Real Vampires Hate Their Thighs

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Real Vampires Hate Their Thighs Page 4

by Bartlett, Gerry

  I took his other hand and put it to my breast. He covered it, my nipple tight against his palm. Then I pulled his hand down to where I needed to feel him inside me, and the pressure almost sent me over the brink before I’d even managed to wiggle out of my costume.

  “Say something,” I whispered.

  “You rob me of speech.” Jerry bent to take my breast into the heat of his mouth.

  I wanted to ask what he meant. No speech. Good? Bad? What the hell? He was in “driving Glory insane” territory with his clever lips and tongue. And he was helping me get those bikini bottoms off without ripping the fishnets. I kicked off my high heels and concentrated on unbuttoning his shirt with shaking fingers. Loved the shirt or I’d have just ripped it off of him and tossed it aside. Really loved his chest, so manly, scarred from long-ago battles before he’d been turned vampire. No modern workouts for my guy. He’d earned his muscles the hard way, by wielding a broadsword taller than I am.

  I knew every inch of him. I could, and had, traced this territory blindfolded more times than I could count, yet I never tired of exploring it. I went to work on his belt and trousers, and soon had him as naked as I was. I hoped to hell Richard had posted a Do Not Disturb sign on our love nest, because I’d hate to be interrupted just as Jerry began licking his way down my body to my favorite place for him to drink from me. Yep, there’s a vein there at my inner thighs . . .

  “Jerry, I love you.” I had his hair in a grip that was probably painful, but he was bearing up. He had my legs over his shoulders and his eyes on the prize. “Drink from me.”

  He jerked me closer, his hands digging into my ass as he held me to him. “Gloriana, lass, you’re beautiful. Just as you are. Never forget it.” With a growl of pure predatory lust, he sank his fangs into the sweet spot. I flung myself into an orgasm that was of the “screaming like a banshee” variety. Lucky for both of us, banshees must be regulars at this club, because nobody came running in to check on us. Or, if they did, neither of us noticed.

  Once he’d drunk his fill, Jerry eased me down and plunged into me the old-fashioned way. Which was great for orgasm number two, or was it three? God, the man had a way about him. I was so busy kissing and biting him myself, I lost all claim to reason. I inhaled his sweet scent and sank my fangs into his jugular, drawing his life force into me as another orgasm roared through me. He held me close, the throb of his heartbeat echoed by my own as he waited for me to withdraw and lick the punctures closed. I held him tight, my body wrapped around him as we pulsed together. I felt powerful, energized and sexy as hell.

  Oh, God, but he was still inside me, moving again now with a power no mortal could ever hope to match. He covered my mouth with his, his fangs lightly scraping across my lips as he tied my hands together with the feather boa. He shoved them over my head, then leaned down to draw one of my nipples into his mouth, using a stray feather to tease the other.

  “Jerry!” I gasped, playing along even though I knew I could pull my hands apart without much effort.

  “I want the truth now, Gloriana.” He sat up, the strength of him throbbing inside me as he reached down to slide that feather down between us. “Did you or did you not dance topless in Las Vegas?”

  “I—I don’t remember.” Truth. At this point, it was all I could do to remember my own name.

  “Not an answer I’ll accept, lass.” He ran the feather down one of my thighs, then dropped it to pull me tighter against him. He slid out of me until he was a mere inch from leaving me altogether. “Yes? Or no?” He eased back inside but not nearly deep enough to satisfy me.

  I raised my bound arms and leaned up to loop them around his neck. I ran the feathers close to his ears and grinned to see him give an involuntary shiver. Hah! Jerry doing anything involuntarily was a triumph as far as I was concerned.

  “Are you jealous, Jeremiah?”

  “I don’t like the idea of strangers seeing you half-naked.” He growled and kissed me like he was laying a claim.

  I certainly couldn’t complain about that. But we hadn’t been together when I’d lived in Las Vegas. And I’m not the world’s most talented dancer. At five feet five, I’m pretty short by Vegas standards too. So going topless was sometimes the only way I could get work. Jerry wasn’t going to like it, but I wasn’t going to lie to him about this anymore. I had other, more important secrets to keep.

  I opened my mind and let him see my answer. He frowned. Then, instead of shoving off of me like I was afraid he would, he leaned down to kiss me with the finesse of a master crafts-man. Which he was and is. I’m a sensual woman and I’m convinced that Jerry had seduced me into becoming vampire all those centuries ago. He’s that good.

  When he finally pulled back, he looked down, his face solemn. “I’m sorry, Glory, that you had to demean yourself in that way. I should have provided for your financial security better than that. I’m responsible—”

  “Please don’t start this again. I chose the vampire life. I get the consequences. I managed. Will always manage. And it wasn’t demeaning. It was liberating.” I reached up and smoothed the frown lines between his dark brows. “Can we drop it now? A few moments ago I was having a fine time. Even thinking about a big finish before someone else bursts in here and demands to use this room. What do you think, big guy? Got one more round in you?”

  Jerry looked down at my breasts, obviously imagining them on parade. Of course he’s proprietary. It’s flattering, but has come between us before, when it gets to be too much for me. Right now, the issue would just have to be put aside. Jerry obviously decided he was able to do that. Because he lifted me into his lap, with us still connected, and let me feel just how big a finish he had in store for us.

  “Damn you for being independent, woman.” He pushed into me and I gasped. “Damn you for being prideful.” He pushed into me again and my eyes crossed. “Damn you for being the only woman I can’t ever seem to forget.” He pushed into me once more and I arched my back and dug my fingernails into his shoulders. “And damn you for holding my heart in your contrary hands.” He lifted me and sat me down on his shaft with such force that I screamed and we came together with a shudder that seemed to go on forever. When the tremors finally stopped, we leaned against each other and just held on.

  “Viva Las Vegas,” I whispered. I heard and felt Jerry’s tired chuckle rumble through his chest against my cheek just before there was a knock outside the door.


  “Glory, you’ve got to tell me what happened in there. Your mind has been closed as tight as a—”

  “Quit badgering me, Valdez. They had private booths. Blade and I had ‘fun.’ That’s all. Do I need to draw you a picture?” I turned and saw that my bodyguard had shifted back into his usual Labradoodle form during the ride up in the elevator. “When we get into the suite, cool it. You know Ray and I are ‘engaged’ so we have to put on the lovey-dovey act. Do your thing and quit pouting about being left outside.”

  I was just glad we hadn’t run into a MacDonald ambush once Jerry and I had left the club. But I guess Ian had really had an appointment. To keep up my charade as Ray’s fiancée, Jerry’d dropped me off behind the hotel again. So now I was back there and about to enter rock-star world again. Trust me, it’s not as glamorous as I’d once dreamed it would be. This week was all about work for Ray. He’d had a heck of a time setting up his interviews and rehearsals after dark. His new vampire status had done a number on his career.

  I slid the key card into the lock and threw open the door. Usually I’d catch at least a few of his band members and their ladies hanging around, along with Ray’s best friend and manager, Nathan Burke. Music always shook the walls, whether from the stereo system, the big-screen TV or, what was really cool, the guys jamming on their instruments.

  Tonight it was quiet. Too quiet. The living room was empty. Well, except for the debris, evidence that mortals had enjoyed room service and the bar. The two bedroom doors, on either side of sliding glass doors leading out to the
balcony, were closed. Ray and I shared one and Nathan slept in the other. Valdez would’ve made it a cozy threesome in ours if I’d let him. But I figured he could guard both of us quite well from a spot on the living room couch.

  Blade signs V’s paychecks. The only things I let my lover pick up the tab for are the bodyguard gig and our dates. We’ve had this arrangement for centuries and I’ve come to terms with it. I sure couldn’t afford daylight protection and Valdez is way better than me burying myself in the dirt every day. Well, you get the picture.

  I guess I’m lucky Jerry has this responsibility thing because he made me vampire. I’m pretty independent otherwise. So we compromised. Right now we’re together, but there have been decades when we haven’t been. The bodyguards made Jerry feel better about that. Keeping them in dog form is Jerry’s way of making sure I didn’t enjoy the bodyguard a bit too much. Yeah, he’s the jealous type. Which is kind of cute, actually.

  Seriously, though, if I decided to make love to every man in this hotel, I was free to do so, thank you very much. Unfortunately, until I spelled out for V that I wanted alone time with Ray, Valdez was going to, pardon the expression, dog us until we passed out at sunrise to make sure all we did was sleep in our bedroom.

  I usually didn’t have a problem with V’s protectiveness. Vamps are dead all day, literally. The V-man kept out anyone who dared try to enter the bedroom while we’re “asleep.” The housekeepers knew that firsthand. Nathan had tipped them big to make sure they only made up the bedrooms after dark.

  “Ray? Nathan?” I walked over to our bedroom. I always knocked as a courtesy even though I’ve seen Ray naked. It had been a pure pleasure and I wouldn’t mind a replay. Not that we’ve been lovers, darn it. Okay, not really “darn it.” When Jerry and I are together, like we are now, I’m true to him. But what woman with an ounce of hormones wouldn’t be thrilled that a yummy guy like Ray had actually made some moves on her? I’ve resisted, even though he’s tempting beyond belief.

  As payback, because the mind-reading jerk knows how hot he is, Ray flaunts himself. He doesn’t seem to have a self-conscious bone in his body. Not like me. I wear shapeless things to bed that hit me somewhere about midcalf. Not only to avoid stirring up stuff that I don’t intend to act on, but if you don’t got it, you don’t flaunt it. Know what I mean?

  Anyway, I knocked. Waited a beat, then turned the knob. I opened the door and came face-to-face with a woman I recognized immediately. I had her CDs at home. She was up for a Grammy, album of the year. And she was wearing one of Ray’s T-shirts and nothing else.

  I snarled. Yep, a primitive snarl that I barely kept my fangs out of. You should have seen that bimbo’s face. She jumped back a full three feet, then landed on her skinny ass.

  “What the hell’s going on here?” I played the outraged fiancée to the hilt. Sure, this was a pretend engagement, but I doubt she knew that. I stomped into the room, Valdez on my heels. He got with the program, his growl raising the hair on my arms. I halted within scratching range of the woman’s eyes and gave my sidekick an encouraging pat.

  “I, uh, Ray, I mean . . .” She glanced at the rumpled sheets on the king-size bed. Big mistake.

  I reached down and grabbed her by one of her twig arms. I could have snapped it between two fingers and actually thought about it. Not that I’m in love with Ray, though I’m really, really fond of him. But this betrayal hurt. Betrayal? Whoa. I didn’t have the right to think like that. Still, this did feel like a cheap shot. I mean, what was he thinking, bringing a woman into our bed? At least I took my action off the premises.

  I blinked back stupid tears and sniffed. Second big mistake. I got a whiff of human blood pumping through bimbo’s veins and I was suddenly starved. Too bad her pale face made it clear she’d already donated tonight. Damn it. Ray’d had sex and dinner.

  “Get out before I . . .” I lifted my fist, narrowly missing her surgically altered nose before I waved it at a pile of clothes by the bed. Tiny push-up bra that Victoria’s Secret didn’t even carry in my size, miniskirt that I couldn’t have squeezed over even one of my thighs and a T-shirt that she’d obviously borrowed from a Chihuahua. Shit.

  “Take your clothes and get the hell out of here.” I heard my voice quiver and hated it. The shower went off. “Now.” Okay, that was a hiss. Much better.

  Little Miss Stick Figure got the message and hustled her butt like her feet were on fire. Valdez nipped at her heels in case she needed incentive. I slammed the door as soon as they both cleared it. I knew Valdez would keep her moving until she hit the hall. Then he’d come back to sit next to the door and listen in. Fine. But I didn’t want or need his eyes on me during this showdown.

  Ray came out with a towel around his lean middle. “Glory.” He looked around, alarmed, like maybe he’d see a drained body on the floor. “Where’s—”

  I held up my hand. “Don’t say her name. She’s alive. No broken bones. Which is a miracle, come to think of it.”

  “Thanks.” Ray sat on the foot of the bed. “Guess this wasn’t such a hot idea.”

  “Ya think?” I paced the carpet in front of him and saw his nostrils flare. I really didn’t have the right to say much of anything to him. Of course he smelled Blade on me and the evidence that I’d had recent sex. Lots of recent sex. And Ray had warned me not too long ago that he wasn’t into celibacy. Of course he wasn’t. He was a virile man in his prime. And a newly made vampire with the libido to match. Since I wasn’t going to scratch his itch, I’d known it was only a matter of time before he’d find someone who would.

  “Well, go ahead. Ream me out. I didn’t plan this, but that’s no excuse.” Ray ran another towel over his wet hair.

  “I was rough on her. Blame it on the shock factor. But you certainly have the right . . .” I sat beside him, biting back the snarky comments I wanted to make. Did he have to pick someone so thin? His bedmate couldn’t have been more different from me, even down to the dark hair and bikini wax. Oh, man, I so didn’t want to go there.

  He slid his hand over mine and squeezed. “Forgive me? I’m a stupid jerk. We should have taken this somewhere else. I’m really sorry if you were embarrassed.”

  I looked at him, all sincere apology and charm. I guess I’d always be attracted to him. He was handsome, built and had the kind of talent that sang to my soul if I let it. I’d been a fan even before he’d been tossed naked into my bed as a newly made vampire. The fact that now we were thrown together all the time had made it worse for a while, but I always went back to Blade in the end. So I knew it wasn’t fair to expect Ray to just hang around in case I decided to drop Blade and pick up someone else.

  “Not embarrassed so much as surprised. I threw a temper fit. Like a fiancée would under the circumstances.”

  “You didn’t hurt her?”

  I managed a shrug. “Not this time.”

  “Good. And there won’t be a next time. Not here, anyway. DeeDee and I have a history. We’re friends with benefits, I guess you could say. When we’re not with someone else, we hook up.” Ray dropped the hair towel into his lap.

  “So how did you explain that you’re engaged, but you’re not ‘with’ someone?” I jumped up again. “Damn it, Ray, if this gets into the tabloids, I’ll look like a fool and you’ll look like a jerk.” The tabloids already thought Ray was crazy for hanging out with a woman who wasn’t model thin or famous in her own right. DeeDee was both. Damn. If I didn’t quit grinding my teeth, I was going to loosen a fang.

  Of course the tabloids figured I was springing the baby trap. What irony. “Made” vamps like me can’t reproduce. Sigh.

  “It won’t get out. I told her you and I were breaking things off right after the Grammys. That’s still what you plan, isn’t it?” Ray stood and faced me. He knew the answer and was probably counting on it being the same. He didn’t want this sham to go on any more than I did. He was grateful to me for mentoring him through his vamp adjustment period. Judging by what he’d just done, he was getting
into the vampire groove now and wouldn’t need my help much longer.

  Besides, any vampire who thinks he wants to be hooked up to the same person for eternity needs to get a clue. Call me heartless, but I sure never thought it was a good idea or I would have caved and said the vows with Blade a long time ago. Even soul mates need a break once in a while.

  “Relax, Ray. You’re off the hook. After this awards show, when we get back to Austin, we’ll announce irreconcilable differences and you can openly date whoever.” I kicked off my high heels and sighed with relief. “You sure you can trust this lady? You did erase her memory, didn’t you? Because unless she’s anemic, I think the girl made a donation while she was satisfying your other urges.”

  Ray grinned. “Hell, yes, I fed from her. That part was almost better than the sex, if you want to know the truth.”

  I shook my head. Yep, Ray was definitely a full-fledged graduate vampire now. It was all about the blood. And when you got human blood and great sex at the same time? I sighed, remembering.

  “Her memory, Ray.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I wiped her memory and the fang marks. All she’ll remember is the great sex.” He lost his smile. “Damn it, she did look pale. I tried to take it easy but it had been a while since I’d had fresh and it was so fine . . .” He gave me a worried look. “I might have taken too much. Think she’ll be all right? Should I go up and check on her?”

  “The way she ran out of here? I think she still had plenty of juice.” I worked up a grin, trying really hard to act like I didn’t give a damn. I turned away from him to pull off my earrings and drop them on the dresser. “Give her a call, though, if it’ll make you feel better.”


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