Shattered (Dividing Line #5)

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Shattered (Dividing Line #5) Page 27

by Heather Atkinson

  “Have you any idea who would want to do that?”

  Both Rachel and Kennard were surprised when Ryan went straight for the jugular.

  “Come now Superintendent, we’re not going to play a long boring game where we skirt round the real issue, are we? You know as well as I do that Alex Maguire is responsible for both fires, although he got the Lucifer’s Shadow MC to actually commit the crime.”

  “You’re actually accusing Alex Maguire?” said Kennard. He’d expected to be fed some bullshit story.

  “Yes. I also know that you’re not going to do anything about it and that’s fine by me.”

  “If you’re accusing me of corruption…”

  “I’m accusing you of throttling women while you’re having sex with them,” snarled Ryan, “Women you knew full well were being held illegally.”

  All the colour drained from Kennard’s face, even his lips.

  “You almost killed a girl once,” continued Ryan. “Fortunately you managed to revive her but you were one step away from becoming a murderer.”

  “I…I deny it.”

  “Deny it all you want, it’s useless. I’ve got the footage.”

  Kennard released a long breath and his eyes rolled back in his head, as though he was going to pass out but he managed to cling onto consciousness.

  “How did you get it?” he said, gripping onto the table.

  “That’s not important.”

  “Did you get it off Alex or does he still have his?”

  “He still has his. I managed to get hold of a copy.”


  “I told you it’s not important.”

  “Oh God,” said Kennard, burying his face in his hands. “My life is over. Why did I do it? Why?”

  With that he started to cry and Rachel and Ryan glanced at each other with raised eyebrows.

  “Pull yourself together Superintendent,” Rachel said. “We might be able to help each other.”

  “We might?” he said, lifting his head, face streaked with tears and eyes filled with hope. To Rachel’s disgust a slimy trail led from his nose to his upper lip.

  “You will let us go and tell your men we had absolutely no involvement in the arson attacks. We are innocent victims who can’t tell you anything about who might be doing this. We will then erase the man at the centre of all our problems, including yours.”

  “You mean you’ll get rid of Alex?”

  Ryan wasn’t going to say it out loud, so he just nodded.

  Kennard looked much more cheerful. “Well in that case I’ll see you out personally. You’ll give me the footage when it’s done?”

  Ryan nodded. “We’re being a lot more gracious to you than we should be after you set up the raids on our businesses and had drugs planted.”

  “I must object…”

  “Don’t fucking bother. We all know the truth,” hissed Ryan.

  Kennard decided not to press the issue. “And you don’t want me to do anything in return?”

  “Do you know where Alex is?”

  “No, I’m afraid not. He’s always very careful not to divulge any details about himself.”

  “How does he contact you?” said Rachel.

  “My mobile phone. I’ve already tried tracing the number, but it’s untraceable.”

  “When was the last time you spoke?”

  “Just after the spa was attacked. He said something big had happened and I was to detain you two but not arrest you. I was just to hold you for a short while.”

  “Why?” said Rachel.

  “I know,” said Ryan grimly. “To give him a chance to get his assassins in position around the station. He wants us to walk out of here and into a trap.”

  “Outside a police station?” said Kennard, as though that was the worst aspect of the plan.

  “In case you hadn’t noticed, Alex is ruthless and very unhinged,” said Ryan. “He is willing to do anything to achieve his aim and right now his main goal is killing Rachel and myself. Superintendent, you have to arrest us.”

  “What?” said Kennard and Rachel in unison.

  “What alternative is there? If we set foot outside we’re dead.”

  “On what charge?” said Kennard.

  “Anything, make something up.”

  “Wouldn’t it be better if I gave you a police escort?”

  “Your men can’t be trusted, they might be in Alex’s pay. Tell Alex we’ve been locked up on whatever charge you deem fit to make up and that we’re going to be transferred to the Magistrate’s court in the morning. He’ll put off the hit until then and we can get away in the meantime.”

  “So I don’t really have to arrest you, just tell Alex that you’ve been nicked?”

  “No, you need to charge us and put us in a cell. As I said, Alex has eyes and ears in this station, it has to be convincing. You will then release us early without charge and tell Alex one of your officers had us released on the say-so of a senior officer because there was no substantiation to the charges.”

  “Just don’t make it anything to do with the fire, please. I don’t want anyone thinking we’re responsible for Gaynor’s death,” said Rachel. “And please keep it from the media.”

  “I’ll do my best but they have eyes and ears in here too. I know, I’ll charge you with obstruction, I’ll even put you in a cell together. We’re short on space anyway.”

  “Fine,” said Ryan. “Oh, and just in case you get any ideas about keeping us here on a more permanent basis, I should tell you a certain crown court judge as well as a very powerful businessman know all about your deviant sexual practices, they also know where the footage is hidden. I think it only fair to warn you.”

  Kennard looked like he could slide off his chair at any moment. “A judge?”

  “Yes so I seriously suggest you don’t try double-crossing us.”

  Kennard swallowed hard. “Is there anyone you want to call?”

  “Yes,” said Rachel.

  After being processed, Rachel called Mikey from the custody suite. All she could tell him was that they’d been arrested and not to worry. He went frantic and she felt terrible because she couldn’t let him in on the plan as the custody sergeant was hovering.

  They were led into a cell and the minute the door banged shut they were in each other’s arms.

  “I don’t believe this. There’s no end in sight,” said Rachel. “Are you sure we’ve done the right thing? What if Kennard decides we’re too dangerous to let out with what we know about him?”

  “I only let him charge us with obstruction because it’s an easy charge for our lawyer to pull apart. Plus the threat of us speaking out about what we know is too great. He won’t take the chance. He’ll release us and hope we all kill each other.”

  Rachel looked around the small dingy cell with distaste. “I never thought I’d end up in one of these again.”

  “At least we know this time it won’t be for long.”

  “I’ve just got the horrible feeling Kennard might try to pull one over on us. I wish someone on the outside knew the truth. I mean, how can we be a threat if we’re locked up in here?”

  “He’ll let us go. Trust me.”

  “At least we’re together.”

  “We are and we’ll be out of here before morning.”

  “And we have a bed.”

  Ryan regarded the concrete block with the thin mattress and blanket with a cocked eyebrow. “Is that what it is?” He stood still, pondering for a moment. “But just in case Kennard doesn’t come through I would like to have a little back-up plan.”

  He banged on the door and it took several attempts before they got someone’s attention.

  The panel in the door slid back to reveal a pair of scornful eyes. “What’s all the bloody racket about?”

  “I’d like to see DCI Taylor please,” said Ryan.

  “Do you have an appointment?” replied the voice sarcastically.

  “Just fetch him. I think he will be most interested in wha
t I have to say.”

  “Oh really? I’ll see what I can do,” he said before sliding the panel shut again

  “Now we wait,” said Ryan, perching on the bed.

  Rachel sat beside him. After a moment’s silence he said, “how’s your delectable backside feeling?”

  The spanking he’d given her had excited her unbearably. “Much better and ready for more,” she whispered, kissing him.

  “Later,” he said when they heard the door being unlocked. It swung open to reveal Taylor and the custody sergeant.

  “You can leave us,” Taylor told the officer, who shrugged and meandered away, hands in his pockets and whistling out of tune.

  Taylor stepped inside and closed the door. “I just heard Kennard nicked you. I can’t believe he had the front when he knows what information you have.”

  “Relax, it’s just a ploy,” said Ryan. “We confronted Kennard with what we know about his extra-curricular habits and he crumbled. I think the recent pressure has been too much for him. Kennard had orders from Alex to detain us here, not for long, just enough for him to get his assassins in place.”


  “If we set foot outside this building Rachel and I are dead. So I told him to arrest us on some silly charge. He’ll tell Alex we’re being transported to the Magistrate’s Court in the morning and Alex will make his attempt then. By that time we’ll be long gone.”

  “I don’t like this, it’s full of flaws.”

  “I’m well aware of that but it’s the only scenario I could come up with that didn’t result in us getting our heads blown off.”

  “There are too many variables, so many things that can go wrong.”

  “Exactly, which is why I wanted to speak to you. If we’re not released by dawn contact May Edwards. Explain to her what’s happened and that she is to call Kennard and tell him she has the footage in her possession. You will then contact Jeremy Hammond and tell him to threaten Kennard with exposure if he doesn’t release us.”

  “I will and I’ll look forward to it. Kennard’s a greasy arse-licking bastard.”

  “We need to get out of here as soon as we can, I’m expecting a call from someone who can tell us where Alex is.”

  Taylor’s eyes shone with zeal. “Alright, I’ll do it. You’ll be out of here by dawn, I promise you that.”

  Rachel and Ryan were woken just before the sun came up. They’d expected to see Kennard but instead it was Taylor clutching two polystyrene cups of tea.

  “Time to go,” he told them.

  Rachel sat up, massaging her neck. They hadn’t got much sleep scrunched up on the hard bed together and every muscle ached. “Don’t you ever go home?”

  “Not until this is over. Kennard came through, there was no need to resort to the methods we discussed, unfortunately. I was looking forward to watching him run about like his arse was on fire.”

  “All we want is to get our children back and go home DCI Taylor,” said Ryan.

  He nodded. “Kennard arranged for your bike to be brought round the back so you can leave from there. It seems quiet out there but I can’t be sure there aren’t any assassins lurking about.”

  “It’s a chance we have to take.”

  They had a quick sip of the weak tea before hastily washing their faces in the sink, Rachel running her fingers through her hair.

  “I wish I had a toothbrush,” she grimaced.

  “No time,” said Ryan. “Let’s go.”

  The station was quiet, a different custody officer on duty from the sarcastic one who had detained them. After the paperwork for their release had been completed, they were given back their personal possessions and Taylor walked them to the rear exit.

  “Here’s your gear,” he said, handing them their bike jackets and helmets.

  They pulled on the helmets before stepping outside and raced to the bike. Ryan already had it started before Rachel was even on and when her arms slid around his waist he was off, tearing out of the gates and down the road, expecting to hear the crack of a gunshot or feel a bullet plough into his body, but that never happened.

  He took the less obvious route out of the city, sticking to the back streets, doubling back on himself several times to make sure they weren’t being followed.

  Finally they could breathe easier when they left the city behind, flying along the country roads, no vehicles behind them.


  As the bike approached the safe house the others all ran out clutching guns, refusing to lower them until Ryan and Rachel had pulled off their helmets.

  “You’re back, thank God,” said Mikey, hugging Rachel. “What the bloody hell happened? Why did you get nicked? We called your solicitor but by the time she was allowed through early this morning you’d already been released.”

  “Get the kettle on, I’m gagging for a decent cuppa. Then we’ll tell you everything,” said Rachel.

  While they waited for the kettle to boil they all gathered in the kitchen and listened to Ryan relate the entire saga.

  “You two are fucking smart,” said Frankie. “Makes up for the balls-up at Alex’s safe house.”

  Rachel’s eyes met her husband’s. “Actually it was all Ryan’s idea, I didn’t do anything, I couldn’t,” she said, still hoping to convince Frankie of her unsuitability for the future he was trying to force on her.

  “Don’t be modest Sweetheart. You saw what the enemy had planned and you outmanoeuvred them. Nice one.”

  Rachel turned her back on him to make the tea so he wouldn’t see the anger in her eyes.

  “Has Dane called yet?” said Ryan.

  “No and it’s making me nervous,” replied Jez. “At least he doesn’t know about this place so he can’t lead Alex to us.”

  “He’ll call. Now, I really need a shower.”

  “Me too,” said Rachel. “I’m sure that blanket in the cell hadn’t been washed after the last prisoner left.”

  “Up for another three hour marathon session, are you?” grinned Frankie. “Think of poor Jamesie. He pulled his little pud raw listening to you two going at it.”

  “Thank you for that image Frankie,” said Rachel, ascending the stairs clutching her mug of tea. Once safely ensconced in their bedroom she said, “great, now we’ve impressed Frankie. It seems no matter which way we turn there’s something waiting to explode in our faces. On top of that I’m really worried about our other businesses getting hit.”

  “What if they weren’t our businesses?” said Ryan.

  “Then Alex wouldn’t bother with them,” she replied, cottoning on to his idea.

  “Exactly. Strang’s been after our territory for a while. Why don’t we sell to him?”

  “But everything we worked for will be gone.”

  “And in its place we’ll be paid a fortune that we can use to invest in more businesses down south, miles away from anyone named Maguire.”

  “It would certainly send Frankie the message that we’re done with Manchester.”

  “Another bonus.”

  Rachel took a sip of tea as she thought it over, Mrs Macey’s words ringing in her head. Even though it made her sad to give it all up she knew it was the only thing they could do to stop Alex burning alive more innocent people.

  “Gaynor wasn’t our fault,” said Ryan.

  “Can you read my thoughts now?”

  “No, but I can read you. We were minding our own business down in Devon. Her death is on Alex. Mrs Macey needed to lash out and you were there.”

  “I just can’t help imagining what she must be feeling. What if that happened to Leah?”

  “Don’t even think it. So, what do you think about selling to Strang?”

  “Okay, call him, but he’s not getting the casino. I want to give that to Dee.”


  “One day she’ll have to give up work to look after Vince, he’s got emphysema. This way she’ll have a steady income. And don’t forget, she risked a very long prison sentence to save ou
r hides.” She gave a small smile. “Only she would think to throw a block of cocaine off a roof.”

  “Alright, agreed. The casino goes to Dolores, everything else to Strang. I’ll call him now. The sooner this is done the better.”

  Ryan made the call while Rachel took a shower. By the time she came out wrapped in a towel it was done.

  “He agreed,” said Ryan. “I’ve already called our solicitor and instructed her to draw up the documents as soon as possible. He’s arranging to transfer the money as we speak.”

  “You already negotiated a price?”

  “Yes, slightly less than I would have liked but we need a very quick sale and he’s the only person I know with that amount of cash behind them. But we’ll still make enough money to buy our own island if that’s what we want.”

  “That sounds very appealing. Our own private island, just us and the kids.”

  “Heaven,” he smiled.

  “I think Alex chose to hit the spa for a more personal reason. That business brought us together, it marked the start of our relationship.”

  “Another fuck you to us.”

  “I’ll be sad to say goodbye to it.”

  “Me too Babe, I was always fond of it for that reason, especially the cottage round the back where we made love for the first time.”

  “That was one hell of a night,” she smiled dreamily. “We’ve had plenty more since then.”

  “And there’ll be plenty more to come. Now please stop distracting me with that skimpy towel, I need to make some more calls. There are a lot of palms that will need greasing to get this sale through in record time.”

  Rachel lay back on the bed as he started to dial, the sound of his deep voice soothing. Soon her eyes grew heavy, she’d got no sleep in that prison cell.

  The next thing she knew her towel had been pulled open and Ryan - freshly showered and wrapped in his own towel - was kissing her bare breasts.

  “Did negotiations go well?” she murmured, running her fingertips through his damp hair.

  “Very well. Everything’s in motion. As soon as the deal’s done I’ll have the word put out, then Alex will have no reason to attack any of the businesses.”


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