Thug Passion

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Thug Passion Page 11

by Mz. Lady P

  “Are you cool?” I checked her out to make sure she wasn’t hit.

  “Yeah, I’m fine baby.” I could tell in her face she was scared.

  “Go in the bathroom and don’t come out until I come and get you.” I kissed her on the forehead and grabbed my gun from the nightstand and went to access the situation. Whoever he fuck it was had some heavy fucking artillery. Somebody was out for blood. My entire crib was in shambles from the bullets. This shit was getting out of hand. All my years in the drug game, I had never had an issue where I laid my head. This was the second time some niggas had gotten at me where I lay my head at.

  “Thug! Thug! Where are you?” The sound of Tahari screaming for me made me run back up the stairs. I entered the bathroom and Tahari was on the floor sitting in a pool of blood holding her stomach.

  “I think I’m having a miscarriage!” Tahari cried. I had to turn my head to keep from shedding a couple of tears.

  “Come on; get up off the floor, so that I can get you to the hospital.” I grabbed her off the floor and carried her downstairs to the garage. I placed her in the passenger’s seat of my car before getting in and speeding out of the garage like a bat out of hell. The entire drive we were both quiet. It was like we knew the baby was gone. Tahari cried the whole way to the hospital. I wanted to console her, but my blood was boiling. I had to make the streets bleed behind this loss.

  Once we made it to the hospital, I got in contact with the rest of the family and let them know what had gone down. We all waited for the doctors to come out and tell us what we already knew. Once the doctor came out and gave us confirmation that Tahari did have miscarriage, I was ready to get out of there. My heart was crushed. I couldn’t even look at her.

  I left the hospital without even going back to check on her. My mother was livid, but I didn’t care. I would make it up to Tahari later. I had to get at this nigga Nico ASAP. At this moment, he was at the top of my list of suspects. It was a must I murked this nigga in honor of the seed I just lost.

  I had been so busy working on my relationship with Tahari that I haven’t had a chance to check on Kelis and the kids. It had been hard dealing with the fact that I even have kids. Every time I thought about Kelis keeping them from me, I got pissed off even more. I decided to head to her crib just to make sure they were okay. I wouldn’t be able to handle it if some niggas got to Ka’Jaire Jr and Ka’Jairea.

  Once all this shit was over with, I was going to make it my business to be more involved in their lives. As I pulled up to her house, I noticed her getting out of an unmarked Crown Victoria. What the fuck she doing getting out of a detective car? I thought to myself. I hurried up and cut of my headlights, so that I wouldn’t bring attention to myself.

  I observed as the driver handed her a card through the driver’s side window. Some words were exchanged between her and the driver. I stayed inside my car for a minute and I watched her enter the house. I was about to pick this bitch’s brain. I was eager to find out why she was keeping company with a fucking detective. For the sake of my children, I prayed that Kelis wasn’t working with the police.

  I exited the car and knocked on the door. It wasn’t long before Kelis answered.

  “Hey, Ka’Jaire! I had no idea you were coming over. Why didn’t you call me and let me know that you were coming over?” she said as her voice trembled. I could tell that she was shocked as hell to see me.

  “I wanted to surprise you and the twins. Where are the kids at?” I asked as I walked into the house and sat on the couch. I looked on the coffee table and noticed the card.

  “They’re spending the night with my mom tonight.”

  “What do you have going on tonight?”

  “Nothing, I was actually on my way to bed.” Kelis was lying through her fucking teeth.

  “Let’s go out to dinner and have a drink. I know it’s hard taking care of the kids all day. Plus, we really need to discuss where you and I stand.”

  “Okay. Just let me go change into something more suitable.” Kelis got up from the couch and I grabbed the card and looked at it. I went numb for a couple of seconds as the words on the card resonated in my head. The name on the card read Detective Anthony Grimes Drug Enforcement Unit. I hurried up and put the card in my jacket pocket.

  “Come on, I’m ready.” Kelis came out smiling from ear to ear. Little did she know her ass wouldn’t be smiling for long. We both walked out of the house and got into my car. I took in my surroundings to make sure no one saw us leaving together.

  “Where do you want to go eat at?” I asked her as I started up the car and pulled away from the curb.

  “Surprise me.” Kelis batted her eyes and licked her lips seductively. I got onto the expressway and drove towards the Forest Preserve. Kelis sat in the passenger’s side oblivious to what was going on. It took us about an hour to make it out to the Forest Preserve. I parked real close to the lake. This wasn’t my first time out here, so I knew the place like the back of my head.

  “What are we doing here, Ka’Jaire?”

  “Get the fuck out of the car!” I pulled her from the passenger’s side and threw her to the ground. I opened my glove compartment and grabbed my gun and placed the silencer on the end of it.

  “Oh, my God! Why are you doing this to me?” Kelis cried trying to get up off of the ground.

  “Who the fuck is Detective Grimes!”

  “Please don’t kill me! I can explain everything, but you have to give me a chance.” Kelis was starting to hyperventilate due to panic setting in.

  “Bitch, you have less than a minute to tell me what I want to hear!”

  “He is the guy I have been working with to get Tahari out of our lives. I was going to plant some kilos in her car and have him arrest her for drug trafficking. Can’t you see that I still love you? I did all of this for the sake of our family. You should be with me and our kids. We need you in our lives.”

  “Did you tell him anything about me and my drug operation?”

  “No. Ka’Jaire, I would never tell on you. I love you too much for that. Tahari doesn’t deserve you!”

  “How can I trust you knowing that you’re a snitch? So, what you think that your snitch ass deserves me!”

  “Yes! I deserve you!”

  “Wrong answer!” I raised my gun and shot Kelis right between the eyes and once straight through the heart. I pushed Kelis’ body into the body of water and I threw the gun in, as well. I stood and watched as her body sunk down into the murky and muddy water. I hopped back into my car and left the scene. I drove back in deep thought.

  I couldn’t believe she was about to set my girl up just to be with me. My mother was right. Kelis was not to be trusted. I was still on edge about the entire situation because there was no guarantee her ass wasn’t snitching on my operation. Just knowing that Kelis had been talking with a narc, had me nervous as hell. It was imperative that I got at this Detective. My only regret behind murking her ass was the fact that I had left my children motherless.

  I was fucked up behind all that Tahari was going through fucking with a nigga like me. I was supposed to be the one who took her away from all the pain and all I had done was add more drama to her life. She was too damn good of a woman to be going through this shit. She deserved better. I had come to the conclusion that right now I wasn’t what she needed in her life right now. I needed to handle this beef in the streets first.

  Chapter 20- Tahari

  Sometimes I Hate Being In Love with A Thug

  I stayed in the hospital for a week due to catching Pneumonia. I never knew I had it. The doctor told me that it played a major part in my miscarriage because it wasn’t being treated. I knew stress also played a big part in it. I was so hurt behind the loss of the baby. I knew that a child would have made our relationship stronger.

  All week I had been struggling with my emotions. Thug had been so cold and distant. I hadn’t seen or heard from him since the night I suffered the miscarriage. I didn’t know what to think o
r say. I wondered if he blamed me for the miscarriage. I hoped and prayed that wasn’t the case. It would crush my soul if he felt that way.

  I was so thankful for Ms. Peaches, Barbie, and Ta’Jay. They had kept me sane through this ordeal. I felt like Thug abandoned me and let his family pick up his slack. I loved Peaches and Ta’Jay, but they made too many fucking excuses for Thug’s behavior. There were no excuses that made it okay to be left alone during this difficult time. We should be consoling one another on the loss of our child.

  Once I found out I was being discharged, I texted Thug and let him know that I needed a ride from the hospital. He never responded, so I called a Yellow cab. I gathered my belongings and my discharge papers. I headed downstairs to catch the cab before it left.

  As soon as I exited the hospital, Thug was standing outside of his white Chrysler 300. As hurt as my feeling were, I was still happy to see him. He was looking so good in his white Pelle Pelle leather jacket. My heart was beating faster than normal and my pussy was soaking wet. I felt like this was my first time ever seeing him.

  As I walked closer towards him, I noticed the smile he used to have was now replaced with a frown. I stood in front of him and got on the tip of my toes to kiss him on the lips. He returned the kiss, but there was no passion behind it. He quickly walked away from me and got into the driver’s seat and started the car up. I opened the passenger’s side door and got in.

  There were no words spoken between us as he pulled away from the hospital. Tears were welling up in my eyes, but I held them in. I cried everyday over him and the baby, but I was so tired of crying I didn’t know what to do. Twenty minutes into the drive, I realized we were headed in the wrong direction.

  “Where are we going? Our house is in the opposite direction.”

  “Just chill. I want to show you something. We’ll be there shortly.” He turned the radio up and continued to act as if I was invisible. I turned my head and stared out of the window. His nonchalant behavior was really starting to get under my skin.

  Thirty minutes later, we pulled into a gated community that was full of beautiful homes. We drove until we ended in front of the most beautiful home I had ever seen. The lawn was perfectly manicured. The exterior of the house was all white and trimmed with gold. The windows were huge. In the driveway, sat a hot pink Camaro.

  “Whose house is this?” I asked as I took in the sight before my eyes.

  “It’s yours and so is the car.” He dropped two sets of keys and a bankcard in my hand.

  “Oh, my God! Thank you so much, Baby! Come on. Let’s go inside so you can show me around.” I placed kisses all over his face.

  “I’m good. This all you, Ma’.” Thug grabbed a rolled blunt from the visor and fired it up.

  “What are you talking about? I’m confused right now.”

  “On some real shit, I think it’s best we end this relationship right now. I’m no good for you. Since the day we met, I have put your life in danger. My bullshit in the streets has caused you too much pain. I couldn’t live life knowing you lost your life behind my street shit. Our seed is dead because of me.”

  “No. I had Pneumonia. None of this is your fault. I’m riding with you no matter what.” I caressed the side of his face as I spoke to him.

  “Please don’t make this harder than it already is. This relationship is over, end of discussion.”

  “You heartless motherfucker! Did you forget I just lost our baby? I’ve been alone dealing with this loss by myself. I need you so bad right now. I don’t know what I did, but please don’t do this to me. If you leave me then you are no better than Nico.” I pleaded as tears fell from my eyes.

  “Don’t ever in your fucking life compare me to that bitch ass nigga! I’ve brought your ass a house, a new car, and opened you up a bank account. This is the fucking thanks I get. Maybe if I did put my hands on your ass, you would be more grateful!”

  “I didn’t ask you for any of this bullshit! All I have ever wanted was you. Obviously, you no longer want to give me you. Thank you for breaking my heart.” I looked down at my engagement ring for a couple of seconds. I slid it off of my finger and threw it at him. I got out of the car.

  A part of me hoped and prayed that he would come after me; instead, he pulled out of the driveway and left. I put the key into the door and went into the house. It was just as beautiful as the outside, but I wasn’t excited about it. I went from room to room and everything was so nice. I walked up the spiral staircase and found the master bedroom. All of my personal belongings were neatly placed in the drawers and hanging in the walk in closet. I looked for some of Thug’s belongings, but there was nothing of his in sight.

  Reality set in at that very moment. It was really over. Our relationship ended as quickly as it had begun. I was crying so hard that I could barely breathe. My heart was hurting. I felt like I was having a heart attack. This shit hurts so bad.

  I sat down on the California King Bed and buried my face into my hands. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. It was a text message from Barbie. I unlocked he screen and it read.

  What’s up Sis? Wyd?

  Nothing. Just made it home from the hospital.

  If you’re feeling like it. Come to the hood. Ms. Peaches having a BBQ.

  I forgot all about it. Give me an hour I’ll be there.

  I really wanted to stay in and drown myself in my sorrows, but that wasn’t going to help my situation. I hopped in the shower and flat ironed my hair. I quickly got dressed. I was rocking an all-white linen jump suit with a pair of wedges. I grabbed the keys to my new car and was on my way.

  I was mad at Thug, but I was in love with my new car. My license plates read TA-BABY. It took about an hour to make it to the city. I pulled up outside of the building and I sat in the car for a minute before I got out. I watched as a female stood in front of Thug and he was palming her ass.

  I wanted to pull off, but I didn’t want to disappoint Peaches. I looked in the mirror and realized my eyes were swollen and puffy. Thank God I had my oversized shades in my purse. I got out and slowly walked towards the entrance. There were cases of Patron, Remy, Hennessy and anything else you could think of.

  “Look at my daughter in law. You look good, Boo,” she said as she spun me around to look at me.

  “Hey, Peaches,” my voice cracked as I spoke.

  “Don’t let Thug stress you out. He is going through a lot right now. Be patient with him Tahari,” she whispered in my ear and went back to flipping steaks on the grill. That’s the shit I was talking about. I know she loves her son, but did she really think his behavior was acceptable?

  I watched as Malik, Thug, and Sarge drank straight from the bottles. The DJ was playing really good music. Everyone was having fun except me. Thug was making me sick to my stomach. I watched as he rubbed his hands all over this random bitch. He was showing her so much attention. The attention he should have been giving me.

  “Fuck him girl. Let’s get something to drink,” Barbie said from behind me.

  “This shit is really getting out of hand. I need to talk to Ka’Jaire because I know for a fact he loves you. His behavior is not making any type of sense,” Ta’Jay said as she hugged me.

  “It’s okay, y’all. Maybe this is for the better. I’m glad he broke up with me because now I get to see the real him.”

  “What do you mean he broke up with you?” I was not in the mood to get into that conversation. I really needed to get out of there. I was about to lose my mind watching him with another woman.

  “I thought I could hang out, but I just want to be alone. I’m going to go and check on my grandma and then I’m going to leave. I’ll call you both later.” We kissed each other on the cheek and we went our separate ways. As I walked away, I could hear Barbie telling Peaches what I had told her. Her ass talked too damn much, but she was the realest out of everybody.

  I got on the elevator and went to check on my grandma. It had been a minute since I had seen her, but we have spoken on th
e phone on a regular. I walked inside and my grandma was lying on the couch. She didn’t look good at all.

  “Hey, Old lady, Is everything okay,” I said as I kissed her on the forehead.

  “Actually, it’s not. My doctor called and told me I got Stage 4 Lung Cancer. It’s too advanced for them to do anything. I’m lucky if I make it to next month.” I laid my head on her chest and started to cry.

  “Oh, no baby. Don’t cry for me. I have lived a wonderful life and you have been my biggest accomplishment. God makes no mistakes. I want you to promise me something, Tahari.”

  “What’s that?” I said through sniffles

  “Learn to love you. There is no one who will love you more than you. I really like 2pac, but his lifestyle is dangerous.” I laughed at my grandmother’s comment.

  “Grandma. His name is Thug.”

  “Well 2 Pac was a Thug, too. All I’m saying is I love you and I want the best for you. When I leave this world, you won’t have to worry about anything. All my arrangements have been made. The paperwork is in the cookie jar on the refrigerator.”

  I stayed with her for a little while longer until she fell asleep. I peeked out of the window and I noticed Thug was gone, but his car wasn’t. I really needed to speak to him in regards to my grandmother’s diagnosis. I went up to Momma Peaches’ house to see if he was there. I had a key to her house, as well, but that was only because Thug always lost his keys, so I made sure to keep spares for him.

  I entered the house and the music was on full blast. I walked to the back of the house looking for him. I headed to Peaches’ room first, but he wasn’t in there. I proceeded down the long hallway in search of him. I walked to the back of the house and checked all the bedrooms and they were empty.

  I had the urge to pee, so I went to use the bathroom. I pushed the door open and my heart stopped beating. Thug had a female bent over the bathtub digging her back out. He was pumping in and out of her as he drunk straight from a bottle of Patron.


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