Don't Make Me Love You (Club Release 2)

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Don't Make Me Love You (Club Release 2) Page 7

by Pixie Moon

  Upon opening the door her overpowering scent fills my lungs and pushes my possessive button. I barely contain a growl. The sight of her sitting in the chair I left her in pleases me.

  I do notice that she’s washed off some of the dust from our escape. My heart lurches when she smiles and a deep dimple appears in her right cheek. I feel my old life slipping away. Part of me wants it back and another part of me embraces the change.

  “I brought you a snack. I hope you like crackers. These are crumlets. The green in them are crushed crum nuts. They are lightly sweetened.” I hold up the cup of stros. “This is stros. It’s a drink you’ll see regularly on Zaphin. It has lots of vitamins and a little zing to it. Both are good for you.”

  She stands and comes over to me. I like the way her breasts jiggle as she walks. Her pretty green eyes light up as she looks the crumlets over.

  “I love crackers. These look very interesting. Thank you for bringing me something to eat. That’s very nice of you.” She carefully takes the offered food. I smile when she sniffs the crackers and then takes a bite from one of them.

  Her eyes close as she chews. The scent of her pleasure fills me and makes my blood pump wildly through my veins. I can’t wait to see her come. Will she close her eyes as I devour her—as I fill her to capacity or will she look me in the eyes?

  She opens her eyes and then takes a delicate sip of her stros. The gasp that follows has me intrigued. Does she like the drink or not?

  “That does have a sting to it. I like it though.” She looks at the crackers and then holds them up. “These crumlets are delicious.”

  The joy coming from her infects me. I sit on the bed and pat it. “Come, sit down while you eat. I have time to answer a few questions.” I’ll also be watching her for an allergic reaction.

  She only hesitates for a second. I’m proud of her. It’s wise to be cautious. From her scent I know she doubted the wisdom of getting on a bed with me. That she did makes me happy. Her obedience calls to me as much as the rest of her.

  I watch her breasts jiggle as she settles on the bed. They are so big and perfect. I want to play with them but know the time is not right. My aching erection is sad about that. One day I will fuck those plump tits. As heat washes over me, I realize I’m in danger of losing control. That can’t happen.

  I force myself to think of other things. As my mind searches for other topics, I realize that I haven’t introduced myself to her yet. “My name is Din Ryk WavTe. As my seema you can call me Din Ryk, for now.”

  She puts her crackers on the bed and holds her hand out to me. The second my hand touches hers an electrical shock flows through me. From the widening of her eyes I know she felt it too. The intimacy of this room allows us to feel more than when we were in danger.

  Prel! Time away from her didn’t tone down my desire for her at all. Now that I’ve felt her soft skin again I don’t think I can be without her touch. She is moving into my bedroom tonight.

  ~ Skyla ~

  The fiery shock that zips through my hand when we touch blows my mind. I’d hoped our time apart would have diluted the insane draw I have toward him. It didn’t. I foolishly luxuriate in his touch. His eyes are doing that glowing thing again. My heart flutters at the sight. Calm down, I firmly tell myself.

  Needing some cooling space, I pull my hand back and pick up my crackers. His name echoes through my mind. “Din Ryk WavTe. That’s a nice name. Very strong sounding.” I’m babbling. His presence is too much for me. I have to look like a fool to him.

  He tilts his head and I notice the dark blue highlights in his black hair. I long to run my fingers through his pretty hair. The way it curls around his ears makes my stomach quiver.

  “I’m glad you think so, little seema. Your name is a pretty one. Just like you.” His light eyes scan my face and then drop to my boobs. Din Ryk’s interest in my curves doesn’t bother me at all. It actually makes me horny. To cover my arousal, I ask, “How is my friend doing? Is he safe?”

  He inhales and his eyes pulse a few times. After he shifts on the bed, he answers, “The reslikian’s name is Rosman. He’s fine. My friend, Din Tairin GyRol, is giving him some food right now. While my other friend, Din Von TocGar is flying this craft.”

  Now I know everyone’s names. “Rosman. That suits my friend well.” I struggle for a moment and then ask, “He’s not in a cage, is he?” I didn’t want to ask but I had to. I have to know how my friend is doing. What kind of people the zaphinians are.

  “No, Rosman is in a room much like this one.” His light eyes darken. “You two were separated because we don’t know him. We believe he is the brother of one of our playthings but we don’t know that for sure.”

  Awww. Din Ryk is protecting me. My heart does a cartwheel. I tell it to stop but it doesn’t. “That’s nice of you to buy the brother of one of your playthings.”

  It was more than nice and I know it. The dagrinian was telling the truth. The zaphinians are good beings. Better than a lot of humans I’ve heard about. Thank goodness our village was mostly filled with good people.

  Din Ryk shrugs. “We do what we can. In this case everyone should win. The twins get reunited and we have two happy playthings. Happy employees equal happy customers.”

  “Twins! What happened to them? Why were they separated?” I’m so happy for Rosman that I drop my cracker and scoot closer to Din Ryk. I smile up at him as I put my hand on his. The carnal ache in my core is back but I ignore it. I need to hear about Rosman.

  He inhales and smiles down at me. I see his fangs and worry for a second but then I remember how nice he is. I look up at him expectantly. He looks at my t-shirt covered boobs. “Tell me, please,” I prod as gently as I can.

  His gaze moves up to mine. “Rosman was visiting another planet to buy supplies for his family’s business when the spacecraft had engine trouble. It exploded and killed everyone onboard except him.

  “The blast blew him away from the craft. When he came to, he couldn’t remember who he was. A family took him in and let him work for them. It took seven years for him to remember his name and family.”

  “That’s horrible. Where is his family now?” Seven years is such a long time. Anything can happen.

  Din Ryk shakes his head. “They died of sickness a year after the craft he was on exploded. Rosda had gone looking for him after their parents’ death so he couldn’t reunite with her. It took some time for him to find out where she’d gone. When he was following a lead, he was captured by locals and sold.”

  “Oh my gosh. That’s terrible.” I squeeze his hand. “I’m so glad you came along.” I think about my sister and worry my teeth over my lip. “Could you take me back to Earth? I have a sister and a niece there. They’ll be worried about me.” The silver strands in his eyes start to pulse. My stomach drops and then twists.

  “I can’t do that, little seema.” His tone has a hint of regret and a lot of firmness.

  I look down at my dirty t-shirt and fight the tears trying to well in my eyes. I knew there was a chance I’d never be able to go home. Reality is a bitch most of the time. Today is no exception.

  “Why did you buy me?” The question has been haunting me. I’m no supermodel.

  He inhales deeply. I look up and see that some of the light blue strands in his eyes are glowing. He turns my hand over and gently traces the veins in my wrist as he softly says, “Because you call to me.”

  Lust instantly pools in my core. The intensity coming from him and his words is beyond anything I’ve ever encountered in my life. My heart does a few somersaults.

  A low growl vibrates through his wide chest. The sound flicks a switch in me. Another wave of desire washes over me. I’m so confused. A part of me longs for home but another part of me longs to get to know him better.

  He inhales again and then stands. “I have to go. I’ll be back after we’ve landed.”

  I watch him leave. My wayward gaze drops to his ass. It’s just as tight as I remember it being. I stare at t
he door for a moment after it whooshes shut. What’s wrong with me? I don’t drool over men.

  I finish my stros and then start pacing. As I nibble on a crumlet, I wish I could talk about my messed up feelings with Sunny and Alberta.

  What would they say? Try to come home and forget about him. My stomach flips several times. Or would they say I should go for a good thing while I can. The shortage of younger men in our village had made it impossible for me to find another boyfriend.

  I realize that Din Ryk is not looking for a real girlfriend but he is looking for someone to live with. To spend time with. To have sex with.

  I shiver at that last thought. Every time I’m around him my panties get wet. They shouldn’t be this wet until I’ve known him for longer. A lot longer.

  “Things could be way worse.” I’ll never forget my family. If I can’t get back to them, I need to be thankful for what I am given.

  A hot alien that’s nice is a great thing to be thankful for, my lust crazed side says.

  On that crazy but true note, I decide to sit on the bed and wait for Din Ryk to return. When I plop down his scent rises up. My pussy clenches in need. I fall back on the bed and groan. I am way out of my comfort zone.



  ~ Skyla ~


  The door opens causing me to jump.

  Got dang it, he’s quiet and light on his feet. At seven plus feet tall you would think he’d be lumbersome and loud. A part of me wishes that were true. Although I have to admit his stealth is impressive.

  I stand and watch as he advances toward me. From the intense look on his face, I have a feeling he’s about to do something I’m not going to like. I take a step back and my leg bumps into the chair. As I look back, I feel the slap of metal hit my wrist.

  A whoosh of air escapes me. I shouldn’t have taken my eyes off of him. I watch as he cuffs his own wrist. I don’t know why I feel hurt. It’s not like we are friends. I guess I thought we’d made some progress when he’d brought me food and we’d talked earlier.

  He inhales. The vents along his nose flare and I think I see a flash of regret in his light eyes but it doesn’t last long. “It’s time to go, seema.”

  We leave the room and when I see Rosman in the hall, I smile. My friend looks like he is safe. That’s a relief to me. He smiles back and I hear a low growl from Din Ryk. Rosman looks warily at Din Ryk and then turns to exit the craft.

  I frown at my male and he growls again. “He’s just my friend. You don’t have to be ugly.”

  Surprise crosses my oaf’s face and then his eyes darken. “Make sure it stays that way.”

  His growly tone makes me shiver in fear and excitement. The combination is strange to me. He is so confusing. Yet when he blows out a breath and then puts his arm around me, I melt into his side. He turns me inside out. I don’t even know if I like it or not.

  When the silver striations in his eyes start pulsing, my heartbeat increases and I feel that strange swirl of desire dance through my center. I like him more than I want to.

  He inhales and growls lightly again. A fresh wave of lust pulses through me. At his smile, I feel a warming glow radiate through my chest. Those short fangs of his are still a little concerning but not enough to stop me from lusting after him as though I’m a teenager with out of control hormones.

  I don’t like this part of my strange infatuation with him at all. It makes me too vulnerable. I need to keep my heart out of this. Lust is okay and natural but love is a bad thing. If he’s the warrior I think he is, love is an enormously bad thing.

  As he leads me from the spacecraft, curiosity distracts me from my mixed up feelings. We are in a large metal hanger but we don’t stay long. I’m quickly led through a massive door and into a long corridor.

  Zaphinians are standing around talking but I can’t understand them. They are all so tall that it makes me nervous. Where are the short people? Din Ryk acknowledges a few people but doesn’t stop.

  My sneakers easily glide over the stone floor. The building is rather dull with metal walls and nothing much else. The only color splashes are some strange blue plants and some green plants with yellow flowers. As we walk past some of the flowers, I look back and swear they are leaning toward me. That can’t be right. Flowers don’t move without help.

  I look around and wonder if all of these doors lead to peoples’ homes. “Do you live here?” I ask. A part of me hopes he says no. I like a crowd but not this large of one.

  “No, little seema. This is where many business involving trade are. As well as Dr. ResTa.” His arm briefly tights around me.

  Through the crowd I catch a glimpse of purple hair and realize it’s Rosman. He is being led into a room by Din Von. Where are they going? The word doctor registers in my overwhelmed mind.

  I try to stop but Din Ryk forces me to continue down the corridor. “Calm down, Skyla. The doctor is not going to hurt you.”

  My stomach churns. “I feel fine. I don’t need to see a doctor.” Do alien doctors really probe humans? I don’t want to find out. I tug my cuffed wrist silently begging Din Ryk to take me somewhere else.

  Instead he moves faster. I struggle as I’m guided into the room I saw Rosman enter. I look around for my friend. He’s not here. Did the doctor already start probing him? Fear shoots around in my chest. I start breathing heavily. This can’t be happening. The dagrinians didn’t do this to me. I want to go home.

  I’m led into another room where Din Ryk sits in a chair and pulls me down onto his lap. There are strange black and silver devices around the white room. My curiosity is diminished by my growing fear.

  Din Ryk’s free hand strokes my back. I don’t want to like his touch but I do. As time slowly moves, I sink into my big guy’s arms and calm down. He is so solid and strong. Maybe he can fight the doctor off if needed.

  He takes a deep breath. “That’s it, seema, relax. The doctor is not going to hurt you. He’s just going to examine you and then give you a shot and a communicator chip so you can understand and speak many languages. You’ll feel nothing more than a pinch.”

  I hope he’s telling me the truth. When I move the cuffs clank. A stark reminder that I don’t have a choice. He’s in control.

  Concern for my fellow caged-mate makes me bold. “Where is Rosman?” I don’t hear any screams of pain but that doesn’t mean he’s not being gagged and tortured. My heart starts to race again. Sadness and pain flood my soul. I want to go home.

  “Zyf.” Din Ryk sets me on my feet and then stands. He takes my hand and leads me to the outer room. “Calm yourself, seema. You’ll see Rosman in just a moment.”

  My nerves are taut as we wait in the white room. It’s clean like the other one but less scary because there are no strange devices in here, only a couple of black chairs.

  Before I can totally freak out, a door to my right opens and out walks Din Von. Closely behind him is Rosman. The reslikian is all in one piece. I don’t see any signs of vicious probing. Joy springs through my body.

  “You’re okay,” I say to Rosman.

  He looks at me and then at my male. In my excitement I forgot that he can’t understand me. My heart sinks.

  “You can talk to her. She speaks English,” Din Ryk says to Rosman.

  Huh? How can that be?

  Rosman’s gaze cuts to mine. “English.” There is a short pause as if he’s thinking. “Can you understand me?”

  Excitement washes over me. “Yes, how can you talk to me?”

  “The chip the doctor put in my neck.” He swallows and looks sad for a moment. “I wish I could have done more for you. In the cages, you know.”

  “You helped me a lot. Thank you.” I look into the room behind Rosman. “Did the doctor hurt you?” I have to hear him say all went well.

  “No, he’s a good man. Don’t fear him, small human.” He tilts his head causing his purple hair to flow over his shoulder. “What’s your name?”

  “Skyla Burgin. Your name is
Rosman, correct?” I have to know that Din Ryk told me the truth.

  “Yes,” Rosman answers.

  Movement over Rosman’s shoulder catches my attention. I stiffen at the sight of a male that is as tall as Din Ryk. For some reason I was expecting the doctor to be short, bald, and have glasses. The doctor is none of those things. I take a step back.

  Ryk grips my hand.

  Rosman looks over his shoulder and then back at me. “I’m fine, see. He won’t hurt you.” His grass green eyes look up at Din Ryk. “Isn’t that right?”

  I feel a rumble go through Ryk’s chest before he answers, “Yes, I would never let anyone hurt you.”

  The growl in his voice soothes me. I don’t know why, it just does.

  As the doctor enters the room Din Von looks at me. “You are in good hands, little seema. Trust your Din.” His silver gaze moves to Rosman. “It’s time to go. Your sister knows you’re here and she’s anxious to see you.”


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