Losing Her (The Lexington Series Book 1)

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Losing Her (The Lexington Series Book 1) Page 5

by Belle Winters

  “Hey little man, what’s up?” I moved back down the steps so he can reach me. He looked nervous about what he wanted to say so I bent down and looked him in the eyes. I’ve noticed that helps him when he’s scared or struggling to communicate what he’s thinking. Once I’m at eye level I ask him, “what is it? You can tell me.”

  He shrugs and looks down and wrings his hands. He looks back up to me and then says shyly, “why do you call me Maxamillion when my name is Max? Max is for Maxwell, not Maxamillion” he paused and glanced away before he continued, “I want you to know my name. I don’t think you know my name. I want you to be my friend and cook food and help me with homework and play with me and you need to know my name. I know yours Luce.” He looked back down at the floor like he was scared of my response. What has happened to this boy? It doesn’t make sense some of these things. He seems brighter beyond his time and he seems scared of relationships but he’s trying hard with me. My heart beat just a little faster. At this moment I realized that no matter what between our parent’s relationship or his brother this little boy will have me and my heart. I’m realizing he needs it and looks forward to it.

  I stayed where I was and waited for him to meet my gaze. Landon had inched in further and I glanced up at him. I could see how tense he’s become. I also realized that my answer to Max matters a lot to him too. Maybe I am right with my analysis. This boy is so fragile and relationships must mean a lot. I then remember Dean saying how Max doesn’t open to people which I see how he is with my mom. When Max meets my gaze I see that there’s sadness and maybe tears in his eyes. My heart hurts. “Max, I call you Maxamillion because you have the best smile in the world. You have a million dollar smile, and I like when you smile. So I call you Maxamillion. I know your name honey, but that’s your name for me.” The corners of his mouth turned up a bit at that. So I poked his belly and asked him, “so is it ok if I still call you that? I think it’s perfect for you.” He nods his head.

  “I like having a cool nickname from you, just for me.” He gives me his signature smile.

  “I have just one condition though.” I tell him holding up a finger. His look turns weary so I finish quickly, “you have to continue to give me those smiles I love.” He throws his arms around my neck and gives me his best form of a bear hug. I laugh and squeeze him back. When he pulls back his head he gives me a big wet kiss on my forehead. I giggle. I grab his face in both hands and return the gesture. He turns around to Landon with a huge grin.

  “Hey Landon, I have a million dollar smile, so I’m Maxamillion. Maybe if you’re good too you can get a nickname from Lucy like me.” He grabbed his brothers hand then looked up at me proudly. I gave him a small wave and a big smile and made my way up to my room.

  The next morning Landon announced that due to his playing football he cannot be my permanent ride. I let out a sigh of relief because I cannot continue to have days like yesterday. Our parent acknowledged this. Dean was there to pick me up after school. Instead of driving us home he took me to a car dealership. I had my choice of whatever I wanted, I ended up with a 2007 ford which caused Dean to frown and groan. But I need something that fits me, and although I’m not comfortable with the gift, I refuse to have to be dependent on Landon.

  The next three weeks passed by as expected. I somehow managed to keep my new residence and family a secret. Mel knew something was up but knew I wasn’t ready to talk to dropped it. I did however brag about Max, and bitch about my mom which seemed to keep her satisfied. School hadn’t changed and neither did Landon. He was still an asshole and him and his friends continued with the snide remarks and rumors. However I only had minimal physical altercations since the desk incident. This was weird. Normally I get stuff knocked out of my hands, things being ‘accidentally’ thrown at me, being bumped, shoved, tripped. All that’s happened really are the catty shoulder checks from Delilah and her group of bitches. I can live with that. His dad as I noticed was always busy, working either from home or not. My mom now that she wasn’t working, and didn’t look to be interested in doing so in the near future shopped. Spending up the money I’m assuming came with the ring. She even bought me 2 outfits, whoop-dee-doo. Landon and I avoided each other at home as much as possible only coming together for the sake for Max. We still didn’t ever really speak directly to each other unless necessary. The only thing I’m grateful for is the fact that at least at home he didn’t torment me since Max was the common factor when we were in each other’s presence. However, in passing it didn’t stop him from being the bastard I know him to be so I resorted to straightening my hair most days before being seen in the house – invisibility. I did whip some food up for Max on request, he doesn’t deserve to suffer. Once in a while if Landon is around and knows I’m cooking he’ll bring his greedy ass around and for the sake of his brother I won’t be a bitch.

  That next Saturday though, everything changed.


  It’s the beginning of November, and Saturday morning. Max came to my room and woke me up at 8 in the morning because he wanted pancakes. The sucker that I am, rolled out of bed to feed my buddy. I had just finished cooking and was about to make plates when Landon strolled into the kitchen. I didn’t make a ton of food but I always make a little extra. You never know when we want seconds and it’s not like it’ll go to waste. I made me and Max plates with eggs, bacon, sausage and strawberry pancakes. Then poured him apple juice and me orange juice. Landon drained a glass of milk by the fridge then sauntered up to the other side of the breakfast bar to where we were seated.

  He looked over into our plates and addressed Max, “what you got over there?”

  Over a mouthful of pancakes smothered in syrup Max replied, “I woke up Lucy this morning because I was hungry and I really wanted pancakes. So she got up and made me all of this. And the pancakes are STRAWBERRY.” His eyes got wide when he said the last sentence.

  Landon cocked his head to the side. He glanced back and forth between us for a few and then said, “You woke her up to cook breakfast for you, and she just did it?”

  Max nodded his head enthusiastically. “Yes, she always cooks for me when I ask. She might do it for you if you ask her. Lucy is nice like that.”

  I choked on my food and took a gulp of juice to get it down. Why would he suggest that? I absolutely would not for his beast of a brother. Landon’s eyebrow rose as he watched me. I turned my head down and focused on the food I was eating. I took a bite from my pancake and put my fork down and got up to refill our glasses with juice. When I walked back to my seat I sat there shocked. Landon was standing in the same spot, with my fork in his hand and a mouth full of food. I turned around towards the stove and noted the extra food there, not that it was for him. But you would think the jerk would grab that instead of the food on my plate I was obviously preparing to eat. He looked up at me and dug my fork back into my plate and cut a piece of sausage off. Then he pierced it and scooped up some eggs and shoved it into his mouth. I took a sip of juice to swallow the smart ass comment lingering on the tip of my tongue. He put my fork down, on his side, while he finished chewing and talking to Max. I sat back down and put down my juice. I snatched my fork up aggressively hoping he saw it and knew he wasn’t welcomed and cut off a piece of pancake and ate it. I noticed it had got quiet, so I look up and to see that Landon is staring at me. It’s a face I don’t think I’ve ever seen on him before. It was so weird. Then he picked up my juice and drank half before placing it back down. Instinctively I picked up the cup and finished it to show that it was mine and not his. As I was doing that he grabbed my fork again and shoveled a bunch of food in his mouth. This time he didn’t replace the fork, instead licked it clean when he was done eating. I was getting pissed. Is this a power play? That is mine. At least while I’m eating. I snatched the fork from him took a forkful of eggs and ate it. I took some pancakes next without placing the fork down then licked the syrup off. I dropped the fork in triumph. I looked back up to Landon and his eyes had darkened
and he was staring at my face. My stomach sank. Oh no, I pushed it. Please don’t do this in front of Max. Please don’t, please. His eyes roamed my face, I knew this look. He was looking for my weakness. I picked the fork back up and he grabbed my glass of juice and went to refill it. He drank some and sat it back down then sauntered out the room. I continued eating my breakfast with Max as if nothing happened. When I was cleaning up our dishes reality dawned on me. Oh. My. God. We just both ate and drank from the same plates and utensils and he licked my fork… then I licked it after! Shoot me.

  Later that day everyone in the house was summoned to the living room by Dean. “My sister and her husband were in a plane crash a couple weeks back and there were no survivors. Neither one survived. We’ve been working this out since but, their son, my nephew will be moving in with us. He should be here sometime tonight. Nick will be going to school with you both,” he said glancing at me then at Landon, “Lucy he’ll also be a junior with you guys. Landon I know how close you boys are but I need you to behave. We still have Becca and Lucy transitioning here with us. I need you two to refrain from your usual antics.” This is said with a raised eyebrow and stern look. It’s met with Landon’s dismissive wave. “Also, thanksgiving is coming around and this will be our first with this new family we’re building and Erica will be coming home in a few short weeks. Now that everyone is up to date there should be no new surprises with new faces and things to come.” Dean looked around the room at everyone one by one.

  My mom grabbed his arm, “Oh honey! This is so exciting. I can’t wait.” Then she steered him out the room. We all dispersed after that.

  I went into the kitchen to find Dean and Max there. I grabbed a cup to get something to drink. After rummaging through the fridge I realize were out. I tune into what Max is asking and he wants juice too. I turn around from where I’m standing and tell the too busy Dean, “I don’t mind going grocery shopping.”

  His head shot up from where he was engaged and effectively ignoring Max. “Can I come with you? Please Lucy Lu? I like to ride in the shopping cart!”

  Dean went through his pocket and produced his wallet. “Are you sure this is ok?” at my head nod he pulled out a black card and slid it to my side. “You’ve seen what we keep here, go ahead and stock up. Plus you’re the only one in here that cooks so get some stuff that you want to make for yourself too.”

  I turn to Max and say, “Bud go get ready, and we’ll go shopping.” He smiled and ran off to get ready. I left the card there and went to my room to do the same. I went back to the kitchen and Dean was gone so I sat and had a glass of water as I waited. Landon came into the kitchen and went through the fridge. It seems like he pushed everything around twice before he muttered, “fuck”.

  Max zoomed in at that moment and said, “Hey Landon, me and Lucy are going food shopping and I get to ride in the cart!” Landon hugged him.

  “That so little man? You going to get me something too?” he ruffled his hair and kept his eyes on him.

  Max snorted, “DUH. We’re getting everything! I want Lucy to cook pork chops tonight too. Oh, and some cookies.” He broke into a huge grin. “We can get some more juice too.”

  Landon smiled. “I’m looking forward to it Max. I trust you know what we need.” he looked up at me and asked, “Are you really cooking again? Pork chops?”

  I stared back and tried to keep my expression neutral, “if that’s what Maxamillion wants.”

  Max looked back and forth between us a few times then asked Landon in a loud whisper, “I know you like pork chops but I can’t remember what else. I want you to love Lucy too.” My heart literally stopped. He said he loved me. I couldn’t help the smile that broke out.

  Landon’s eyes jumped to mine and he heaved a heavy breath, “you love Lucy little man?”

  Max nodded excitedly, “I sure do. And daddy says he’s marrying Rebecca because he loves her. So I’m going to marry Lucy. Dad says that you should have your family love them too. So I want you to love Lucy. But I’m marrying her first. You can marry her later. So I want pork chops, she’ll make what you ask.” With that he nodded to himself like this is the best decision and pranced off. I met Landon’s eyes finally and they were darker than I’ve ever seen. He wouldn’t stop staring, it made me too nervous.

  I licked my lips when I found the nerve to talk and then started, “so what am I making with these pork chops?”

  He continued to stare at me. It felt like an eternity but it had to only be a couple of minutes before he responded. “baked mac and cheese?”

  I nodded. That I could do, besides I loved Mac and Cheese. “There has to be a vegetable. What’s it going to be?”

  He watched me for a beat before responding, “you choose. I chose the side, Max chose the meat, you choose the veggie.” With that I nodded and gathered Max and off we went.

  When we returned, I had decided the best thing to go with this would be string beans since I’m not sure how Max wanted his pork chops cooked. When we entered the kitchen with the grocery bags Landon was there with another guy. Holy fucking hotness. Where the hell did they make him and where can I get one? I automatically knew that he had to be Nick. He shared too many of the same features.

  Max launched himself over to them when he saw them, “NICK! LANDON! I have a new Spiderman toy. But you can’t play with him yet. Lucy got him for me, but we have to put the food away and cook first.”

  Both men hugged him and I started putting everything away. I racked up on caprisuns, and threw those in the fridge. Still a bit unsure of dinner I turned around to where the guys have gathered, “So Maxamillion how am I making you these pork chops?”

  He glanced at me while still playing with the boys and then said over his shoulder, “I like it the most when they’re crispy, those are good.”

  Ah, then he wants them fried. I kept out everything I would need and put everything else away. I went through the cabinets pulling out seasoning. I bought stuff for every option to make sure Max gets what he wants. I tuned the guys out and started the food. I put the pasta on to boil and the pain of oil to heat. I pulled out a cutting board and started on some peppers and onions for the vegetables. The guys never left the kitchen as I strained the pasta and went to work for baked Mac and Cheese. I kept an eye on the pork chops flipping as needed and preparing the next batch. I just finished putting in the second batch of pork chops in the pan when our parents appeared.

  “Something came up so you guys will be on your own. I see Lucy is cooking again so you should bode well. We will see you all tomorrow. We have a ways to go and will catch sleep at a hotel.” No one acknowledged the proclamation and they proceeded out the door. Once it was shut all previous activity resumed. I continued cooking, and they continued playing.

  I eventually came across some downtime while the food was cooking. The guys were still going at it and I took the time to listen to their banter. It definitely doesn’t sound like Dean was lying when he expressed how close the boys were. God! That could only mean one thing for me. As they continued to ignore me I became aware that I might quite possibly have yet another person to torment me at home and at school. Great. I’m sure he’ll get Nick on board. How am I going to survive this? I feel like I’m barely hanging on now. The thought of it is just plain depressing. I heard the food pop in the pan and redirected my attention to finishing up pushing bad thoughts from my mind.

  I turned off the food and went about grabbing plates and utensils. I felt a tug on my shirt, and peered over, Max. “Lucy, is the food ready? I’m hungry.” I nodded and he gave me a bright smile. He hopped back over to his brother and cousin to inform them that dinner was ready. I was busy making the plates when I felt a presence at my side. I tensed and froze. I was afraid to look over and see what would happen next.

  “Hey there, food looks good.” I slowly peered over and was met with warm chocolate eyes. Nick was standing next to me leaning against the counter studying my face. My eyes roamed over his face taking in those infam
ous Miles dimples and cocky grin. His brown hair was disheveled. My gaze flickered back to his eyes looking for any hint of malice, but there was none. I still hadn’t responded when he stuck his hand out to me, “I’m Nick. You must be Lucy. Uncle Dean told me that you and your mom had moved in and would also be here. He also warned me away from you.” His gaze left mine and he slowly skimmed me over from head to toe. I became conscious of the fact I was in sweat pants and a baggy t-shirt that I’m sure has a visible hole. I did however straighten my hair and wrap it in a tight bun. When he was done with his perusal I’m sure he can see the wariness in my face. I continued to remain still waiting for him to throw insults and tease me about my looks and any other thing he can think of as Landon so often does. When he opened his mouth to talk again I visibly flinched. I guess I didn’t prepare myself enough, “do you need any help here?” he asked nodding towards the food.

  I released the breath I was holding and shook my head. “No I’m good here. Are you eating?” His eyes trailed me over again as he nodded to me slowly. I could feel the blush taking me over. I’ve never been looked at like that before. I mean sure, I’ve been looked over more times that I can count. But it was never done without the look of disgust or mean intention. The way he does it doesn’t give me those vibes. It’s almost as though he’s checking me out. I turn away from his gaze quickly and finish up with making the plates. I can’t think like this, he is Landon’s cousin. Of course he’s going to be just like him.

  I turn around preparing to take over two of the four plates, and realize he hasn’t moved. He’s still parked against the counter standing next to me. I forced a small smile at him then looked up towards my destination. Max was sitting in his usual spot to the right of Landon at the breakfast bar. Max was chatting away, but Landon was staring at me, with a steely gaze. I visibly gulped. I haven’t seen this look in a while. This is his I’m pissed so beware look. I strengthened my nerves, knowing that he would wait until Max wasn’t around before he attacked.


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