Don't Make Me Love You (Club Release 2)

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Don't Make Me Love You (Club Release 2) Page 10

by Pixie Moon

  A tired sigh escapes me. I need to think of something else. My family pops into my mind. I shake my head and push them back into a quiet corner of my brain. They are alive and healthy. That’s the way I need to remember them. Grieving for my loss is not going to help my future.

  I jump when I hear the bedroom door open. I whip around and see Din Ryk striding in. He walks up to me and looks me over. I notice how his brows draw together when he looks at the robe.

  Nervous energy gallops through me. “I borrowed your robe. I hope you don’t mind.” Please don’t let him be a stingy bastard.

  A reassuring smile transforms his face. “No, it’s all right. I’ll take care of your clothing needs tomorrow. After I take my shower we are going to bed.”

  Fear and excitement pump through me—each battling for dominance.

  “We are going to be naked and I will touch you some but we’ve had a long day so sleep is going to be our main goal.” He inhales and then hugs me to him. Within seconds I can feel his erection pressing into me.

  It feels huge. Unease ripples over my nerves even as moisture drips from my entrance. He confuses the hell out of my body. I start when he growls softly. His large hands begin caressing my back. He doesn’t stop until I’m totally relaxed and melting into his body.

  He presses me tightly to him for a moment and then releases me. As I watch him walk to the bathroom, I realize that I miss his warmth and comfort already. No, no, no. He needs to do something bad before my foolish heart totally surrenders to him.

  You are safe for the moment because relationships take time. They don’t happen on sight, my cautious side whispers.

  Or do they? my not so cautious side counters. I long to scream. This whole situation is messed up.

  I cannot have a relationship with a warrior!

  I can be nice to him and even have sex with him without falling in love with him. There, I feel better now that I’m taking action to protect my foolish heart. I take a shaky breath and hope I can do it.

  Needing to think of something other than Din Ryk and the fact that I can hear water—water that is running over his very naked body—I move to the dark brown curtain and pull it aside.

  I’m shocked to see that instead of a window the curtain is covering a wall of glass. I look up into the sky and see that the moon is square shaped and it has a pretty purple dot in the center. I stare at it for a long moment. This place is interesting and keeps my curious nature actively hunting for the next amazing thing.

  The moon’s light is strong enough for me to make out some of a patio. I’ll have to check that out tomorrow. As I’m trying to see as much as I can in the dim light, movement down low catches my attention. I look down and then jump back.

  When I remember there is a layer of glass between us, I crouch down for a closer look. It’s some type of furry cat like creature. When I see all three of its tails move, I look them over. They are dark green with light green bands.

  The creature steps closer to the glass. I can now see that its body is dark green as well but its four legs and belly are cream colored. I look into the furry being’s face. I smile as I look at its long pointed ears. They stand straight up. I bet it can hear really well.

  It has three pale green eyes that are in a row. The mouth is similar to a humans. Interesting. The cute creature doesn’t seem mean. I hope it’s not. I watch as it rubs its side against the glass. I can’t help but touch the glass where the fur is. Do these beings like to be petted?

  My senses suddenly heighten. Din Ryk is behind me. My pulse hammers through my veins. The scent of masculine soap and warm male perfumes the air around me. I like it a lot.

  No. Don’t fall for him, my cautious side quickly reminds me.

  Needing to focus on something other than how good he smells, I look up at him and ask, “What is this animal? Is it dangerous?”

  “It’s a flurcot. They aren’t normally dangerous. Although any animal can be dangerous under the right circumstance.” He crouches down beside me and places his hand on the glass. I watch as the creature moves so it can rub against the spot where Din Ryk’s hand is.

  “Have you seen this one before? Is it your pet?” My curious nature needs to know.

  He looks over at me and smiles. “I guess you could call him my pet. I feed him when he shows up which is usually once every few days. They are good little hunters so he doesn’t require much food or attention from me.”

  “Do you need to feed him right now?” I don’t want the little guy going hungry because of me.

  “No, he’ll be fine tonight. If he’s still around in the morning, I’ll feed him then. Right now all I want to do is go to bed.” He stands and puts his hand out.

  I place my hand in his and let him pull me up. The sensual charge is still strong between us. I wonder if it always will be or if it’ll dwindle as time passes.

  As he leads me to the bed, I glance down and see a lot of interestingly stripped tanned skin. Powerful muscles ripple as he walks. His taut buttocks draw my gaze and hold it until I hear a light chuckle. Heat blooms across my cheeks.

  “You can admire me later, little seema.” He releases my hand and jerks the deep red comforter back.

  Cozy looking white sheets stand out against the red. I don’t dare take my gaze off the bed as I toss the robe to the far side of the bed and climb onto the high thing. Another round of heat floods my cheeks. Being naked around others is not something I’ve got much experience in.

  It helps some to know that he’s already naked. I don’t need to see his man package tonight though. The sex crazed part of me whines as I keep my gaze on the sheets.

  He turns the lights off and then climbs in beside me. Once the sheets are settled around us, he presses his front to my back. His skin is rougher than a humans but not rough enough to hurt me.

  The length and breadth of his body totally covers the back of me. I tense for a second when his arm drapes over my waist and grazes my breasts.

  He leans in close to my ear. “Stay calm, seema. I already came in the shower. Now I’m going to touch your pretty breasts to get you used to the feel of my hands on you.”

  That he relieved himself in the shower floors me. Most men would leap at the chance to jump a female in my position. No, no, no. He’s supposed to do something bad. How can I protect my heart when he acts like this?

  His hand starts sliding up my left breast and doesn’t stop until his fingers touch my nipple. I shiver at the sensation of him gently exploring my taut flesh. Sparks shoot through my nipple and start arrowing down to my heated sex.

  The feel of his rough skinned hand massaging my rounded flesh has me squirming. I start panting when he begins exploring my right breast. A hard ridge forms and presses into my butt. His cock feels extremely large. A shiver moves down my spine. Fear and excitement course through me. I don’t know if I’m ready for that yet.

  A gentle kiss on my ear has another shiver skating over my nerves and heating my core to a new level.

  As he gently rolls my nipple, he whispers, “Don’t worry about my erection. He’s going to have to be happy with just being pressed against your soft flesh. I love the way your sexy body trembles when I touch you, little seema.”

  The husky tone of his voice sends another shiver racing through me. His confident chuckle has me squirming even more. My pulse is now pounding between my legs. I’ve forgotten what having a partner feels like. As he kisses my neck and caresses my breasts, I have to admit that his touch is heavenly.

  When he nibbles on my neck I press my butt into his hard shaft. The sex deprived side of me longs for him to take me. I’m just about to beg him when his hand starts sliding downward.

  I hold my breath as I wait to see what he’ll do next. When his hand stops at my belly, I silently urge him on. I desperately need him to touch that bundle of nerves between my legs. When he only nuzzles my neck it dawns on me that he may not know about my hot spot. I am a human after all. Maybe he got lucky on the sell-block when he
touched my clit.

  I move my hand toward my clitoris and am almost there when his hand quickly latches on to mine and a soft sexy growl emanates from him.

  “Do you need more, little treasure?” he whispers into my ear. “All you have to do is ask.”

  A flash of embarrassment shoots through me. I long to stay silent but the pounding of my clit won’t let me ignore it. I need this release. “Please.”

  A low growl comes from him. “Please, what?” He rocks his hips causing his massive erection to slip between my cheeks.

  I moan when a fresh wave of lust swamps my sex causing more moisture to drip onto my thighs. “Please, Din Ryk.”

  “That’s good, little seema. You are catching on quickly.” His tone is soft—the total opposite of his hard erection.

  His hand releases mine and eases down between my legs. In my urgent need, I spread my legs to give him access.

  “That’s it. Give me room to work,” he whispers into my ear.

  His breath moving across my skin makes me hotter. I need his touch so badly that I start panting again. I groan when his thick finger slides into my damp folds and starts circling my entrance. His palm grazes my clitoral hood a few times but it’s not enough to push me over the edge.

  Chasing my release, I thrust up into his hand and groan when my hot knot rubs against his rough hand. He arches his hand away and gathers my hair in his free hand.

  I feel him pull it as he growls. “You’ll wait for the pleasure, little seema. I control when you come. Do you understand me?”

  His grip tightens on my hair. The pull sends a new wave of lust through me—so does his dominating attitude. “Yes, Din Ryk. I’m sorry.” At this point I’ll say anything to get to come.

  He inhales deeply and then a chuckle rumbles up his chest. “Your sincerity is not ringing totally true but your lust for my touch is very real.”

  I cry out when he suddenly sinks his finger into my soaking entrance. “So tight, hot, and wet. I’m going to enjoy mating you when the time is right, little seema.”

  He slides another finger into me. I feel the stretch of my inner walls and glory in being filled. “Yes.” Needing more I start rocking my hips.

  Sensations overwhelm me. I shudder as he gently tugs on my hair and his fingers repeatedly plunge into me. Every time I rock my hips his erection slides up and down my crack grazing my rear entrance. It’s different from anything I’ve felt before. Scary and exhilarating.

  “That’s it, seema. Get ready to fly for me,” he whispers against my neck.

  His thumb slides between my wet folds and presses down on my heated knot of nerves. The sensation sends me flying. I cry out and buck as my climax slams into me. As the waves of bliss pump through me I feel like I’m floating away.

  The only thing stopping my body from coming with my soul is Din Ryk’s strong arms pinning me to him. I hover in this euphoric state for a long time. When I slowly come down, I realize that he is no longer fisting my hair and is instead stroking my head gently. His fingers are still in me and his thumb is lightly touching my clit. His touch is so sensually sweet.

  When he gently caresses the bundle of nerves, I moan and shiver as a new tremor moves across my skin. Next he pulls his fingers out of my body and then eases his hand up until his arm is once again resting across my waist.

  “That was beautiful, seema. You are a true treasure. Rest now,” he says into my neck before giving it a soft kiss.

  “Do you need me to give you some relief?” I can still feel his hardness pressing against me. I don’t want him to suffer.

  “Not tonight, sweet seema. It’s time for you to go to sleep. You have a lot to learn tomorrow.”

  He readjusts himself on the bed so that he’s higher up. As he settles I realize how much he moved to accommodate my shorter body. When he’s once again surrounding me with his large long body, I sink into his embrace.

  I luxuriate in the feel of his hard naked body pressed against mine. I should feel embarrassed about letting a stranger touch me. He’s not that much of a stranger, my sexually sated side whispers. She’s right.

  In the hours that I’ve known Din Ryk he has saved me a couple of times, he’s had me checked out by a doctor, he’s brought me to a nice home, he’s fed me a couple of times, and now he’s even pleasured me for the second time today without demanding I return the favor.

  Don’t forget about him being nice to you and how he’s nice to that furry animal he feeds, my pro-Ryk side points out. She’s new, but she’s right too.

  When he starts snoring softly, my heart melts. Being wrapped in his arms feels right.

  No, no, no. Don’t fall in love with him, my cautious side says.

  I try to listen to her but the feel of his hard body pressing into mine shifts my focus to how good he feels.



  ~ Ryk ~


  The feel of something soft and warm draped over me has me opening an eye and looking down.

  I smile at the sight of Skyla sound asleep on my chest. The feel of her breasts pressing into my belly has my shaft hardening. Down boy, she’s not ready for that yet. My wayward flesh jerks in protest, but I ignore it.

  Dropping my head back down onto my pillow, I close my eye and enjoy the feel and smell of her. Right now she has a peaceful scent. That hadn’t been the case last night when she’d been in the shower.

  I’ll never forget the scent of her sorrow. It was something I never want to smell again. Feeling a need to check on her, I’d left my office and then gone into the bedroom.

  The scent of grief darkened our room. My heart had pounded like a wild beast as I stood in the doorway and watched her in the shower. She’d looked so fragile as she cried for her loss.

  If I hadn’t scented her determination to move on I would have gone to her. Instead, I let her grieve. The physical release was good for her. A needed action.

  I smile when pride swells in my chest. Even in her dark moment she’d sensed that she wasn’t alone. I can appreciate her instinct for survival. Her scent let me know that she didn’t want to be seen like that. Because of her alert state, I silently went back to my office. I didn’t want to go but I knew she needed to be alone.

  I touch a bundle of her soft strands that are spilling over my side. She feels good draped over me. I smile again when I think about how inquisitive she is. That part of her is what will make her happy here on Zaphin.

  The way she’d stared at the flurcot in wonder will forever be etched in my mind. She’d gone from sorrow to curious in a short amount of time. Yes, she’s a survivor. My little survivor.

  When she stirs I open my eyes but stay still. I watch to see how she’ll react to waking up half sprawled over me. The first thing she does is reposition her face and then sighs sweetly. Then her hand pats my side. Little lines form between her brows.

  Her head pops up and she stares into my eyes. She looks down at where our skin is touching. Pink floods her cheeks in the cutest way. Beautiful.

  She pushes off of me and sits next to me with the sheet pulled up to her neck. Her hair is wild as she stares at me. Adorable.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I did that. Feel free to push me off you any time I try to squash you in the middle of the night.” Her pink lips move to the left as she thinks. Her gaze focuses on the sheet. “Or I could start sleeping in one of the other rooms.”

  I growl my displeasure. Her gaze jumps to mine. This time I don’t mind the hint of fear I smell coming from her. She needs to know her place. “You belong in my bed.” I look her over and grin. “I don’t mind you using me as a pillow.”

  Her cheeks pinken even more. Something in me stirs at the sweet sight. Lust quickly follows. I get up before my cock can try to persuade me to take her. “Let’s begin your training, seema.”

  Skyla Burgin’s green gaze drops to my semi-hard erection. A surprised breath rushes past her pink lips. Fear and excitement roll off her. The aroma is heady. It
causes my cock to harden even more. Needing to nip my hunger for her, I clap my hands twice to break the spell she has fallen under. Her gaze darts up to mine.

  “You can admire me later, little seema. Right now we have things to do.” When her stomach rumbles I use that to motivate her. “First thing on the agenda is to feed you.” Her cheeks are now a fiery red and she’s giving off a stronger scent of arousal. I long to spread her legs and drive into her damp entrance but she’s not ready for that yet. Zyf, I wish she was.

  A curious gleam enters her pretty eyes. Zyf! I can tell she’s about to push my limits. I try really hard to get my cock to behave but he won’t. He’s standing straight up as though he wants to make sure she sees him. Great!


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