Tell Me What You Crave

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Tell Me What You Crave Page 1

by Susan Sheehey






  Tell Me What You Crave

  by Susan Sheehey

  Knights of Texas

  Book Two

  All rights reserved

  Copyright © October 2017, Susan Sheehey

  Cover Photo Copyright © Deposit Photos

  Cover Design Copyright © 2017, MG BookCovers

  Series Logo Design Copyright © 2017, JM Walker-Just Write Creations

  Edited by Chrissy Szarek

  Amepphire Press

  Trophy Club, TX

  Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or shared by any electronic or mechanical means, including, but not limited to printing, file sharing, and email, without prior written permission from Amepphire Press or the Author.

  eBook ISBN: 978-1947874-01-5

  Print book ISBN: 978-1947874-03-9

  Published in the United States of America

  First eBook Edition: October, 2017

  First Print Edition: October, 2017

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Teaser Excerpt

  Other Novels by Susan Sheehey


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Sneak Peek of Tell Me What You Need!

  About The Author


  “You’re not dead, Grace Evans. You’re very much alive. All you need is someone to show you life can be fun again.”

  If only she could see what I see. Perfection.

  Her heart rate pumped faster by the tiny vein pulsing in her neck. Her sweet perfume intensified, and the tinks and whooshes of the golf range around them drowned out. Her mouth was so irresistible the way she kept pressing her lips together. Even more when she kept glancing at his mouth.

  Dorian could tell when a woman was intrigued. When she wanted him. He wanted her back.

  “What I need is—”

  “—is this.” He pressed his lips to hers. Jasmine and beer had never tasted so sweet together on her parted lips.

  Her sudden, quiet gasp invigorated him. He cupped the side of her neck, tracing his thumb down her earlobe.

  She opened for him when he trailed his tongue along her lip. He suckled on the tip of hers, and ventured further in. Clasping her head with both hands, he tilted against her face, tasting more. Completing the addiction to maximum overload.

  She’s better than I imagined.

  He pulled back with a final nip on her tongue.

  Grace followed his momentum forward, her eyelashes flickering against her soft skin.

  She’d gripped his arms at some point, either to keep from falling forward or off the edge entirely. No matter the reason, it spawned a raw inferno in his gut.

  He would’ve smiled into her mouth if his lips weren’t so busy savoring every inch of her tongue. He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her into him. Deeper, longer, sweeter.

  A few whistles broke them apart.

  Her kissed-senseless expression made his heart jump.

  “Looks like a yes to me,” someone commented.

  “That’s how you kiss a woman,” another called.

  The chuckles died off, and finally Grace opened her eyes. Her pupils dilated, and a hazy satisfaction filled her irises. Her lips were plump and pink. “Okay,” she sighed.

  Dorian raised his eyebrows. “Really?”

  She licked her top lip, and her breath was shaky. “Don’t make me regret this.”



  Audrey’s Promise


  Prince of Solana

  Jewel of Solana

  Crown of Solana


  Tell Me What You Want

  Tell Me What You Crave

  Tell Me What You Need


  To Chrissy & Kim

  My rational-minded support system in this endeavor of bleeding all over the page.

  Thanks for binding my wounds of self-doubt.



  The hour before sunrise filled Dorian’s mind with peace. The rest of the city waking up, bursting with life, just as he was headed home from a good night’s work. Or, he should say a good night’s play.

  Sweet exhaustion.

  Dorian loved mornings like this.

  He strolled down the sidewalk among skyscrapers and street stalls opening for Saturday’s Farmer’s Market. With a yawn, he scraped his hand across the stubble on his chin. He draped his suit jacket over his shoulder, absorbing the city air. More than ready for a nightcap and his down comforter. Everything was quiet inside his high-rise’s lobby. Even the doorman hadn’t shown up yet.

  His footsteps echoed across the marble floor on his way to check his mailbox. The elevator dinged, and the mirrored doors opened.

  The curvaceous woman of his dreams, from 9C, stepped through, her cocoa brown hair elegantly piled high on her head. When she looked up from her smartphone, she stopped. The perfect rose lipstick formed a small O, and her glorious blue eyes widened. Then in a flicker of a heartbeat, her expression morphed into annoyance.

  He reveled in the spontaneous grin he couldn’t contain. “Ms. Evans. You look phenomenal, as always.”

  Her scowl darkened her beautiful gaze. Before she had a chance to deny him again, he cut in. “I assume you’re all unpacked and settled. Since you’re heading to work so early. On a Saturday morning?” Dorian glanced down her perfectly ironed blue suit, with matching knee-length, pencil skirt. Her three-inch heels were the same color as her mauve nails. She was always so put together, but in a way that seemed effortless.

  Grace’s jaw twitched. “You’re returning extremely late from your date, Mr. West. Or should I presume you’ve already been home since I saw you leave last night? In the same suit.”

  He sighed with a smile. “I love that you pay attention to my details.” Then he shrugged. “But the bills have to be paid. And you’re one to accuse me of loving my job too much. You came home from yours so late last night, and now you’re back out in less than…” He checked his silver A.Lange & Sohne watch. “Seven hours.”

  Her scowl disappeared instantly. To become a completely blank expression. The change so sudden, he almost stopped breathing. Or maybe it was from her delectable lips pressing together, and smudging the lipstick in the corner of her mouth.

  It took everything he had not to reach out and wipe it away.

  “Please, Grace. Just one coffee. That’s all I ask. You won’t regret it.”

  “Yes, I’m sure you’ve perfected your speed dating pitch, Mr. West. Excuse me.” She brushed past him.

>   Her spicy perfume with a hint of floral overtones almost knocked his senses sideways. With every click of her heels on the floor, her scent faded.

  His chest ached the more it dwindled.

  An envelope fell from under her arm and slid across the floor. Dorian couldn’t even tell she’d had something tucked there. He craved to discover more secrets of her body. Even more…what went on inside that gorgeous head of hers. Her expressions always betrayed her silence.

  “Ms. Evans?”

  She stopped and turned.

  He picked up the envelope, noticing the handwritten address, from someone in Frisco, Texas. Only twenty-minutes away.

  Grace grabbed it and pulled, but he didn’t let go. Her slate-blue eyes met his.

  Her slow and deep intake of breath made him imagine the kind of slow and deep pleasure she’d have under his touch. The image stirred in his mind, and mirrored in his pants.

  “Mr. West, did it ever occur to you I’m too old to play your games?”

  He blinked. Too old?

  “Set your aspirations to someone more your age—”

  “How old do you think I—”

  “Or someone more fitting to your…lifestyle.”

  His bit the inside of his cheek. This wasn’t the first time a woman disapproved of his profession. It was the first time he felt the need to defend himself. “Does my occupation offend you?”

  Her nostrils flared. “Good day. Or should I say, good night.”

  “Try my name. Just once.” Dorian threw her a wink.

  Grace studied him for a minute, until she finally left.

  He smiled. She hadn’t frowned at him again. Chiseling away the ice, little by little.



  Dorian splashed after-shave on his neck, allowing the burn to wake him from his day’s rest. He’d left his face unshaven, letting the five o’clock shadow grow into a short beard. Only a few spots needed a trim. When the sting faded, he patted dry and slipped on a fresh white dress shirt.

  Another appointment on the books with a repeat client, this one for a company’s fundraiser. Black tie events were Dorian’s specialty.

  Marathon weekends like this were always a bit brutal, adjusting to the temporary vampire schedule, and multiple formal or business-formal events. Clients paid extremely well for things like this.

  For him.

  He draped the bowtie around his collar, and adjusted the black-stone cuff links. A gift from his boss, Duane Wilkes, when he’d started in the business a year ago. They matched well with the tuxedo he’d bought a few months before.

  A wardrobe necessity, after all, his schedule was flooded with formal events. All of the Knights in their agency received the same pair of cufflinks. The official welcome into the Knights of Texas Agency.

  When the smoldering image was complete, he locked his condo and entered the elevator. He was so grateful when the building manager had agreed to get rid of the ridiculous elevator music. Why have such a cliché in a grand elevator made for the residents in the opulent high-rise. In the lobby, the doors parted, and there she stood. Glancing at her smartphone again, but this time flushed and her hair wispy. Like she was running late for something.

  Dorian inwardly groaned. Desire to lock his lips to that out-of-breath look hit him in the gut…or maybe lower. Like she’d been good and kissed, among other things.

  She looked up again, and the flush deepened, spreading to her ears. She swallowed.

  “Grace.” Her name came out like the finish to a prayer. Soft and ethereal.

  The object of his burn pressed her lips together again. “Mr. West.” Her voice was low, almost scratchy.

  He loved the way it sounded.

  She cleared her throat. “Another date? How do you keep all their names straight?”

  He smirked. “I write them on my hand.”

  The corner of her mouth lifted, but Grace coughed, and wiped it away. “Your tie is crooked.”

  Dorian grinned. “I love your pick up lines. Care to fix it for me?” He raised a playful brow, and leaned forward a little.

  “I’m sure you can manage.”

  “Yes. I can. Very well.” He winked.

  “Grace!” A man walked through the lobby doors, in his sixties, gray-haired with thin glasses and a teddy bear smile. “I’m so glad I caught you.”

  “Tom. I got held up in the office. I’m on my way to go change.”

  Dorian held his breath, trying to keep from revealing his shock.

  She’s dating this guy?

  Tom touched her shoulder, with a sad look. “I can’t make it this evening.”

  The disappointment on her face seemed genuine. “What’s wrong?”

  “My daughter just called. She has the flu, and I need to babysit my granddaughter.”

  Dorian bit his tongue hard.

  Granddaughter. What more proof does she need?

  “Oh, no. Poor Clairie.”

  “Please give my apologies to the rest of the board. I know you’ve been planning this fundraiser for months.”

  Dorian shook his head and chuckled to himself. Thank God! But the sound had accidentally come through his mouth. The noise echoed across the marble floors.

  Grace glared at him, while Tom openly gawked.

  “Is something wrong?” the man asked.

  He shook his head, and let feigned pity cross his face. “No, it’s truly awful. I’m so sorry to hear about Clairie. Please tell her I hope she feels better soon.”

  Tom smiled through a confused stare. “I will. Thank you.” He looked at Grace. “How’re you doing?” His voice sounded extremely concerned. “Are you all settled in now?”

  “I’m fine, thanks. Keeping busy.”

  The older guy glanced at Dorian, and his eyes widened. “Is he…he’s your date?”

  Grace gave him a stunned glance, open mouthed and flustered.

  Before she had a chance to respond, Tom’s face beamed. “Oh, I’m so happy for you, Grace! This is fantastic!” He extended his hand, to which Dorian’s muscle memory took over and shook. “I’m Tom Ernest, her colleague. It’s wonderful to meet you.”

  “Dorian West.”

  “Tom,” Grace cut in. “No, this isn’t—”

  “It’s about time.” His eyes nearly glittered with excitement. “I thought you would never…and you certainly surprised us all, didn’t you?”

  “Please, Tom. Listen.”

  Tom shook Dorian’s hand again. “You treat this woman like a queen, you hear me? She’s more than deserving of it.”

  He couldn’t help his silly grin. “I certainly will.” It took everything he had not to keep chuckling. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and squeezed. “Only the best for my Grace.”

  She glared.

  “Absolutely!” Her colleague beamed again.

  “Don’t go try stealing her away from me at the office.”

  Tom laughed, and his phone buzzed in his pocket. “Oh, shoot! That’s my daughter. I have to run.” He patted Grace’s shoulder. “I’ll be honest. I was truly worried about you for a while. Congratulations!” The man darted out of the lobby.

  Grace stood perfectly still, staring at something on the floor. A mixture of shock, disgust, and disbelief covered her beautiful face.

  “Well, he’s a delight!” Dorian smiled. “But why would a guy like that be worried about a woman like you?”

  She scowled. “What is wrong with you?”

  “I was just having some fun.”

  “This is my life! I don’t go messing with your career. What the hell were you thinking?”

  “He thought you would never what?”

  “Excuse me?” Her voice was more accusing with every syllable.

  “He said he thought you would never, and stopped. Just trying to figure out the clues to the puzzle.”

  With a heavy sigh, Grace closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. “This is beyond mortifying.”

  “You’re way to
o young to be a spinster. So what’s up, buttercup?”

  She rolled her eyes, then looked him straight in the eye. “Enough playing. Please, leave me alone.” She punched the elevator’s button, and the doors immediately opened.

  “So, you admit to playing with me before?” Dorian smirked.

  Grace entered the elevator, gripping her purse tighter. Her eyes narrowed. “Are you incapable of anything serious?”

  He closed his mouth, but kept his amused demeanor. “Would you like a serious statement?”


  He put his hand in his pocket, and stopped the elevators from closing with the other. “What’s your fundraiser benefitting tonight?”

  She blinked. It took a second for her to answer. “Pediatric transplant services.”

  Dorian swallowed. Wow. “Seriously, I’m extremely impressed. I wish you the very best of luck at your fundraiser tonight.”

  Her lips parted, and finally she murmured, “Thank you.”

  He let the doors close, and shoved both his hands in his pockets. He blew a breath between his lips, long and slow.

  She’s even more intimidating than I thought.



  Dorian grinned at his client, Alicia, dressed in a violet cocktail dress at the entrance to the five-star hotel.

  When she spotted him, her breath of relief transferred to the rest of her body language. “Thank you for coming tonight.”

  He kissed her the cheek. “You look fabulous.”

  She blushed, the same color as her strawberry blonde hair. Her hem furled when she walked, reminiscent of fifties poodle skirts, and the neckline accentuated her cleavage nicely, but in a tasteful way. Work function, after all. Alicia brushed back her hair with a nervous smile.

  “Do your colleagues think I’m your boyfriend this evening, or do you prefer me as a friend?”

  She bit her lip, as if expecting him to decline. “Do you mind using the boyfriend image?”


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