Don't Make Me Love You (Club Release 2)

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Don't Make Me Love You (Club Release 2) Page 18

by Pixie Moon

  He leans toward me. “Don’t feel bad, seema. They love to fight…and to make up. You just did them a favor.” He points at my food. “Eat.”

  I scoop up a bite of minmo and relish the vegetable’s potato like taste. The green veggie is seasoned perfectly, to me at least. This time I keep my opinion to myself. The couple starts bickering about something else. Since there is no hate in their tone, I relax and enjoy the rest of my meal.

  Since I don’t eat as much as they do, I finish before them. Content, I settle back in my chair and look around at the others in the restaurant. A zaphinian male is waiting tables. He’s not very old but he’s just as tall as the other males I’ve met.

  I have to be one of the shortest people on this planet. I watch the male. His wide smile makes him appear approachable. He is definitely keeping the customers happy. Alberta would love to have him working for her. A pang of sadness pierces my heart. I swallow the lump that just formed in my throat and glance around some more.

  Laughter has me looking over to my right. Three males are at a table playing some sort of board game with jewel colored chips. The males are older than any others I’ve seen. From the way they are fussing and laughing at each other they must be in great health.

  My fingers tap to the music lightly playing in the background. Once again, I feel at home here. I female tugs up on the low neckline of her sheer dress. The male with her smiles as he pulls her hand away from her dress. Guys are the same everywhere.

  I start looking at how the others are dressed. Just like on Earth, there are different levels of dress from sexy and revealing to full coverage. Others are dressed like Ryk and his friends. Some are more padded than others. It feels good to see a variety of people.

  My gaze lands on purple hair. It’s a female. She has tan skin just like Rosman. I lean in closer to Ryk. “How is Rosman doing?”

  Ryk scoops up another bite of food. “Rosman is fine. He’s working at our club.”

  He shovels the bite into his mouth. I watch the flex of his jaw as he eats. When he licks his lips. I bite my lip and try not to think of all the things he can do with his masterful mouth. I don’t need to become horny right now.

  “Can I see him?” My cautious side wants proof.

  “You can see him soon, Skyla.” Ryk takes another bite. I have to unglue my gaze from his muscular neck.

  The kitchen door opens and a female comes out tying an apron around her waist. I stare at her in shock. She is lovely. Maroon skin and light blue eyes. Her black hair is pulled back into a ponytail and she has wild bangs that poke out in every direction. Full pink lips pucker as she looks around assessing the crowd.

  When a customer waves her over, I lean in close to Ryk and whisper, “What species is the pretty waitress?”

  Ryk takes a drink of his stros and then looks down at me. “So curious. I like that about you. Her name is Kaksie. She’s a mewmosian.”

  The male waiter comes over to Din Tymor and lets him know a customer wants to talk to him. As they leave, I ask, “What’s the waiter’s name?”

  Ryk answers, “He’s Sten RonDe. A fine young male. He’ll be a fine Din when he finishes his training.”

  I don’t like the idea of him being in training. A warrior’s life is a short one. I remind myself not to get too attached to Ryk or any of the other warriors. I just can’t handle that much grief.

  The baby cries out and then make a growling sound. Dang, zaphinians start that young. As Zima tries to calm him, I look the tot over and guess that he’s around one and half years old. So cute. If Ryk told me his age, I can’t remember it. I’ve learned too much recently.

  Zima makes a clucking sound as she finishes her food. He squirms in her arms. The doors open and a group of at least twenty pile into the restaurant.

  Ryk turns to me. “Stay around here, seema. Since they are short of waiters, Dax and I are going to help them.”

  Dax growls but pushes to his feet and heads toward the group. On the way, I hear him tell Ryk. “Tymor needs to get more help.”

  My heart leaps at that. I would love to work here. I long to offer but since I’m no longer free to make those kinds of decisions, I keep quiet. When Sakmor growls again I realize that Zima has gotten up and is heading toward the kitchen with her baby on her hip.

  I gather up several of the plates and head to the kitchen. I put the dishes with some others and turn to Zima. “How can I help you?”

  The baby fusses and Zima tells him he has to be good. The tot frowns and then rubs his face against her shirt. I rub his back and he looks over at me. I smile and he smiles back revealing tiny fangs.

  Zima’s voice draws my attention to her. “You seem to be good with babies. Can you watch him while I fill orders?”

  “Yes.” She passes the baby to me. I feel her eyes on me but Sakmor has my full attention. His pretty eyes are searching my face. I smile at him and pat his back lightly. I think of Molly and give him a hug. I hold back the tears that are trying to escape.

  The sound of Zima inhaling pulls me from my thoughts. I look up at her. She smiles and then runs her hand over Sakmor’s dark hair. “You have passed the test, little human. Stay here or around our table. Let me know if you have any trouble.”

  Tymor enters a moment later and heads over to help his kesdy out. I smile when the couple starts bickering as they cook. The sights and scents are comforting. I sway as I pat my sweet charge. Walking out of the kitchen, I head to our table and watch Ryk and Dax work.

  This is not the first time they’ve done this. Their smooth flow is beautiful to watch. When Sakmor starts squirming, I let him down and follow him around our area. He goes to a box I hadn’t noticed and starts pulling out a few toys. I plop down and enjoy his innocent company.

  When the rush dies down Ryk comes over and smiles down at me. He picks up Sakmor and tosses him in the air before giving the baby a kiss and handing him to his father.

  His gaze is pulsing as he says, “You are good with babies, little human.”

  Tymor nods my way. “Yes, thanks for helping out.”

  “It was a pleasure.” More than you can know. As we say our goodbyes, my heart aches for a baby of my own. I know I can’t have one so it’s foolish to long for one or two, but I can’t help myself.

  When we get halfway through the restaurant one of the older males calls Ryk over. With his hand on my lower back, he guides me to them. I shiver and try to ignore the way his warm hand is sending out tendrils of desire all through my core.

  At the table the males greet each other and then three sets of old but still pretty eyes turn to me. I look into each of their eyes, just like I was taught. Their stares are intense but quick to my relief. Then their gazes roam over my body. One gaze lingers a bit too long over my big boobs. I shift and roll my shoulders inward. Heat fires my cheeks. My breasts are too large. I wish I could sink into the ground.

  Ryk inhales and then growls softly. A shiver races up my spine and desire ribbons its way around my center.

  “Who is this lovey creature you have with you, Din Ryk?” Boob Starer asks.

  “She’s my seema, Din Fry. Stop looking at her chest. It makes her uncomfortable.”

  One of the others shoves Din Fry’s shoulder. “Leave the little human alone. She’s already taken.”

  “Yes, Din Lat. She is.” Ryk’s tone was possessive. I like it even though I shouldn’t. Don’t get attached to him. He’s a warrior.

  The other male waves a hand over the board game. “You have time for a game?”

  Ryk shakes his head. “No, Din Tiv. I have other things in mind.”

  Din Lat laughs. “I bet you do. What I wouldn’t give to go back a few years.”

  “A few! More like a few hundred,” Din Tiv bursts out.

  A few hundred. My heart sinks. That’s right. Ryk is going to outlive me by a long shot. If he makes it, that is.

  I look around at the older males. Din Lat winks at me. I jerk in surprise and he laughs.

  “Got your
self an innocent one, for sure,” Din Lat says.

  “They can be some sweet ones,” Din Fry says. Wrinkles crinkle around his eyes as he smiles. The look on his face says that he’s slipped back to another time.

  I hope Ryk never forgets me.

  The guys turn serious as they start talking about training and security. Looks like warriors never stop thinking about these things. I watch as they get animated at times. Just like humans, zaphinians are emotional and passionate people.

  As they fight on one point and agree on another I’m struck by the family environment. Midday and More is homey to everyone here. Just like at Alberta’s bakery. A pang of sorrow pinches my heart.

  Ryk’s hand presses deeper into my low back as he says his goodbyes and then turns me toward the exit door.

  Outside I breathe in the clean fresh air and soak up the sun’s rays.

  On the drive back home Ryk turns to look at me. “Did you enjoy your outing?”


  “Good because we’ll be going there a lot.”

  He turns back to the road when another vehicle approaches and then zooms over us. His large hand settles on my thigh sending out heat and comfort along with desire.

  I remind myself not to get attached to him.

  My foolish heart replays how he jumped in to help with his brother’s restaurant and how they all work, laugh, and fight with love. But he doesn’t work there all the time, I remind myself. He’s a warrior.

  I can’t get attached. Love is bad. It causes you to get comfortable. And when that comfort is tragically ripped away—when they don’t return and you never see them walk through your door again—agony rules your world.

  The finality of death is too crushing. I can’t go there again. Not with Ryk. I glance at him and take in his strong and handsome profile. Especially not with Ryk.



  ~ Skyla ~


  My nerves tingle as I tug down on my short skirt.

  With his large hand on my lower back, Ryk guides me through a huge metal door and into Club Release. Two massive and scary looking zaphinian males are standing guard.

  I peek up at the one on the right as Ryk addresses the male as, Din Grof. The guy screams badass. He’s even a couple of inches taller than Ryk’s seven plus height. I swallow as I look at the scar that runs through Din Grof’s right eyebrow. I don’t want to know how that happened. The scar on his left cheek makes his sharp features even more menacing.

  I would not want to meet him in a back alley. Ryk turns to the other massive male. This one is just a bit taller than Ryk. As they talk I hear Ryk call the male Din Dran. His gold and silver eyes are spooky as hell. I look away not wanting to even try and figure what secrets the male holds.

  Relief washes over me when Ryk starts guiding me into the club. My jaw drops as I take in all the different beings milling around. The place is packed and the vibe coming from the club is charged with excitement and sensual satisfaction.

  There are beings talking, laughing, whispering, and caressing each other all around me. Ryk chuckles as he leads me to a stone bar trimmed in metal. Blue and silver lights strobe the bar and what looks like a dance floor. I can’t quite tell through the throng of different species.

  I gasp when a warrior frees his cock and then pulls a mewmosian female down onto his thick length. She shudders and clenches his shoulders. Her face reflects the pleasure she feels as he thrusts up into her.

  Ryk leans down to my ear. “Here, you’ll see passion expressed all over the place and you’ll experience it with me as well. This club is all about releasing stress through sex and enjoying others company away from training and work.”

  I’m not on Earth anymore. Looking around at all the happy faces, I realize that it’s not a bad thing. Pleasure is much better than fighting.

  A glass sliding down the bar catches my attention. “Thanks, Din Soja,” Ryk says as he passes me the drink.

  I take a sip of the stros and nearly choke when a fiery burn heats my mouth and throat. I glare at Ryk when he chuckles. “Stros with a kick. It’ll warm you up and settle your nerves.”

  When I feel warmth slide through my veins, I take another sip. It’s not bad now that I’m prepared. Ryk drinks his quickly and turns to talk to a male that has approached him.

  The tossing of a glass has me watching the bartender, Din Soja. He moves with the grace of a dancer as he spins glasses and tosses them in the air. When he tosses a full mug, I cringe and then gasp when a tiny being flies by and catches it.

  The little thing flies off carrying the mug as if it weighs nothing at all. How can that be? The mug is as big as the cute thing carrying it. I watch as the tiny female flies to a table and sets the mug down in front of a zaphinian male. He nods his thanks and she flies off. Her tiny gold top and skirt are as adorable as she is.

  A finger gently pushing my chin up makes me realize that I’ve been staring with my mouth open. I look up into Ryk’s eyes and my core heats as I take in the twinkle in his icy eyes.

  I push my lustful feelings aside. “What is that amazing being?”

  “That is Do. She’s a female brewmar. They are stronger than most people give them credit for, but we still don’t allow anyone to touch them. They are the best servers we’ve ever found. Ten of them work for us. They don’t talk to others much and they tend to fight among themselves, but they are loyal and good souled.”

  I watch as another one flies up to the end of the bar, picks up one of several mugs, and then flies off. Her multi-colored wings catch the soft lights and seem to glow. The little brewmars’ wings are larger than their bodies. “They are so cute.”

  Ryk kisses my ear causing me to shiver. “Yes, and so are you. Come, seema. I’ll show you around.”

  I finish my drink and Ryk sets my glass on the bar next to his. I shiver when he puts his hand on my lower back and starts guiding me through the crowd. He points out a dance floor and I long to relieve some tension of my own.

  He inhales and then whispers into my ear, “Soon, seema.” He takes me farther from the dance floor and then points out a long corridor with openings into rooms. The strange thing is that most of the rooms don’t have doors. “Those are rooms we play in. I’ll take you to them next time.”

  My curiosity is piqued. What do they do in those rooms? It doesn’t take long for my attention to be snagged by a slightly raised floor that has a huge mat on it.

  Hot dang! A male is wrestling with a female. She’s some kind of pink being with black hair. Her white eyes gleam in the green and silver hues strobing the area. The huge zaphinian male who’s wrestling her is obviously holding back.

  He strokes her pink flesh as he watches her writhe beneath him. He repeatedly lets her get away and then catches her again. This time though, she wraps her legs around his waist and starts grinding into the tent in his pants. He growls, picks her up, and takes her to a cushioned lounge chair. There he frees his cock, bends her over the back of the lounge chair, lifts her short skirt, and plunges into her body.

  A finger gently pushing my jaw up has me snapping back to attention. I look at Ryk and feel heat burn my cheeks. This is the wildest place I’ve ever been. And, hot dang, I like it.

  His masculine chuckle has desire flooding my core. I press my thighs together and then tug on my top. I know my nipples are poking the material, but I have no desire to let them pop out of my shimmering halter.

  “What kind of being is she?”

  “She’s a petrokian. They love mating and are popular because they have three openings to enter and four when you add in their mouths. You’ll get used to seeing couples mate very soon.” He shifts his cock through his dark pants. “You will be mated yourself before the evening is done.” He sniffs and growls. “I look forward to burying myself deep into you and feeling you squirm in my arms.”

  I swallow hard as he leads me to the seating area where several others are watching a new couple on the mat. My heart is raci
ng at the thought of him taking me in front of everyone here. I’m surprised when I feel my juices drip from my core and dampen my inner thighs. This club is bringing out a side of me that I didn’t even know existed. I look up at Ryk. Maybe it’s not the club but the male.

  No, no, no. Don’t fall for him. My body rebels by releasing some more moisture to prepare for his sweet invasion. He sniffs and smiles down at me. My heart does that little flip again. Ryk is the only male that can do that to me. I wish he couldn’t. Loving him is bad.

  But releasing sexual tension on his hard body is not bad, my pro-Ryk side whispers.

  He stops in front of two males and then takes a seat and starts talking to them. Since I’m now sitting in his lap, I quickly find out that the one with red glinting in his black hair is Din Hauk and the one with purple and blue eyes is Din Ash.


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