Thug Passion

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Thug Passion Page 8

by Mz. Lady P

  "How could you keep this shit from me, Kelis?" Taking a good look at the little girl, I knew she was my daughter. She was the splitting image of Ta'Jay. I just kept staring at her as she sucked her thumb. Something that I always did as a child. There was no doubt in my mind that she was indeed my daughter

  "I never meant to hurt you by just up and leaving, but I did not want to bring my kids into your world of drug dealing or killing. I felt like if I left me and my kids would be safe.” Kelis couldn’t even look at me.

  "So, fuck me, huh? I see you’re still selfish as hell. Cut the bullshit, Kelis! Where the fuck have you been all this time with my kids!” At this point, I had pulled me gun from my waist and held it up to her head. “Right now, I have every reason to blow your fucking brains out. You disloyal ass bitch!" In an instant, I forgot my daughter was in the room. I hurried up and put the gun away. Kelis had tears falling down her face.

  “All this time that I have been gone, you have been on my mind. I regret leaving you. I want us to be a family. Please, Thug, we need you right now. Kelis fell into my arms and I embraced her and that's when I realized, I still had love for her. I can't believe I have a son and a daughter. After we finished talking, we left and went to the hospital. I made sure to call Peaches first. I needed her to be there to get a feel for Kelis and to really see if those were my kids.

  It took about thirty minutes to make it the hospital. Peaches was pulling up at the same time that we were. The look in her face was not a good one. We didn't even make it into the hospital good enough before Peaches was on Kelis’ ass.

  "I don't know what's your motive for showing up back here after being gone for three years. I really don't give a fuck. My main priority is to my son. Please don’t think that you are about to come back and stir up some shit. Before I let you do that, I will drop your ass where you stand. You must forgot who the fuck I was!” Peaches said as she stood toe to toe with Kelis.

  "Momma Peaches, I don't want no problems with you. I just want him to be a part of my kids’ life."

  "Bye, Felecia. I'm not your Momma, you lost that privilege when you betrayed my son and let’s make some shit clear, we already have a fucking problem. As far as them being his kids, that hasn't been established yet."

  Kelis escorted us up to the blood bank to get a DNA test. The doctor put a rush on it, so that we could get the test back immediately. Once the results came back and confirmed I was their father, I immediately donated blood to my son. We all stayed at the hospital for a while longer and visited with him.

  My mother was happy the kids were mine, but she was not feeling Kelis’ presence at all. Kelis was telling me all that she had been through and how she was struggling. I couldn't believe she didn't have a stable place to stay with my kids. I felt like it was only right I look out for her until my son was released from the hospital. I brought her and Ka'Jairea back to the house with me. There was only one thing I forgot; Tahari now lived there and was my woman. In that one moment of Kelis coming back into my life, I had forgotten all about the new woman in my life.

  Chapter 14- Tahari

  Ride or Die Chick

  I tried my best to wait up for Thug, but I was beyond exhausted. I slept through the rest of the night. The next morning, I woke up to the smell of breakfast cooking, so I knew he was at home. I got up from the bed and made my way downstairs. All I had on was a t-shirt and a pair of underwear. Entering the kitchen, I saw Thug standing over the stove cooking. There was a cute little girl sitting on the countertop next to him.

  "Good Morning, Sweetie. Who is this little cutie?" I said as I walked in and kissed Thug.

  "I'm Ka'Jairea. What's your name?"

  It took me a minute to respond. I was too busy taking in the fact that she was named after Ka'Jaire, but as I looked in her face I could see that she looked just like him. I looked at him and he couldn't even look at me in my face.

  "Good Morning. I haven't slept that good in a long time." I had to wipe my eyes to make sure I wasn't dreaming. If my memory served me right, this was the same bitch that came here looking for Thug’s ass yesterday.

  “Hey, Bae. Are you hungry?” Thug asked as he sat a plate of eggs and sausage on the table for me. There were already plates of food on the table for this stranger and the little girl. We all sat down to eat, but I wasn’t hungry. I was too busy staring at the other people in the room. They were strangers to me, but it seemed like Thug was very familiar with the female.

  “Ka’Jaire, I see you have decked this place out. Last time I was here, it was almost finished being built. I had so many creative ideas for this place. Eat your food Ka’Jairea. Daddy made breakfast especially for us.” She looked at me the entire time she was speaking.

  “What the fuck is going on, Thug!”

  “Look, this is my ex-Kelis and this is my daughter, Ka’Jairea. I also have a son Ka’Jaire Jr. I never knew anything about them. Kelis just up and left three years ago and she showed up yesterday.” This nigga was stuffing his face like it was his last meal.

  I couldn’t believe this shit. At that very moment, I felt sick to my fucking stomach. I ran upstairs to the bathroom and vomited. I peeled the clothes off that I had on and got into the shower. I just stood there and let the water fall over me. I cried like a newborn baby. I couldn't understand why Thug was being so disrespectful towards me.

  I needed to get out of this house and fast. I put on a short, simple summer dress with a pair of thong sandals. I pulled my hair up into a messy ponytail. I grabbed my purse and car keys and got the fuck out of there. As I exited the bedroom, I locked eyes with Thug.

  "Where the fuck are you going?" Thug asked as he grabbed my hand.

  “So, fuck the fact that I stay here. Just yesterday, I told you that I was pregnant with your child and you tell me to get an abortion. Yet, I wake up to another woman and her child in the house. Damn, where the fuck is the respect at!”

  "First of all, this is my motherfucking house. I can bring whoever the fuck I want to here! I brought your ass here, didn't I? Second of all, don’t ever question the decisions I make when it comes down to my fucking kids! I apologize for telling you to get an abortion, that shit was wrong on my part. I want nothing more than to have a child with you.”

  "You know what, you are absolutely right. Forgive me for overstepping my boundaries, but what you won't do is get mad and throw the fact that this is your house and that I am a fucking guest in it in my face. Do you think I’m stupid, Thug? You didn’t want this baby until you found out about that bitch and her kids. You knew making me get an abortion wouldn't be a good fucking look. I don’t need your charity or sympathy. I’m going to do you the biggest favor ever and bounce. Me and this baby will get out of y’all way. It looks like you have some catching up to do. Especially, since you lied to me and told me you didn't know who the fuck she was!”

  "Tahari, it wasn't even like that. Please baby don't leave, I love you. This is your house, too."

  "Thug, I love you more than anything in this world, but if this was my house then another woman wouldn't be sitting at my fucking kitchen table. Plus, the fact that you lied about who she was has me feeling like there is some feelings still there. I'm leaving and I'm not coming back until that bitch is gone."

  "Please don't leave on my account sweetie." I turned around and this bitch had a smirk on her face that made steam come from my fucking ears. I instantly had the urge to whoop her ass. I don't know what came over me as I charged towards this bitch. Thug caught me before I made it to her.

  "Calm down, Bae. You’re pregnant. It's not even that serious." Thug was holding me around my waist and tears were streaming down my face. I was crying because Thug had really just ripped my heart out of my chest, and I was mad because I let this bitch upset me. I couldn't handle this shit. I absolutely had to get the fuck out of here before I killed both of these bitches.

  "Let me the fuck go!" I yanked away from his ass and I walked out of the house to my car. I drove and made sure to
burn rubber as I pulled off. I really had no destination, but this baby had me hungry as hell. I had a taste for a Maxwell Street pork chop sandwich with cheese and extra onions. My greedy ass ended up ordering me a damn polish, as well. This baby had me hungry all the time and throwing up at the same damn time.

  Thug had been calling me nonstop since I left the house. He also texted me, but I had yet to read them. I wasn’t ready to deal with his ass right now. I just drove around the city taking in all the sights. Chicago was a beautiful city despite the violence going on.

  I rode down Michigan Ave and had the urge to just walk around Grant Park. I parked my car in a safe spot so that it wouldn't get towed. The city would tow your shit in a minute. As I walked through the park, all I saw was happy couples. I was jealous as fuck. It seemed like I would never find true love. I really thought things were going good between us.

  I don't understand why Thug never told me about her. I continued to walk through the park and I was tired, so I sat down on the bench and got some rest. I logged onto Facebook and I was so engrossed in reading status updates that I never even realized it when Nico sat down on the bench next to me.

  "What's up, Tahari?" I instantly got up and started to walk off.

  "Don't leave Ta-Baby. I was strolling through the park and I saw you sitting here. I'm not on no bullshit with you. I just wanted to see how you have been doing?"

  "My fat ass has been doing just fine." I had to make sure I reminded this nigga I was just a fat ass yesterday.

  "I'm sorry. I disrespected you yesterday. You were looking so damn good to me and the way you were acting pissed me off."

  "Nico, you have a lot of nerves. What the fuck was I supposed to do? You put me out of the house we shared. Not to mention, you were fucking my best friend, who you are now married to and is pregnant by you. The worst of it all, you beat the fuck out of me if I breathed the wrong fucking way. I really have no words for you."

  "I was wrong for everything, Ta-Baby. I was going through some shit and I was taking it out on you. Khia was there when I needed her in the streets. You know for a fact you’re not about that street life."

  "That is still not a reason for you to treat me like shit. That's neither here nor there. I have moved on from all of that shit. I am in a real happy place in my life right now. I wish you and Khia all the best that life has to offer. "

  "At least, let me get a hug before you walk away. I don't want us to walk away with animosity. Before shit went bad, life was real good for us." I hesitated for a minute, but I leaned in and I hugged him. He kissed me on my jaw. After our hug, we let each other go and we went our separate ways.

  I sat back down on the bench and contemplated where I wanted to go. I wanted to go see Momma Peaches and tell her what happened between me and Thug, but I didn't want to be one of those chicks who ran to her mother in law every time her son fucked up. I decided to go to Barbie’s. I was worried about her anyway. As I drove to her house, I contemplated my relationship with Thug. This was the first test of our relationship, but I wasn’t sure I had it in me to deal with this shit right now.

  When I pulled up in front of Barbie’s house, she was sitting on the steps with a whole damn bottle of Remy. Looking at her facial expression, I knew shit wasn’t good at all.

  “What are you doing drinking, Barbie? You know you’re not supposed to be drinking while you’re taking Penicillin,” I said as I sat down next to her on the porch steps.

  “I know, but this shit Malik putting me through is taking a toll on me,” she said as she blew Kush smoke from her mouth.

  “I know that shit is crazy. Everything will be okay, though.” I rubbed her back trying to console her. I felt so sorry for her. I could look in her eyes and tell she was hurt.

  “Damn. I came over here thinking shit was bad with me and Thug. Your problems trump mine.”

  “Momma Peaches told us about Kelis’ ass popping up out the blue with two kids that are his. I never really fucked with her like that. She has always been sneaky as hell to me. Thug was in love with her, so I tolerated her ass. What did Thug say to you about it?”

  “He didn’t say shit. He did however let her and their daughter come to the house and stay the night, without consulting me first. I woke up this morning to him cooking breakfast and shit. We had the nerve to all be sitting at the table together. I almost whooped that bitch’s ass. She called herself trying to talk shit.”

  “You should have whooped both of their asses. I know you didn’t leave her there with him?” Barbie looked at me waiting for me to answer her question.

  “Yeah, I couldn’t take being there with them.”

  “I’m good, Sis. You need to go home. Don’t ever leave a bitch in the house with your man, especially, Kelis. She wants Thug back and I know she will do whatever she can to get him back.”

  “Don’t worry I’m ten steps ahead of her. I peeped the way she kept looking at Thug. Her ass called herself trying to make me mad by reminiscing about their relationship. The bitch even went so far as to butt in our conversation. I was about to dig in that ass, but Thug caught me in midstride before I could get to her.”

  After a while longer, I decided to head home. We hugged each other and parted ways. I was worn out from the day’s events. All I wanted was my bed and Thug. I was missing him like crazy. Entering the house, it was pitch black with the exception of the light coming from the family room.

  I walked into the living room and Thug was laid across the sofa knocked out. Damn I love this nigga; I admitted to myself. I sat at the end of the couch and watched him sleep. I took in his handsome face, his masculinity, and of course his manhood which hung low in the basketball shorts he was rocking. I couldn't resist myself I bent down and gave him a kiss on his lips. His eyes popped open and he grabbed the back of my head and kissed me even harder.

  "I just wanted to let you know I was home. I'm going upstairs to go to bed. My feet are killing me." I walked up the stairs and went to our bedroom. I had been getting bit by bugs all day, so I decided to get in the tub and just get relaxed. The bath salts I added to my bath water made my body feel so good. All of sudden, I felt the vomit rise up in my mouth. I hurried up and jumped out of the tub and flipped up the toilet seat. All of the Maxwell Street food I had ate came up.

  "You cool, Bae." Thug asked as he rubbed my back.

  "This damn baby is really putting me through it." I got up off the floor and brushed my teeth. I was so weak I could barely stand up. I went into the bedroom and lay across the bed. Thug exited the room and returned shortly after.

  "Here Ta drink this." Thug handed me a glass of Ginger Ale.

  "Just set it on the nightstand."

  "Tahari I know you're pissed off at me right now, but I love you. I’m so sorry that I didn’t check with you first before bringing them here. I’m also sorry for telling you to get an abortion. I want nothing more than to be a father to our child. I'm so serious about what I'm saying. I brought you this." I looked up and Thug was holding a small black velvet box.

  "What's this?" I asked as looked at him curiously. I grabbed the box and opened it. I couldn't believe my eyes. Inside the box was an eight and a half karat Princess cut, diamond engagement ring.

  "Oh, my God! It’s beautiful, Thug." I covered my mouth in shock and amazement

  "Look, I had planned something special, but after the shit that happened this morning I know that I can't afford to lose you. Tahari, will you marry me?

  "Yes, Yes, Baby, I will marry you." I wrapped my arms and legs around Thug. I couldn't believe it. I placed soft kisses all over his face. He laid me back on the bed and stood up in front of me. He dropped his shorts and unleashed the beast that I had come to love. My mouth watered as his dick stood at attention waiting to be saluted.

  I scooted closer to the edge of the bed, so that his dick could be directly in my face. I took my tongue and slowly made circles around the tip of his dick sucking on it hard in between licks. The taste of pre-cum in my mouth ma
de me crave him even more. I welcomed his long, hard dick into my mouth and deep throated. All the while praying my pregnant ass didn't get the urge to vomit trying to show out. As I sucked on his dick, I could feel the veins in it pulsating in my mouth as I bobbed up and down looking into his eyes the entire time.

  I noticed his phone kept ringing and it was annoying him and causing him to lose focus on what I was doing to him.

  "Just answer it." I wanted him to let whoever it was know his fiancé was giving him some spectacular ass head and they were fucking up his nut.

  "What the fuck you mean he stopped breathing! I'm on my way. Calm down he is going to pull through!" Thug looked like all of the life drained out of him. He started rushing around the room and throwing on his clothes.

  "What's going on, Ka'Jaire?"

  "That was Kelis. She said Ka'Jaire stopped breathing while he was sleep. I need to meet her at the hospital."

  "Do you want me to go with you?"

  "Get you some rest, Ta. I know the baby got you under the weather. Lay down and get you some rest I will keep you posted." Thug kissed me and left out of the house.

  Since our sex session was cut short, I decided to chill back and watch Kevin Hart's new movie Ride Along until I got sleepy. I got sleepy faster than I thought; I didn't even make it past the first scene. Hours later, I woke up to the sounds of strange voices coming from inside the house. I heard things being knocked over and broken. I instantly jumped up from the bed and grabbed my phone off of the charger and ran into the closet and called Thug.

  His phone was going straight to voicemail. I forgot he wouldn’t get any reception inside the hospital. I could hear the voices inside of the room now. Think Tahari and think fast! I thought to myself as I surveyed the room for something to protect myself with. It was then I remembered Thug's arsenal of weapons in a secret compartment he had built into the floor.

  I pressed the code in and tried to find a gun that I could handle. All his damn guns were big enough to take out a whole damn army. I finally found a shiny gun that fit perfectly into my hand. I didn't even know the name of it. Whoever was in the house was still in the bedroom. I could hear them constantly talking about the code to Thug's safe. This was news to me because I never knew he had a safe inside the bedroom.


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