The Clearwater Chronicles (Book 1): Shadows in the Light

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The Clearwater Chronicles (Book 1): Shadows in the Light Page 21

by David Barton

  Every time I blinked that mental image flashed in front of my eyes. The white of the walls, the bathtub. The crimson red of blood sprayed everywhere. I needed to get some more drink in me and try to pass out. Getting up I walked into my bedroom and picked up my wallet. There was no cash in my wallet which meant I would have to put it on my card. However, the money in my account wasn’t looking great like always.

  After wrestling with the complication I decided to head out anyway, even if I didn’t get any alcohol, maybe the walk and the fresh air would work just as well. Downing a few glasses of water to try and help with the headache I would be suffering from in the morning, I grabbed everything I usually take out with me including my bag with my camera.

  I picked a direction and started walking my feet pounding against the concrete. Not really caring where I was going, just walking. It wasn’t long before my feet carried me out of the district. Heading into the very centre of the city. The buildings started looking nicer. Less windows, less apartments in each building. More living space for the occupants.

  Anytime I had come into the centre I had wished I could live here. The whole atmosphere was different to where I lived. So much cleaner and I didn’t feel any threat of being mugged in my next few steps.

  Then I came out into the wide opening that sits at the very centre of the city. In front of me was the massive lake that dominates the area. Even during the night it was lit up thanks to the many little lights that had been placed at the bottom. It looked beautiful with the lit up water slowly washing around.

  The best thing about it and I still find it creepy to do, is that you can walk right over the lake thanks to the glass ceiling they gave it. It stops children from falling in and it means you can also get a close up view of the fish. Even as an adult my legs go a little weak when I walk across it.

  Coming here now reminded me I hadn’t been here in years. I couldn’t remember why I stopped. My feet kept going, taking me onto the grass area that ran around the body of water like a land moat. That’s when a voice seemed to come from the darkness. “Hey, you okay buddy?”

  I looked around but couldn’t see anyone despite the place being well-lit with the street lights around it. Then I saw a ladder leaning up against one of them. I looked up and was greeted by a smile from a very happy looking man. “Hi.”

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, just going for a walk. Couldn’t sleep.”

  “Oh right. Are you going to be able to make it to the parade later today?”

  “Parade?” That’s when my eyes moved from his happy face and noticed what he was doing. There were strings of red and blue flags hung up from street lamp to street lamp over the lake. “What’s the parade for?”

  “You don’t know about the parade? You must not be from around here.”

  “Not too far away actually.”

  “Oh, well the parade is to celebrate the industry heads who have made this city what it is.”

  “Industry heads? Like Mr Henrikson?”

  “Of course. He’s the one fronting all the money to fund the parade.”

  “That’s great news, I’ll definitely be here. Do you know how long the parade will last?”

  “All night. It’ll start at lunch time and then keep going. I’ve heard that there will be a fireworks display from on top of his building.” The man pointed up. I followed his gesture, seeing the tip of the Henrikson building peering over the others around me. “It’s going to be a terrific show. Me and my wife will be here with the kids.”

  “I might see you tomorrow then.” I gave him a smile before departing his company. Instead of walking I was now running. Happy that I had managed to find Henrikson’s location for tomorrow night with so much ease.

  I was yawning by the time I got back to my apartment and didn’t even make my bed by the time I shut my eyes and fell asleep.

  A shrill ringing noise came to my ears shaking my head. My eyes shot open and that’s when the news hit me like a brick to the side of the head. I hadn’t managed to escape getting a hangover. The image that had driven me to drink in the first place started coming back. I swallowed it to the back of my mind.

  I got myself all washed up including a very long shower. I shaved and got dressed to head over to the parade. As I was about to exit my apartment with my bag containing my camera plus my keys and phone I noticed my home phone blinking, indicating I had a message. It must have gone off when I was in the shower.

  I pressed the button and leant up against the wall. The automated voice spoke then the message started. I heard Harvey’s voice. “Hey Ryan. Don’t know if you’re dead or just sleeping but I haven’t heard from you in a while. Just wondering how it’s going with Felicity and the story. Give me a ring back as soon as you can. Also try and find out where your friend is. Haven’t heard from him either and he has some deadlines that are coming up fast.”

  The beep came again asking if I wanted to delete it or not. I hit yes then picked up the handset, dialling the number for Harvey’s office. Not many people had this number. It rang until I heard his deep voice, “Where the hell have you been kid?”

  “Around. I’ve had a few things going, couldn’t find the time to call in.”

  “Well Felicity has managed to call and come in to the office.”

  “Sorry. It couldn’t be helped.”

  “It’s alright. Was just worried about you.” He had only just started dating my mother and already he was better at caring about me compared to my real father. “So, what’s going on?”

  “I can’t really explain things at the moment. I was wondering however, if you had someone covering the parade. Getting photos or anything like that.”

  “Well your absent friend was supposed to be going and writing up about it but since he’s not here I need to find someone else.”

  “How about me?”


  “Yeah, I’ll be better at taking photos than Timmy and you’ve seen my writing when it’s not about superheroes.”

  “That’s true. Fine. Swing by the office and I’ll give you a badge to get into the press areas.”

  “Can you leave it at the front desk? I want to get over there quickly to get some good photos.”

  “Sure. I guess I’ll see you another time then.”

  “Maybe at a family lunch.”

  “Sarcasm, very funny.”

  “No worries, pops.” I put the phone down and a smile came across my face. I could just imagine the face he would have pulled. Finally, something has gone right. It didn’t take me long to get to the office and pick up my badge. I got a friendly smile from my old guard friend and then I was on my way to the parade.

  I caught the string of trams that led to the lake. Even the carriages got nicer the closer I got to the centre. I wondered how the trams looked around the place the Prince lived. Probably marble walls with gold seats.

  The last tram took me up to the side of the lake where it was even more decorated than this morning. The man had clearly been busy. I couldn’t see him around but he wasn’t the one I needed to find. I climbed out and walked up on the grass where I was before.

  Only this time it was crowded. Not only was it the people but a small part of the grass was taken up by a large stage. In the middle was a podium with at least seven microphones sticking up from it.

  I pulled out my camera and started taking a few snaps. A few of the podium and then plenty of the decorated lake. It looked even more beautiful during the day with all the flags and the other decorations.

  Whilst swinging around to take another photo my elbow bumped into someone. I dropped the camera from my face and apologised immediately. The last letter getting a little stuck in my throat as I see that it was Mr Henrikson I had hit.

  “That’s okay young man.”

  I suppose to him I seemed like a young man. He had white hair only covering the sides of his head. The middle section looking shiny underneath the sunlight. His face looked old with the wrinkles but his tan see
med to take years off of him.

  His suit was a thing of beauty. I knew nothing about expensive ones but even I knew that it didn’t come from the city. Not even the higher class of shops held anything like that.

  I extended out my hand, smiling. “It’s a pleasure to meet you sir. I’m a great admirer of everything you’ve done.” It was all a lie but his smile told me he believed it.

  “It’s great to always meet someone young who’s looking towards the future like me. Maybe sometime we could sit down. Discuss how you think the city is doing. I’m always interested in getting the point of view from ordinary folk like yourself.”

  “Sounds good, maybe after the parade?”

  “I’m afraid I’m very busy after the parade. How about tomorrow?”

  “I don’t have anything planned.”

  “Great, come by the building and I’ll sort out some time for our discussion. I’ll let the receptionist know that I met you at the parade. She’ll sort you out.” He gave me a weird smile before walking off, his men following him around like bodyguards. As he neared the stage he was met by reporters shoving microphones in his face and asking a million questions at a time.

  He simply ignored them like a professional business tycoon and made his way to the stage. I couldn’t help but watch him as he walked with such grace and knowledge. He might have looked old but his body seemed to still be working fine. The perks of having money to waste. I had read all about his experimental medications during my research. But, they were all just rumours. There was never any evidence to back them.

  Henrikson got to the podium and looked out over the crowd. I snapped a few photos of him up there. Then I just watched. He didn’t say anything for a while, just looking out over the crowd like he was looking for someone in particular. Then I could have sworn he smiled as he looked down at the microphones.

  His voice came from his mouth, booming over the speakers they had at the edges of the stage. “Welcome to you all. People from all over the city. I hope that the weather will stay like this for the whole day. It would make it a little easier for the kids on the school float.”

  The crowd laughed at his joke even though it wasn’t that funny. Another perk of being rich. “Now, as you all know, I’ve funded this parade and also put in a lot of money for the charity we’ve all come here to support. I feel strongly about the restoration of the island. Bringing it back as a prison will give the people of the city jobs and also a feeling of safety. It is a safe place to have a prison. Especially compared to the terrible abomination that is currently housing some extreme criminals in our city.”

  He paused for effect, letting a few people in the crowd whistle or yell in appreciation. He smiled. Then his voice came back over the speakers, “This might sound a little over the top for me to say at a parade but I want to get the message across to everyone listening. We need this prison for many reasons. The most important one is the safety of the city and the people who live here. That is all of you.”

  The crowd roared again making him smile and laugh. “We are one of two cities that have been twinned together. Named after the Clearwater twins. We might be named after the youngest of the two. But, we should always remember how well she did in her life and as a city we can be just as good. Even better than our big brother city over the water.”

  He coughed and cleared his throat, looking down at the notes he must have in front of him. “We live in the great El City. We need to prove that we’re not going to be pushed around by anyone. We stand apart but we will stand together. The greatest city. And to stay at the top we need to keep our city safe. That’s why we need to fund this cause. Together we will keep this city save.”

  He gave the crowd a wave, stepping away from the podium. The whole crowd applauded. Making a deafening noise that flooded the lake. I lifted my camera up as people walked onto the stage. They were all wearing suits and one by one, they shook Mr Henrikson’s hand.

  After snapping a few shots I looked down at the digital screen. There was something on the picture. I switched to another and it was still there. Flicking through more images I notice a little red dot moving around.

  As I look up to the stage I see the red dot moving over the suits. Finally stopping on Henrikson. He turns to the crowd and waves with a massive smile. Unaware that he’s about to be shot.

  My feet were hitting the grass before I even realised I was moving. Hopping up onto the stage I pumped my legs as fast as they would go. My arms shot up around the human target, tackling him with enough force to send both of us off the back of the stage. We landed with an awful thud, sending the wind out of me.

  I didn’t care how I felt. I had just saved someone’s live. Is this what it felt like being a superhero, saving people on a daily basis? My head turned to my right. My eyes moved over to check Mr Henrikson.

  I couldn’t see any bullet holes or blood. The feeling got better until I saw the man’s face. It was full of anger and for some reason it was directed at me, not the shooter. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” He had the tone like he was shouting but he was practically whispering at me.


  “Why did you just do that? You’ve just ruined everything.”

  “Ruined everything? You were about to be shot. How was saving your life the wrong thing to do?”

  “You don’t understand.” Then his security was on us. More me than him. Having my arm twisted behind my back made it me feel even worse. Why was I being treated like this? No wonder people don’t help each other in this city anymore.

  Mr Henrikson was pulled to his feet where he swept the grass from his suit. “Take this man away but I want to question him, so don’t take him too far.”

  One of the security men looked at his boss, “How about the bug room?”

  “Excellent. Two of you stay with him and I’ll be along shortly. I have to address the public and show I’m okay thanks to this idiot.”

  I was so confused I didn’t bother trying to figure out what was going on. Instead I just simply hung there, between two large guards. I watched as Mr Henrikson walked onto the stage and out of sight. The crowd cheered as they saw him. An uproar of approval for his survival. Then I felt a blunt pain in my jaw. I hadn’t even noticed the punch coming which made it hurt even more. The pain flooding through my body until I was unconscious. Not even feeling the floor as my body fell.

  When I come to from my unconsciousness, I see I’m sitting in a small room. Not tied to the chair, just sitting. I looked around but there was nothing to see. Just black walls. The only things in the room were me and the uncomfortable, metal chair I sat on.

  The door in front of me was black including the door handle. There were no cameras that I could see but Henrikson was a rich businessman. I’m sure he had his hands on the latest gadgets. I breathed in deep and yelled, screaming for someone to come let me out.

  The door suddenly opened and an angry guard walked in. “What are you yelling about? We’re just outside the door. If you wanted something all you had to do was ask, not scream the place down.”


  “What do you want?”

  “Um… I just wanted to know what I was doing here.”

  “Didn’t you hear the boss? He wants to have a chat with you. Now be quiet.”

  Then there was a softer voice from the doorway. I leaned in the chair to see the boss standing there in his posh suit. “That’s no way to talk to a guest.” I made a scoffing noise at the word guest. It felt like I was more of prisoner.

  The man walked in, motioning the guard outside. He shut the door, leaving just me and him. “Sorry about the way we had to do things back there. You see, there is a certain way I must be seen by certain people. This was necessary.”

  “Is it still necessary? Can I leave when I want?”

  “As soon as we’ve finished our conversation, you may go.”

  I pulled a face. “Sorry if I don’t believe you.”

  “I wouldn’t if I was in y
our position. So let me make things more at ease. This room is called the bug room because there is no way to receiver or transmit signals whilst you are in this room. Check your mobile phone.”

  I did so and it was true, my phone wasn’t getting any signal. It couldn’t even detect any nearby wireless routers. Not even emergency calls. “So what does that prove?”

  “I’m just trying to make you feel at ease. This room is positioned in the middle of one of my offices. It just seems like a janitors closet from the outside. Keeps it more secret. Now, all I want to know is who put you up to saving my life.”

  “What? Nobody.”

  “Are you sure?”

  I didn’t have to think about it. The only person to mention Henrikson to me was the vigilante and all he wanted was to know where he would be tonight. “Of course not. I just saw the red dot and ran to the stage.”

  “Well, you just messed up a well planned out situation. Something that would have pushed the vote for the prison island to be revamped. I needed that. Now, although me being shot at and saved is still a good push , it could still all be ruined. So I need your help with something very delicate. A way of you paying me back.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I need you to find a location of a very special young lady.”

  “Right. Why do you need this information and why me?”

  “I need to find her because she will help me with something very important. She’s going to help me save this city from the infected under belly. And, as for the reason why you. You owe me. Also, being a reporter will allow you to get into places without anyone batting an eyelid. If I sent in my men on the other hand, people would get suspicious.”

  “Oh.” There was no need to think about the offer. It looked like I didn’t really have a choice. “So where do I start?”

  “Last time my people saw her, she was at the Saint Rubin’s musical hall on Seventh street.”

  “Not too far from the park.”

  “So, are you going to do this for me and we’ll call it square?”

  “All I have to do is tell you if she’s there?”


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