Better Together: Boys of Talbert Hall #3

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Better Together: Boys of Talbert Hall #3 Page 10

by Ward, Quinn

  “How much longer?” It seemed important to know what level of hell Colin planned on taking me to. If it only meant waiting until both of them got theirs, the relief would be worth the wait later. If he planned on being a dick and making me wait days before he told me I could come, that was a different story.

  Logically, I knew I didn’t have to abide by the rules he set, but part of me wanted to. I liked the idea of someone else taking control because, if left to my own devices, I would freak the fuck out and stop them before I got what I wanted.

  “You really think I’m going to tell you that?” Colin scoffed. “You're lucky I am taking it easy on you right now.”

  “You call this easy? I'm starting to think you are a sadistic asshole.” Colin pumped his hand between my legs, giving my nuts a sharp squeeze. “Fuck. That hurt, you son of a bitch.”

  “That's not very nice of you,” Colin scolded. He let go of my balls. “Now, I think you'd better wait until we get home, and then you need to show me you’re sorry for talking shit about my mom.”

  “It's a figure of speech, asshole,” I remarked.

  “And it's one you're not going to use anymore, are you?” He glared at me.

  “No.” I slumped back in my seat, crossing my arms tightly over my chest.

  “That's another thing,” he remarked. “Once we start this, the appropriate response is yes Sir or no Sir.”

  “What in the hell is this? Some sort of kinky ass, gay, Fifty Shades of Grey shit?” I squirmed around in my seat, hoping he didn’t see that my dick was somehow getting even harder. I wasn’t down for full-on dungeon and torture freaky ass shit, but some of it might be hot.

  “This is nothing like that,” he ground out. “That was a bunch of predatory bullshit. But I suppose there are some similarities.”

  “Like what?” The inquiry slipped past my lips before I could stop it. No one would ever know that I had found a version of the books online and read them. Purely in the name of research, of course. When you're pretty sure you are the broke dick of the school because everyone else is going crazy, trying to sneak out for sex whenever their parents weren't looking and you had no interest, you sometimes went to desperate lengths. And that was a fucked up scenario, let me tell you what.

  “Everything we do to you will be because you want it,” Colin promised me. “But there are times you'll be forced out of your comfort zone. You’ve been trying to be the playboy everyone expects you to be and that hasn’t been working for you. Even if you think I’m a sick bastard, I want you to be honest with yourself and think about how bad you want it before you tell me no. Is that going to be a problem?”

  “No.” Colin raised an eyebrow. “You said once we started, and I haven't agreed to anything just yet.”

  Colin patted my leg. “Good boy.”

  I sat up straighter, feeling like I had just passed a pop quiz. I stared at him, trying to figure out how to ask the question I couldn't get out of my head.

  “It bothers you that you like hearing me say that, doesn't it?” Colin observed.

  I nodded, my cheeks burning bright red.

  “That's okay,” he reassured me. But if you decide you honestly don't like it, will you tell me?”

  I nodded again.

  “And you want me to keep pushing you?” I was starting to feel like one of those funky bobblehead dolls Chase was obsessed with. “Good. When we get home, I want you to take a shower and get comfortable. Unless you say otherwise before Daniel pulls into the parking lot, once we’re inside the suite, you’ll do what we tell you to do. You’re not going to overthink things; you’re going to let go and let yourself feel for a change.”

  “Yes…Sir.” I wasn't sure why I used the honorific. I wasn't going to overthink how right it felt. The only thing that mattered was that Colin saw through me and realized something I had never told another soul. I couldn't not see this through.

  “Daniel, is it okay with you if I borrow your car?” he asked as he turned back to the front. Daniel didn't let anyone drive his baby. It wasn't anything fancy, but it was the first expensive purchase he’d made on his own. The only time I’d even driven it was one time when Daniel wasn't feeling well and asked me to take him to Campus Health. That it been enough of a shock that I worried he was critically ill and asked if we should head right to the Emergency Room instead.

  “If you need to stop somewhere, tell me where I’m going. I don’t mind making a detour,” Daniel offered. Colin glanced back at me, his brow furrowed. He obviously wasn’t thrilled by Daniel’s lack of agreement but didn’t want to tell us—or probably more like tell me—where he needed to go. “What did you need to pick up?”

  “I just wanted to grab a few things for tonight. And since Chase is over at Jayden's mom's, I don't have a set of wheels,” he explained.

  “We can stop, it’s not a big deal,” Daniel repeated. Colin pursed his lips. When Daniel pulled up to a stop sign, the two of them seemed to have a silent conversation. Daniel turned to face Colin, his eyes went wide, and a devilish smile took over his face when Colin turned the phone so Daniel could see the screen. “Oh, that’s going to be fun. We definitely need to make this a field trip.”

  Oh hell, this couldn’t be good.

  “Anyone want to fill me in?” I asked as Daniel made a U-turn at the next intersection.

  “No, this is one of those things I think will be better as a surprise,” Daniel teased. “If we tell you now, you're just going to sit there and overthink things.”

  “Give me a little credit, would you?” I scoffed. “You’ve already thrown a lot of shit at me and I haven't freaked out yet, have I? How many guys would be cool with their best friend, and a new friend, discussing their sexuality behind their backs without laying one of them out? Not many, that’s for damn sure. And then the two of you start teasing me, keeping me hard all day but not letting me do a fucking thing about it, and I’ve just gone along with it. I’m cool as a motherfucking cucumber.”

  Okay, so nearly shrieking by the end of my monologue might not have proved that I was calm…

  “That's exactly why I'm not telling you where we’re going,” Daniel explained. “At some point, it's all going to be too much, and I don't want your head to explode. Well, not the big one and not just yet.”

  Colin burst out laughing at the sophomoric humor.

  “Very funny, assholes. You're not the ones with a raging case of blue balls.”

  “Are you sure about that?” Daniel reached between his legs and gave his cock a squeeze. “Some of us are just better at not showing how much pain we’re in.”

  “Man, both of you are such whiners,” Colin teased. “You’ve obviously never experienced a good orgasm after denying yourself.”

  “And you have? I thought you said you hadn’t been with many people, and I don't exactly see you as the type to hand over control.” Once I knew what in the fuck I was doing, it would be hot as hell to exact a bit of revenge on Colin for torturing me, but I wasn’t sure he’d go for that. He didn’t show it often, but he seemed like a bit of a control freak, at least when it came to sex.

  “Just because I don't have a little black book filled with a list of all the people I’ve slept with, doesn't mean I haven't experimented on my own.” Fuck, that sounded hot. I bet he was the freaky type who had a footlocker filled with toys and blankets on top in case anyone started snooping.

  “Are you for real? Why would you deny yourself on purpose?” I wasn’t strong enough for that shit. When I jerked off, it was with one purpose in mind: coming my brains out. Denying yourself, repeatedly, was a stupid idea.

  Colin shrugged. “It was something I thought would be fun to do with a partner, and I wanted to know what it felt like. As I learned about different things, I made a list of what I eventually wanted to do to somebody else, and then, as much as I could, I tested everything out on myself.”

  “That’s some freaky ass shit,” I observed. It was also hot as hell. While Daniel drove, I peppered Colin
with questions about the different things he’d tried and what he thought about everything.

  By the time Daniel pulled into the parking lot, that was more potholes and compacted gravel than smooth driveway, I was beginning to second-guess everything. Daniel turned off the car and Colin quickly got out, opening my door and holding out his hand.

  “You ready?”

  I looked at the blacked-out windows at the front of the building and my jaw dropped. “Are you kidding me right now? We can't go in there in the middle of the damn day,” I argued.

  “Why? Are you chicken?”

  “No, but what if somebody sees us?”

  “Do you really think anyone's going to say anything? Remember, if anybody blabbed about seeing you here, they'd be admitting that they were here, too.” Colin gripped my hand tightly and tugged me out of the car.

  It didn't matter that he made a valid point. Places like this were where you went after way too many drinks with a bunch of buddies. I could only imagine what Colin had in store. The only times I’d ever been to an adult bookstore, it was to find porn, buy lube, and once I came with a girl who was curious but too scared to visit on her own. That was one of the few times one-on-one sex hadn’t sucked, mostly because I’d been able to use the dildo and vibrator she’d picked up to get her most of the way there.

  The cashier stopped us long enough to check our IDs to make sure we weren’t underage. I didn’t like how his gaze kept shifting between us. I felt ridiculously possessive and wanted to tuck Colin and Daniel behind me. They were my kinky mentors, not his. He licked his lips and reached between his legs as he took in the sight of the three of us surveying the store.

  “If there's anything I can help you boys with, you just let me know.” He winked at Daniel. “You are a lucky man.”

  Daniel grinned, draping an arm around me and the other around Colin. “You don't have to tell me twice.” I nearly choked when he pressed his lips to the side of my head.

  “Relax,” he whispered. “Remember what Colin said. The only thing you have to do is feel.”

  I was feeling, all right. But I wasn't sure if the fear or excitement were going to win out. I was so nervous, my dick was starting to have a case of performance anxiety. Daniel threaded his fingers with mine, pulling me along behind Colin.

  My mind spun as I tried to figure out what some of the shit he looked at was for. There was a box that had an unmistakable picture on the front. He picked it up and flipped it over to read the back before setting it back on the shelf. And fuck me if I wasn’t disappointed that he wasn’t picking up the restraints.

  I was unable to ask any of the million questions I had as Colin made his way up and down the aisles, tossing different bottles and jars into the basket. I groaned when he stalked over to a wall display filled with various cock rings and chastity devices.

  “Fuck that,” I argued. “No way are you buying a cage, unless you’re getting it because you want to be the one locked up.”

  He spun around, flashing me a sinister smile. “And what if I did?” He stepped closer to me, pressing his hand against my chest. “Would you lock me up and hold the key? You’d be in total control of when I could touch myself, when I could get hard, and when I came. Do you like the thought of that, Zach?”

  My immediate thought was, hell yes, I would lock him up. It would serve him right for teasing me all day. But as I scanned the display of different types of metal and plastic cages, I winced.

  Those couldn't possibly be comfortable. I shook my head.

  “I mean, I guess if it's something you wanted,” I hedged. Remembering how considerate he'd been with me so far, I didn't want to make him feel like I would be turned off if that was something he wanted to try for himself.

  Colin slid his hand over my cheek. He stepped closer and I held my breath. “Thank you for being honest with me.”

  My eyes fluttered closed as I felt his breath ghosting over my skin. My body sagged against his. I couldn't remember ever being this desperate to feel someone's lips against mine. He kissed the hollow right by my ear. Until that moment, I hadn’t realized there was a direct connection between my ear and my dick, but I felt my balls draw tight and I truly feared I was about to come without either of them touching my shaft.

  Colin dropped the shopping basket and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling my body to his. “You have no clue how hard it is for me to keep my hands off you. I’ve been thinking about this since the night I followed you out to your car at work. You looked so fucking desperate, like you wanted nothing more than for me to bend you over the hood of the car and bury my cock inside of you.”

  “I didn’t—” I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to answer that. It certainly hadn’t been a conscious desire but, thinking back, I couldn’t be sure I hadn’t wanted it. He was sexy as hell, and I vaguely remembered thinking he’d be a safer option for exploring my sexuality because we weren’t friends, but I knew I could trust him.

  “Yeah, you did.” He nipped the tendon in my neck. “And that’s okay, because I wanted it too, but I knew it was meant to be just like this.”

  “Fuck,” Daniel muttered. “Can't wait to get the two of you home.”

  Daniel's body pressed against my back. He forced his hands between my body and Colin’s, his fingers sliding under the hem of my shirt. My head lolled back against his shoulder. I was grateful the store was empty in the middle of the day because I didn’t want to put on a show for anyone, but I’d be damned if I could ask either of them to stop. If the cashier wanted to watch, I wasn’t even going to stop him as long as they kept touching me.

  “Thought about this so many times,” he whispered. You are so fucking sexy. Daniel’s hand drifted lower, the tips of his fingers right at the waistband of my jeans. Before he could get a grip on my leaking shaft, Colin pulled me away from him. Asshole.

  “I think we have just about everything.” Colin slid his hand down the front of my jeans, only allowing his fingers to briefly brush against the head of my dick. He pressed his lips against my jaw. “Not too much longer now, baby.”

  “Thank fucking god,” I mumbled.

  “Daniel, take him to the car. If you can make him come before I finish paying, that's fine, otherwise he'll have to wait until we get home.”

  I let out a sarcastic huff. “Pretty sure I'm gonna blow as soon as he unbuttons my jeans.”

  “You'd better get to it then,” he advised as he started unloading his purchases onto the counter. As Daniel led me out the front door, I heard the cashier ask Colin if he wanted him to hurry or take his time.

  “I don't think it's going to make much of a difference.” Colin chuckled. Daniel shut the door behind us, and I couldn't hear whatever else Colin said. Any other time, I might've been annoyed by him sharing my private business with a complete stranger, but I was too far gone. My mind was only capable of trying to keep from coming before Daniel at least got the car unlocked.

  If this was how the rest of the day was going to go, the two of them just might kill me, but I would die a happy man.



  Zach was practically vibrating by the time Daniel pulled into his assigned parking stall near Talbert Hall. The second he stopped the car, Zach unbuckled and jumped out of the backseat, slamming the door shut before Daniel even turned off the ignition.

  “You sure you know what you're doing?” Daniel turned to face me as he pocketed the keys.

  “Trust me. We need him to get out of his head. That's the only way this is going to work,” I reassured him. Daniel wasn’t even aware of most of the ways I’d considered getting Zach so overwhelmed by sensation that he couldn’t talk himself out of giving in to his needs.

  “I trust you; I'm just worried he's going to get skittish if we drag this out too long.” I tracked Daniel’s gaze out the passenger side of the car, where Zach . “I don’t know how I missed it before. You’re really sure this is what he wants?”

  “Have little faith in me.” I chuc
kled as I patted Daniel's leg.

  He tried to peek in the bag as I grabbed it from the floorboard between my legs. “What all you do have in there? I was more worried about keeping an eye on Zach when we were in the store.”

  “You’ll see when we get upstairs. I need you to trust me.” There were a couple of surprises in the bag for Daniel too, and, whether he admitted it or not, he was just as nervous as Zach. Whatever happened today, it was going to permanently change things for the two of them. I only hoped I wasn’t making a colossal mistake that would destroy their friendship. If things went south, I’d bear the blame.

  “I do,” Daniel reassured me. “If I didn't, we wouldn't be here.”

  “That's good to hear. I not going to go easy on him,” I warned Daniel. “We need to keep him frantic, so he doesn't start thinking too hard.”

  “Didn’t take you long to figure that out about him,” Daniel responded. Zach knocked on the window, glaring at us impatiently. “He’ll hold on to every thread of control he can until he snaps.”

  I quirked an eyebrow at Daniel. “You think he's the only one who has issues letting go? That's cute.”

  I chuckled as I got out of the car. Daniel opened the door, scowling at me as he rounded the front of the vehicle. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “You’re wound tighter than a piano string,” I pointed out and held up the bag. “Lucky for you, I know just the thing for that.”

  The greenway was crowded with students rushing to whatever plans they’d made for the weekend. To anyone passing by, we looked like three buddies enjoying the early fall weekend—well, as long as no one looked close enough to see we were all sporting matching hard-ons.

  “Is anyone going to interrupt us?” Daniel asked as he pressed the call button for the elevator. When I noticed Zach keeping his distance from us, I took a step back and laced my fingers with his. His body was tense with pent-up fear.


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