portion of it. I’ll leave that part out, for now.

  “We talked about Craig. I told her some funny stories from my time with him at the hospital. I showed her the pictures…” Gracie cut herself off. “Oh, no. The pictures.”

  “What pictures?”

  “On my phone.” Knowing she needed to explain a bit further, she added, “I left it in Craig’s hospital room one day when I went to go check on something with one of the nurses. It wasn’t until later that night I realized he’d taken a bunch of silly selfies before putting my phone back exactly how I’d left it. As a joke, you know?”

  Grinning, Nate nodded. Gracie couldn’t help but think it was totally something he would do.

  Nate surprised her when he said, “I have your phone. I should be able to recover all your pictures.”

  “Really? That would be great!” Then, she scrunched her brow. “Wait. Why do you have my phone?”

  “When we got back from Ankara…” Nate hesitated, clearly unsure of what he could share about the op.

  “It’s okay, Nate. I know where your team was sent. I helped Agent Ryker with some of the arrangements.”

  With a nod, he started again. “When we got back from Ankara late Saturday afternoon, Jake and Sarah were waiting for us at the gate. They told us you’d gone missing, and Jake gave me your phone. I restored all your texts and emails to see if there was something in them that could help us find you. I didn’t specifically go in and download the pics, though.”


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