Eternal 2: Eternal Obssession

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Eternal 2: Eternal Obssession Page 1

by Ann Lory



  Ann Lory


  This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. Loose Id® e-books are for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

  Eternal 2: Eternal Obssession

  Ann Lory

  This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Published by

  Loose Id LLC

  1802 N Carson Street, Suite 212-2924

  Carson City NV 89701-1215

  Copyright © March 2007 by Ann Lory

  All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced or shared in any form, including, but not limited to printing, photocopying, faxing, or emailing without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC.

  ISBN 978-1-59632-382-7

  Available in Adobe PDF, HTML, MobiPocket, and MS Reader

  Printed in the United States of America

  Editor: Olivia Wong

  Cover Artist: Arien


  For my husband, James. You’ve always been there for me through these last 11 years, and you continue to be my constant, loving companion.

  A very special thank you to my editor, Olivia Wong, for taking on the tough task of polishing me up and making me look pretty and, of course, the lovely ladies of JBuL.

  And one more thank you to a member of my list, Therese Goodlett, who’s lived a long time in Paris after falling in love with her own Frenchman. Thank you for helping me with some of the rough edges on the culture and the city itself that I wouldn’t have known otherwise.

  Disclaimer: The author wishes to acknowledge that although a number of real places are mentioned in Eternal Obsession, some minor artistic license was used in the descriptions for the story’s purposes.

  Chapter One

  Kelly smiled brightly, throwing kisses to the crowd, then waved when she was handed a bouquet of bright red roses. The audience roared with cheers of approval and applause. She felt Chris’s hand at her back, and they bowed together. She curtseyed gracefully, allowing the tail of her blond ringlets to fall over her shoulders and brush the floor. It was wonderful to be adored for her dancing, but today it wasn’t as fulfilling as she’d hoped it would be.

  Her partner took her hand and they walked off the stage, waving to the audience until finally they were backstage. Her brilliant stage smile vanished.

  “I’ll be in my dressing room,” she told Chris and the others, then hurried along the corridor to her room, quickly closing the door behind her. Breathing a sigh of relief, Kelly walked across the floor and seated herself at her vanity. The lights were bright around the mirror. She smiled sadly, running her fingers over the looking glass, remembering how, as a little girl, she’d always wanted a mirror like this so she could sit in front of it and pretend to be a star.

  Sighing, she picked up her facial cleanser and washed the stage makeup from her face. Reaching for the clip at the top of her head, Kelly released her hair, letting it fall freely down her back, then brushed the blond strands until they were in waves around her face.

  There was a soft knock on the door. Without taking her gaze from her reflection, she called out, “I don’t want to be disturbed.”

  “Not even by your very best friend?” a familiar voice replied.

  Dropping the brush, Kelly ran to the door, flinging it open. “Cassie!” she squealed enthusiastically; the two women embraced, then pulled away to look at one another. Kelly’s dearest friend looked radiant; her chestnut hair flowed in waves down her back, her skin was like porcelain, and her eyes ‑‑ once a violet purple ‑‑ were black, but still held a mischievous purple gleam to them. Despite this, Kelly couldn’t help but think the events of nearly a year ago that had led her friend to meet and marry a vampire, as well as becoming one herself, seemed unreal.

  “Kelly, I missed you while we were away!”

  “I missed you, too.” Stepping back from the doorway, Kelly motioned with a sweep of her hand for her friend to enter the room. “Come in, come in, and tell me all about your trip. Did you have a wonderful time?”

  Cassie sighed dreamily. “I won’t tell you one thing until I say how beautiful you looked tonight. You were magical, and you took my breath away. But I must say I am a little jealous for you held Dimitri captivated.” Both women laughed.

  “I find that hard to believe when you were by his side.”

  Cassie gave an impish wink. “Well, I did remind him I was there with a nudge or two from time to time.” She stopped in the middle of the dressing room and gripped Kelly’s arms. “You made it! I knew you would, and I can’t tell you how proud I am. I know your parents are smiling with pride from heaven.”

  Cassie’s words touched her heart, and tears began to burn behind Kelly’s eyes. “Thank you, Cassie, it means a lot to me to hear you say so.” She hugged her friend tightly, not wanting to let go, but finally did. Taking her hand, she led Cassie over to a couch at the back of the room.

  “Now, tell me all about your extended honeymoon. And where is Dimitri?”

  Cassie settled down on the cushions and gave a wave of her hand. “He’s backstage, playing. There must be something about really old people and going to the theater. He just loves it.”

  “You haven’t told Dimitri you think he’s old, have you?” Kelly asked, snickering behind her hand.

  “Well, let’s just say I like to tease him every once in a while.”

  Kelly nudged Cassie. “Be nice to him.” She laughed, then leaned back on the couch, sitting cross-legged. “So tell me everything.”

  “Everything was wonderful. We visited Dimitri’s family home in Greece; he had had it rebuilt, and it was breathtaking. Oh, you should have seen him the moment he walked through the doors. He was like a giddy boy showing me all of the rooms, telling me stories upon stories, and romping me around his lands. From there we went to Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, and France...” Her voice faded as she looked at her friend. Kelly knew the look on her own face was probably stricken; her heart rate increased, pounding a wild rhythm in her chest.

  “Kelly, how are you?” Cassie asked, clearly concerned.

  Thoughts of Jacques paraded through Kelly’s mind. “I’m fine, why? Go on with your story.”

  Her friend ignored her lie. “If it makes you feel any better, Jacques is utterly miserable. We stayed a while with him at his castle outside Paris. I tried to talk to him, but he refused to discuss the two of you. I even yelled at him, shocking both Jacques and Dimitri. Suffice it to say, Jacques had very little to say to me after that outburst.”

  Kelly winced. “No, it doesn’t make me feel better. And I don’t care.”

  “You can’t fool me, Kelly.” Cassie’s hand covered hers, but Kelly moved it away.

  “I said I’m fine, really. So what else did you do? I’m sure Dimitri had a wonderful time showing you the sights of Europe.”

  “I think he did; let me ask.” Cassie was silent for a moment, then giggled. “He says he was thrilled and can’t wait to take me there again.”

  Kelly leaned forward. “How is it you can communicate with Dimitri? I mean, I kn
ow you can, but how do you do it?”

  Cassie shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s a bond we’ve had since the first blood exchange. I say the words to him in my head, and he hears me and vice versa. I can picture him in my mind whenever I want, too ‑‑ it’s better than phone or e-mail.” She laughed.

  Kelly contemplated Cassie’s revelation. Her mind started to whirl with possibilities. Could she communicate with Jacques? How would she do it? Cassie said it was an ability she’d gained after her blood exchange with Dimitri. Could she do the same thing if she pictured Jacques in her mind? What if...

  What am I doing? Kelly grunted in disgust, then focused on Cassie who was studying her with understanding and worry in her wide eyes.

  “Kelly, talk to me.” Cassie touched her cheek gently; the sobs Kelly had been fighting for the past nine months bubbled forth.

  “He didn’t even say good-bye.” The tears flowed as she finally surrendered to them. Cassie’s arms immediately went around Kelly, pulling her into a hug. “Sometimes I feel like he’s with me, that I can sense him inside me. There’s affection and tenderness, but then he’s gone. My heart aches, and I can’t get it to stop. I feel so cold and barren, as if there is a piece missing. Jacques took it with him when he left, and I’ll never be able to get it back again.” She buried her face against Cassie’s shoulder and cried until she was drained.

  Cassie hugged Kelly tight, as sobs racked the other woman’s slender body. Although Cassie also loved Jacques, if her husband’s mentor and friend had been there at that moment, she would have given him another piece of her mind ‑‑ and maybe even a good right hook.

  When Jacques had come to the States to aid Dimitri against Gabriella, Jacques and Dimitri’s maker, he’d met Kelly. Even from the first moment, the attraction between the two had fairly set the air humming. But Cassie knew that Jacques had tried his best to stay away from Kelly. Unfortunately, Cassie and Kelly’s friend ‑‑ and Gabriella’s servant ‑‑ Craig, had attacked both women, forcing Dimitri to turn Cassie in order to save her life. It was then that Kelly had discovered the existence of vampires, and that Jacques was one, too. All of which had left Cassie with a lot of explaining to do.

  And yet, Kelly had accepted the fact that the man she cared for, even loved, was a creature of the night; she’d saved his life, putting her complete trust and love in him by sharing her blood, which had only made the bond between the pair grow deeper. Then Jacques had abruptly returned to France, deserting Kelly without an explanation or good-bye.

  Cassie thought she knew why he’d left; much as her own love, Dimitri, had done, Jacques probably didn’t want to turn Kelly into what he was. Still, it was clear that he loved Kelly and thought leaving was best for them both, but at what cost? Cassie hated to see Kelly hurting this way, and despite the fact that Jacques was suffering much the same, Cassie was mad at him for his treatment of the woman who was like a sister to her.

  “Kelly, I am so sorry. I wish there was something I could do to ease your pain.” Cassie pulled away slightly, forcing her friend to look at her. “Actually, if you want...” her voice trailed away.

  Kelly sat up, wiping the tears from her eyes. “What? What is it?”

  Cassie shrugged nervously. “If you want, I could make you forget him.”

  Kelly’s eyes widened. “You could do that?”

  Nodding, Cassie ran her fingers through Kelly’s golden hair, pushing strands from her friend’s wet cheeks. “I can, but only if you really want me to.”

  The thought made Kelly shudder and realize again that Cassie was indeed a vampire now, and that she possessed powers Kelly didn’t understand or know anything about. She shook her head, shifting away from Cassie and glancing apprehensively at her.

  “No, please don’t, but thank you. I think.”

  “I’m sorry, I meant no harm. I only want you to stop hurting.”

  Kelly smiled slightly. “I know you do.” She touched Cassie’s hand, squeezing it. “Thank you.”

  There was another knock on the door and, at Cassie’s seductive grin, Kelly knew it must be her friend’s husband. “Come in.”

  Dimitri entered the room, carrying an abundance of flowers. His confidence and power seemed to vibrate through the air. Long, straight, black hair fell around his shoulders, framing his sharp and elegant features, and his piercing black eyes were filled with warmth as he smiled at Kelly.

  He seemed to glide across the room, hugging Kelly as she rose from her seat. Kissing her cheek, he handed her several bouquets. “These are from your many admirers.” Pulling another bundle, this time of brilliant white roses, from behind him, he placed those in her arms as well. “And these are from Cassandra and me.”

  Kelly lifted the white roses to her nose and breathed deeply. “They are lovely, thank you both.”

  Dimitri nodded, his white teeth flashing. “You were radiant tonight, Kelly. You have such grace, it is wonderful to watch you dance.”

  She blushed. “Thank you, Dimitri.”

  Cassie laughed at her husband, teasing him about his generous compliments. “Now you’re embarrassing her.”

  He looked at his wife, and Kelly could see his eyes were filled with love and adoration as he gazed on Cassie, making Kelly’s heart lurch with thoughts of Jacques.

  “I would think with Kelly’s outgoing nature it’d be difficult to embarrass her.”

  Chris suddenly appeared in the open doorway, smiling widely at Kelly, then Dimitri and Cassie. “Excuse me, I don’t mean to interrupt.”

  “Chris, these are very dear friends of mine, Dimitri and Cassie Alexios. Dimitri and Cassie, this is my dance partner, Chris Thomas.”

  The men shook hands, and Cassie inclined her head, smiling at him. “How nice to meet you.” But Chris stared openly at Dimitri; by his intense gaze it was obvious he was very much pleased at what he saw. His eyebrows lifted slightly in suggestion. Cassie snickered behind her husband, while Dimitri pulled at his collar. When it apparently dawned on the young man what he was doing, he apologized quickly, then turned his attention to Kelly.

  “Mr. Vincinni wants us all here tomorrow morning. He has a special announcement to make.”

  “Thanks, Chris, I’ll be here.”

  Her partner hurried out of the room, casting a glance in Dimitri’s direction before disappearing around the corner.

  “It seems you have an admirer, husband.”

  Smacking Cassie on the bottom, Dimitri tried to appear stern, but failed miserably, causing both women to laugh. “Hush, wife!” He turned his attention to Kelly. “Come, let us help you gather your things, then we will escort you to your car.”

  He reached for the flowers, but Kelly laid a hand on his arm. “That’s not necessary. I still have to change out of my costume, plus security will see me out. I’ll be fine.”

  At Cassie’s uncertain look, Kelly leaned over and kissed her friend’s cheek. “Go home. I’ll give you a call tomorrow.”

  Dimitri wrapped his arm around Cassie’s waist and led her from the room. Kelly watched them go, her heart heavy. She was alone once more; a constant state of affairs lately.

  Closing the door behind them, she returned to her vanity and sat down. Though she looked hard into the mirror, she saw nothing. Could she truly communicate with Jacques? Did she want to?


  She thought of his long, wavy, dark brown hair and his bold nose, so strong and striking. The way his lips curled into a seductive smile when he’d looked at her, and those black eyes that had held her spellbound when she’d gazed into them.

  Kelly’s breath caught; she was actually doing it! She saw him, clear as day. Her heart raced, and she covered her mouth as she gazed on his perfect male features.

  Jacques sat at a large mahogany desk, a lit fireplace off to the side and behind him. His long hair fell over his face as he appeared to look over some paperwork, and he pushed the unruly locks back. Then his long body leaned deeper into his high-backed chair, and he sighed.

nbsp; Suddenly, his movements froze, and he tensed. Kelly inhaled and exhaled in short, quick spurts as his eyes lifted slowly. It was as if he were staring right at her, which didn’t seem possible, but she knew that it was. His presence seemed to fill her room; warmth spread through her body as if he held her in his arms.

  Kelly. Her name was a whisper.

  She could almost feel his breath fanning her cheek as the deep sound of his voice washed over her like dark silk. She closed her eyes at the glorious sensation of him talking to her within her mind. Jacques.

  She hadn’t intended to call back to him, but it seemed natural to do so. Opening her eyes, she saw his shut in turn, as if he were savoring a delicious treat. Jacques, she said again, wanting him, needing him. With her mind, she used the touch of her fingers to stroke his hair, his face. She heard him sigh once more, then falter. His eyelids snapped open as if he was only now realizing what was happening.

  Kelly felt as though she were being hurled from his room. She blinked in surprise, her senses reeling, and grasped the vanity table for balance.

  Kelly frowned. What had happened?


  Comprehension settled around her heart, and her disappointment quickly turned to anger. He had shut her out, just like before. So that was the way he wanted it?


  Chapter Two

  Sitting center stage, Kelly tried to stifle a yawn of exhaustion as Sandro Vincinni, director of the ballet company, stood in front and addressed the entire troupe of dancers.

  “I am beside myself with joy with fantastic news.” Everyone looked around curiously, then back at the director. “We have been asked to perform in Paris, France, the same number of shows we have done in New York, Chicago, and San Francisco.”

  Everyone else burst into applause and cheers, jumping to their feet and speaking excitedly, but Kelly sat motionless, sick to her stomach. Her heart plummeted and raced all at the same time. It was finally happening, her dream to dance on one of the world’s most spectacular stages in Europe, but she was dreading it.


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