Punished By The Boss (Brittany and The Boss Book 1)

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Punished By The Boss (Brittany and The Boss Book 1) Page 1

by Lexi Sexton

  Punished By The Boss

  Book One: Brittany And The Boss


  Lexi Sexton


  If you aren’t 18 or older, or are offended by explicit sexual behavior, please don’t read this book!

  Windsor Publications owned thirty three magazines, and Really Now? was the jewel in its crown.

  It was an honor and a privilege to work for the magazine, hard to get a job there, but far too easy to get fired. The owners brooked no nonsense or slipshod reporting from their staff. They demanded the utmost discretion and the highest standards of behaviour from every employee at all times.

  “Oh, oh, looks like James Windsor in on the warpath,” said Susie, the Art Director, one Wednesday morning as the usual group were gathered around their usual table in the staff lunch room for their usual morning break.

  “He’s just come through the door, and he looks steamed!”

  “Hope none of us are about to get it in the neck,” said Jerome, one of the magazine’s photographers.

  “Hope it isn’t me,” quailed Brittany, the junior reporter on the magazine’s staff. “I’m still on probation. They don’t even have to give me two week’s notice if I’ve upset them.”

  “Well, he’s heading straight over here, so one of us better watch out,” muttered Janie, one of the editors.

  James Windsor loomed over the coffee klatch.

  “Jerome, did you take these photos?”

  He waved a copy of the scummiest tabloid in town in front of Jerome’s face.

  Jerome blanched.

  “Uh, yes, sir, I did. Mr. Dobson said they weren’t fit to print in Really Now? so I showed them to a mate of mine over at Tell All and they bought them immediately. I’ve always been told if our magazine rejected my photos as being unsuitable, I can sell them elsewhere,” Jerome said nervously.

  “Ian Dobson rejected these?”

  Ian Dobson was the new Editor of Really Now? Magazine.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Humph. I’d better have a word with Mr. Dobson then, because there’s nothing titillating, salacious or libellous about these shots. I’d have approved them instantly. From now on, if Dobson rejects something, you see me.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  James Windsor turned as if to leave and then his eye fell on Brittany.

  “Brittany...” he said in a quiet, deadly cold voice that usually meant somebody had crossed the line too far and was about to be told to pack up their bags and leave.

  “Yes, sir?” she quaked as she gazed up to the steely gray eyes set in James’s handsome face.

  “Did you really watch outtakes of Jason Tason’s new film with Charles Evens last evening after you interviewed the director?”

  Brittany turned red.

  “Yes, sir,” she said quietly. Oh no...

  “Be in my office at five fifteen,” he snapped, anger radiating from every inch of his six foot four frame as he strode away toward the unfortunate Mr. Dobson’s office to raise hell there.

  “Oh, dear, Brittany,” said Janie. “He must be really mad at you if he’s calling you on the carpet in his office instead of just blasting you now.”

  “Yeah, he’ll probably have your severance pay ready and Security will escort you out the building,” sniggered Basil, an unpleasant young man who worked in the Layout Department.

  Tears filled Brittany’s eyes.

  “Oh, dear, Brittany, don’t cry,” said Janie sympathetically. “He might not fire you. He might just tell you off and warn you. Why would he be mad about you watching out-takes anyway?”

  “I don’t know...” wailed Brittany, but she had a pretty good idea.

  If Charles Evens had opened his big mouth about what happened last night, then Brittany would be out on her ear for unacceptable behavior, but Ian Dobson had told to her to do anything she had to for an exclusive story, so she’d done anything she had to...

  Damnation! Following the new editor’s orders might have gotten her fired from the best job she’d ever had in her life.

  “What I don’t understand is how James Windsor saw those pictures in Tell All, anyway,” said Jerome. “I mean, it’s not the kind of publication you’d expect a billionaire like him to be reading, is it?”

  Susie looked at the young photographer and smirked.

  “You don’t pay much attention to things around here, do you, kiddo?”

  “What do you mean, Susie?” he asked.

  “Windsor Publications owns Tell All, you dope. Of course James and his brother George know exactly what’s published in every issue.”

  Janie giggled.

  “Don’t you ever read the Company newsletter, Jerome?”

  “Aside from the monthly competitions that earn us bonuses, no. Why?”

  “Check it out sometime, you might find a list of all the magazines they own on the back page.”


  As soon as Brittany was back at her desk she Googled Windsor Publications and found they were owned by Windsor Holdings, a privately held company. She Googled Windsor Holdings and read two of three articles about the Corporation. It was owned by James and George Windsor, twin sons of Sir Sylvester Windsor who had founded the Company. Among its many interests, Windsor Holdings owned Brilliant Films.

  Brittany’s heart sank.

  Last evening, she’d watched those porno out-takes from Charles Evens’ latest film starring Jason Tason.

  Charles Evens worked for Brilliant Films.

  Her goose was well and truly cooked.

  Sadly, she finished up the two articles she was working on, and at half past four, when most of her co-workers drifted out of the office, she began to gather her personal belongings from her desk and pack them into a shopping bag, ready to cart home with her after Mr. Windsor kicked her ass out of there.

  Basil was right. Security would be escorting her out the building within the hour...

  It was ten past five. She’d better not keep Mr. Windsor waiting, even to fire her.

  She entered his outer office at five fifteen on the dot. His secretary was still at her desk outside his closed door.

  “Have a seat, Brittany. He’s on a conference call to Sydney. I’m leaving now, but he’ll come out and get you when he’s finished. Upset him, have you, by the look on your face.”

  “He seemed pretty mad at me, when he saw me at coffee break this morning, Pamela. I’ve been worrying all day that I’m about to get fired.”

  “You won’t be the first one today if that’s the case.”


  “No, he terminated two people at one of our sister publications. They violated our behavior code, and they’re gone.”

  “Oh, dear.”

  “Well, he’d given them written warning before. I don’t recall typing a warning to you, though, so perhaps you’ll just get a telling off,” said the older woman kindly as she switched her computer off, gathered up her purse and coat and left the office.

  Brittany sat for nearly an hour waiting for Mr. Windsor, getting more and more anxious.

  When he finally opened the door to his office and indicated with a jerk of his head that she was to enter, she was almost shaking.

  “Sit down on the chair in front of my desk, Brittany,” he said in a cold, stern voice.

  “Yes, sir,” she whispered and sat in the leather armchair.

  She heard him shut the door behind her back, but she didn’t see him throw the deadbolt across to preserve their privacy from the cleaners who’d make their rounds soon.

  “Now, about the antics you and Charles Evens got up to last
night...whatever possessed you to accept his invitation to watch those film clips?”

  “Well,” she faltered, “It had taken two weeks for me to get Mr. Evens to agree to be interviewed about the new Action and Adventure series he’s filming with Jason Tason, and Mr. Dobson was pretty angry it had taken me that long, and he said I should do anything within my power to come out of that interview with some good copy, or else.”

  “Or else what?” asked James Windsor quietly.

  “Uh, he didn’t specify but I’m well aware that I’m still on probation for another two weeks until I’m on permanent staff, so I took that as an indication that if I didn’t get some sort of exclusive information, I’d be out on my ear, and I love my job here, Mr. Windsor.”

  “So you behaved inappropriately with Charles Evens, didn’t you? Very inappropriately.”

  “Yes, sir, I did,” she whispered.

  “Has anybody here ever asked you to behave inappropriately with a subject you’re interviewing for the magazine?”

  “No, sir. In fact, Mr. Foster used to stress that I should always hold the highest moral standards I could, but Mr. Dobson seemed to imply I should do anything to find out some juicy details about the new film and its stars, so when Mr. Evens invited me to watch the out-takes and implied they were rather risqué, I agreed right away.”

  “Dobson again,” muttered James to himself, shaking his head.

  “So you went into the Media Room with Evens at 7:15 last evening, did you, Brittany?”

  She hung her head.

  “Yes, sir, I did.”

  “And then what happened?”

  “I sat in one of the armchairs they use to watch the day’s takes, but he said I should go and sit beside him on the sofa, so I did, and he started to run the first video.”

  “How many videos did you watch?”

  “Um, he has six, sir, but we didn’t get past the first one.”

  “Six? How long were they?”

  “Not terribly long, maybe fifteen or twenty minutes each he said, Mr. Windsor.”

  “And what was on these fifteen or twenty minute videos, Brittany?”

  She had the feeling her boss knew exactly what was on them. There was no point in lying.

  “Uh, they were clips from Jason Tason’s films, footage that they’d edited out of the final version before it was released.”

  “And why had they edited this footage out, Brittany?”

  “Uh...uh...because it was too explicit for the ratings, sir. It was...uh...very explicit.”


  Brittany felt like Mr. Windsor was playing with her, toying with her. She was pretty certain he knew exactly what was on those tapes.

  “Sexually explicit, sir.”


  “Yes, sir. All those rumors are true. Jason Tason doesn’t fake the sex in his films, he really does make love to his co-stars.”

  “Go on.”

  “And the other rumors are true as well, sir. Mr. Tason is huge, absolutely huge. He must be at least eight inches long! And he’s really good at having sex on film. In fact, judging by the way Mr. Evens was getting excited, I began to think he and Mr. Tason deliberately made some of the scenes too hot for public consumption just so they could have them for their own private pleasure...” she faltered off.

  “So, Mr. Evens had you sit beside him and he was getting sexually aroused was he, Brittany?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “So what happened then, young lady?”

  “Uh, he told me he was getting hot, and wasn’t I getting hot? He meant the temperature in the room was pretty hot, sir, not that the videos were making me hot...”


  “So he took his jacket off and told me to take my jacket off, so I did.”

  “That jacket, the one you’re wearing now?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Show me, Brittany. I want you to show me, step by step, what happened.”

  She stood, slipped her suit jacket off her shoulders, folded it carefully and placed it on the other chair opposite the massive wooden desk. Then she sat down again.

  “Then what happened?”

  “We watched the first video. This one had two women in it with Mr. Tason, and it was set in a cabin in the woods. He made the women unbutton their shirts and show him their tits. Uh, Mr. Evens asked me if my tits were as big as theirs, and of course, I’ve got very small tits, so I said no. He laughed and said he wanted to see my tits, so he told me to unbutton my silk shirt and show him my tits. He was very compelling, Mr. Windsor.”

  “And did you?”

  “Yes, sir, I unbuttoned my shirt and showed him my tits.”

  “Show me how you did that, Brittany.”

  She gulped and slowly undid the five buttons on her shirt, and pulled it open revealing a lacy white bra.

  “Did you have the bra on last night, Brittany?”

  “Yes, sir, and Mr. Evens laughed at me and told me to take my shirt right off and then he made me take my bra off too.”

  “So do it.”

  “Uh...do you mean that, sir?”

  “I said, do it.”

  “Your voice is just as compelling as Mr. Evens was, sir...” she said as she slipped the shirt off, folded it and placed it on top of her jacket. Then she reached behind her, unclipped her bra and dropped it on the floor. Hastily she bent, picked it up and put it neatly on top of her shirt.

  She could feel James Windsor’s amusement at her discomfort.

  She stood there, looking down at the floor, hands clutching her breasts.

  “Did you stand like that in front of Charles, girl?”

  “At first, sir, but then he reached over and pulled my hands down and made me put my hands behind my back and stick my tits out so he could see how they looked.”

  “So put your hands behind your back and stick them out for me, Brittany, so I can see what you did.”

  Blushing furiously, she complied. To her shame, she could feel her pink nipples getting hard and pebbly under Mr. Windsor’s scrutiny.

  “Then what?”

  “Uh, then he made me perch on the back of the armchair in the row of seats in front of us, so I was right in front of him, and he cupped my tits in his hands and put them in his mouth and sucked on them, one after the other, sir.”

  “Come and perch your ass around here on the edge of my desk in front of my chair, Brittany, so I can see them closely.”

  Her knees nearly gave way as she rounded the desk and eased in between her boss and his desk. He smelled so – so masculine. She was scared stiff because she knew if he touched her, even touched her, she was going to cream her panties. He was so much handsomer, sexier than Charles had been last night.

  “Is this how far away he was, Brittany?” James asked as he rolled his chair closer, so much closer, trapping her between his thighs.

  “About that close, sir, and then he tied my hands behind my back and cupped my tits in his hands and said they were pretty.”

  “They are pretty, Brittany. I like those pink innocent nipples of yours. They look like a young girl’s nipples. How old are you, anyway?”

  “Twenty three, sir.”

  “Older than you look. You could pass for seven or eight years younger.”

  “That’s what Charles said as well, sir. I think it turned him on. He said I looked like jailbait, but I’m not. I’m legal!”

  “What did he bind your hands with, little girl?”

  “His tie, sir.”

  James reached up and she watched with baited breath as he slowly loosened the knot around his neck and took the strip of navy silk between his two hands.

  He stood and reached behind her, wrapped the fabric around her slender wrists and bound her. His cock was pressing against her pussy as she perched up on the edge of his desk and he felt hard and long.

  He felt so much better than the Director had last night when she’d been in the same position with Charles.

  She sighe
d sadly when James lowered his massive form away from her aching body back into his large leather swivel chair.

  She drew her breath in when James’s hands reached up and he cupped her breasts, his thumbs rubbing her already erect nipples, making them grow longer and harder.

  She sighed.

  “Is this how Charles touched your tits, you naughty girl?”

  “You do that better than Mr. Evens, sir. He didn’t excite me nearly so much just touching me.”

  “And then you say, he sucked your tits?”

  “Yes, sir. He put his mouth on my right breast first, and then moved to my left breast....Ah, your mouth is so good, sir, so good, and your tongue is making my nipples feel incredible the way you flick it against them, and oh, your teeth are wonderful, the way you’re pulling on them like that, sir.”

  She was gasping now, and she knew her panties were soaking wet.

  Hell, Mr. Windsor must know it too. She was sure he could smell her arousal.

  “Did you get this excited this fast last night, you little tart?”

  “No, sir. I never got this excited from Charles playing with my tits and sucking them.”

  “How hard did he suck them, Brittany? This hard?” and James’s mouth was back on her breasts, taking much more than her nipples in now, massaging one breast with his hand, his fingers and thumbs thrumming against the exposed nipple while his tongue flicked erotically against the one he was wetly enjoying.

  “…Harder, James…ah..ah…ah..yes, that hard…that hard is wonderful…” her voice trailed off as the tremors started in her belly and she could feel herself sopping wet now, and ready to explode.

  He pulled his mouth away, but his fingers stayed busy and his other hand rubbed her between her legs. Even through her trousers and panties she could feel the heat from his hand and she pressed against his palm and shattered.

  He gave her a minute to collect herself.

  “So that was your response to Charles?”

  “Uh, no, James…I’m so sorry, you made me do that. I’m sorry, I’ll try not to get so excited again.”

  He laughed at her.

  “So I made you come and he didn’t? How can you expect me to believe that, you little slut, when you’ve just shown me how excitable and responsive those nipples are?”

  “It’s true, sir. I swear it’s true…Charles definitely did not make me come sucking my tits!”


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