Remember, You Love Me: Little Girl Lost

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Remember, You Love Me: Little Girl Lost Page 2

by Mairsile Leabhair

  “Dad came through surgery, and is doing great, thank God,” Vicky crossed herself in thanks.

  “See, I told you Pop would dance at our wedding.”

  “Oh yes, and I can’t wait either. Now I can finally start planning our nuptials! Should we go out of state to marry?” Both women were born and raised in Arkansas, and loved living in the south, but the south didn’t always love them, or more specifically, their lifestyle.

  Before Aidan could answer, the baby began to cry. “Time for a diaper change I guess,” Vicky got up and opened the isolette, and began changing the baby’s diaper. “Would you throw this away for me, please Aidan?” She handed the tiny dirty diaper over to Aidan, who acted like it was a loaded gun.

  Waking up to the sound of her baby crying, Samantha saw Aidan’s reaction, “Since when are you afraid of a little crap, Cassidy?”

  Vicky laughed, wondering the same thing, “How are you feeling, Samantha?”

  “I’m okay, thank you for asking, Vicky.”

  To Vicky that sounded a little standoffish, but she shrugged it off, and took the diaper up front to the garbage bin.

  Having questions that needed answered; Samantha unbuckled her seat belt, and sat down in Vicky’s seat, beside Aidan. “Aidan, we need to talk.”

  Fidgeting in her seat, Aidan said, “Let’s get you and the baby safely to the hospital first, and then I’ll tell you everything, okay?”

  Vicky returned and saw Samantha sitting beside Aidan. She hesitated briefly, suddenly feeling defensive. She quickly recovered though, and smiled at them both, then sat back down beside the baby. And so it begins. Don’t play this game Victoria Ann, don’t let yourself get sucked in. Vicky sat back and watched them talking, which was about nothing really, what the weather was like in Little Rock right now. But still, her insecurities bubbled to the surface, and it was then that she made herself a solemn promise. She vowed that she would not play the game that could so easily be played right now, because what she did not want to do was trap Aidan into feeling guilty when it wasn’t really her fault. It was a unique circumstance where Aidan was engaged, and in love with two women at the same time.

  Vicky was smart enough to know that things would have to work their way out, as they will. She was confident that Aidan loved her, but she also knew that it wasn’t completely about whom Aidan loved more, but who she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. That’s where Vicky began to feel insecure. She knew Aidan was keen to be in the thick of the action, be it as a soldier or as an agent for the government; it was what made her feel useful. So the real question became, does Aidan really want to marry a business woman in high heels, like she was. Or someone like Samantha, a soldier who had a different kind of history with Aidan, and who also just had a baby, and both were fragile, and needed to be cared for. Vicky had lost her baby a few months ago when she was shot by a terrorist, and though she didn’t covet Samantha’s baby, she did feel remorse at the loss of her own child.

  Vicky lifted the baby out of the isolette, and cradled him in her arms. She began rubbing his feet and legs to stimulate blood circulation, and then checked his IV insertion. As she massaged him, she talked sweetly to him, fawning over him, loving him. She wasn’t aware that Aidan was watching her, as she began to sing to the baby.

  Realizing how precious this moment was, Aidan smiled. But she couldn’t enjoy it for long before Samantha distracted her.

  “Aidan, what should I name my baby?”

  Cocking her head, Aidan looked at her confused, “You don’t have a name already picked out?”

  “No, I wasn’t allowed to. My husband had chosen a name, but I didn’t like it, and now that my baby and I are free, I’ll name him as I please. So what would you call him?”

  “Ah Sam, it’s not for me to say. You should pick a name that you like.”

  Samantha had been watching Vicky with her baby, and instead of gratitude, jealousy began to control her thoughts. Samantha noticed from the start, that Vicky seemed too familiar with her fiancée, Aidan, and it didn’t matter that Vicky saved her baby, it was the principle of the thing. “Okay then,” she said, as she peered up at Vicky through her scrutinizing eyelids, “how about naming him Aidan?”

  When she heard the name, Vicky looked up, her eyes crystalizing in shocked at first, and then they quickly became angry. She lowered her head again, and suppressed the urge to say something. Didn’t you just promise not to play those games? Let it go. She allowed her thoughts to vent privately, what she would not say out loud. That name is already spoken for! Had Vicky not lost her own baby from a gunshot wound, she was going to name it Aidan, because that Irish name would be suitable for either a boy or a girl, and the thought of naming it after her childhood sweetheart, now fiancée, was a dream she feared might never come true now.

  Seeing the reaction on Vicky’s face confirmed Samantha’s jealous suspicions. Okay bitch, this means war!

  Chapter 2

  When a person is held captive against their will, they either submit, or perish. Some perish mentally, after submitting physically. And some skillfully play the games their captives want, so that they have a hope of surviving with both their mind and body intact. But what they lose playing these games, is their soul. Some never find it again, and some just need to be led back to it. But upon release from captivity, the first thing they promise themselves is to never submit again, no matter what it’s for, and no matter what it takes.

  The flight attendant entered the cabin and asked everyone to prepare for landing. Vicky tucked the baby back into the isolette, and made sure he was secure. Then she walked over and sat beside Jerry. From where she sat now, she was relieved that she couldn’t see Aidan and Samantha together. It was becoming too painful to watch.

  For her part, Aidan would have found a way to say no to naming the baby after her, as much for Vicky’s sake, as for the implications it would have for Samantha.

  “Jerry, how are you doing? You’ve been pretty quiet during the flight,” Vicky asked, as she adjusted her seatbelt. “You’re not in pain, are you?”

  “Don’t worry about me Scrappy, I’m doing fine. I can’t wait to get back to the states though.” Jerry had given Vicky that nicknamed during their boot camp training. Aidan, Vicky, and Jerry, went through six weeks of training before they set out to rescue Samantha in Syria. The training was hardest on Vicky, having never been through anything like that before, nor did she ever want to again. Both Aidan and Jerry had been soldiers in the US Army, and had gone through boot camp, so they knew what to expect. Jerry thought the fact that Vicky made it through at all, was a testament to her scrappiness.

  “Oh, I know what you mean. It’s been a long seven weeks.”

  “By the way, I’ve been meaning to tell you how great I thought you handled everything back there. You’re a real dynamo, and I’d go into battle with you anytime. Thanks for having my back.”

  Blushing, Vicky patted him on the arm, “And thank you for having Aidan’s back. You saved her life Jerry, and I will be forever grateful,” Vicky leaned in and kissed Jerry on the cheek, “Please know that you are always welcomed in our…, in my home anytime.” Vicky’s doubts escaped her lips, before she could pull them back in. No games damn it…, was that a game? I think of it as our home, but then why did I say my home. Was it to hurt Aidan, or to protect her, or what? Oh God! This is going to be a lot harder than I thought it would be.

  Aidan could see the back of Vicky’s head, as it moved like silk to and fro. She lost herself in thoughts of how beautiful Vicky was, sitting there moments ago, coddling the baby. Soon her thoughts began to fantasize on how it would be to have a family with her. But then her thoughts turned to Samantha, who was so vulnerable and lost right now. Aidan’s thoughts became dark with worry for the unknown. I’ve only loved two women in my life and they’re both sitting right here next to me, wanting answers. What the fuck is going on? She didn’t want to hurt either one of them, but she was trapped. The love for Samantha was still
there, still new, but strong, and the love for Vicky was so strong it was almost overwhelming. It wasn’t that Aidan loved Samantha more, no nothing as black and white as that. It was the sense of duty Aidan lived by, her own inner code, and right now that duty was pulling her to take care of Samantha and the baby. But could she so easily give up a life of love and adventure with Vicky, whom she’s known and loved since childhood. Why is everything so fucking complicated!

  Jerry leaned in to Vicky, so the others couldn’t hear him, and said, “Don’t worry Scrappy, she’ll choose you.”

  Vicky gasped, “Oh my God, am I that transparent Jerry?”

  He chuckled, “No, I don’t think so. I’m just more observant than most, I guess.”

  “What am I going to do, Jerry?”

  After Syria, Vicky thought of him as her younger brother, and trusted him with her life. More importantly, she trusted him with Aidan’s life. He was Aidan’s best friend, and he played an important part in Aidan’s marriage proposal to her. Right now, Vicky needed someone to talk to, an outlet to help control her emotions.

  “First off, trust in Aidan. She’ll do the right thing in the end, she always does.”

  “It’s not Aidan I’m worried about.”

  Jerry did not envy his friends this difficult situation they found themselves in. He knew nothing is always as it should be, if it were, Aidan would be sitting beside Vicky now, instead of him. The heart will have what it wants no matter what the brain tells it to do, but the brain is what makes it reality. He figured that Aidan’s brain was having a major battle with her heart right now.

  The conversation ended, as everyone braced for landing. After they taxied to a stop, and the flight attendant opened the door, Vicky immediately undid her seatbelt and waved from the door, for the emergency medical team to come on board.

  She told them who she was, and then she gave her report. “We have a two day old preemie in the isolette, very weak. I’ve got him on 100cc IV fluids, and his pulse oximeter is eighty-seven.” She turned from the baby to Jerry, who struggled to stand up. As she helped him, she said, “This man, his name is Jerry Williams, has a knife wound to his back, right above his fifth rib, on the left side. I stitched it up, but his bandages need changing, and he needs to be examined at the hospital.” Jerry was going to protest, but Vicky gave him a stern, older sister knows best, kind of look, that told him it was best just to be quiet.

  Jerry was wounded in Syria when Samantha, who was suffering from shock, after watching him kill her husband, stabbed him in the back. Though it was a forced marriage between Samantha and her husband, she had dutifully obeyed his every command for a year, and up until she saw Aidan yesterday, thought that’s all there was left for her. The shock of seeing Jerry take that away from her, was just too much to bear, and she snapped.

  “This lady, Samantha Vincent, just gave birth, and is very weak and malnourished. She needs to accompany her baby to the hospital, and be examined as well.” Vicky stepped to the side to let the EMT’s do their work. Then she added, “And you should take them to St. Frances Hospital please, they’re waiting for your arrival.”

  “Yes ma’am, will do,” The EMT replied.

  Vicky and Aidan watched, as the EMT’s helped their patients down the steps to the waiting gurneys. But as Samantha walked to the door she turned to Aidan, and held out her hand.

  “Aren’t you coming with me? Please, I don’t want to go without you.”

  Aidan shook her head, “I think I’d better stay here, and check in with some people first, Sam.”

  That was not the answer Samantha wanted to hear. Whimpering, she said, “I’m so afraid, Aidan, please?”

  Vicky gave Aidan a nudge, “Go with her, I’ll catch up with you at the hospital, okay?”

  Aidan didn’t like Vicky’s solution to her predicament. Not because Vicky was wrong, but because she felt that Vicky would sacrifice her own needs for her. And being as overprotective of Vicky, as Aidan was, it wasn’t something she could easily allow. She was already growing frustrated by this situation that she had not considered, before the mission. She weakly smiled at Vicky, and left with Samantha.

  Next it was Jerry’s turn to deplane. He turned to Vicky, and held out his hand. He said in a mocking manner, “Please, come with me Scrappy, I’m so afraid to go alone,” and then winked at her.

  Vicky laughed, “Go on you nut. I’ll be right behind you.” She picked up her backpack, and followed Jerry down the stairs.

  When she finally put her feet on solid, American soil, Vicky stopped, knelt down, crossed herself, and then clutched her hands together. She looked to the heavens and prayed out loud, “Thank you, God in heaven, for your grace in sparing our lives, bringing us home safely and blessing us with new beginnings. Please heal our wounded, both physically and mentally. In your son’s most Holy name, Amen.” The wind swirled her hair softly about, as if to say she was welcomed home.

  Aidan was so moved by the moment, that she walked over to Vicky, and took her hand, helping her up. She combed her lover’s windblown hair back from her eyes, and allowing her emotions to surface, whispered, “Amen”. Leaning close to kiss her, Aidan stopped when Samantha called for her. She gave Vicky a tight lip smile, shrugged her shoulders, and then walked back to Samantha’s waiting ambulance, leaving Vicky alone on the tarmac, more alone than she had ever felt before.

  “Vicky, will you ride with me?” Jerry called to her. Vicky took one last look at Aidan’s departing ambulance, and then ran over to Jerry. Neither of them said anything, mostly because Vicky was afraid she’d start crying. She was too preoccupied with her thoughts to notice the EMT staring closely at her.

  “Say, aren’t you the lady from the Maggie O’Hare show?”

  “I was on there a couple of months ago, yes.”

  “No, you were just on yesterday. I guess it was a repeat. Anyway you and that soldier lady were awesome together!”

  “Thanks, it was a lot of fun to do,” Vicky smiled, remembering what a magical show it had been for both of them. Not just because President-Emeritus Trenton gave Vicky two million dollars in honor of his mother, for use in building a new heart wing. And it wasn’t because he gave Aidan the official letter stating she was a Congressional Medal of Honor recipient, on top of her Presidential Medal of Freedom award. To Vicky it was because they were on the show as a couple in love, and told the world as much. It’s one thing to do that if you’re a Hollywood celebrity, but it’s a completely different world when you come from a small city in the south.

  “Can I have your autograph?”

  “What? Me? Listen I’m not anybody, I work at the hospital.” Vicky suddenly became shy of the attention.

  Jerry grinned and rebutted, “Listen lady, don’t let her fool you, she’s the real deal.”

  Goosing him, Vicky said, “Jerry, stop being silly.”

  Both ambulances made good time, and were met in the hospital’s ambulance bay, by the triage team and Yvonne, who was waiting for them.


  “Yvonne, it’s so good to see you!”

  The two women embraced, and Yvonne could feel her boss trembling with fatigue.

  “Where’s my dad?” Vicky asked.

  “He’s up on the second floor; I’ll take you to him.”

  “I’ll just be a minute, thanks. Oh, Yvonne, I’d like you to meet my friend, Jerry Williams. He’s going to be with us for a while, so if he needs anything, anything at all, let’s make sure he gets it okay? Jerry, meet my right arm, Yvonne Rodgers, Executive Assistant extraordinaire. ”

  Yvonne knew Vicky was generous to a fault, but there seemed to be something deeper in her meaning, a bond so tight as to be unbreakable. She could sense that this man had a special place in Vicky’s heart. And besides, she thought that he was drop dead gorgeous, though unfortunately he was too young for her. Yvonne was only thirty-three years old, but she could tell Jerry was younger by at least six or seven years, and she was not the cougar type. Not yet anyway.
  “Jerry, it’s good to meet you,” Yvonne shook his hand, appreciating the firm, but gentle touch he had, “As my boss said, anything you need, just let me know.”

  Jerry looked into her hazel eyes, and found her offer genuine, “Thanks, Yvonne, I appreciate that.”

  She smiled warmly at him, and then walked over to where Aidan stood. Even though Yvonne knew that Aidan wasn’t keen on hugging unless she initiated it herself, she gave her a hug anyway, “Welcome back, Aidan.”

  “Thanks Yvonne, it’s really good to be back,” Aidan said, as she watched Vicky talk with the EMTs.

  Yvonne noticed that Aidan looked preoccupied, and ragged around the edges. “Everything okay, Aidan?”

  “No worries, Yvonne, everything’s good,” Aidan tried to sound positive, though she didn’t feel it, “I just need some time to figure things out…, just need some time.”

  Aidan’s pensive smile, and lifeless eyes, said more to Yvonne, than her words did. Yvonne was sure now, that something was not right. Something had gone wrong while they were away. She patted Aidan on the back, wishing there was more she could do for her. Then she walked back to Vicky, and together they headed for the elevator.

  “Hey wait up!” Aidan ran to catch up with them, “Where are you going?”

  “To see my dad, want to come?” Vicky asked hopefully.

  “Absolutely.” Aidan had formed a unique bond with Vicky’s father, Leonard Montgomery. As a child, she was terrified of him. But now, at his request, she calls him pop, and thinks of him as the father she wished she’d had. Just as Aidan was about to get on the elevator with them, Samantha called for her. Yvonne watched Aidan’s eyes go from hopeful to trapped.

  “Listen, I’ll be right up, I’m just going to check on Sam, okay?”

  Vicky nodded disappointedly. She tried to understand but she couldn’t completely process it.

  Aidan stepped back, and watched the elevator doors close, feeling the full weight of her dilemma. Damn it! This is impossible!


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