Seduced by the Mogul

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Seduced by the Mogul Page 14

by Pamela Yaye

  “You’ve got jokes.”

  “Nope,” she said, her tone cheeky. “Just fulfilling my duties as an obedient wife.”

  “Ha! If that’s what you call obedience then I’m in serious trouble!”

  Jordana burst out laughing. She loved his sense of humor, their playful banter, how easy it was to be around him. Dante took the plate from her hands, and caressed her fingers. The scent of their attraction filled the air, swirling around them. She opened her mouth, to ask which wine to serve with the first course, but lost her voice when his fingers traveled up her wrist.

  Worried her legs would buckle, and she’d wipe out in her silk Givenchy dress, Jordana sat down on the armrest, and crossed her legs. Hearing loud, animated voices in the foyer, she peered down the hallway. Markos was holding Matteo in his arms, and the preschooler was giggling with glee. “Matteo’s going to have a blast tonight,” she said, smiling to herself. “That’s nice of Markos to take him to the circus. What a sweetheart!”

  “If you say so.” Dante tasted an oyster, and chewed slowly, as if he was savoring each bite. “Markos says Matteo is a great wingman, so his motives are less than pure.”

  “I’m not surprised. After all, he is a Morretti.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean? And why are you taking shots at my people?”

  “No offense, but when it comes to the opposite sex the men in your family have a horrible reputation. Your cousins Demetri, Nicco and Rafael are on the celebrity blogs 24/7, and yesterday at the grocery store I saw pictures of your brother Emilio on the cover of the National Equistar. Apparently, he hooked up with a South African model at a yacht in Ibiza, and now she’s claiming to be pregnant with his love child.”

  “Bullshit! Emilio’s crazy about Sharleen and he’d never do anything to hurt her. Furthermore, he’s too busy training around the clock to party. When he’s not on the track he’s at home romancing Sharleen. I spoke to him yesterday. He’s so in love it’s sickening!”

  “Is Emilio meeting you in Tampa for the charity golf tournament?”

  “He better, or that’ll be his ass!”

  The more Dante cracked jokes about his cousins and brothers, the harder she laughed.

  “Can we listen to something else? Bach is putting me to sleep.”

  “No, we cannot,” Jordana said, faking a British accent. “Hip-hop music isn’t appropriate for a dinner party, and I seriously doubt Mr. Quan is a fan.”

  Dante scowled, made a puppy-dog face. “Party pooper!”

  Spotting the servers standing at attention in front of the breakfast bar, Jordana sprung to her feet, straightened her dress and smoothed a hand over her silky locks. To please him she’d straightened her hair, selected one of the short figure-hugging gowns he’d bought her and donned turquoise accessories. From the moment she’d exited the guest bedroom, he’d been plying her with compliments, staring at her with lust in his eyes.

  “There’s the most beautiful woman in Bel Air.”

  Markos whistled. “Fantastic dress. Versace, right?”

  “Yeah,” she said slowly, raising an eyebrow. “How did you know?”

  “I bought it for my ex. It looked nice on her, but it looks sensational on you.”

  Jordana beamed, and did a small twirl. “Boy, tell me something I don’t know!”

  Catching sight of the time on the wall clock, she waved goodbye, and hustled into the kitchen as fast as her high heels could take her. Busy setting the table with Ralph Lauren lines, Jordana didn’t notice Markos and Matteo were gone until she spotted them leaving the estate on the security cameras. When the doorbell rang an hour later, the seven-course Italian meal was cooling on top of the oven. The air held a savory aroma that made her mouth water and her stomach grumble, and Bach had been swapped for the late, great Whitney Houston.

  “It’s showtime.” Coming up behind her, Dante took her hand, raised it to his mouth and kissed it. “This is the biggest deal of my career, and I need you to make me look good tonight. Think you can you handle that, Mrs. Morretti?”

  “Absolutely,” she insisted, wearing her game face. “And to thank me for a job well done you’re taking me to see Madame Butterfly at the LA Opera next Sunday.”

  Dante groaned, and hung his head. “No way. Anything but the opera.”

  The butler, a bald Irishman with eyeglasses, entered the room and stood at attention, his hands clasped rigidly behind his back. “Introducing Lu Quan and Sunny Zhang.”

  Born in Hong Kong and educated in France, the Chinese billionaire was one of the most influential businessmen in the world. But his short stature, spiky hair and designer shades made him look more like the front man for a rock band than a fifty-year-old real estate giant.

  “This is so exciting! I can’t believe this is actually happening.”

  Sunny threw her arms around Jordana, and hugged her so tight she felt her bones crack. The petite brunette radiated warmth and positive energy, and her frilly peach dress made her skin glow. Her accent was thick, but her excitement was palpable.

  “I’ve been to LA several times, but I’ve never met a real-life actress before,” she said with a giggle. “My girlfriends are going to squeal when I tell them I met you!”

  Puzzled, she shot Dante a what-the-hell-is-going-on look. He wore a broad grin, and Jordana knew he’d lied to the couple about her acting credentials.

  “What movies have you starred in? I’m a huge movie buff, but I’m embarrassed to say I don’t recognize you from anything.”

  “Don’t be, Mr. Quan. I haven’t been in anything besides a few TV commercials—”

  “Remember her name,” Dante advised, cutting her off. “Because it’s just a matter of time before my beautiful new bride becomes a bona fide Hollywood superstar.”

  “I believe it, Dante, and you’re right, she’s stunning.”

  “Likewise, Mr. Quan. It looks like we both hit the jackpot on our wedding day.”

  The men laughed, and the women nodded in agreement.

  “Can we speak in private? It’s important.”

  Sunny glared at her husband, but she spoke to him in a soft, soothing voice. “Honey, but we just got here. Can’t you discuss business later? After we’ve socialized?”

  “Let them go.” Jordana linked arms with Sunny, and patted her forearm. “We’ll have cocktails and appetizers and gossip about them behind their backs. How does that sound?”

  “Scandalous!” Sunny giggled, and waved. “See ya, boys!”

  Laughing, the women marched off, their high heels clicking loudly on the marble floor.

  * * *

  Dante tracked Jordana’s movements with his eyes. He didn’t have the strength to turn away, didn’t even try. She always knew what to say to put people at ease, and her enthusiasm was contagious. He loved Tavares, thought he was wise beyond his years, but dumping Jordana was the dumbest thing he’d ever done. No doubt about it. She was the total package, everything a man could want—compassionate, loyal, honest and trustworthy. Not to mention drop-dead sexy. Her gown was tasteful, her vibrant accessories gave her outfit a splash of color, and her ankle-tie sandals drew attention to her long, silky legs—legs he wished were clamped around his waist. With her in that clingy dress and those red do-me-hard pumps, it was going to be impossible for him to be a gentleman tonight. I have to have her. By any means necessary.

  His thoughts returned to yesterday. During breakfast, she’d given him a forty-minute lecture about family and the importance of being a man of integrity. He’d then decided against going to Morretti Realty and drove the eighty miles to Big Bear Lake instead. It turned out to be a wise decision. They’d done it all—hiking, fishing and even horseback riding. Dante didn’t know anyone who loved the great outdoors as much as Jordana did, and he was amazed by her get-up-and-go attitude. He was happy Jordana a
nd Matteo were close, found it amusing to watch them together, but the next time they went out of town he was leaving his son at home. He wanted to be alone with Jordana, without Matteo dragging her off to play. As he admired her delicious backside, he made a mental note to plan a special trip for her.

  It took supreme effort, but he tore his gaze away from her ass and gave Mr. Quan his undivided attention. Wanting privacy, he showed the Chinese businessman to his office, gestured to the leather bucket chairs in front of the window and took a seat. “What is on your mind, sir? Would you like to discuss the development deal in Sheung Wan?”

  “What were you thinking?”

  Taken aback by the billionaire’s harsh tone, Dante took a moment to gather his thoughts, and leaned forward in his chair. “Sir, I’m afraid I don’t know what you are talking about.”

  “Two strippers showed up at my suite at The Peninsula Beverly Hills as my wife and I were getting ready for your dinner party.” His eyes darkened. “I called Mr. Smirnov, and he apologized on your behalf. He promised to give you a stern talking-to tomorrow morning. But I felt it was important to speak to you man-to-man.”

  Staggered, as if he’d been whacked upside the head with a pot, Dante couldn’t speak.

  “I wasn’t going to come tonight, but Sunny was desperate to meet your wife so I relented. If you ever pull a stunt like that again I’ll bury you. I won’t let you humiliate me...”

  Dante wore a blank expression on his face, but inside he was seething with anger. His boss had disregarded his advice, screwed up, then pinned the blame on him. Was this payback for not dropping Ryder Knoxx as a client? Was this Mr. Smirnov’s way of getting even with him? By ruining his reputation?

  “Sir, I did not send strippers to your suite.”

  “You didn’t? But Mr. Smirnov said you did.”

  Dante clutched the armrest, but he wished he was wringing his boss’s neck. Taking a deep breath, he masked his emotions with a confident smile. “I know you’re a devout Christian, and I’d never do anything to disrespect you or your faith.”

  “I’m glad to hear that, because I don’t do business with deceitful people.”

  Then stay far away from Mr. Smirnov because he’s a snake in Armani!

  “The Brokerage Group isn’t the right fit for me.”

  Dante was mad, pissed at his boss for betraying him, but he wasn’t going to lose the biggest deal of his career. Not without a fight. “Sir, I know you’re upset, but please don’t make any hasty decisions. The Brokerage Group is one of the most widely recognized names in real estate with offices all around the world. In a survey by Real Estate Trends, a leading resource for international real estate rankings, TBG claimed the top ten spots.”

  “Can I be frank?”

  Curious to hear more, Dante nodded, and leaned forward expectantly in his chair.

  “Much of my success is due to my intuition, and my gut is telling me to walk away, and fast. I don’t know much about Mr. Smirnov, but from what I’ve seen, he’s an unscrupulous businessman with no conscience. I don’t trust him.”

  “I understand.”

  “That being said I respect you, and admire the way you handle yourself. You’re a smart, astute go-getter and I want to do business with your company, Morretti Realty.”

  Dante was pleased, grateful for the compliment, but he grappled over what to do. Doing business with Mr. Quan could cost him his job—and more important his reputation—and he’d worked too damn hard, for too damn long, to lose everything. “Take a couple weeks to think about it, and let me know what you decide.”

  “Thank you, sir. I will.”

  “Don’t be so formal. Call me Lu.” Raising his eyebrows, he cocked his head to the right, and sniffed the air. “Is that scaloppini catanese I smell? And garlic ciabatta bread?”

  “Yes, it is, and I’m glad you enjoy fine cuisine because my beautiful wife made an authentic Italian meal. It’s waiting for us in the main-floor dining room.”

  Lu jumped to his feet. “Then why are we sitting here? Let’s eat!”

  Chapter 13

  “Have you ever dated one of your A-list costars on the down low?”

  The question caught Jordana off guard, but she didn’t let her surprise show on her face. Thanks to Dante, their dinner guests thought she was an up-and-coming actress, and nothing she said could change their mind. Sunny and Lu were an adorable couple, eager to learn about Western culture and proud to share facts about their native country. For the past hour they’d been grilling her about Hollywood and all things celebrity. “No, never, and now that I’m a happily married woman there’s no chance of that ever happening.”

  “Good answer, baby.” Dante kissed her lips. “You’re mine, all mine, and I’m yours.”

  God, how I wish that was true! Jordana understood. Knew the score. They were newlyweds. They were supposed to be touchy-feely, but her heart—and her body—couldn’t take it anymore. All the gazing and caressing, flirting and smiling had gotten to her, and now all she could think about was making love. Her body desperately wanted and craved sex. She doubted a cold shower would cool her raging hormones.

  Conversation was loud and spirited, full of jokes and hearty laughs. The evening passed so quickly Jordana couldn’t believe the time on the grandfather clock. She had to be up at 7:00 a.m. to make Matteo breakfast, but she was having fun with their lively, well-heeled guests, and sleep was the last thing on her mind. Matteo had returned home during dessert, chatting a mile a minute about his outing to the circus. His clown impersonation had left the group in stitches. After a warm bubble bath, he’d hopped into his car bed and had fallen fast asleep.

  “When did you know you were destined to be a star?” Sunny asked, her eyes bright with interest. “How did it happen? Did your parents see that special spark in you early on?”

  Discussing her childhood always made Jordana feel melancholy, but she spoke with a smile. Not all of her memories were sad, and as she reflected on that cold winter night decades earlier, her spirits brightened. “When I was eight years old, I snuck into my parents’ bedroom and hid in the closet while they were watching Antonella,” she confessed. “I knew right then and there that I wanted to be an actress, and nothing my father said could change my mind. He still wants me to return to school and finish up my education degree, but my heart just isn’t in it.”

  Dante furrowed his thick, perfectly groomed eyebrows. “What’s Antonella?”

  “Only the greatest story ever told!” Jordana quipped. “It’s a Cuban love story about a forbidden romance. I’ve watched it so many times I know the dialogue by heart!”

  Wearing a blissful expression on her face, Sunny snuggled against her husband. “It sounds like my kind of movie. Maybe we’ll watch it tonight when we return to the hotel.”

  “You’re going to love it,” Jordana promised. “I’ve seen Antonella a million times, but the ending is so touching and romantic it always brings me to tears.”

  Soon, the men were discussing sports and politics, leaving the women to trade beauty tips and recipes. Aside from Waverly, and a couple of colleagues at LA Marketing, Jordana had few friends, so having dinner with a worldly, urbane socialite was an honor. “Does anyone want more wine? Coffee? Tiramisu?”

  “No, thank you. Nothing for me.” Lu pulled back his shirt sleeve, and showed his wife his Rolex watch. “We should go. It’s late, and you know how I get if don’t get sufficient sleep.”

  Sunny smirked. “He’s a bear in Armani, and that’s putting it nicely.”

  “I feel your pain. So is Dante!”

  Dante wore an exaggerated frown, and the women cracked up.

  “You must come to Hong Kong soon. I know our friends and family would love to meet you, and I’d be proud to show you around my beloved hometown.”

  “Sunny, that’s a gr
eat idea. I’ve been contemplating where to take Jordana for our belated honeymoon, but I never considered a trip overseas.”

  “You should definitely come out east,” she encouraged, tossing her silk shawl dramatically over her shoulders. “What’s not to love about Hong Kong? We have it all. A rich history and culture, delectable food and gracious people, and the designer boutiques along Causeway Road put Rodeo Drive to shame.”

  “In that case, can we leave tomorrow?”

  “Absolutely, baby. Anything for you.” Dante draped an arm around her chair and drew his fingers slowly across her shoulders. Gazing at him, she felt that familiar pull drawing her to him. Marrying him had been a wise decision, quite possibly the smartest thing she’d ever done. He was a Renaissance man with many skills and talents, and Jordana was in awe. Blown away by his inherent charm and charisma, she couldn’t look at Dante without fantasizing about kissing him passionately, over and over and over again.

  That’s not all you want to do! teased her inner voice.

  “Thank you for a wonderful evening.” Lu rose from his seat and helped his wife out of her chair. “We’ll be sure to return the favor when you come to Hong Kong.”

  “We’d love that.”

  Jordana gave Sunny a hug. “Don’t be a stranger. You have my contact information, so please keep in touch.”

  “I will, and good luck on your auditions next week. Knock them dead!”

  Walking their guests through the main floor to the foyer, Jordana realized she was sad to see them go. Sunny invited them to visit their family estate in The Peak, an exclusive suburb in Hong Kong teeming with celebrities and million-dollar homes. Dante promised to make it happen. Jordana hated flying, got violently ill whenever she did, and shuddered at the thought of spending sixteen hours on a plane. But she had nodded in agreement.

  Standing on the steps with Dante, she watched the happy couple climb into their chauffeured Mercedes SUV, and waved as it exited the estate.


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