Of Another Dimension

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by Jeanette Lynn

  Of Another Dimension


  Jeanette Lynn


  Published By:

  Jeanette Lynn

  Of Another Dimension

  Copyright 2014 by Jeanette Lynn

  License Notes

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  Your support and respect for the property of this author is appreciated.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events, or locales, is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author's imagination and used fictitiously.

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademarked ownership of all trademarks and word marks mentioned in this book


  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23


  Books By Jeanette Lynn

  About The Author

  Books by Jeanette Lynn

  Cosmic Soul Mates Series

  Stellar Proportions

  Book 1

  Out Of This Orbit

  Book 2

  On Her Axis

  Book 3

  (m/f/m) (no m/m)

  The Brides of Mordenne Series

  A Mate To Match

  Book 1

  In Her Eyes

  Book 2

  Other Books By Jeanette Lynn

  Of Another Dimension

  The Bridal Hunt

  Jingle Belled And Mistletoed

  When She Least Expected It

  (William Gerald's story from Jingle Belled And Mistletoed)


  This book contains sexually explicit material, intended for readers 18 and older.

  It also contains ménage a trois situations and some violence.


  Chapter 1

  I woke up when I heard the thunder boom, rattling my bedroom windows. I popped up and glanced around tiredly, rubbing my eyes to clear the sleep from them.

  Lightning flashed, illuminating the room.

  I got up when I heard a man's voice coming from somewhere outside.

  Surely, no one was outside in this madness, I thought worriedly as I got up and stumbled my way to a window.

  It was hard to see anything through the rain pounding down, but I could make out a lone figure in a bathrobe, a tuft of white hair puffing up around his head as he hammered large spikes of some kind of metal into the ground.

  "Oh, my gosh! He's lost his friggin' mind!" I exclaimed as I ran to the chair by my bed and grabbed my pants up.

  I hurriedly shoved my feet into the pant legs and yanked them up.

  "Boots... boots... where are my boots...?" I chanted as I tucked my nightgown into my pants and searched frantically for my wayward shoes.

  "Aha!" I shouted when I finally spotted them.

  I tugged those suckers on quickly and jumped back up.

  Boots on, I rushed down the hall and hurried to the stairs.

  I knew Mr. Clem, my neighbor, had been getting up in years, but I'd never believed any of the rumors people said about him.

  Just isn’t somethin’ right about that fella…. Crazy, if you ask me… A few screws loose, they’d say.

  Impossible, I'd always thought, not Mr. Clem.

  And I really don't think he's crazy, at least… I didn’t think he was... Never done anything to make me think so before.

  ...Now though... I'm beginning to rethink things.

  Maybe he really is getting senile…

  I mean, I’d never really thought so before… but I’d never seen him acting like this…

  I really hope it isn’t like the other bits of gossip I’d been hearing either, I really hope not.

  Not him too…. It was bad enough watching a loved one go through it… please don’t let it be happening to him too.

  I worried my lip at the idea, my teeth biting at my lower lip nervously as I moved swiftly.

  I let out a harsh, frustrated breath, swallowing hard.

  Relax, Lil, just go see what’s up… maybe it’s not like you really thought…

  This is Mr. Clem, here, after all.

  Never mind what nosy old Nora Finch thinks.

  I know he's getting up there in years, but he's never done anything to make me think he has Alzheimer’s and or dementia, regardless of what anyone else thinks or says.

  I glanced out the window on my way, spotting Mr. Clem studiously working away, oblivious to everything around him but his main focus.

  Whatever that is exactly...

  I grimaced, my heart panging a little at the sight, unable to deny what was painfully obvious, right there in front of me.

  Not one to put my head in the sand, I straightened my spine and firmed up.

  If anything... I have to admit now that tonight has opened my eyes.

  My hands involuntarily clenched and I squeezed my eyes shut for a second, but wouldn’t allow myself anything more.

  Oh, I hope I'm wrong. I really do.

  I ran my hand down my face tiredly, not quite ready to go outside.

  “Ugh!” I huffed at myself disgustedly, a bit of a jumble at the moment.

  What is he doing outside with electronics and metal spikes in the middle of a lightning and thunder storm, Lil? Doesn't sound normal, now does it?

  Who knows… maybe he's plum crazy like Mrs. Johnston insists.

  I can't just stand here and debate this, now can I?

  Either way, he needs some help, so get to it, Lil! Help him!

  “He needs me,” I whispered vehemently as I resolved myself.

  I grabbed my trench coat off the hook by the door and slipped it on, making sure my long chocolate brown braid was tucked into it.

  I spotted Daddy's cowboy hat next to the hook my coat was on and I quickly ran my fingers over it lovingly.

  A lump formed in my throat as I thought of Daddy.

  I went to walk past, thought better of it and grabbed the hat up, shoving it on my head.

  I took a deep breath and prayed that Mr. Clem didn't have to suffer the same fate as him.

  I don't wish that on anyone, I thought sadly, remembering Daddy towards the end, unable to push those thoughts aside.

  The door shut behind me and a second later the screen door slammed loudly behind me, echoing into the night.

  I determinedly made my way across the yard, trying to think up any kind of excuse that might explain away an old man in his pajamas and bathrobe, walking around in this kind of weather so late at night, playing with metal spikes and all kinds of electronic doodads lined up in a circle.

  I got nothing.

  My heart saddened as I got ever closer to the retired engineer.

  I'd always thought of old Mr. Clem as a surrogate uncle and he's always seemed fine to me.

  He'd never done anything before, until tonight, to make me think

  I see him around all the time and he's never sounded unreasonably angry, confused, forgetful or any of the millions of things that would make me think something was up.

  And he’s certainly never done anything to make me think he’s gone loco.

  I stopped a few feet away from him and closed my eyes to take a deep, cleansing breath.

  I opened my eyes again and marched towards him.

  He hadn't noticed me yet and I took that as an advantage and studied him.

  Mr. Clem was working like a mad man, muttering and cursing loudly as he finished his ring of spikes, talking to himself out loud.

  I glanced at the electrical cords he had running through the puddles of water, leading into his barn, where I hoped they weren't plugged in yet.

  What are all of those big pieces of machinery he has around his circle? And what's the circle for?

  Ohhhh, this looks so dangerous…

  Hopefully I can talk him back into his house or mine and call his family to come get him and have him checked out, make sure he's alright.

  "Mr. Clem?" I called over the wind and rain whipping around.

  He didn't hear me and I walked into his circle, tapping him on the shoulder.

  My tap seemed to have startled him and he jumped, tumbling on his bottom in the wet, soggy ground, just outside of the circle.

  "Mr. Clem! Are you alright? Oh, I didn't mean to scare you!" I knelt down, trying to help him as he struggled to get back up.

  His shoulder bumped one of his contraptions and it lit up and glowed an eerie blue. It looked like a giant laser beam or something.

  Like something straight out of a science fiction movie.

  I backed up, eyeing the lit up blue gun dealie, effectively stepping back into the circle.

  Mr. Clem squinted up at me through his wire rimmed spectacles and looked shocked to see me.

  "Lilie! What are you doing out here? It's the middle of the night and we're in the middle of a severe storm!" He had to shout to be heard over the storm.

  "I could ask the same of you, Mr. Clem!" I yelled back, "What on earth are you doing out here?"

  "I've made a major breakthrough, my dear! I've finally figured it out!" he yelled excitedly, his slippers making wet squishing noises as he hurried to another one of his laser beam looking doo hickies and flipped a switch on it.

  This one lit up green.

  "Now come out of the center, dear, I don't want you accidentally getting sucked into a black hole or anything if my calculations are wrong or my theory is a bust. Heaven only knows where it could send you! Least of all another dimension!" His voice ended on a chuckle, unaware of my jaw dropping as I started to openly gape at him.

  Uhmmmm… whuh?

  "What?" I asked, wide eyed.

  He had a fanatical look in his eyes as he rubbed his hands together in anticipation.

  …Like a gleeful old leprechaun who’d just found a misplaced pot of gold, his green eyes alight and curiously bright to me.

  Dimensions, black holes... what the hell?!

  Forget Alzheimer's and dementia... I think Mr. Clem has officially left the building.

  Score one, Mrs. Johnston, for hitting the nail on the head.

  "Oh, yes," he went on, "I'll show all those stuffy, uptight pricks at the university. I'll show them all!" he cackled gleefully.

  I stood there spluttering, trying to compose myself, figure out my next move.

  Lightning arched through the sky, hitting the ground hard, striking one of the metal spikes as Mr. Clem lit up the last of his electrical devices.

  He jumped back when the lightning hit, slipping on the ground, sliding a little further away as he slipped in the mud and slid around.

  I stood there staring, transfixed, frozen in place as it all happened in a nanosecond.

  The lightning was going from one spike to the next.

  "Lilie! Move, dear! Get out of there! Run!" Mr. Clem warned, his hair and clothes whipping around him wildly, just outside of the circle.

  I would have moved if I could, but everything happened in a flash, before I could react.

  I screamed as I was suddenly surrounded by bright sparks and his machines whirred loudly.

  A sharp crack echoed around me and I screamed louder as the light grew bright and blinding, electricity making my hair stand on end, little shock waves hitting me like pin pricks, stinging and battering my skin.

  I shut my eyes tight and threw my arms over my head as I grew dizzy, my ears starting to ring.

  Mr. Clem's shouts of distress sounded like they were coming from farther and farther away, adding to all of the confusion as they were drowned out in the mayhem.

  It felt like my feet dropped out from under me and my scream caught in my throat, my mouth gaping open in mute terror.

  The world was spinning and I didn't know up from down, so I kept huddled into a tight ball, my hands tightly clasped over my head, fisting my hair, eyes squeezed shut tight as I spun around and around endlessly.

  It turned pitch black in the blink of an eye.

  I could tell that much from the lack of light dancing across my closed lids, and then I felt gravity kick in.

  I hurtled through the air and my shoulder and hip slammed into the ground, skidding me through dirt and gravel.

  It took a solid minute before I could remember how to breathe and get myself turned back around.

  I slumped and groaned as my shoulder throbbed and my hip protested.

  A pitiful sound erupted from me for rolling over onto my back.

  I flopped, lolling about there for a minute and was startled to realize the sun was beating down on me.

  Maybe I passed out, I reasoned.

  ...and I've been laying out here all night?

  "What the hell," I moaned, cupping my hand over my eyes as I tried to squint them open to take in my surroundings.

  Where’s the rain? The lightning and thunder? The wetness? Where's Mr. Clem?

  “Mr. Clem?” I choked, “Mr. Clem?”


  I felt the ground beneath me, running my fingertips over the grainy, dry ground.

  It’s dry now.

  I let out a long breath, still blinded as I tried patiently to let my eyes adjust.

  Good grief, the sun is so bright.

  The light is almost impossible for my eyes to adjust to laying on my back.

  I gave in to the inevitable and just lay there, eyes closed, deciding on waiting until the world stopped spinning to try and pick myself up.

  Yeah, Lil, I think that would be best.


  I don't know how long I waited, laying there, resting, before I felt something land on my chest lightly and chuff happily, then lick at my face excitedly.

  Oh, joy, I thought glibly, Mrs. Haversh let her poodle loose again.

  He better keep his snuffly nose out of my crotch. The little devil dog wouldn’t leave it the hell alone last time.

  It was like the little beast would have liked nothing more than to be permanently glued to my snatch.

  A long wet tongue licked at me eagerly and I laughed at all the attention.

  “Okay, Noodle,” I giggled, “stop. Down, boy! Where’s your mama, huh?”

  I put my hands up to fend off my admirer and immediately realized that something was wrong with the puppy on my chest.

  One, he was hairless and two, he felt all wrong, like he was deformed or something.

  Soooo not Noodle the poodle.

  I cracked my eyes open and gaped as I came face to face with the scariest, ugliest... thing I had ever seen.

  It looked like a grey… hairless… mole rat with four huge saucer eyes and six legs.

  Shocked, I stared at the creature, in full gawk mode, frozen in place as his little ass wiggled eagerly on me, chuffing at me in a happy huff.

  I squeaked when he chuffed again.

  Careful, Lil, it could turn on you or something.

  ...whatever it is....

bsp; I gently scooted it off of my chest and shuddered at the pitiful looking thing.

  Just… ew…

  It sat down beside me and chuffed, snuffling and trying to wiggle closer to me.

  "You're like a mutant sewer rat!" I muttered disgustedly, backing up so I could use my foot against its chest to keep it away from me.

  Its tongue lolled out and drooled all over my boots and that's when I looked up.

  I may be soaked to the bone, but the landscape before me was vast and the area I was sprawled on was a huge patch of naked, dry earth.

  Everything was all wrong, everything, and my heart hammered in my chest, adrenaline surging through me.

  "Where the hell am I?" I squeaked out, my hands trembling as I tried to tuck the stray fly away hairs off of my face.

  I spotted Daddy's hat and carefully made my way to it, cautiously trying to keep the slobbering sewer rat at a distance.

  "You better not have rabies or something," I told the slobbering mess as it chuffed happily and his forked tail waggled on his little ass, whining when I gently slid him away with my booted foot again.

  "Uhm... stay! Sit! Nice, mutant mole rat!"

  A deep masculine voice called out as I picked up my hat and stuffed it back on my head.

  “Oh, good. There’s someone coming.” I glanced down at my companion, a lumpy science project gone wrong. Poor guy. “Maybe he can help.”

  His answer was a chuff.

  “I’ll take that as agreement.”

  I nodded when he snuffled and chuffed again.

  I heard hoof beats thundering and looked up as an enormous, hairy, black beast came rushing towards me, a large, red skinned, horned monster riding atop it as it charged towards me.

  I spluttered, unable to speak, I was so horrified.

  Giant… red skinned… horned…. Noooo….

  This isn’t real! My mind screamed, beating a hasty drum in my head.


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