Identity Crisis (Blood Brothers #4)

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Identity Crisis (Blood Brothers #4) Page 19

by Manda Mellett

  “So, what’s the timescale?”

  “They’re talking about the week after next. I think we can assume Amir al-Fahri will be putting his plans into action now.”

  “We’ll start looking at who’s arrived recently, and upping the checks at the air and seaports.”

  I step in, “Kadar, we’ve got a list of people high up in al-Farhi’s organisation, I’ll forward it to you so you can look out for them. I’ll also liaise with Ben, see if we can get Grade A to help with that.” I’ve been making notes of what we’ll need to do. “If Ben agrees, Nessa and I will return to Amahad and help in the meantime.”

  “Where’s this Smith woman you were chasing?”

  “She’s in the wind again, Kadar.” As long as she stays away from Mollie right at this moment, protecting Amahad is more important than finding a woman who doesn’t want to be found.

  There’s quiet at the other end of the line, “Amir al-Fahri know she’s given you that drive? That you’ve got this information? He could give up on his plans if he does.”

  Hunter looks thoughtful, he runs his hands through his hair and links his fingers behind his neck; he glances at me. “Would she drop you in it, Sean? If she was caught?”

  I start to speak, then stop, and clear my throat instead and I realise I know bugger all about the woman who slipped the drive into my wallet. Other than the fact she’s my daughter’s mother. Rather than the denial that I’d forced back down, I shrug, “She’s a thief and a fraudster. And her life is in danger. Who knows what the fuck she’ll do if al-Fahri catches up with her?”

  Hunter nods toward the phone, “He might think the info was well encrypted, took a genius to break the code.” He tosses a smile at Nessa who grins back, “He knows Smith distributed the main info, which at least has probably got all al-Fahri’s main men running for cover and must have caused some trouble in his organisation. Or he could think she’s hanging onto that drive. In any event, he may believe his coded plans are still safe and will carry on with them.”

  “Al-Fahri might decide to go ahead in any event. He’s an arrogant bugger.” Kadar butts in, “He might be confident we won’t be able to stop him or will escalate the timetable. I suppose there wasn’t a helpful mention of dates and places?”

  As the senior operative here, I take charge, there’s probably nothing more productive we can do at the moment. After throwing a questioning look toward Hunter and receiving a shake of his head in response, I fill the emir in, “Unfortunately not, Kadar, but you’re right, it’s sadly lacking on detail. Presumably there are more comprehensive plans, out there somewhere. And there is a risk he’ll bring the attacks forward. I’ll run things through with Ben, but I expect the three of us, at least, will be coming to Amahad shortly. In the meantime, if you increase the security at points of entry, and start briefing your employees to keep their eyes open, that’s about all we can do until we get there.”

  “Agreed, Sean.”

  Without wasting much time on goodbyes, we end the phone call at that point.

  Hunter tilts his head to one side, and gives Nessa a probing look, “How did you crack the code?”

  She grins, and puffs herself up, “The key was his second cousin’s birthday.”

  His head jerks back, “How the fuck did you come up with that?”

  Seeming to grow in stature, she replies, “I’ve been studying his habits, it’s a little-known fact that he’s particularly fond of that member of his family.”

  “Fuck, Van, you’re wasted in the field.”

  I agree with him wholeheartedly and hope she takes his message to heart. And then I won’t have to worry about her being safe.

  Chapter 21


  Instead of offering Sean breakfast this morning I’d have preferred to throw it at him. When I awoke, the first thought in my head was, how mad I was with him and, at the same time, utterly furious with myself. How could I have let that happen? Why the hell did I sleep with him? Not that there was any sleeping involved. No, he just used me for sex; fantastic, mind-blowing sex. Or did I use him? Whichever way round it was, I suspect he’s completely spoilt me for other men, or anyone I attempt to have a vanilla relationship with, that is. He’s shown me how amazing it can be if I give up control. How the hell will I find another man like Sean? Am I destined to spend my life reliving one passionate night?

  When I’d come to my senses and found myself alone, I’d cried because of the intensity of the unbelievably powerful experience I’d just been through. And when he’d come to me and comforted me, I’d lied to him when I’d pushed him away. And Christ, told the biggest falsehood I’d ever uttered in my life. One night would never be enough.

  But I already knew, however incredible our joining had been for me, there’s no point wishing for a repeat performance, Sean doesn’t do those. And if I suggested it, his rejection would cut me to the quick.

  Being with him has opened Pandora’s box, and there’ll be no closing it again. What if sex with any other man won’t match up? Now I know how amazing the act can be, will I find everyone else wanting? It’s my fault. I let him show me the wonders that sex can hold. I’m so angry with myself. Why did I give in?

  Then, during those few minutes, I’d had alone before Sean emerged from his room I started to put it all into perspective. It wasn’t just on Sean, oh, he’d taken what I’d so blatantly offered, but my ridiculous claim to be a Domme had been akin to waving a red rag at a bull. And how wrong he’d proven my assertion to be.

  So, while I order the food and then accept the delivery into the room, my anger begins to fade. That we’d ended up in bed together was on both of us, there was no point blaming him. At least half the fault lies with me. Pulling my shoulders back and giving myself a silent lecture, I resolve to act as normally as possible, to pretend last night never happened. I have to; we’re partners working on a case after all.

  But it’s hard, and I’m wishing I could be anywhere else but in that suite when at last he wakes up and emerges from his room. Pulling myself together, I put on the best act of my life and treat him exactly as I should have been treating him all along. As a work colleague determined to avoid any conversation that starts to veer off in any other direction. The message that I’m right to do so is reinforced when I notice he comes out fully clothed for once, Well, he’s been there, done that now, and knowing what kind of man he is, I’m no longer a challenge for him. He’ll have moved on.

  When Hunter arrives, I’m relieved. Knowing nothing about our relationship, or lack of, he’s oblivious to the enormous mistake I made the night before. Sean and I are successful in hiding any awkwardness between us despite there being an undercurrent of embarrassment on both our parts.

  So, on the surface, it’s easy to pretend nothing happened and to carry on as normal. And those couple of hours when I was able to get down to do what I do best—problem solving—helps focus my mind on work rather than the man who was in my bed in the early hours of the morning.

  After the phone call with Kadar, Sean and Hunter decide it’s best to speak to Ben in person and get the vital information on the thumbnail drive out of our possession and into safe hands. The next item on the agenda has me arranging to the first available flights out of Paris. I busy myself making the arrangements and soon find myself travelling back in first class which had the only free seats, and returning to England.

  On the plane we’re not able sit together, which, means I’m not forced to sit in close proximity with the man I came to know so intimately in the small hours of the morning, but gives me nothing to distract my traitorous mind from churning over the events of the night before. From remembering Sean’s touch, recalling the incredible experience of his lovemaking and the responses he evoked from me. Oh, for goodness sake, think of something different.

  But it’s difficult; he’s awoken something within me, a desire to learn more. However much I tell myself there’s no point wanting him again, some part of me hangs onto the hope that the
door’s not shut forever. I wish my head came equipped with an erase button so I could forget everything that happened last night. I’d told him once had been enough for me. I’d lied.

  He’d been so right when he’d explained the relationship between a sub and her Dom. Having a Dom intent on giving me pleasure, completely focused on my reactions had been mind-blowing. Perhaps it’s not Sean I should be focusing on; perhaps I just need to look for someone like him. We’re returning to London. What if I get up the nerve to ask for membership to Club Tiacapan? Maybe, when this assignment is over, I can ask Sean to take me there and help me find a Dom? Admitting I could submit to a man and enjoy it is something I never thought I’d want to do. If being a sub is in my nature that must have been why sex with manwhore Sean was so exceptional. It couldn’t have been just the man himself. Could it?

  I’m quiet during the flight as I try to analyse my feelings, trying to doze as we didn’t get much sleep last night. As I end the journey, if I’m honest I have to admit all my common sense talking to myself, all the good reasons why I should move on, hasn’t diminished my attraction to Sean one bit, and I can’t see a way any man, even another Dom could come anywhere near a close second. But just like a once in a lifetime holiday in a place you’d love to revisit but know you could never afford to, my one night with Sean has to exist only as a pleasant thing to reminisce on. Trying to put that memory into a box, locking it and throwing away the key, I force myself think about work again, and more specifically, the information that the thumbnail drive contained.

  When we finally reach the Grade A building, it’s early evening, and most of the staff have long gone home. But all the senior operatives that are not currently out on other jobs, are ready and waiting for us in the conference room and I’m delighted to see, a welcome buffet of sandwiches laid out on a side table. Breakfast was a long time away, and even the first-class food on the plane wasn’t really enough to be adequate. The sandwiches and other bites will keep me going for a while. I fill my plate and then take my normal seat at the table as Ben pops his head round the door.

  “Sean, can I speak to you for a moment?”

  Frowning, I watch as the two men disappear, presumably to Ben’s office. What does he want to speak to him about? Hopefully, it’s not to give an assessment of how well I’ve done recently, and I’ll be given more time to prove myself. I haven’t exactly shown myself in glowing colours so far, my performance has been far from stellar. Except for my performance last night. Sean didn’t seem to have any complaints about that. I grin to myself at my private joke.

  “Hey, Van?” Ryan’s waving his hand in front of me, and I realise I’d been miles away. Seeing he’s got my attention, he continues, “How do you like working outside the office? We all miss you like crazy here.”

  That’s good to know, because if my suspicions are right, Ben might be reassigning me to my old job right at this very minute. Ryan’s waiting for an answer, I put my hand on his arm, “Nice knowing I’ve been missed. And it’s been a whirlwind few days, but I’m enjoying it.” I blush as I remember why I’ve enjoyed it so much.

  Sean chooses that moment to walk back in and take his customary seat opposite mine. I look at him, wondering if his expression betrays anything of the outcome of his discussion with the senior partner of Grade A, but for some reason he begins to glare as soon as his sits down, his gaze fixed on my hand and the man I’m still touching. Is he jealous? No way, surely? Then when I pull back and sit with my hands folded across my chest, I see him relax. Hmm.

  I have no more time to ponder his curious reaction, and whether I can read anything into or not as Ben’s taken the chair and the meeting starts in earnest.

  Hunter begins by bringing Ben up to speed, and my boss congratulates me on cracking the password and code. Feeling my cheeks redden again, I nod my thanks. Though I try, I can’t read anything in my boss’s face to give me a hint of what’s in my future. Perhaps Sean wasn’t giving a report about me?

  The agenda for the meeting is quite simple as we’re focused on only one item; the threats to Amahad. Once we flesh them out, Ben and Jon have a private discussion, jotting some notes on their tablets and obviously discussing options. The rest of us wait to hear their decision. They don’t keep us hanging about for long.

  “Right,” Ben glances around the table, making sure we’re all paying attention, “Hunter. You, Nat and Ryan, will be our men on the ground in Amahad.” He waits until they nod their agreement. “Jon will liaise with Kadar as to what other support he might need and, if necessary, he’ll round up the additional resources.” Grade A can call in extra personnel when necessary, taking staff from our offices in other countries and a number of ex-service men who have affiliation with the company.

  Ben hasn’t made any mention of Sean or me. Are we being taken off the case?

  Flicking my eyes across to my partner his expression confuses me. His brows are drawn down, and he’s pinching the bridge of his nose.

  “What about Sean and me, Ben?” I prompt, impatient to hear my fate, even if it means I’ll end up disappointed. I grow angry that Sean hasn’t given me much of a chance to get my feet under the table in my new role. Surely all beginners make mistakes at first?

  Ben throws me a curious look, “You’re with Sean, of course. I assigned you as his partner, didn’t I?” He nods at the man sitting opposite me then leans forward, his elbows on the table, his fists bunched under his chin, “You want to fill her in?”

  “Nessa,” Sean starts and I sit up straighter as now it seems he’s going to let me in on what he’d been discussing with Ben. Seeing the tense look on his face, I’m prepared for something serious. “My mother thinks there might have been someone following her. Her and Mollie that is.”

  “What?” My irritation recedes fast. “What’s happened?”

  “Nothing’s actually happened, as far as Ben knows, but, and thanks for this, Ben,” he jerks his chin toward our boss, “Ben sent Seth and Harry to keep eyes on her as soon as she contacted him. So far, they’ve not seen anything out of the ordinary. But mum’s pretty certain of what she saw.”

  Despite having an overactive imagination—which she needs to have, to invent the plots she does—Sean’s mother is as sharp as a tack. If she says she was being followed, she probably was. “When was this?” My face creases into a frown.

  “Yesterday, when she took the baby out to the shops with her.” Ben’s nodding, confirming Sean’s got the story right.

  Sean drops his head down; I can’t see his face, but I presume he’s taking a moment to think, “It is something to worry about. It could it be Danielle wanting to take Mollie back, or even simply checking up she’s okay. We haven’t the slightest idea where the fuck she is. Or what she intends to do.”

  “Was it a woman, or a man?” Had Danielle been there herself?

  “Mum was a bit vague; she thought it was one, possibly two men. Darker skinned, which makes me think Arab. She didn’t notice a woman.”

  Sitting back again, Ben shrugs, “Whatever, I don’t think we should take this lightly. As it’s Sean’s family, I want to give him the chance to take the lead on this.” Sean’s family. Those words are like needles pricking into my skin. I’m not part of that. I’m just his work partner.

  “I’m with you there, man. Fuck.” Sean’s eyes narrow, “I don’t want Danielle to have the chance of taking Mollie away. I think anyone would agree, if she’s telling the truth both she and Mollie could be in danger. It could even be someone wanting to use the baby as leverage. On either myself or her. But how the fuck would anyone know where she is? Unless they’ve already got hold of Danielle, that is.” His face is drawn, and his lips are pursed, “Ben, I don’t want to leave Mollie. I can’t take that risk.”

  Jon’s looking equally serious, “I’d prefer you out there on the ground, Sean. You and Hunter have both got a better handle on what’s going on in Amahad than Ryan and Nat.”

  Ben scowls at his partner, “While I agree with
Jon, Sean, it’s up to you to make that call. We can assign men to watch over your family.”

  “But that leaves you short on the ground.” Sean sighs, “I hate the thought of quitting something unfinished, but I can’t risk leaving Mollie and my mother unprotected. Guys, I wouldn’t be able to concentrate knowing she’s in possible danger. And mum doesn’t deserve to be right in the middle of something she’s nothing to do with.”

  “Take Mollie with you.”

  Sean’s head comes up quickly at Jon’s unexpected suggestion. “What, take a baby into a country where there are active terrorist threats? Come off it. That’s a crazy suggestion!”

  Ignoring the second sharp look, Ben throws at him in as many minutes, Jon shrugs and continues, “There’s been no threat to the palace, and Kadar’s got that place sewn up tight.”

  Sean has his head half turned to one side, “Can’t see it working, Jon. I barely know how to look after her myself, and how I can work when I’ve got a baby with me?”

  “Perhaps Van can help?”

  I can feel the blood draining out of my face. No. Just no. My palms start to sweat. No, I don’t want to be involved in looking after a baby, As I see all eyes on me, I recognise they’re expecting me to offer my assistance. To gain some time, I say the first thing that comes into my head.

  “That’s a pretty sexist comment, Jon. I’ve no more frigging idea about looking after a baby than Sean does.”

  “Thought women were born with a maternal instinct?” Ryan jokes.

  “Not this one,” I spit out at him in reply.

  Hunter’s looking thoughtful, “What about Cara? Zorah’s what, six months old now? She’s not far off your baby’s age, Sean, she might be able to help. She’s got a nanny to assist her.”

  I can see the wheels turning in Sean’s head; it still seems to be a crazy idea to take Mollie to Amahad, but I can understand his dilemma. It would be difficult for him to focus on work if he’s so far away, knowing both his mother and Mollie could be at risk. On the other hand, I know how much he wants to get back to working in the field. And if Sean’s not here, as an overly protective boss, Ben will have to assign men from other assignments just in case anyone’s going to try to take Mollie. Men he can’t afford to have tied up at this time. With the terrorist threats, Grade A are being spread fairly thin as it is.


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