Jimmy's Dreams II: A Recurring Nightmare

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Jimmy's Dreams II: A Recurring Nightmare Page 24

by Saxon Andrew

  The Guild’s Big-Head said, “Intervention! I see no relation between that attack and the Skeer’s attack on the Mercenary Guild.”

  The lead Enforcer looked at Ayet’s Big-Head, “Do you plan to show any relationship between those two events?”

  “I do.”

  “Then proceed.”

  A new young Enforcer said, “May I ask the defendant a question?” The Lead Enforcer nodded. “Skeer Ayet, did you not know where your freighter was located?”

  “I knew exactly where it was.”

  “Did you know it might be in danger?”

  “I did.”

  “Why did you not go and retrieve it?”

  Ayet smiled and lowered his eyes. The Lead Enforcer sighed and looked at the new Enforcer, “He was being paid late penalties and double rent because of it not being returned in time. It would be sheer foolishness to cut off that additional income by bringing it back.”

  The new Enforcer rolled his eyes and said, “Forgive me. I didn’t think it through.”

  The Lead Enforcer shook his head and said, “Proceed.”

  Ayet’s Big-Head said, “I have shown evidence that my client’s property was damaged during an attack by the Mercenary Guild’s warships. Does the court disagree with the evidence?”

  The Lead Enforcer looked at the Guild’s Big-Head and he said, “I have no intervention but I fail to see what bearing it has on the complaint.”

  “The Law Center accepts the evidence.”

  Ayet’s Big-Head picked up a small device on the podium and pointed it at a huge monitor on the left side of the room. “Book of Laws, Section 1,287, Subsection Eight.” The monitor showed pages turning almost too fast to see. It arrived at a large number 1,287, stopped, and moved down to a number eight. “I wish to enter this into evidence Lead Enforcer.”

  The Seven Enforcers were reading the monitor and the Big-Head said, “A contractor had entered into a legal and binding contract with a client to pave a section in front of his home. A third party arrived and attempted to drive his vehicle into the wet cement due to a disagreement he had with the contractor’s client. The Contractor shot and killed the third party for attempting to interfere with the legal and binding contract he had with the property’s owner.” The Big Head turned to the Enforcers, “This case was finally decided in this Law Center and decreed that the contractor was within his rights to prevent an outside party from interfering with a legal contract, approved by the Law Center, and signed by both parties that made the contract.”

  The room was as quiet as a tomb. The Lead Enforcer finally said, “Are you suggesting the Mercenary Guild was intervening in a legal contract?”

  “My client, Skeet Ayet, had a legal and binding contract between him and Gread C-lem standing here with us.” The Big-Head held out a folder and the assistant came over and took it to the Enforcers. They looked at it and the Big-Head continued, “That contract was legal and binding. My client did not take any action when the Mercenary Guild initially damaged his property in their first attack. He also didn’t take action when the Mercenary Warships fought away from the planet, although, he was within his rights to do so. He didn’t act until the Mercenary Guild sent thirty-transports to attack the planet directly and he prevented them from damaging his property and interfering with the contract he had with Gread C-lem. He acted inside the law and exercised his rights under the law. Since his property was damaged by the Mercenary Guild, they are responsible and are liable to pay restitution and penalties for the damages incurred.”

  The Law Center was silent and it was broken by the Guild Master, “THIS IS ABSURD!!”

  The Lead Enforcer looked at the Guild Master and said very deliberately, “If I have to tell you to be silent again, I will fine you an amount that will even make you flinch. Am I clear!?!” The Guild Master sat back in his chair and nodded. The Lead Enforcer looked at Ayet’s Big-Head, “Are you saying that the damage to a small driveway is the same as thousands of Mercenary Warships being destroyed?”

  “How is the principle any different? This court has previously established that a party in a legal contract can protect his work, or property, against interference from a third party.”

  “And what damages does Skeer Ayet say his property incurred?”

  “Forty-five million monetary units.”

  The Guild Master grabbed his Big-Head’s arm and whispered to him. The Big-Head lifted his arm, “Intervention. My client tells me that is the price of a new Freighter. The one that was damaged was old and used.”

  The Enforcer looked at Ayet’s Big Head, “Is this true.”

  “It is. However, the freighter is designed to move Water-breathers and that would be difficult with the holes in its hull.”

  “Intervention. That would not prevent it being used underwater.”

  The Big-Head looked at his counterpart, “No, it wouldn’t. But it would prevent it from being moved through space to someone who would want to rent it. Further, to repair the damage to the freighter’s hull requires that the entire hull be replaced. That is actually more expensive that just purchasing a new one.”

  “How much more expensive?”

  “Lead Enforcer, the cheapest of three estimates is seventy-six-million monetary units.”

  The Lead enforcer stood up, “You will remain here while we adjourn to discuss the evidence.”

  They left the Law Center and Jimmy looked at the Big-Head, “What do you think is going to happen?”

  The Big-Head shrugged and Jimmy didn’t understand how he remained erect, “There are two possible outcomes. One; they decide that the comparison between the damage done to a small patch of cement and thousands of Mercenary Warships is not acceptable under the law.”

  Jimmy nodded, “And two?”

  Ayet said, “They’re sitting back there now discussing how many millions of new damage cases will fill their coffers when the Guild learns about this case and many with grudges will use the non-interference to take revenge.”

  The Big-Head looked at him, “You have this down, Ayet. You’re much smarter than I anticipated.”

  “You know I’m right, Eger.” The Big-Head shrugged. He knew the bets the Lead Enforcer made and expected him to sway the others.

  • • •

  Two hours later, a tone sounded and the Enforcers came back into the Law Center and Lead Enforcer said, “Be seated.” He waited until the sound died down and looked at the Supreme Guild Leader, “When your predecessor came here asking for the Gread’s instructions to his employees to be modified, you were aware at that time that there was a legal binding contract between Gread C-lem and Skeer Ayet.”

  The Guild’s Big-Head said, “The Mercenary’s also had a legal contract with C-lem for the rental of two-warships, Lead Enforcer, and he was in violation of it.”

  “Yes, he was and if the Mercenary Guild decided to end that contract and collect their two-warships, that was acceptable.”

  “But the two-warships were destroyed!”

  “Then they should have filed damages at a Law Center.” The Guild Big-Head stared at the Lead Enforcer in stunned silence. “They were even entitled to attack a civilization that is not part of the Guild. However, they did not have the right to intervene in the contract between Gread C-lem and Skeer Ayet.”

  “But they didn’t know…”

  “The Lead Enforcer interrupted them, “They knew the two-warships did not fly there on their own. They were also told by Gread C-lem’s assistant that he had left with those warships on a freighter. The order that the Mercenary Guild had modified so they could see the freighter’s location directly said that the freighter’s location was not to be given to anyone and six-Law Centers approved it. The Mercenary Guild is also aware that the Gread do not have starships of any kind on their planet; there’s no room for them. The Mercenary Guild knew that a contracted freighter was there and they chose to ignore it.”

  “But two Mercenary Pilots died!”

  “That’s what the L
aw Centers are for; to resolve damages incurred by the members of the Guild. This Law Center finds for the Defendant Skeer Ayet and the Mercenary Guild will pay him 45 million monetary credits for the damage to his property.”

  Ayet pumped a fist and said, “YESSSSS!!”

  The Guild Master grabbed the Big-Head’s arm again and was talking animatedly with him. The Big-Head turned and asked, “Has the property of Skeer Ayet been returned?”

  The Lead Enforcer looked at Ayet and he said, “It has.”

  “Then there is no reason for him to interfere in any attack at the planet in question.”

  The Lead Enforcer said, “That appears to be the situation. The Law Center also finds that the Gread C-lem is liable for all damages that resulted from his failure to fulfill his contract on the specified dates.” The Lead Enforcer looked at the Guild Master, “How many warships have you lost or had damaged?”

  “A hundred and fifty-thousand warships.”

  Everyone in the room was stunned by the number including the Lead Enforcer, “Is that an exact number?”

  “There were slightly more but we’re satisfied with the number we stated.”

  The Lead Enforcer looked at C-lem and said, “Gread C-lem. What is your net worth?”

  “Four-hundred-fifty million monetary units, Lead Enforcer.”

  “We will calculate how much you owe the Mercenary Guild for their losses.”

  • • •

  Jimmy sighed and turned around. He looked at Spring and saw her holding Little Ayet’s flipper. The Big-Head turned with him and said, “Who are they?”

  “The female of my species is my daughter. The young Gread is C-lem’s child.”

  “How old is he?”

  “About six-years old.”

  “I thought C-lem was imprisoned on your planet for longer than that.”

  “He has been. He and his siblings were born on my world.”

  “How many siblings were born there?”


  The Big-Head’s smile was something to behold. He turned around and said, “Intervention!”

  The Lead Enforcer lifted his head and the Big-Head said, “I presented Skeer Ayet’s defense but I have not been allowed to present Gread C-lem’s defense.”

  “Intervention. There is no possible defense for what has happened?”

  Ayet’s Big-Head looked at the other Big-Head and said, “I believe that is up to the Enforcers to decide.”

  “There is no evidence you can give that would change their ruling!”

  “Then they should hear the evidence and determine if it has bearing on their ruling.”

  C-lem looked at the Big-Head and wondered what he was doing. The Lead Enforcer looked at the other six-Enforcers and shook his head as he turned around. “Make it short and get to the point!!”

  The Big-Head turned around and motioned Ayet forward, “If you will please come forward and stand with us.” Spring and Ayet walked quickly to the podium and stood beside their fathers. The Guild Master wondered what was going on.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  The Big-Head picked up the small device, “Section 2,990, Subsection one, paragraph one.”

  The monitor flew through the pages and stopped on the designated section. “Five-years ago, there was a case brought before this Law Center to prevent a war between the Mercenary Guild and the Opat. A number of Mercenary warships that were left behind in a battle managed to land on an uninhabited planet. They remained there for two-years when the Opat discovered the planet and claimed it as their own. No prior claim on the planet had been filed. They notified the Mercenary Guild to come and remove their citizens.”

  “What does that have to do with this case?”

  “The Mercenary Guild held the position that legal citizens from their planet had settled it and it belonged to them. Lead Enforcer, the Law Center sided with the Mercenary Guild and a law was written that if twenty or more citizens of a Guild Civilization are born on a planet that is not a member of the Guild, that planet is accepted as a full member covered by all the rights of our Community.” The Big-Head pointed at C-lem and said, “The young Gread standing with my client is his son and twenty Gread were hatched in his family on the planet they attacked.”

  The huge room exploded and the Lead Enforcer saw all the wealth he was going to get from the Gread disappearing. He looked at the Guild Big-Head, “Do you have anything to counter this?”

  The Big-Head looked up from his tablet, “Same section, second paragraph.” The screen moved and the Big-Head looked at Little Ayet, “How many of your siblings are still alive.”

  Ayet looked at his father and saw him nod, “Seventeen others.”

  “What happened to the other two.”

  “They were murdered by other Gread right after they were born.”

  The Big-Head smiled hugely, “The law in question stipulates that the ones born are required to reach the age of two. I will concede that eighteen have achieved that age but that does not reach the required number of twenty for the law to take effect.”

  The Guild Master smiled at his Big-Head and promised him a bonus. Ayet’s Big-Head looked at C-lem and said, “I’m sorry.”

  Ayet said, “Uhhh, there are more than twenty-Guild Citizens born on that planet that meet the requirements of the law.”

  Everyone in the room jerked their heads around toward him including his Big-Head.”

  “What fabrication is this?”

  Ayet looked at the Guild Big-Head and shrugged. He pointed at Jimmy and said, “This is my son and the female standing next to him is his daughter. He is a citizen of the Guild by birth.”

  The Big-Head’s head went back and C-lem had to stop him from falling over backwards. He straightened up and said to Ayet in a whisper, “Is this true?”

  The Lead enforcer looked at the assistant, “Scan them!!”

  The assistant moved forward and moved a device over Ayet, then Jimmy, and finally Spring. He looked at the device and then looked at the enforcers, “Ayet is this alien’s father and he is the father of the smaller alien.”


  The Lead Enforcer tilted his head, “I am inclined to agree with you. Confess Skeer Ayet, you’re being dishonest to save the Gread. Different species cannot produce off spring.”

  Ayet sighed, “My mate had died a few years earlier and I was feeling quite lonely. I went out and stopped at a planet in another galaxy. I had a….”

  Spring said, “Fling!!”

  Ayet looked at her and smiled, “Fling with one of the beings that lived on the planet and this being standing beside me is the product to that…” He looked at Spring and said, “Fling.”

  The Guild’s Big-Head sneered, “Prove it!!”

  Ayet shrugged and disappeared from the room. He immediately reappeared. He looked at Jimmy and he said, “Spring.” The small female being disappeared. Jimmy looked at the Enforcers whose eyes were wide open and said, “And just to be sure.” Jimmy disappeared.

  The Lead Enforcer yelled, “YOU WILL SHOW YOURSELVES!!” Jimmy and Spring immediately reappeared and the Big-Head said, “The Plaintiff has accepted eighteen-Gread meet the requirement. Both of these…half-humans meet the requirement. That makes twenty.”

  Ayet smiled, “There are four other members of my family back on their planet.”

  All the enforcers blinked at the same moment. Eager said, “Since the planet the Mercenary Guild attacked was a legal member of the Guild due to Guild Citizens living there, they were in violation of the laws governing the conduct between members. For them to attack a Guild Planet, they must first acquire a contract from a Law Center and pay the proscribed fee. They did not do this before any of their attacks on the planet in question and all of their actions are therefore illegal; any losses incurred by them are also their responsibili
ty. Gread C-lem is only responsible for the first two Mercenary Warships that were lost prior to the birth of his family.”

  The Guild Master whispered to his Big-Head and he said, “Each of those vessels are worth a hundred-million-monetary credits.”

  “Intervention!” The Enforcers jerked their heads around to Ayet’s Big-Head, “I will offer evidence that the value being claimed is not valid.”

  The Guild Master snarled, “Are you calling me a liar.”

  “No, just bad at math.” The entire room laughed out loud and the Guild Master’s expression turned dangerous.

  “What is your evidence?” the Lead Enforcer asked.

  “Lead Enforcer, the Guild Master leading the last attack on Human Jimmy’s planet sent orders out to his transports. This is what he said. The Big-Head raised a device and pushed a button on it. “ALL SHIPS, FLEE!! RUN NOW!!” There was a small pause and they heard, “ALL TRANSPORTS IN THE FIRST WAVE, DO NOT GO BACK IN!”

  “But Senior Guild Master, our fighters are still out!”


  • • •

  The room was silent and the Big-Head said, “The Book of Laws have very specific laws on salvage. If a vessel is left behind and no effort is made to retrieve it, it will belong to whomever salvages it. The Mercenary Guild did not return to collect the ships or the pilots they abandoned. If they were as valuable as they say, they would not have left them behind.”

  “How many warships did they abandon?”

  “More than a hundred-thousand total.”

  The Guild’s Big-Head snarled, “You have no proof of that!!”

  “I have a witness that can corroborate it.”

  “Just who is that. Everyone at that podium will lie.”

  Eager looked at the other Big-Head, “That is an accusation I am going to sue you to prove after this case is over.” The other Big-Head’s eyes flew open and he realized the mistake he made.”

  The Lead Enforcer said, “Who is your witness?”

  The Big-Head pointed at Kee standing in the back of the room, “This is one of the abandoned pilots, Lead Enforcer.”


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