A Protector's Second Chance (Unit Matched #2)

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A Protector's Second Chance (Unit Matched #2) Page 12

by Mary Smith

  I easily unbuttoned his button. I stared deeply into green eyes that were full of lust and desire. I bit down on my lip and smiled as I pulled down the zipper. Oliver had officially stopped breathing, and I silently prayed that he wouldn’t pass out on me.

  I counted to three and cautiously moved my hand farther down, until I was able to grasp him fully. I pulled him free of his jeans. He finally began to moan as I softly stroked him. He laid his head in the crook of my neck and moved his hand farther up my chest. He grasped my breast with a little force, but quickly eased up.

  “This might be easier if my shirt was off.” I suggested. I was surprised that I could even form a sentence at this point because I was so turned on.

  “Okay.” He sat up and dragged me with him. Swiftly, he yanked off my shirt, tossing it across the room.

  I know that he was trying not to look at my breasts. His eyes remained locked on mine. While we both were up on our knees facing each other, I grabbed his wrists and placed them on my breasts.

  I know that I should have been taking things at his pace. However, if he didn’t speed things up soon, I was going to spontaneously combust. I reached back down and continued what I had started. He moaned louder this time and laid his forehead against mine.

  “Amaya.” He pinched my nipple, and I hissed through my teeth. “Did I hurt you?”

  “No, I’m okay. Just relax. It’s just me and you.” I stroked him faster.

  “Amaya,” he panted, and I continued to keep the same pace, knowing that he was coming apart quickly.

  I was right; after three more strokes, he released, right onto my yoga pants. He was breathless as he went soft in my hand.

  “Sorry. I ruined your pants.” Oliver’s eyes were still closed.

  “It’s fine, but you’re still pinching me pretty hard.”

  “Oh,” he quickly let go of my nipple and shot up, away from me. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  I reached out and held his face. “Stop saying that, I’m okay. You need to relax. You’re being a sucky Controller right now,” I winked.

  “I’m not sure what’s happening or what the hell I’m doing.”

  “Stop, right now,” I growled at him. “Why don’t we clean up and come back to bed, and see about round two?”

  He nodded. We headed to the bathroom, and I took off my clothes.

  “Um, what are you doing?”

  “I figured that I would skip the clothes part. I left my panties on in case you had the urge to rip them off.”

  Oliver’s face turned fifty shades of red. I patted his shoulder and crawled back into bed. A few moments later, he came back in wearing only his boxers.

  I rolled over to my side, seeing him throw his arm over his face.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I suck at this, don’t I?”

  Before I could answer him, he continued.

  “I mean I’ve heard stories. These types of situation are supposed to last for hours and hours, and people should be screaming, and sweating, and all of that jazz.”

  I laughed.

  “What books have you been reading? Oliver, if it’s lasting hours and hours that means you took a little blue pill, and even they have warnings against that. And I’m not a screamer, so there won’t be any of that. As for sweating, that will come once we get our rhythm going. Would you please stop worrying?”

  “I’m not sure I can when I can’t even last eight seconds.”

  “Oliver.” I straddled him. “Stop it; I mean it, before I get pissed. You’re fine. I’m fine. Everything is fine. We just need to find our way, that’s all. Now I don’t want you knocking yourself anymore, or I’ll kick your ass.”

  Oliver’s face cracked a small smile. “May I be blunt for a moment?”

  I nodded.

  “I really like you in this position.”

  “Now you’re talking.” I leaned down and pressed my naked chest against his. “I think our intermission is over.”

  I kissed him and began to grind my hips against him. He moved his hands up to my breast without me having to do it for him.

  I kissed his neck and down his chest. If the stroking worked well, this might be even better.

  “Amaya,” he panted as I dragged his boxers off and tossed them on the floor. “Amaya.”

  “Please, relax.” I begged him as I took him in my mouth.

  Oliver tensed up and jerked his legs as I swirled my tongue around his tip. Oliver was thick and long. I had to keep my gag reflex in check. He continued to say my name over and over. It was what I needed to keep going.

  “You have to stop,” Oliver commanded, and I let him go. I continued to stroke him until he finished again, all over my hand.

  When I looked up at him, his hands were covering his face. I let him go and cleaned up, again.

  “This isn’t fair.” Oliver stood behind me as I dried my hands.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Isn’t this supposed to be a…um…two way street.”

  “Oliver this is about us. Not just me. I’m enjoying myself with you and it doesn’t have to about both of us every single time.” I took his hand and led him back to bed. “Please, stop making me feel like I’m a sex-crazed female trying to steal your virtue.”

  Oliver laughed. I lay on my back and he was on his side. He was running his hand up and down my arm. I was staring deep into his eyes. He was so gorgeous, and I loved him.

  Loved him?

  Could it be true?

  It started out rough, but look at us now. We have laughed, joked; I’ve opened up to him, and he was still here. Of course, I know Xaviera forced him to stay here, but he didn’t seem like it was a burden to him. I didn’t want to force him to have sex with me. That wasn’t what we were about. That wasn’t how you treated the people you loved.

  “Can you turn off the light, please, right now, I want my Matched to hold me.”

  “Okay.” He kissed the tip of my nose and turned off the light.

  Chapter 30

  Day 80 of 90

  I woke up alone in the bed. Oliver and I had avoided any sexual activities the last few days. We’ve been going to bed and holding each other. Oliver’s been waking up before me and been working on his computer.

  I rolled out of the bed and jumped into the shower. I let the cool water wash away all the craziness running through my head. Cold showers always make me think better.

  There was only ten days left of my punishment.

  Ten days.

  I propped my hands on the wall, and I took several deep breaths. Time was going faster and faster and I didn’t want to lose Oliver. It was entirely possible that someone else could be in his bed in a few months. My stomach lurched. I turned off the water, but I didn’t get out of the shower. I was sobbing.

  I was crying for the loss of Oliver.

  The fact I was never going to live in Unit again.

  Xaviera, Gia, and Rebecca were all going to be gone from my life.

  But, most of all, Oliver.


  I wiped my face. “I’ll be right out.” I wrapped myself in a towel and quickly got ready.

  I went downstairs. Oliver had a lunch spread all out.

  “Peanut butter and jelly.” Oliver announced happily.

  “Yummy.” I smiled back at him.

  I sat down and enjoyed the delicious lunch.

  “Sorry, I slept so late again.”

  Oliver shrugged.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked him.

  “I wished you’d tell me,” Oliver looked up at me.


  “I feel like you don’t want to touch me. The past few nights there has been nothing between us. I need to apologize because I must have done something wrong.” He looked sad and lost.

  “Oliver, you didn’t do anything wrong, I swear.” I reached for his hand.

  “Why are you pulling back again?”

  “Oliver,” I breathed. I dropped my head in my hands.
“It’s not you, I swear.”

  I was about to start crying again. I didn’t want to, but I didn’t think I could stop them. I wanted to tell him everything, but then I would look like a clingy, crying woman.

  “Amaya, please.” He begged me. He was begging me to tell him.

  “I’m scared.”

  “Of me?” he gasped.

  “No, no never you. I’m scared of losing you. I’m on the verge of being banished and then you’ll be in the arms of some other Unit girl, and,” I sobbed. I couldn’t say that I loved him.

  “You’re not going anywhere. I’m not going anywhere. The only girl who will ever be in my bed is you. Period. Is that why we haven’t…” he trailed off.

  I nodded.

  “Okay. Well, I’m going to fix this.” Oliver stood up. Before I could scream or yell at him, he tossed me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He raced up the stairs, and he laid me on the bed.

  His tongue was in my mouth before I could even figure out what was going on. I’d never seen Oliver like this. Although, I liked angry Oliver, this was different. He was forceful, but passionate, not hurting me in any way.

  “I want you. No one else, Amaya.”

  “I want you,” I panted, tugging at his shirt.

  He sat up and threw it on the floor, taking mine with his. I worked on his belt and buttons while he worked on my shorts.

  Suddenly, I stopped, knowing that one key factor was missing.

  “Oliver, I don’t have any condoms or protection. I’m not the pill or anything.”

  “I have some.” He grabbed one from his back pocket. I was glad that he’d thought of it because I hadn’t thought of it at all.

  Oliver and I were completely naked in front of each other, once he finally removed my shorts and tossed them over his shoulder. This wasn’t the first time I had been naked in front of a guy, and Oliver knew that, but it was his first time and it was his first time seeing me.

  I didn’t want to rush him as his eyes gazed over my curvy form, but I really wanted to have sex with him. I wanted to know what he felt like inside of me. I wanted him to love me. I wanted to take that memory with me when my banishment began. I wanted to share this moment with my Matched, the man I loved.

  Oliver sat up on his knees and put the condom on. When he lowered himself, he crashed onto my lips. The man could kiss, that was for sure.

  When I felt him rubbing against me, but not inside of me, my nerves began to take over. Oliver was worried he would suck at this, but what about me? I didn’t want to lie here like a dead fish, but I wasn’t sure what moves to make. I’d never done this before. I’d never even gone this far.

  “Amaya, fast or slow?”

  Oh, that was the million dollar question right now, because I sure as hell had no clue.

  “Um… push in real fast and then we’ll figure it out from there.”

  Oliver nodded and then shoved himself inside of me in one quick motion. The burning and pinching sensation was nothing I’d ever felt.

  It hurt.

  It really hurt.

  “Are you okay?”

  I nodded.

  Oliver took control and pulled back and then pushed back in. My eyes were squeezed shut. It still hurt, but the pinching-burning sensation was subsiding. I brought my knees up. Oliver groaned, entering deeper into me.

  It didn’t feel painful anymore. He continued that motion, and it felt different. It was good. Each time he moved, I moaned as the tension in the pit of my stomach grew.

  I knew what was happening now. It was because Oliver was hitting the right spot.


  Oliver listened and his hips went into motion. His forehead was pressed against mine and he was groaning and panting. Maybe that was me? I couldn’t be sure.

  My body tensed, and I arched my back and neck. “Oliver, don’t stop.”

  He listened to me, but it wasn’t going to be long for either of us. After a few more thrusts, I was yelling his name, louder than I’d intended to. Oliver stilled, still panting in my ear.

  I unlatched my nails that had been digging into his back, and he pulled completely out of me and rolled unto his back. Neither of us said anything until our heart rates returned to normal.

  “You know in movies, after the sex scenes, they always seem to have some world-changing speech, and all I want to say is ‘thank you’.”

  I held my side as I rolled with laughter. Leave it to him to make the most memorable moment of my life even more special because that never would have been in a movie.

  “You’re welcome.” I kissed him softly on the lips.

  “I’m going to jump in the shower.” I nodded and watched him pull on his boxers and head toward the bathroom.

  I had ten days left. It seemed like a lifetime ago that I was in Unit. However, I knew that these days were going to go fast, and it would be the last few with Oliver.

  I had sex with my Matched, and I was on the verge of losing him forever. My heart twisted. It was going to be harder than I’d thought. Even though the first month sucked, the last several weeks here, with Oliver, had been wonderful. These were going to be some of the greatest memories that I would hold onto.

  I would miss Xaviera and Gia. They were like my sisters. They had been in my life nearly every single day. I’ve missed them so much.

  At least I knew that Oliver would be looking out for Rebecca. I prayed to Mother Nature that Rebecca would be okay once I was banished. I didn’t want anything to happen to my little sister. I loved her. I guess Oliver was right; we were close.

  Oliver came back into the bedroom and crawled into the bed.

  “You okay?”

  I smiled up at him. “You really need to stop asking me that all the time. If I’m not, I’ll tell you.”

  “Deal.” He kissed me.

  I popped up on my knees and looked down at him. This was going to be our last few days together, and I wanted it to be memorable.


  “I want to know everything about you.”

  “Amaya, you already do.”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “Alright,” he conceded. “Fire away.”

  Oliver and I spent the rest of the day and evening in my bed, talking. He told me how important his family was to him, how much he loved his job and hoped to expand his business, and a few other personal goals. He did want to have kids, but later on down the road. He felt that he was still too young and wanted to do some traveling. He told me about his favorite comic books, stories, and movies. He hated that he had been so shy in school, but was thankful to be paired with Thaddeus and Graham. He thought of them, like I did the girls, as siblings.

  It was the greatest day of my life.

  Chapter 31

  Day 87 of 90

  The week had flown, and I had become more depressed. Oliver and I had spent the majority of our time on the couch watching mindless TV. We had finished How I Met Your Mother and Breaking Bad. We had worked out between that, and stuffing out faces with a lot of pasta and sandwiches.

  I was standing by the washing machine, throwing in the last load that I had. I thought that I would get everything packed but a few items. I had finished cleaning the kitchen, bathrooms, and living room while Oliver cleared the driveway from all the snow.

  We’d had sex two more times each better than the last. Last night, I had cried on his shoulder. I had broken down, realizing that it was going to be a short three days and then I would be gone. Oliver continued to tell me not to worry, but I couldn’t help it. I wondered if he was saying it more for himself than for me.

  Was he trying to convince himself that I was going to be there for all time?

  Just because Xaviera and Gia missed me didn’t mean that I hadn’t broken the Rules. These three months in the cabin were a punishment leading up to banishment. It was to prolong it.

  “Hey,” Oliver wrapped his arms around me, pressing his cold cheek against mine. “I’m all done.”
/>   I nodded. He had done much better at not asking if I was okay every three minutes.

  “Want to watch some TV? I’ll even agree to Gossip Girl.”

  I shook my head.

  “Are you hungry?”

  I shook my head.

  “Want to lie down?”

  I shook my head.

  “Okay, I’m out of options then.”

  I turned around and placed my head on his chest. “Hold me.”

  “That I can do.”

  We held each other as the sound of the washing machine played behind us.

  “I packed.” I finally said something to him.

  “I saw.”

  “I’m scared.” My confession brought on more tears.

  “I’ll be with you; it’ll be okay.”

  “Why do you keep saying that?” I pulled away. “I broke the Rules.”

  “Because Xaviera has a good heart and I know she believes in second chances. You’re a good person, Amaya. That will outweigh the bad.”

  Oliver had so much faith in people. His love and caring side was always front and center. How did I get so lucky? I guess my parents did do one good thing for me.

  We had been standing there for a long time and the washing machine buzzed that it was done. I released Oliver and tossed everything in the dryer.

  “I don’t like seeing you cry all the time. I think that’s all you’ve done the past week.”

  “I know. I think the reality of it all has hit me. No matter what you think Oliver, I will be banished.”

  “Amaya,” he held my hand. “I know that it could happen. However, I try to think that it won’t happen. I don’t believe that it will happen.”

  “Always so positive,” I mumbled.

  “It’s a personality trait.” He winked at me.

  “Thank you for letting me cry on you last night.”

  “That’s what I’m here for.” He kissed me.

  Last night, I’d felt exposed when I was talking to him. I told him all the fears about going out into the world. I had no work experience, and I knew that I couldn’t put ‘Protector’ on my resume. I did have some college, and I knew that would help me. I had a little bit of money saved up, but I didn’t know what the going rate of apartments was right now.


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