Remember, You Love Me: Little Girl Lost

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Remember, You Love Me: Little Girl Lost Page 20

by Mairsile Leabhair

  Vicky grinned and said, “Yes, it’s my day job.”

  “I can’t stay, I just wanted to say hello to Aidan and update her on the baby,” Samantha said.

  “Samantha, I want you to know there’s no hard feelings on my part. I know it can’t be easy for you, but I really would like to be friends.”

  “I appreciate that Vicky, and maybe someday, when I get my head on straight, but for now, I just don’t have anything in me to give.”

  Vicky looked at the pain in Samantha’s eyes and knew that could have been her instead, “I understand, and can’t say that I wouldn’t feel the same way. Look, I know you won’t accept it now, but I feel you should know, I started a college fund for your son. By the time he’s ready for college it will be paid for.”

  “Why, why would you do that for a child you’ll never see again?”

  Vicky didn’t try to hide her disappointment, “Well I do hope you’ll change your mind about that, but I did it because I helped bring him into this world, and I feel a special connection to him. He’s a miracle baby. It was a miracle either of you lived, but especially your baby. To be born in that harsh desert with so many complications, and watch that little boy fight for his life, will forever be etched on my heart.”

  That touched Samantha, She seems to genuinely care for my baby, and she relented, “I... I don’t know what to say. You’ve given me a lot to think about, Vicky and I’m not sure what to make of it right now, so I’ll just say…, thank you. If…, if you’d like to hold him, I won’t mind.”

  “Really? I would love to hold him, thank you. Have you settled on a name yet?” Vicky asked, praying that it wasn’t going to be Aidan’s name, as Samantha had indicated before.

  “That’s why I was looking for Aidan. I’ve decided to name him Cassidy. Cassidy Vincent.”

  Vicky turned and looked at her with genuine gratitude in her heart, because she honor’s Aidan, even though Aidan left her for another woman. That told Vicky what strength of character this woman possessed, and she had renewed hope that one day soon, they would all be friends.

  “That is wonderful, Samantha, Aidan will be so honored by that, thank you.”

  Samantha could feel the sincerity in her voice, but something was nagging at her, “Vicky, why did you go to Syria? You’re the CEO of a hospital, you’re not a soldier. I’m curious why you would risk your life for me, someone you’ve never met. I’m pretty sure you already knew about Aidan and me. Why risk losing her to me?”

  “I’m sorry, Samantha, but I didn’t go over there for you. I did consider that I might lose her to you the minute I heard about you, but I had to go because I couldn’t bear the thought of Aidan getting hurt, or dying over there all alone.”

  “You love her that much?”

  Vicky smiled and said, “More.”

  She stood up to go, but Vicky stopped her, “Samantha please, if there’s anything I or…, or Aidan can do to help you please let her know.”

  Samantha looked at her for a minute, and then said, “Vicky, you’ve been really kind when you didn’t have to be, and I didn’t deserve it. So I’m going to give you a piece of advice…,” Vicky looked at her puzzled but curious, as Samantha continued, “Sometimes over protection is a good thing,”

  “I’m sorry, Samantha, I don’t understand?”

  “I’m just saying that you’re not the only one who can be hurt, so protect what you have, or someone could take it away from you.”

  “Um…, are you referring to another woman, or are you talking about yourself, Samantha?” Vicky was both confused and guarded. Was Samantha threatening to take Aidan away? Had their conversation just been a ploy to throw her off guard?

  “No, I’m not,” Samantha said flatly, and then walked towards the door, indicating that was all she was going to say about it. Vicky escorted her to the elevator and waited until the elevator doors closed. What a curious thing for her to say, she thought, over protective is a good thing…, is she talking about Aidan’s over protectiveness? She’s always been that way and it doesn’t bother me, it never has. She said to protect what I have; that I’m not the only one who can be hurt…, what the hell is she talking about? If it’s not her, and it’s not another woman, which I wouldn’t believe if it were, then who does she think will be hurt? It has to be Aidan, that’s our only connection. Damn it, I hate riddles! Vicky turned around and almost ran into the security guard. She smiled at him, and walked over to the lobby where she saw Jerry standing in line at the coffee shop.

  “Hey Jerry, would you mind getting me a cappuccino while you’re there, please?” she asked with a smile.

  Jerry found himself trapped. He only got in line so he wouldn’t look suspicious following Vicky around, but now he had to stay in line or risk tipping her off.

  “Will do, Vicky,” he replied, and then watched to make sure the security guard was following her back to her office. Just as he moved up to second in line his cell phone rang.

  “Hey, Jerry. Got a minute where I can pick your brain?”

  Aidan was sitting at her desk at Homeland, trying to find any little clue as to her father’s whereabouts. He had been escalating he’s attempts to get close to Vicky, until Samantha shot him. Aidan confirmed that he had indeed been shot when she went back to the hotel room, and did a thorough search. She found blood just outside the door of the room and then more blood down the stairwell. It was enough blood to convince her that he had to of sought medical attention. Being so close to the hospital, her first thought was that he went to the ER, though she couldn’t believe he’d be that stupid. Of course, to Aidan’s way of thinking, he was insane, and insane people are very unpredictable. He might have gone to the ER just to spite Aidan, put it in her face, so-to-speak. But the ER has to report gunshot wounds to the police, and she had not seen such a report yet.

  She updated the APB again, letting the police know that he was wounded, and may be seeking medical help. She also included the screen grab from the security video, even though it wasn’t the best quality, it still might help. The police had been concentrating their searches at homeless shelters and flop houses, and now Aidan added free clinics to the list. The clinics were also supposed to alert the police when a gunshot victim is seen, but that doesn’t always mean they will.

  “Sure, Aidan, pick away,” Jerry was getting antsy, and willed the coffee line to move faster.

  “Okay, so I was able to verify that he was shot by Sam. But it doesn’t look like he’s gotten medical help, and he’s not at any of the known shelters in the area. I mean if he was shot wouldn’t he stick out like a sore thumb, and not be able to go very far?”

  “Yeah, I would think he’d be in too much pain.”

  “That’s my thinking too. But we’ve searched the hotel, the hospital, the parking decks; we’ve searched the entire campus. What are we missing?”

  “We shouldn’t under estimate him. He’s been pretty clever with his tricks, and popping up in different places.”

  “He might even have doubled back to the hospital. Oh shit! I’m going to get some help, and do another search of the hospital ASAP. Be ready for anything, Jerry!”

  Jerry broke from the line and ran full out, back to Vicky’s office, almost colliding into her as she came out the door.

  “Hey Jerry, what’s the rush?”

  “Oh, I uh, just wanted to tell you that they’re all out of cappuccino, sorry.”

  “Well that’s the strangest thing I’ve heard all day, but I’ll take your word for it. Listen I’ll be in the conference room so if you need anything just ask Yvonne, okay. See you later.” Vicky turned and entered the conference room adjacent to her office, and Jerry exhaled a sigh of relief. Too close, to damn close Williams!


  Aidan quickly punched in a number on her phone, “Hey Paul, its Aidan. I think my father might be somewhere in the hospital, and he’s hurt from a gunshot wound. I’m on my way back to the hospital now, but wanted to alert you.”

I understand the situation, but I think I should report this to Vicky. If this man is hurt, he’s even more dangerous and for all we know, he could have a weapon.”

  “Paul please, just give me a chance to look around. I don’t have definite proof, it’s just a hunch. But I do need your help. If you could meet me on the back side of the building, we can sweep the East wing first. It’s an empty shell, and if I was hurt, and on the run, that would be where I’d hide. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”

  “All right, I’ll see you there.”


  During the tedious budget meeting, that Vicky loathed anyway, she contemplated the conversation she had with Samantha. She felt that Aidan was being unusually overprotective, even for her. And then Samantha made it sound like Vicky should be the one doing the protecting…, but from what? From whom? Finally, after the meeting was over, and she saw Jerry, still sitting in the same spot, she decided to seek his advice, “Jerry, could I talk to you a minute?”

  “Sure, Vicky, what’s up?”

  “No, not here, come to my office please,” they went into her office, and she closed the door behind them. “Something’s bothering me, Jer, and I was wondering if I could ask your opinion.”

  “I’m always ready to voice my opinion,” he laughed, but he could tell Vicky was seriously bothered by something.

  “Samantha was here earlier, and she said something to me that is like a riddle, and I hate riddles. I was hoping you’d help me decipher it?”

  “I’ll sure give it a try.”

  “She said that sometimes over protection is a good thing, but I don’t think she was talking about Aidan being over protective of me. I think she was talking about me protecting Aidan, but she didn’t say from what. Jerry, is there something going on that I should know about?”

  Jerry was caught off guard; he wasn’t prepared to answer her question, and was having difficulty thinking fast on his feet. Luckily for him, Yvonne was knocking at her door.

  “Vicky, I’m sorry to disturb you…,”

  “Not at all, Yvonne, you can come in.”

  Yvonne opened the door, and smiled warmly at Jerry, before looking at Vicky, “That call you’ve been waiting for, from Dr. Moses, is on line one.”

  “Oh yes, thank you, Yvonne,” Vicky turned back to Jerry and said, “I’m so sorry, but I need to take this call, do you mind, Jerry?”

  “Of course not,” he replied, and headed for the door.

  Vicky noticed that Jerry kept looking at Yvonne. Hmm, there could be some potential there I think.

  Closing the door to Vicky’s office, Yvonne walked over to the coffee machine, “Can I get you a cup of coffee, Jerry?”

  “Yes, thank you ma’am, that would be great.”

  Yvonne poured a cup of coffee and handed it to Jerry, “Here you go, and don’t call me ma’am.”

  “Thank you, uh, Yvonne. Listen, I hope I didn’t mislead you about my mom,” Okay, here comes the test. If she isn’t shocked by it then I’ll ask her out, and if she is, no harm, no foul. “We haven’t spoken in a while, not since she disinherited me.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that, Jerry, I hope you can work it out with her. A mother is a special treasure that is gone all too soon, before you can ask her forgiveness. Trust me, I know.”

  “You had a falling out with your mother too?” Jerry was intrigued more by her concern, than by his test.

  “Yes, she didn’t approve of my being pregnant and not married. She died never knowing what a wonderful grandson she had.” Yvonne grabbed a tissue, in case she couldn’t fight back the tears that always welled up when she spoke of her mother.

  “Oh gosh, I’ve upset you again, I am so sorry, Yvonne. I seem to be doing that a lot.”

  Yvonne put her hand on Jerry’s arm, “No Jerry, this one is all my doing. I regret not having more time with my mom. Don’t let that happen to you, okay?”

  Jerry was at a loss as to what to say. He genially felt sorry for the woman, “All right, Yvonne, I won’t let it happen to me. So um, you have a son?” Jerry had never dated a woman with a child before. He decided that her test will be much harder for him than his was for her.

  “Yes, a precious ten year old. Aidan just introduced him to baseball, and now that’s all he can talk about.”

  “Well hey, there’s a game in town tonight, why don’t the three of us go? Oh, uh, I know its short notice, you probably have plans,” Jerry was holding his breath, hoping….

  “That does sound like fun, but it’s a school night, so we wouldn’t be able to stay for the whole game.”

  “No problem. We’ll stay long enough for some popcorn and a hot dog, how’s that?”

  “That sounds like fun, Jerry.”

  Yvonne’s phone rang and as she went to pick it up, Jerry called after her, “I’ll see you tonight then,” and pulled out his cell phone. He immediately text Aidan to make sure she was available to guard Vicky tonight. She usually took the evening shift anyway, but he wanted to make sure, or otherwise, he’d need to bring her along to the game, and as much as he liked Vicky, he didn’t want her on his first date with Yvonne.


  “I’ve got blood.” Paul pointed at a streak of blood on the unpainted chalk wall of the empty floor. Lying next to the wall was a word smeared in blood. It was Vicky’s first name.

  “Fuck me!” Aidan looked at Paul and said, “It was him, the bastard was here.”

  Paul nodded, he agreed, the man had been here most likely to taunt Aidan, “Do you think he’s still around?” Paul scanned the area half expecting to find him passed out in a corner somewhere.

  “I’m not sure. Let’s see if we can follow the blood trail. And Paul, it is imperative that Vicky doesn’t know about this, agreed?” Aidan pointed to Vicky’s name spelled out in her father’s blood.

  “Agreed,” Paul replied. He felt it was to gruesome for Vicky to have to deal with, not after everything else she’s been through, and Paul knew Aidan would do whatever it took to protect Vicky, so he felt comfortable letting her handle things.

  Aidan took out her cell phone and took pictures of the crime scene, hoping that would suffice, so that she wouldn’t have to call in the police. She desperately wanted to keep this as quiet as possible to protect Vicky, but she was really tired of having to lie to her lover, even if it was for her own safety. She knew there would be no way to explain this to her, without lying. They searched the empty shell for more clues, but found none, and then Aidan and Paul followed the drops of blood down the stairwell, losing the trail on the ground floor. Aidan retraced her steps and followed the trail again, trying to think like a mad man might think. She went in the opposite direction of where the blood led, and found another drop of blood, and then a hand smear on a car, and finally deduced that he had stolen a car. That’s when she called in the police. She knew she could tell Vicky the truth, that a car was stolen, just not the reason why it was stolen.

  Looking down at her phone, Aidan grinned when she saw the text from Jerry.


  “But mom, where’s Aidan?” Freddie had already decided that he didn’t like Jerry, before they even walked into the stadium.

  “Aidan couldn’t come tonight, Freddie, but Jerry heard how much you liked baseball, and he wanted to bring us here,” Yvonne said, as she guided her young son through the gates and into the stadium.

  Jerry knew right off that he was going to have a tough time getting the kid to like him. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all. He thought that Freddie could sense that he didn’t know the first thing about kids, and he would be right. Every time Jerry tried to impress him with his baseball knowledge, Freddie would argue with him, because that wasn’t what Aidan had said. He’s torturing me, he thought. Jerry finally looked at Yvonne in defeat, and she smiled and patted him on the back. All it took was that one touch, for Jerry to decide he wasn’t going to give up on the kid or his mother. When it came time for the father-son, or daughter, three legged base run, Jerry
noticed that Freddie was upset, and asking his mother why he can’t run the bases.

  “Aw, honey, I’m too out of shape to be running bases with you.”

  “Freddie, I know I’m not your dad, but if you want to run the bases, I’ll go with you.”

  Freddie instantly said yes. He wanted to be down on that field with the other kids, and if he had to go with Jerry, then that’s what he would do. Smiling at Yvonne, Jerry and Freddie made their way down to the field. They ran the bases and won the race, and from that moment on, Jerry was Freddie’s favorite person.

  After that, Jerry was much more relaxed, and more confident with Yvonne, “So can I ask, what happened to his father?”

  “Do you want the truth or what I tell people that I’m trying to impress?” Yvonne usually didn’t give people an option, but with Jerry, it didn’t seem right to lie. He’s not going to like this. Well, at least Freddie got to run the bases.

  “Well I’m already impressed with you so how about the truth?”

  Yvonne blushed at his charm, “Okay, here goes. I hope you’ll still respect me in the morning,” Yvonne said it as a joke to loosen her tension, but she wasn’t really joking, “The honest truth was that I was going through my lonely phase, and decided I wanted a man, and the best way to get one, so I thought, was to get pregnant.” Yvonne laid it all out there on the table, waiting for Jerry’s fast retreat away from her. After all, it’s happened before.

  “So you’re saying you tried to trick a man into marrying you?” Jerry asked, flabbergasted. He’d had one or two women try that with him, when they learned he was rich. But this is not who was sitting beside him now. There has to be something more to the story.

  “Yes and I’ve regretted it ever since,” Yvonne said, as she lowered her head, “I came to my senses; I didn’t coerce him into marrying me or anything. I told him about the pregnancy, and gave him the opportunity to be a father, but he didn’t want to be. So I let him go, because I realized I wanted the baby more than I wanted him. But I promise, that was the only time I did that. I learned my lesson”


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