Bo (Bad Boys of Retribution MC Book 3)

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Bo (Bad Boys of Retribution MC Book 3) Page 11

by Warren, Rie

  “And you ain’t been right since birth, brother.” I knocked the bench back, going for him with a big grin on my face.

  Ma reached over and took both us by the ears, cranking hard. Probably wouldn’t be cool to pull some Krav Maga moves on my mother. The harder she twisted the more docile we became until we sat side by side muttering obscenities at each other under our breath just for the old-time sake of it.

  “Veronica sure is better than those blonde milkweeds Bo used to date.” Lacy sucked back on her whiskey. She’d be driving nowhere tonight.

  “Milkweeds? I thought they were pussy willows.” Shane refilled his glass.

  My shoulders stiffened, and I was about to whack the both of them, but there was no need to stick up for V because she braced her elbows on the table and said, “The she you’re talking about is right here, and I prefer to think of myself as a Venus Flytrap.”

  The table exploded with laughter, and everyone drank to V the Venus Flytrap.

  I wasn’t sure about the carnivorous plant, but as I watched her over the rim of my glass, I knew one thing. She was all things womanly, she was Venus beautiful, and she’d trapped me with more than her honeypot.

  A steady hum of arousal circled between her and me. The straps of her dress dripped lower off her shoulders, and she licked her lips, looking at me.

  Honey. Pot.

  “What about your folks, Veronica? Is your family here in South Carolina?”

  “No.” She rolled the tumbler between her hands. “I don’t have any family to speak of.”

  She clammed up after that, sitting beside me with an expressionless face.

  While Lacy and Dad cleaned up the mess from the meal, and Shane, Ma, and Lily made new sleeping arrangements, I led V upstairs.

  “You okay?”

  “I’m fine.”

  Towing her inside the bedroom, I brought her against me. “You are fine, but something unsettled you.”

  “Bo”—she kissed my chin—“I’m okay.”

  “You can’t kiss your way out of this. What has you spooked?”

  “The question of family.”

  “When are you going to tell me?”

  “When I can.”

  She turned from me and dropped the straps of her dress down her arms. The full expanse of her skin appeared, the semi-vivid, semi-haunting tat delineating her curves from shoulders to the base of her spine. With a sway of her hips, the sundress pooled at her feet. She stepped out of it, shooting me a look over her shoulder as she shimmied the panties from her legs.

  Naked before me, she pivoted.

  “You look like you’ve been cast in gold.” I could hardly breathe.

  Her nipples peaked. The red bloom of hair on her mound pulled me closer.

  I sucked the tip of her breast into my mouth and scooped my hands beneath her ass.

  “Mmm. You’re so good at loving me.” She drifted back, sitting on the edge of the bed.

  Spreading her thighs, she sifted her fingers up and down her slit. Moisture gleamed.

  I stalked to her with single-minded intent. I was going to fuck her wide open.

  She wagged a finger at me. “Uh uhn, Beauregard. No nooky, right?”

  I’d been waiting allll evening for her to bring up the Beauregard thing. In fact, I was surprised she’d waited this long to pull out the ha ha ha’s about my full first name.

  “You think Beauregard is funny, Ronnie? What about this?” Falling to my knees, I wrapped her thighs around my head and slid my tongue up her pink wet cunt to coil around her clit.

  Her hips strived against my face.

  I looked up, locking my eyes on her with one last tongue lash along her flesh, dipping into her sweet hot hole, before I pushed back.

  Adjusting my throbbing cock in my jeans, I limped to the door. “You’re gonna be screaming my name in your sleep.”

  Her sandal hit the door beside my head, and I left with a hoarse chuckle.


  The next morning Lacy cut out early before breakfast. She didn’t want to get roped into going to church since she claimed she and God were not copacetic due to her sexuality.

  Nothing dampened her spirits though. As she hugged me goodbye she promised to come visit me soon so she could explore some new stomping grounds. She also mentioned it was a good thing Veronica was attached to me; otherwise she’d consider her fair game.

  Shane and Lily joined the family for church but made their excuses right afterward. Shane had orders to assemble the baby’s crib, and Lily looked like she couldn’t wait to play drill sergeant over him.

  After lunch—a much quieter meal than the night before—I planted a helmet on Ma’s head and parked her on my bike just like I said I would. It was one hell of a thrill ride while she alternated between hooting, hollering, cussin’ me out and egging me on.

  Cheraw had little to boast about, but it was a good ol’ southern small town with a neighborly feel—the kind I’d tried to distance myself from—a quaint downtown, and of course, barbeque. I told V I was taking her out, and half an hour later I toured her around the little town on my bike. We ended up at Bill’s BBQ, the same local dive with the same amazing ribs I’d grown up on.

  “Well, if my sore old eyes don’t deceive me. Bo Maverick?” And the same old waitress with the high shrill voice approached our table.

  Rebecca was my mom’s age, give or take, but tacky was her middle name, and she wore it loud and proud, along with dangly flashy earrings, a platinum blonde Marilyn Monroe wig, and neon pink lipstick. She’d taken over proprietorship when her dad, the namesake of the joint, had passed on years ago.

  She hauled me up to her bosom and smothered me in a hug, no small feat given a man of my size, but her arms latched onto me like pythons.

  She only turned me loose to shout to all and sundry, “Y’all! Lookee who it is here! Beauregard Maverick done come home!”

  People rushed V’s and my table, which was supposed to be an intimate two-seater, crowding close to shoot the breeze, shake my hand, welcome me home, and thank me for my service to our country.

  Rebecca finally shooed the well-wishers away and stopped yammering long enough to take our order. She disappeared to the kitchen like a southern smack-talkin’ whirling dervish.

  Embarrassed and touched, I fiddled with a paper napkin. “Sorry about that.”

  “Don’t be. I like seeing you in your element.” V firmly freed the shredded napkin from my grip.

  “Wanna see me in my element, do you now? That can be arranged.” I pressed her palm against my mouth, licking slowly up the center.

  “You’re unstoppable, aren’t you?”

  “That’s what they say. Mad Maverick—the first in, the last out.”

  Drawing her hand from mine, she caressed my face. “I’m glad you made it out.”

  So was I.

  When we returned home, the house was quiet, only a few glowing lights left on inside when we rode up.

  “Sit outside with me for a bit?” I held Veronica’s hand as we walked up the steps and I led her to the porch swing.

  With my arm around her back, I set the swing gently in motion. The stars sparkled above, the night warm and soft.

  “Don’t you miss this peacefulness?” she asked.

  “You make me feel peaceful. And the stars don’t shine half as brightly as you.” Turning her face to mine, I kissed her gently.

  She drew away after a moment, laying her head on my shoulder.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “You’ve got an amazing family, Bo.”

  I snorted. “I think they’re cracked in the head, but if you say so.”

  “You still don’t know how lucky you are.”

  Pulling her closer until my arms wrapped around her, I linked my fingers through hers. “I got an idea. Why don’t you tell me something about yourself, Doc?”

  “I’ve led a complicated life.”

  “I gathered that.”

  “I didn’t always want to hel
p other people. In fact I used to be damn selfish. I didn’t care what happened to the people around me, the ones who loved me. I got mixed up in some trouble, Bo. Bad trouble. I almost didn’t make it out, and when I did . . . I . . . there was no way back to the life I’d thrown away.” She looked out across the hushed black night. “That’s when I understood most people deserve a second chance, even if I don’t.”

  I pushed the swing in motion again, sitting there next to her, trying to ingest the little hints she gave, the tiny insights into her former life. There was no way I’d unravel her unless I did some serious digging. I didn’t want to cross that line. I wanted her to trust me, to be honest with me.

  I held her instead, rocking the swing. I kissed the top of her head. “I’m glad you came home with me.”

  “Me too, but . . .”

  “I don’t like the sound of that particular but.” I sat back, muttering.

  “I’m going away in a few weeks. You can call it business.” She shrugged. “Call it what you like, but you can’t know why or where.”

  “Will you be back?” My voice dropped low along with my heart.

  “I hope so.” V restarted the swing that had faltered with her news.

  She watched the sparkly stars while I watched her.


  Wanting more.

  Needing everything.

  Chapter Eleven

  THE NEXT AFTERNOON, V and I trailblazed back to Charleston. During the entire three-hour ride, all I could think about was her body, her legs, her tits in my mouth. Every time she leaned against me or pressed her hands to my stomach or teasingly coiled her tongue around my ear, the hard knot of heat in my groin ratcheted higher.

  I zoomed straight into my garage, hit the kickstand. I jumped off and threw my helmet aside. Probably dented that fucker, too, but I was too wound up to care. We’d spoken no more last night, and the evening had ended with both of us in our separate rooms. I needed something to release the tension of what she’d said.

  I needed her in my bed.

  “Bedroom. Now.” I lifted Veronica off my bike, and she released the strap on her helmet.

  She dropped it, then wrenched free from my hands. “No.”

  “What do you mean no?”

  “Right here. Right now.” She drew her shirt over her head.

  “I’m not fucking you in my garage.”

  She unzipped her jeans and swished them down her legs. Bra clasp undone, she shook her tits free. Her nipples leaped up—pebbled against her tawny skin.

  My teeth gnashed together.

  “Fuck me here. Fuck me now, or not at all.” Her panties skimmed down to her ankles, she slid one finger between her lower lips, spreading a glossy shine over her pussy

  My teeth goddamn tingled and my vision went red, as red as the luxurious curls right above her sweet pussy. My cock about ripped through my pants, and I balled my hands beside me. Shoulders straining, hips bucking uncontrollably, I tried to breathe deeply but couldn’t.

  She sat down sidesaddle on my bike and opened her thighs after kicking all her clothes away, her boots and socks, too. With three flat fingers, she spanked her juicy cunt. The wet sound echoed in the garage.

  “Why?” My jaw pulsed and my dick throbbed.

  I pulled open the top button of my jeans and raised my t shirt over my head.

  “I want you to be unleashed on me.”



  Fight. Flight.





  I ripped my jeans to my thighs. Stalking her, I stood over her, pumping my swollen so-fucking-hard shaft with tight fast strokes.

  I grabbed her chin, forcing her face up, and bit her lip.

  “You want me to hurt you, is that it?” Half out of my mind with need, I snarled. “You want me to fuck you like I'm an animal?” I smacked her big tits and watched them bounce.

  Reaching up, she twisted my hair, pulling me down. “Yes! Let it go!”

  I growled, falling to my knees. I hooked her legs over my shoulders and ate her sweet tight slit because I was starved for her. I needed her. Lapping and sucking, roughly tongue fucking her until my goddamn tonsils hurt, I listened as she crashed through one orgasm into the next.

  Her mouth wide open, I stood and shoved my cock inside her lips. Fisting my hand in her hair, I pumped her face up and down my rod. She drooled. She moaned. She gave me one hell of a hummer, but it wasn’t enough. Saliva streamed from her lips when I withdrew. My cock shined all over, and if I didn’t get inside her perfect pussy soon I was going to become absolutely deranged.

  I quickly found a condom. Ten seconds later it was on. Lifting V off the bike, I forced her against the wall. Pinning her in place with my hands under her ass and her thighs hooked over my forearms, I butted against her slick entrance.

  “This is how you want me?”

  “I fucking want all of you,” she hissed.

  “Then you’re gonna get it.”

  Gripping her hard, growling with lust, I pounded up into her wild heat.

  She howled, her nails biting into the skin of my back as she grappled to hang on.

  Every deep thrust slammed her against the wall. I stretched inside of her, grinding my pelvis and my pubes against her clit, my balls slapping her ass with every hit inside.

  Her teeth worried the skin of my neck and she whimpered. Her heels dug right into my ass and sweat funneled between our bodies. Slippery and wet, the sex was fucking feral. I smelled it in my nose, tasted it on my tongue, felt it all the way to the soles of my feet.

  “Uhn, V!” I skated her another inch up the wall, powering into her.

  My cock impaled her, whipping in and out until her creamy froth foamed at the base and dripped down my thighs.

  Her head tossed back, and she constricted around me. Her cunt pulsed in hot strong milking motions pulling my come from my balls up my shaft.

  “Are you gonna come? Are you coming for me, hot slut?”

  V broke apart as soon as I said the words. Her hips stuttered against mine, slamming, banging, slipping. I dragged her head back with a hand fisted in her hair. I ate her mouth and pummeled inside of her.

  Molten heat started at the backs of my thighs, spread to my ass, and seated with fiery intensity in my testicles. Come spewed from my cock, splashing in tight ropes I felt from my balls all the way to my head.

  “Goddamn it. Veronica!” I kissed her forehead, her cheeks, her neck. “God fucking dammit.”

  She made me come apart. She totally had me. She let me go on her . . .

  I planted her feet on the floor and held her up. “Did I hurt you?”

  Her hands laced behind my neck. “Mmm. No. Fucked me hard. Didn’t hurt me.”

  After scooping up her discarded clothes, I lifted her in my arms. I carried her through the house and into my room before my legs gave out. I placed her on the bed then pulled up my jeans once I got rid of the rubber.

  I plunked down in a hard chair, rubbing both hands over my head and across my face. The full throttle fucking had me hard-wired to this woman, but . . . I’d brought her home. I’d taken a chance.

  I needed more.

  I looked up. She sat huddled on my bed, watching me. “I want to get to know you, V, but you make that damn near impossible. I’m supposed to be the hard nut to crack here.”

  Her sherry colored irises lost their usual glow. She dropped her head. “I know. I just can’t go there. I can’t.”

  Joining her on the bed, I framed her face in my hands, going soft, feeling like I was already losing her. Like I’d never really had her in the first place. “You can. Special Forces, remember? I know how to keep a secret.”

  Tears clung to her eyelashes. “It’s too big.”

  I jumped to my feet. “Dammit, Veronica! I might be a little gorked in the head, but I’m not stupid. You talk about family being so important but never mention yours. You’ve got hardcore MC ink on
your body.”

  Her eyes flashed to mine.

  “Yeah. That wasn’t too hard to figure out, babe.” Blazing a path on the floor, I rounded the bed. “You never talk about anything before . . . Jesus . . . you never talk about you at all.” I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her to me. “I need you to give me something.” I kissed her forehead. “I’m all-in for you.”

  She pushed me away and scrambled off the bed. “I told you, I can’t!”

  The feelings, the emotions, the want and need sucked down inside me like an endless black hole of heartbreak.

  I pushed the words I didn’t want to speak past my frozen lips. “Then I don’t think I can keep doing this with you, Ronnie.”

  “I understand.” Swiping away the tears on her face, she hurriedly searched out her clothes.

  “Do you? Do you really?” Fist meet wall. Fuck. “Do you think I want to let you go? The only woman I’ve ever wanted to come home to? To date? To get to know? To have a fucking long-term future with?”

  “It’s not in my hands, Bo.” Her head whipped up as she yanked on her jeans.

  “That is such bullshit. You told me to own my life, make my own choices.” Striding to her, I gripped her arms. “I’m getting better for me. I chose you.”

  “It’s just too . . .”

  “Real,” I finished. Dropping back into the chair, I flopped a forearm over my eyes. “Never though I’d hear that from you.”

  “I’m sorry, Bo. I shouldn’t have let you in at all. It’s too dangerous for both of us.”

  “And here I thought I was the problem.” I lifted my arm.

  She finished dressing. “You’re not. You never were. Not to me.

  “I’ll . . . I’ll call a cab.” Closed off, contained, her cool voice didn’t match up with the tracks of tears she couldn’t wipe away fast enough.

  After yanking on my clothes, I followed her to the living room, and as she put herself back together piece by piece, she disengaged from me even more. My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach.

  “No taxi. I’m taking you home.” I opened the door, ushering her outside.

  Pain ripped through my chest when I settled her in my Hummer, probably the last time I’d get to do so. And that pain? The gnawing, drilling, unhealing kind. No sutures, no shrink, no med kit or bottle of vodka would ever relieve it.


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