Blood for blood (Tainted Bloodlines Book 1)

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Blood for blood (Tainted Bloodlines Book 1) Page 4

by Tobi Grim

  Fuck, seemed it was ‘show and tell your life’ time. She was ready to drop the serious talk, but it seems he wasn’t. She nodded. Most of those that have even the smallest trace of magick had been taken out. A lot of families didn’t even know they had any magick in their lines, just thought the beasts were slaughtering whomever they got their hands on. Which they did, sure, but they went for those with small amounts of magick first. Those who had true power were already protected by the Organization, even if they didn’t know it. The Organization kept tabs on all the families with strong magick blood. Good thing they did too.

  He was watching her again.

  “Yeah, they knew. Your Gran is spot on.”

  He nodded and ground out his smoke. “Wanna go back to mine for something a little less... shit?” he winked and smiled at her.

  She smiled back, the booze made her feel nice and warm, numbing her just enough. She felt good, and she was ready to get off this topic. Fuck it, why not? She didn’t know him, but she didn’t really need to. She pushed off the wall and followed him down the street to his... bike. Fuck.

  He laughed seeing the look on her face. “Don’t worry, I don’t live far. You’ll be fine.”

  She lifted an eyebrow as he placed his helmet on her head and hopped on. At least he didn’t have a spare for hooking up. Ah well, she was drunk, not too drunk, but enough that she thought she’d be fine. She climbed on behind him, very aware that from behind her skirt left almost nothing to the imagination.

  He was right though, he didn’t live far. Not far at all. It was only minutes, but all those minutes she spent yelling on that bike. But she had enjoyed it, and he laughed when she hopped off flushed and trying to stop from flashing the entire street. There were probably people watching. Whatever.

  “Shit, sorry about that. Not deaf are you?”

  “It don't bother me, Little Red, gives me something to tell. I made a badass Hunter scream,” he winked as he pulled the helmet off her head, tucking it under his arm.

  He walked up the steps to the door of his house. It resembled an old warehouse that had been converted into apartments. The door creaked as he pushed it open, turning on the light and moving to let her in. The room was massive. Lounge, kitchen, bedroom, all one room. A little square popping out that must be the bathroom. Yep, definitely warehouse style. She had looked at renting one herself when she moved out of Slasher’s place, but her surrogate mother didn’t like the neighbourhoods any of the available ones were in.

  Inside it was clean. The furniture looked used and a bit ratty, but she liked it. Hell, you didn’t find any people on this side of town with actual new looking furniture. The kitchen was all steel, messy but not unclean. Did he know how to cook? She didn’t know why she cared. She didn’t even know the guy. Probably wouldn’t even see him again after tonight, at least, not on purpose.

  “Beer or spirits?” he said as he walked into the kitchen.

  Now that she could see him in the bright light he looked even more handsome than she’d originally thought. His mouth looked so kissable... Or was that the booze? She didn’t care, she was out for a distraction after all.

  “Spirits” she said, and watched him pour actual bourbon into a glass for her, then another for himself.

  Even his fingers were tattooed, his long fingers... not with something stereotypical like ‘love’ and ‘hate’ but magickal symbols and old runes. Not many people acknowledge or even really knew the old ways, she wondered whether he did or if he just thought it looked cool. Perhaps his Gran had books... He flicked his head and the curls near his eyes moved stubbornly, his eyes were deep and dark and a little thrilling.


  He gestured to the faded blue couch but didn’t wait for an answer, she followed and sat next to him as he handed her the drink. She took a sip. Good. Much better than Demons nasty shit.

  “So, what do you do Grey?”

  “Bit of this, bit of that,” he smiled.

  Right. She didn’t really care, and she probably didn’t want to know. People did what they needed to survive. She took a deep drink and looked around the room. Drawings covered one wall, looked like some kind of charcoal. Dark streets, creatures lurking. She didn’t linger too long on them, eyes wandering the room. Nicer than her place. Cleaner too. But hey, she was out there hunting the creatures in the night; she didn’t need to fucking clean.

  She startled out of her thoughts as he stood up and put the radio on. “So, you wanna dance?”

  She raised her eyebrows. Did people actually say shit like that? Actually do shit like that? She laughed. Why the fuck not? She stood up and curtsied. Well, attempted to anyway.

  “Why the hell not, Grey.”

  He laughed and took her hands. She knew where this was going. She felt a little thrill run up her spine. Yes, someone to fill the void, to stop her from thinking too much. Going out had been a good idea. They laughed as they spun and pretended to waltz. He kissed her as he pulled her in from a spin. Kissed her hard. Just the way she liked it, she kissed him back with force. His hand against the small of her back pulled her closer to him. He tasted of cigarettes and bourbon, she liked it. His skin smelt like soap and salt water. She breathed him in trying to make it fill up those empty places.

  They fell onto his bed, she hadn’t even noticed they’d been backing towards it. She tangled her fingers in his hair, pulling him close to her. His hand on her face, his other hand brushing over her breast as it inched down her body, agonizingly slow. She murmured with pleasure into their kiss. He pulled away, tearing her shirt over her head. His mouth on her nipple, his tongue rolling over the most sensitive part, a moan escaped her mouth as her back arched slightly. She could feel him smiling against her.

  He shoved her up the bed, pushing her skirt and panties to the ground. Then his mouth was back up to hers, kissing her hard, pulling her hair. Oh fuck, she couldn’t get enough of it. She tugged his pants down with her hands. His fingers trailed down her stomach, pushing hard against her hips. His mouth moved to her neck, kissing her, biting her. His fingers, oh god his fingers found her, warm and wanting. She cried out, those fingers did a damned good job, she could feel her pleasure building. She clawed him, pulled his hair.

  “Oomph,” he mumbled into her neck. "Fuck you're one hot bitch. Wanting you bad. Can’t take my fucking hands off you. How does anyone keep their fucking hands off you...?”

  That did it, she couldn’t hold on any more, she exploded. She pulled his body to her; she could feel him hard against her. Her body shuddered with sweet release. She pulled him into a kiss. She wanted him to fill her, fill her until there was no room left for anything else. He turned onto his back, pulling her with him, not breaking the kiss. Her thighs pressed against him, she ran her nails down his chest, down over his stomach, then guided him into her. They both gasped as he shoved himself deep into her. Pulling her to him he kissed her again, she moved against him and him against her, moving together. His hard hands on her hips, grabbing at her, digging his nails into her skin. He was looking at her, almost into her. It was too much, she couldn’t hold out. She didn’t need to.

  Breathless she lay against him. His heart pounding in her ears. Or was it her own heart? She couldn’t be sure. She rolled off him onto her back. She felt pretty fucking good. She pulled her skirt and underwear back up as they were still caught around one ankle, Grey handed her shirt and bra as he watched her dress. She wandered back to the couch, grabbing her smokes out and lighting one. She picked up her bag and slung it over her shoulder, turning to smile at him as she did.

  “I had a nice time, thanks Grey.” She headed for the door, hearing him get to his feet and start after her.

  “Don’t you wanna hang around?” She shook her head without turning around. “Ok, ok. Well at least let me give you a lift, hey?”

  As she reached the door, she turned to look at him standing naked a few feet from her. Sure, she could probably do with a lift. But she didn’t want him to, and she was toug
h enough to take on anyone that might try and… whatever. She had what she wanted, and she was ready to go now. Ready to go back to the silence of her apartment.

  “Thanks Grey, but that won’t be necessary. I got shit to do. See ya round.”

  She opened the door and shut it hard behind her, not waiting for a reply, not waiting for him to have the chance to get dressed and come after her. Fuck, who was she kidding? One night stands didn’t have the need to come after you, they offered you a ride, but if you declined that was that. And that’s what she liked about it really. Simple. Easy.

  “Wait!” Shit. She turned so see him naked on the street. “Stay safe, eh?”

  She rolled her eyes and waved as she turned back around. He sure had some balls, but then she didn’t live on this street. The neighbours could be used to him standing naked out there. The thought made her laugh as she turned the corner.

  Lupa reached home fairly quickly, and as she turned the key in the lock the sky chose to open up and start bucketing down again. Slamming the door shut behind her she wandered up the stairs to her front door. A note was taped to it. Dammit. Who the fuck had gotten into the building? She tore it off the door and went inside, kicking her shoes off as she opened up the piece of lined paper. Slasher’s writing, that would explain how it was on her door, Slasher didn’t let locks keep her out, but why hadn’t she just called? Lupa pulled out her phone. Right, she had. Lupa had been too busy to even notice. She eyed the brief note.

  Little Red, The Organization has called me and Tank to Central. I tried calling. I don’t know how long we will be gone. I will call in the morning. Love you. Mama Slash.

  Shit. Lupa wondered whether there would be an investigation. Fuck, of course there would be. If there was a pack of purebloods out in Blackwater, The Organization would definitely be investigating. Plus she had blown up a fucking building. Dammit. They’d probably be interviewing her. She had hated Central City the one time she went there. It was too clean; too showy. People drove nice cars, and had expensive clothing. The houses were all the same, like some fucked up matchy match land. Ick. But on the other hand, if they came down to Black City, they would probably hang around. Either option didn’t appeal to her, but she couldn’t worry about it now, she would take a much needed shower and head to bed. And she would wait til Slasher called her with news.

  Chapter Four

  “Respect the chain of command…”

  The halls of headquarters were deserted. Most likely because it was lunch time. But to Lupa it felt like who ever had requested her presence from Central City had planned it this way, planned to make her feel as small and insignificant as possible. Well, it was fucking working if they had. Her footsteps echoed down the deep purple hallway. She was dressed in her formal Hunter’s dress; long, red and completely too girly for her, cinched at the waist with a silver belt. She wore her slightly heeled boots and felt fucking ridiculous. She hoped it wouldn’t take too long. For a week she had been waiting for the call. A whole fucking week of sitting at home waiting for her phone to ring. Stewing in her misery. Fucking asshole.

  Lupa reached the main office and took a deep breath before entering. She opened the door as confidently as possible and stepped through, only to be met by absolutely no one. Great.

  “Lupa? Lupa ... uh... Greenstone?” the voice wafted out of Slasher’s office.

  Walking over to the open door she peered in. A small balding man sat at the desk looking at her over his glasses. He was wearing the formal red colours, but his tie was askew and his top button undone. She wondered whether he did it intentionally to give an air of ‘you can trust me I’m just like you’ or whether he hated being there as much as she did. She guessed it was probably the former. Investigators were usually pretty magickless, but they were fucking smart. And rich. And very manipulative. They had to be of course; mostly they investigated those looking to screw The Organization over. It was rare to be investigating a situation that they didn’t have any existing knowledge about.

  “Yes, sir.” She bowed and took the seat in front of him that he gestured to.

  “I’m the Chief of Investigations in Central City. My name is Darwin Baxter. You can call me Darwin.” He paused for effect, probably hoping she would be impressed with letting her call him by his first name. “Well, I’m sorry it took me so long to call you Miss Greenstone, but I have never been down to Black City and I was so very intrigued to see how you all live down here.” He smiled widely; it looked as though he had far too many teeth in his head, like a fucking shark. “It is just so very lively down this way.”

  She smiled back her biggest, fakest smile and nodded. What a fucking joke. He was probably horrified to be down here, and he probably... no, he had definitely let her sweat it all week. He looked like the type who needed to control all his work related situations. Mr Baxter’s silver wedding ring glinted as he deliberately folded his hands so she could see. His wife probably wore the pants at home. Lupa’s smile turned to genuine with that thought.

  “So, I’m sure your Commander filled you in on our investigation of the pureblood pack?”

  Yes, Slasher had filled her in. She had also told Lupa that The Organization thought it was a load of shit. And that they were more interested in finding out more about her, and whatever the fuck she had done to that damned building. More fuckery.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Well, it certainly is such a sad affair losing a protector as remarkable as yours. He was such a wonderful boy, coming from a very loyal family. We from The Organization are truly sad to have heard of his passing. I hope you are faring well?”

  Yeah right. Sad because his family was rich. These men drooled over the rich. Couldn’t suck up to them quick enough. She bet he didn’t even know a damn thing about Karl.

  “Thank you, sir. I am doing as best as can be expected I suppose.”

  She gave him a small sad smile, and moistened her eyes a little. Well fuck, if he was going to lay it on thick, she was joining the party. Appease the almighty balding and he might just fuck off quicker.

  “Good, well you know we are here for you should you need any counselling...” he let the offer hang in the air for a long moment before continuing. “Miss Greenstone. I do not need any more information from you about the alleged pack of purebloods. Your Commander and her scouts have given us all the information we needed on that. And I do believe you wouldn’t have known much in your distress. But... I wouldn’t mind knowing a little about how you used your power to destroy the nest, all on your own too! Such strength. Such brilliance.”

  She felt like she was going to gag. “To be honest, sir-“

  “Call me Darwin, Miss Greenstone.”

  “Yes, sir. To be honest... Darwin, I have no idea how I managed to release that much power. I’m sure it was just a fluke, we know that strong emotions can affect our magick, and... Well, I think that’s all it was.”

  Darwin was nodding with his best sympathetic face on, but she could practically see the little wheels in his head turning calculating how best to use this to The Organizations benefit. She doubted they actually could. But she knew that he would try his damnedest to figure out a way, or at least get The Organization to find a way. He probably wanted to get out of Black City almost as much as she wanted him to leave.

  “Do you think, Miss Greenstone, that you would be able to... recreate the effect?”

  “No. I... I don’t think so. And to be honest with you, sir, I would presume it fairly unsafe to try. I had no control. I had lost control, and we both know how dangerous that can be.”

  Darwin didn’t hide his disappointment very well, and she knew that it certainly wasn’t the end of it. But Lupa could also tell that he could tell the risks were high, too high. At least for him to get personally involved.

  “Yes, I’m sure you are right, my dear.” He leaned forward, “And how would you feel about finding a new Protector? I know it must be ever so hard to even think about it. But you are just such a wonderful Hunter,
The Organization would be so very sad to lose you.”

  She pretended to think about it, but she already knew the answer. The second Slasher had called and informed Lupa they didn’t believe her, Lupa decided she’d have to find another Protector. She would find the pack that had made them run, she would find the fucking beasts that had set in motion the death of her best friend, and she would tear them to fucking pieces.

  “Yes, sir. I think... I think I may be ready to start the process.” Lupa replied.

  He sat up and gave her that shark smile. “Excellent news, Miss Greenstone, I’m sure your Commander will be happy to get your paperwork started. Well, I had better got back to my hotel; it is on the upper end of town, you see. I’m staying at The Opulence Hotel; I would simply love for you to join me for dinner one night this week?”

  Seriously? How small was this guy’s dick. Surely he knew ... well of course he did. He didn’t have the looks, he didn’t have charisma or charm, and he probably wasn’t even interesting to the people within his own circle. She bet his wife was bored to death of his pretentious existence, and pathetic love making. But he did have the money and the job title. And to a lot of people, money and status mattered more than anything else.

  “Thank you, sir, I will let you know.” She smiled and waited for him to dismiss her.

  When he finally nodded so that she could leave, it took everything part of her will power not to run out of fuck there. She stood and bowed, and headed for the halls. The halls that were now beginning to fill up again. And she stood out like a bright red fucking-

  “Well, hello there, Little Red.”


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