Alien Romance: Arcturus Mates Complete Series (Book 1 - 9): Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Invasion Romance, Alien Romance)

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Alien Romance: Arcturus Mates Complete Series (Book 1 - 9): Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Invasion Romance, Alien Romance) Page 29

by Julia Sexton

  She was glad Zu’ver came in with her cheerful chatter to help her dress. Her hands shook with nervous apprehension. She dropped her juice cup at breakfast. Ac’von seemed calm on the outside but she could tell he was a taught wire on the inside.

  All of them took the elevator down: Mary, Ac’von, Tu’ver, Tu’von, The Arbiter. Zu’ver and others crowded in behind them. In the long underground tunnel, Ac’von waved the others on. He took Mary’s hand and pulled her close. Her heart was beating wildly and his embrace calmed her.

  “My, Ac’ver. Today we will win. I know this. Whatever happens you are queen. I know that you will protect The Way, even The Combat.”

  “Ac’von, I can’t talk about it.” Her heart began to beat wildly again. Her breath came in little gasps. “But, I promise.”

  He touched her face as his almond eyes gazed into her eyes. She felt an overwhelming desire to be his. She wanted not just to touch his body and do wild things; she wanted the quiet times when they understood each other without speaking. If it took coming to another planet to find him, she was glad she was here on Rama.

  Ac’von pressed her even closer. “We are one. Ac’ver, my queen.”

  Mary whispered, “We are one.”

  They walked down the rest of the tunnel holding hands. When they reached the platform Ac’von kept walking until they were once again at the edge.

  He held up Mary’s arm. A great cheer went up in the crowd. Except for the Reds. And then a chant started, “Kiss the swordsman. Kiss the swordsman.”

  Ac’von took waved then took Mary in his arms, twirled her around as he had before, and then pressed his lips to hers sending those fire waves pulsing through her body.

  Everything went as before. The White announcer called each Combat. The bouts continued. The gore spread over the arena floor. Mary did her best to stay calm. Then the announcer called for sword combat. Today there was only one other pair fighting.

  Ac’von rose, took off his tunic, reached for his sword. He paused to give Mary a smile and descended the stairs down to the arena. Ri’son lumbered down from the Red section.

  Mary felt her heart pounding. Tu’ver reached over to hold her hand.

  The entire stadium became a great roar. The other combatants stood ready. As Ac’von and Ri’son faced off in the arena, drums beat a relentless pounding rhythm. Their silence meant the beginning of the Combat. The moment the drums stopped Ri’son let out a great yell, waved his sword over his head and brought it down with immense force. Ac’von diverted the blade to his left. The sword missed his shoulder, but the tip grazed his left arm.

  Mary knew what a hit looked like. She gasped. Now her heart was beating wildly. All her doubts and fears about a culture that seemed barbaric came flooding in. How could a people let their ruler be so exposed?

  The crowd was silent. It was as if the entire planet was holding its breath. The other Combatants grunted and swung. Ri’son raised his sword again.

  Ac’von stood ready and thrust forward. The moment he did, Ri’son’s sword came pounding down. Ac’von diverted the blow. A murmur of appreciation went through the crowd like a wave. Mary was sure everyone could hear her heart beating.

  Ac’von’s wound began seeping. Small rivulets of blood streamed down the taught bicep and into the hollow of his elbow. Tu’ver squeezed Mary’s hand. Oh, my Ac’von, she thought, blood loss tires the fighter. Then she realized how she had thought of him: My Ac’von. Yes, she thought. My Ac’von.

  The other fighting pair had a clear winner. Both alive but the loser severely wounded. Ac’von and Ri’son exchanged blows but mostly it was clanging of metal with not hits on either side…except for that very first wound to Ac’von.

  Mary was torn. She wanted to watch every minute move that Ac’von made and she wanted to close her eyes to make it all go away. When she looked at Tu’ver she saw silent tears flowing down her cheeks. Next to her, Tu’von sat stern and mute. Ri’son cried out. Ac’von had hit his shoulder of his sword arm. It wasn’t just a scratch it was a piercing wound, blood flowed down his immense chest.

  Ri’son roared in anger as he bent over in pain. With another roar, he brought his drooping sword arm up aimed at Ac’von’s chest. Ac’von deftly parried the sword to the left and thrust toward Ri’son’s thigh. The cut was strong. Blood rushed from Ri’son’s leg as he stumbled forward and fell to the ground. He tried to raise himself up, but only one leg supported his weight. He fell forward. He pushed up again and fell.

  A beat of silence in the arena as the entire crowd stopped breathing waiting to see what would happen next.

  The White announcer rose. “The Day of The Combat is successfully terminated. Rama reigns us all.”

  Slowly the crowd began a rhythmic cheer, Ac’von, Ac’von, Ac’von.

  Ac’von raised his sword then tossed it onto the dirt of the arena. Reds rushed down to help Ri’son with his wounds.

  Ac’von walked calmly across the arena floor and mounted the steps to the pavilion. Mary burst into tears of relief and ran toward him as he came up the last step. “Ac’von, oh, Ac’von,” she burst weeping into his arms.

  “I couldn’t have won without you,” he whispered as a huge smile lit up his face. “He is very, very strong.”

  He bent his head and kissed her, then swept her into his arms. His manly aroma from the fight assaulted her nostrils. She found she loved it. He had won!

  “Now, for the next part,” he said. Once again he took her hand, raised their joined hands high and walked to the edge of the pavilion. The noise of the crowd subsided.

  Ac’von took a deep breath and then spoke. “The sky is indeed beautiful.”

  He turned toward Mary and continued, “My Queen, Ac’ver of the Blacks.”

  The Arbiter came to the front to address the crowd. “Ac’von of the Blacks and Ac’ver of Earth were united in ceremony. As of this day Ac’von is Ruler of Rama.” The crowd cheered.

  The Arbiter continued. “From this moment I declare the Week of the New Ruler. The bride parade will progress through the streets tomorrow morning. Let us all celebrate. Rama reigns us all.”

  People began streaming onto the arena floor so all the colors mixed. The sound was deafening. Mary looked at Ac’von. “Yes,” she said, her heart now beating with excitement. “I am your Queen.”

  They turned together from the edge of the pavilion and headed toward the exit. Tu’von was giving a farewell speech, but the crowd was not listening.

  In their room, Mary dressed Ac’von’s wound after he showered. She ran her fingers along the taught bicep, under the ragged scrape. She felt her breasts tighten and her nipples pucker against the supple fabric of the black dress. She tingled with excitement and desire. Inside her core, she felt the fire surge.

  “Ac’von, I never knew I could care so deeply.”

  He nodded and then pulled her to him. His lips, fresh from the shower, pressed hers. She parted her full lips to taste him. She looked into his unwavering eyes dark almond eyes and slid her tongue along the line of his lips.

  His lips met hers, more tentative than that night before, somehow holding back from the assertive pressure.

  He trailed light kisses across her mouth until he reached the other side of her mouth. Mary had never had anyone treat her with such appreciation and warmth. She never knew there was so much to kiss just on her lips. Such tenderness.

  As light as his kisses were she felt she was going to explode. Explode with delight, and recognition, and passion. Her body ached for him. She felt heat rising. She felt the wetness grow inside her as her vulva swelled with warmth.

  He moved his lips full over hers, parted them and kissed with strength. She could feel his desire, and she could feel his cock pushing against her heat.

  More than that there was a connection between them. It was an unspoken understanding. A hunger rose in each of them as his lips pressed with fervor and his tongue slid along the expanse of her lips.

  Then they both kissed deeply, lost in
the depths of the kiss and their hunger for each. Mary did not want the kiss to end. She didn’t know a kiss could last that long or be so deep. So full. A moan came unbidden into her throat as she pressed her lips to his with a fever of desire.

  She reached up and grabbed the back of his head with both hands. Her tongue pushed into his mouth and explored the taste of him, the smooth inside of his mouth hungry with wanting.

  He pulled back his head slightly and murmured, “Ac’ver.”

  The intensity of the name came on her in a flash of revelation. It was like taking a man’s last name in marriage back in Cherryvale. Ac’ver meant she was his. She belonged to him. And like a bride saying her new husband’s name, Mrs. Johnson, on earth for the very first time, she whispered. “Ac’ver, yes, I am Ac’ver.”

  She wasn’t Mary Smith anymore. As Ac’ver, she touched his face tracing the rugged lines along his brow and then feeling his chiseled cheekbone under her fingertips.

  He ran his strong fingers through her ginger curls. Each stroke of his hand sent a bolt of electricity through her body. She felt his shaft press against her.

  “You are so beautiful,” he said. “Strong, and talented, and breathtakingly beautiful.”

  He said it with such sincerity, she believed him. Not words of flattery but how he saw her. She luxuriated in the idea that he really felt this way. No one before had meant those words. They’d used the words to flatter her, usually just to get her into bed. But they had been together. Mated as he called it. Whatever he called it she liked it more than anything she had ever known.

  She felt her body’s readiness for more. Her nipples were taught and inside she was on fire.

  Ac’von looked into her eyes and said, “Are you ready to be queen?”

  Without hesitation, she responded, “Yes.”

  Then his eyes twinkled as he said, “All of this must wait.”

  “What?” she murmured in alarm.

  “Yes, now that I am officially declared Ruler by The Arbiter, people are waiting in the regal reception. There will be genuine congratulations along with flatterers. And…” His eyes looked positively merry. “Everyone wants to meet the new Queen.”

  “Let’s find your crown and meet them.”


  Ac’ver walked beside Ac’von as they entered the large reception hall. The room was a swirl of colors. Beside the numerous Blacks there were Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, White denizens ready to greet the new King and Queen of Rama.

  “Ac’von, what do I do?” she whispered.

  “Follow my lead and smile.”

  He led her to a small podium. They mounted and the room gradually became quiet.

  “The sky is truly beautiful,” Ac’von began. “I am honored, citizens of Rama, to begin my term. With my Queen, Ac’ver, we will carry on and sustain The Way. Today was a true test of The Way and all that it represents for peace on Rama…”

  Ac’ver felt his body next to hers. As she smiled at the people in the room, she carried with her the heat they had generated in the room above. Her lips remembered the firm touch of his strong lips. She was tempted to bring her fingers up to her mouth to feel her lips.

  His speech finished, Ac’von took her hand and led her to a table covered with exotic food, drink, and hundreds of flowers. He poured a beautiful, clear wine into two golden goblets. They toasted each other, sipping from the other’s goblet as they had at the arena. The crowded room erupted in applause and cheers. Even though she was among strangers on a planet that was completely new to her, she felt at ease standing with Ac’von.

  “All are welcome,” Ac’von said. It must have been some kind of code for the formality being over. People flocked to the tables, groups formed to chat.

  They spent the next two hours circulating. Ac’ver knew she would never remember all the names. She was proud of Ac’von. When she thought about it, she was proud of herself.

  Her few weeks on Rama had taught her about her inner strength. But, she had also learned she was a natural leader teaching Ac’von and the others about the finesse of handling weapons.

  She would never have believed any of this possible when she was standing in front of the antique store in Cherryvale and caught a glimpse of the most handsome man she had ever seen. Now she was his and he was hers.

  She ruled a far planet she didn’t know existed just weeks before. She was learning a new language, new customs, and tonight was her first appearance as Queen.

  All the same, after the anxiety of the Combat, Ac’von’s wound, and now this formal affair, she felt exhausted. Just when she thought the event would never end, The Arbiter came up to tell Ac’von that the official time was over. Ac’von nodded. The Arbiter mounted the podium. “Let us join together to wish beautiful sky to Ac’von and Ac’ver.”

  Everyone raised their glasses and as one toasted, “Beautiful sky.”

  Ac’von waved to everyone as he led Ac’ver out of the room.

  In their room, as gently as Ac’von had placed the crown on her head, he lifted it off. His strong arms came around her pulling her against his body. She could smell it now, that intoxicating male scent.

  Her head felt light after the long day and the wine she drank at the event.

  Ac’von’s long fingers touched her chin. He lifted her face and bent to kiss her. His lips felt soft against hers, but the pressure was strong. His lips were moved with his presence, strong and demanding. Her lips parted. She felt her body grow warm as her womb throbbed with desire.

  “Ac’ver, at last,” he whispered.

  His lips pushed urgently. She pushed back and opened her lips. His tongue explored the inside of her mouth. He tasted sweet with the faint must of wine.

  Overwhelmed by the day, she said with wonder, “I’m a queen.”

  “Yes. You are my queen.”

  He grabbed her again. His mouth was insistent now, his tongue rolling against her teeth. He put a finger to the side of her lips as he kissed. He pushed his finger inside her mouth. She wasn’t just warm now, she was hot. Her entire body tingled with his kiss and the thrust of his finger.

  His other hand began stroking her chest, a thumb gliding over her nipple. She surged below. Desire made her breathless and her breathing changed to small pants.

  She ran her hands over his shoulders and down his arms, taking care to miss the wound from The Combat. She brought her hands back up and ran them over the hard muscle of his sculpted chest. Every touch made her fire burn. Just feeling him aroused intense pleasure.

  He smiled and took her hand to lead her to the bed. Her head was light. Her hand burned where his palm met hers.

  He sat on the bed as she stood in front of him. She knew he could sense her desire. He put a hand on her hip. “Turn. I want to look at you.”

  She turned. When she faced him again she could read the pleasure on his strong face. His almond eyes were hooded with desire. He reached out and with three swift movements unfastened her black dress.

  She felt a deep warmth as she stood naked in front of him. It wasn’t the hot lust of their first time together, it was something deep in her heart. She wanted to please him. He was her man. She was ready to give him whatever he wanted.

  “Ac’ver,” he murmured in the strong voice she loved. “You are going to make a great queen.”

  She felt his cock push against her as he pulled her close. She broke their embrace and knelt before him, all her feelings ready to pour into lovemaking for this alien on another planet.

  She unfastened his sleek leggings and gently pushed them down. He moaned and ran his fingers through her auburn curls. She felt her nipples harden as he ran his hands down her neck to trace her collar bone and then lower to gently caress her breasts.

  Something awakened inside of her. She felt her body, all of it, was his. She was ready to please him.

  “You are so beautiful,” he said. He fingered her nipples. She felt waves of passion surge through her. Her loins were on fire and wet with wanting.

  Suddenly they were a tangle of limbs and clothes as they removed each others last clothing. A boot flew through the air.

  Then his hands brushed her abdomen and trailed down to her red patch. His fingers combed her lightly then pressed to caress her labia full with the want of him. His fingers pushed inside and she trembled.

  The waves took over her body as he continued to press and probe. His thumb gently caressed her nub in tiny circles. As her waves built the circles became more vigorous.

  Ac’ver moaned and then cried in pleasure. “Ac’von, all of me is for you. There is no one but you.” Then she was lost in coming.

  He raised his body over hers. His shaft found her eager opening. He gently pushed in as the waves began again. She felt her walls contract against the length of his shaft.

  “Oh, yes,” she whispered. “Yes, I want you inside me.”

  He pushed deeper as her walls pulsed around him as if pulling him in. Then very gently he pulled out so only his tip was touching her.

  “Oh, no,” she cried. “Don’t stop.”

  Then he gently entered again slowly traveling down the length of her walls. Then his whole length entered and pushed deep. She gasped in pleasure as she burst around him.

  His thrusts became rhythmic and deep. She moved her hips so that her timing was in perfect rhythm to match his thrusts. She had never experienced such intense pleasure. Her entire body was his and yet matched him, male and female.

  Her arousal built again with his thrusts as his balls paced a rhythm against her.

  “Ac’von,” she cried in pleasure. “I’m going to come.”

  “So am I,” he growled into her neck.

  Their passion built to a frenzy of movement. She felt him erupt inside her. She felt his hot drops explode inside her as her passion peaked.

  For a minute, they both lay spent. The Ac’von rolled to her side. He lay on his back. His strong arm reached across to softly caress the space between her breasts.


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