Wreck You

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Wreck You Page 4

by Abby Mccarthy

  “You’re so fucking wet. I need to be in your pussy like I need to breathe.”

  “Then take me.” He stands naked. His cock is the most perfect thing I have ever seen. It matches his massive size. The slightly pink skin matches my blush. I lick my lips wondering what it might be like to taste him. I should be afraid, but just like everything with Corbin, I trust he won't hurt me.

  “I’m on the pill, for my period,” I stutter.

  “Marines check us regularly. I’m clean.” I had no doubt that he was. He hovers over me and slowly guides himself inside of me. I’m not going to lie. He is huge and it hurts. I feel some stretched out pain, but I won't let that show. He settles inside of me giving me a minute to adjust. I squirm, my movement stopping Corbin’s words from asking about my virginal status.

  “Fuck, you’re so tight.” I tense as the pressure of him inside of me increases.

  He whispers, “You don’t have to be strong for me.” And just like that, with those words, it’s like he knows that I don’t like to show any pain. He sees me. I soften on the outside and inside. I think he can feel my body relax more. He begins to move, “Your pussy is perfect. You are perfect.”

  My body instinctively responds to him. My hips begin to move back and forth matching his speed. I hitch my left leg around his tight ass. My hands are clawing and groping his back and chest with a ferocity matched by his own needs. We are kissing, biting, and sucking all over each other’s bodies. My hand roams all over his body; up his chiseled torso, over his strong back. I arch my back, angling my body towards him. My teeth graze the skin on his neck. I might be inexperienced, but his sexiness brings out my inner sex goddess. He pulls me upwards so that I'm mid air with my legs wrapped around him. He moves his legs underneath us, so that I'm sitting on his lap with him inside of me. My breasts are pressed against him. He lifts me in the air and back down again. With each lift higher, my breasts rub against his broad chest. The friction of our bodies rubbing together arouses me further. His hand grabs my hair, exposing my neck and fierce strokes from his tongue trail my throat. I feel the heat building inside of me again. He releases my hair and our eyes are level with each other. Our bodies move in tandem. His aqua blues are staring back into mine. His pace begins to quicken even more, and I can tell he is close. Our eyes stay locked, and although our bodies are continuing to move, it feels like the earth has stopped.

  “Are you close, Maura? I’m so close.”

  “I… I don’t know,” I stammer. I've had several orgasms in my life, but I've never had one like this. He reaches in between us, circling his thumb over my clit. I feel my body start to tighten, “Pretty sure I’m close.”

  “Let’s come, Beautiful,” he demands as his pumps become fiercer, stronger, and demanding. And like that, we both come hard, shuddering, yet our eyes never break contact.

  Chapter 4

  We lay wrapped in each other’s arms. Corbin’s hands roam over my body, tracing my curves. He circles the natural dimple I have on the side of my hip.

  “This is sexy.” He kisses it and continues to lightly kiss my hips, making his way up until I cringe slightly, laughing as he inadvertently hits my most ticklish spot right in the middle of my back. He grins at me and stops his assault¸ letting me take over. I place light kisses all over his chest.

  “That was incredible!" I say as he clutches my wrist, placing gentle kisses.

  "Your body was made for mine."

  He continues to say sweet things, spreading kisses on my arms. It’s like his lips are claiming every inch of skin. My body is wrapped into him as he tells me repeatedly how perfect that was. And it was perfect. I look up at him staring into his blue eyes that look a shade darker after sex.

  “I can’t believe we just met yesterday. It feels like I’ve known you…”

  “For forever,” He finishes my sentence. I can’t help but feel my heart expand with each word that is spoken between us.

  “Are you sore?” Corbin’s concern for me is sweet.

  “I am a little. But a good sore, ya know?”

  “Don’t get me wrong, I love that I'm your first, but how is it that you haven’t lost it before now?”

  I shrug, “I just haven’t, okay.” I don’t want to tell him that because of the club no normal guy has had enough balls to come near me. Somehow, I'm almost certain Corbin can handle it. Almost.

  It’s nearing noon, and my stomach growls.

  “We should feed you,” Corbin says.

  “C’mon, let’s get dressed. I can show you Wakeman and we can grab some burgers at Benny’s. Does that work for you, Marine?”

  “I like when you call me Marine,” He smiles at me. “Burgers sound good, I’m just going to run next door, I’ll take a quick shower and be back soon.” He kisses me on the forehead and gets up. My smile is ear to ear. I have to text Jenny.

  Me: It was perfect

  Jenny: OMG no ducking way! (her phone won't swear) You have to call me

  Me: can’t going to grab burgers at Bennys ttys

  I hurry and throw on my skinny jeans, my studded belt, a black tanktop, and a purple shirt that is see through and hangs off of my shoulder. I also do a quick smoky eye and add some lip gloss. I grab my helmet and walk outside. Corbin is dressed in black cargo pants and a black t-shirt. I don’t know if I will ever get over how delectable this man is. I walk over to him and he is leaning over, shining his bike.

  “Are you about ready?”

  “I sure am. Do you want to ride with me, or are you taking your bike?” Just the fact that he asked if I wanted to ride my own bike means a lot to me. No man I know would ask that. It’s just another reminder how right Corbin is for me.

  “We can take yours,” I smile.

  “Good, because I need to feel your legs around me.” He walks over and kisses me. We get on his bike. I always thought that I would hate being behind a man on his bike. I like the power and the thrill of riding, but there is a thrill to letting Corbin drive that I wasn’t prepared for.

  I direct Corbin through town. We pull up to Benny’s. It has spots along the street specifically made for bikes. Corbin backs the Dyna up into the spot and we head inside.

  “Hey, pretty lady!” I'm greeted by Jack, a bartender that I've known my whole life. Jack’s hair is white like Santa, but his beard is still salt and pepper. It‘s an odd combination. I reach over the bar and give Jack a kiss on the cheek.

  “Hey, Jack! This is Corbin. Corbin...Jack.” I introduce the two men. Jack eyes Corbin up and down while wiping the bar down. We take a seat at the bar. I see Jack notice Corbin’s dog tags.

  “You a Marine?” he asks.

  “Platoon Sergeant Recon. You?”

  “I did a tour. Army. Nam. Took two. One in the shoulder. Other one punctured a lung.”

  “I still got one in me. They decided surgery would do more damage than it’s worth.” Corbin lifts his shirt and turns to the side. The two men are comparing war wounds and it feels a bit surreal. Along Corbin’s side there are four scars I didn’t notice earlier. How, I’m not sure.

  “Hot Damn!” I hear Jenny yell as she walks into the bar. I smile and roll my eyes. I can’t believe she showed up here. I should’ve never opened my mouth. Corbin looks at me and drops his shirt back over his abs. I mouth “sorry” to Corbin and he lets out a chuckle.

  “Corbin, this is my best friend, Jenny. Jenny, this is Corbin.”

  “Hey, hot stuff! Do you go around flashing those abs to all the ladies?”

  “I don’t fancy I do, Ma’am.”

  “Holy shit! He called me Ma’am.” She chuckles like it is the most ludicrous thing she has ever been called.

  “Do you have friends with abs like those?”

  “Not quite like these,” he grins.

  “Stop flirting, Jenny.” I snap, but only in a joking way because my friend would never go there.

  “Now that everyone has been introduced, what can I get you guys?” Jack asks.

  “You drinking
today?” Jenny looks at me and pauses, waiting to see how this lunch encounter is going to go.

  “Nah. We hit the Wild Turkey last night.” Jenny and Jack both start to laugh knowing the damage I can inflict on some Turkey.

  “What’s so funny?” Corbin asks looking a bit confused as my friends ignore his question.

  “He held his own. He didn’t puke.” Corbin eyes me and Jenny interrupts his questioning look.

  “That girl can out drink every man I have ever met.”

  Don’t let Jenny fool you. She can slam shot after shot with me. After drinking with the boys, I can hold my own. Not many chicks can keep up. But, Jenny? She has fire. I think on a good day she might be able to out drink me. Our drinking has even become part of the initiation process for the prospects. The guys have them sit down at the bar with Jenny and me. If they can keep up without puking their guts out or trying to sleep with us; then they are allowed to drink at the big boy bar. But, if the guy turns green, then he is out.

  Mickeyism # 44

  A man is worth nothing if you can’t trust him to hold his liquor, or check his dick.

  We all have some laughs about my alcohol intake and the three of us order burgers and cokes. We banter back and forth, and it seems like Corbin has no problem getting his balls busted by my Italian counterpart.

  “So Marine, are you good with a gun?” Jenny asks.

  “That’s like asking a firefighter if he is good with a hose,” Corbin quips back

  “Well? Are you good with your hose?” Jenny quips.

  I smirk at Corbin. He walked right into that one. He doesn’t answer, but gives me a wink.

  “G.I Joe?” Jenny continues her tirade, “Did you know Maura here is good with a gun?” He turns to me, not understanding the depth of my gun knowledge.

  “Are you packing, Maura?”

  “As a matter of fact, I am,” I smile. I think he thinks I'm joking, but I have my favorite Glock nine in my bag. I always do.

  As we finish our meal I'm relieved that none of the guys from the club have come in. I pull Jenny in close, embracing her in a hug and talking close into her ear so that only she can hear.

  “You are one sneaky bitch.” She smiles because she knows I would have done the same thing. We get up to leave, and Corbin stops to talk with Jack.

  “How much do I owe you?”

  “Maura’s money is no good here. I wouldn’t take it from a friend of hers either. It’s nice to meet you. You take care of our girl on that bike. Stay safe out there.” Jack says and shakes Corbin’s hand. I'm glad that went well.

  Corbin grabs my hand as we walk outside. It is such a sweet gesture bringing me a level of comfort that I'm not used to. My hand feels small in his, but it also feels just right.

  “You want to grab a shake? There’s a place around the corner that has pretty good milkshakes.” I suggest.

  “I can’t believe you could put away a shake after that burger. I shouldn’t be surprised with how you can put away alcohol.”

  “There is a lot about me to learn, Corbin Marx.”

  “I have no doubt,” he shakes his head, and my smile grows at our easy banter.

  As we walk down the street, I notice two men. One has a hoodie on covering most of his face. The other is wearing a baseball cap and has his head turned downwards lighting a cigarette. Corbin grips my hand a little tighter as if to signal he thinks something might be off. It’s not strange to see men lingering about, so this doesn’t make me question anything, but I feel comforted by Corbin’s protective behavior. As we pass by the men, the one in the hoodie grabs my other hand, and presses a gun to my side. He moves his face close to my ear. The rancid stench on his breath is hot against my skin.

  “Listen, you cunt bitch.You tell Draygon…” He doesn’t get a chance to finish saying anything, because Corbin jams the palm of his hand into his nose. His elbow connects with the second man's head. Corbin grabs the gun from the first guy without even flinching and turns it on both of them. I have no idea how the hell he just did that. A car starts to speed around the corner towards us.

  “Agh, you broke my fucking nose,” hoodie guys screams.

  “You’re lucky that’s all I broke. You stay the fuck away from Maura, or you’ll have me as an enemy. And you can trust that if you come anywhere near her again, your nose will be the least of your worries.” Corbin takes the gun and pistol whips him across his face.

  “Let’s go!” He ushers me away from the guys and back into Benny’s. I look over my shoulder. The smoking guy is trying to get up off the ground while also trying to get hoodie guy into the car. Seconds later they speed away.

  I am panting and shaking from adrenaline.

  “Are you okay?” Corbin ask me.

  “Arg, those fucking asshats. I’m fine. Jack, get me a shot.” Jack pours me a double of whiskey. I down the shot, and see that Corbin is watching me. I’m so pissed right now. I can’t believe this club shit is crashing down on me and Corbin. The flipside is Corbin was completely bad ass. I've never seen a man disarm two men that quickly and with such ease. A huge part of me is completely turned on by him.

  “You’re shaking. We should call the cops.”

  “I’m shaking but not why you think. No cops, okay? Do me a favor?”

  “Anything.” Corbin says in such an honest way I have no doubt that if I asked him to jump, he would.

  “Kiss me.” And he does. Corbin grabs each side of my face and kisses me. It’s hard and passionate; everything I need right now. I need his kiss like I need air. It’s a lifeline, and I'm pulling on it hoping there is safety. I’m not afraid of the crap that just went on outside, but I'm terrified that once Corbin knows about the club that this will be over as quickly as it started.

  Jack knows that something went on outside. “You need me to call someone Maura?” he asks, interrupting our kiss. It’s his way of asking if he should call the club to let them know.

  “No, Jack. It’s alright. We’ll head there now. Pour me another shot, would you?”

  Chapter 5

  “We have to go see Draygon. Remember how I told you that my dad has a bunch of friends that are all very protective of me? Well, Draygon is one of them. It might be a little intense, but they are my family. I need to know before we go, that whatever this is,” I motion between us, “is going to be okay.” My lip quivers a little and my eyes water. I won't let a tear fall, but this is me, putting it all out there and letting him in. He is about to be thrown into the lion’s den, and I can only hope that he is strong enough.

  We are about to get on Corbin’s bike when Corbin turns to me again giving me the reassurance I need. “Look at me, Maura. I told you I wasn’t letting you go, and I meant it. Whoever those guys were, we’ll figure it out. I won't let anything happen to you. You’re too special.”

  He kisses me again, but this time softer. We are staring at each other while he kisses me. It’s like he’s daring me to trust him with his lips. And God help me, I do.

  I direct Corbin through the foothills and dense forest. The clubhouse is well-hidden deep into the Pennsylvania hillsides. We head down a road that you wouldn't know was there unless someone pointed it out to you. The clubhouse is surrounded by a large eight foot tall barbed wire fence. The building would appear deserted if it wasn’t for the skinny tall guy, Turk, who is manning the front. He unfortunately got his nickname after a bad drinking incident with me. Dumb ass got so wasted. He would try to take a drink, but his urge to get sick would have him convulsing in a way that made him look like a damn turkey.

  “Hey Turk. This is Corbin; he’s good. Listen, I gotta see Draygon. Some shit went down. Is he here?”

  “Yeah, he just got here a little bit ago.”


  “Yep,” Turk responds.

  “How about Mickey? Is he back yet?”

  “No, they’re due back late tonight.”

  “Get a hold of him, and tell him I said to get his ass in gear, would ya?”

  “No problem, Miss Maura.” He closes the gate behind us. I direct Corbin to a spot in front of the clubhouse where he can park his bike.

  “I work over there,” I motion towards the the garage bay just next to the clubhouse.

  The rest of the clubhouse is large and box like, devoid of windows. If you didn’t know what to look for, you would never know which way to enter the building. There are several doors; none of them clearly marked. I pause before opening the door to the bar area. This is it; a moment I've thought about for forever. How is any man going to accept my family, and still want me? Nothing like ripping a band-aid off, and seeing if it bleeds.

  “Corbin, I've never brought a guy here before. It might come as a shock to some.” He grabs my hand, and brushes his lips against my knuckles.

  “Relax. Did you not see me with those guys? I can hold my own.”

  “Oh, I saw you.” I can’t help it. I bite the side of my lip and slide my teeth forward in a seductive way over my lip. It was hot watching him kick ass, and if we didn’t have to be here, I would be wanting a repeat of this morning’s activities. He smiles at me because he knows what I'm thinking. I feel myself blush, slightly embarrassed by my thoughts.

  The lighting in the bar is dim, and the room is illuminated by the sunshine as we open the door to the clubhouse. As if on cue, the music on the jukebox starts playing Danzig’s “Mother.” The bar is an old wooden bar that has been oiled daily by prospects. There is a pool table and a foosball table to the left. Around the pool table are long red vinyl seats. You know, the kind that would be in a booth at a diner, except there are no diner tables. On the other side of the bar, there are tables for eating, and a small stage for the guys’ late night entertainment. I don’t hang out here.


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