Losing Her (The Lexington Series Book 1)

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Losing Her (The Lexington Series Book 1) Page 18

by Belle Winters

  Erica and I were both sniffling, I looked over at Landon and he was also taken in the emotion of this moment. My mom looked positively distant as though bored. When Dean pulled himself together he shook his head, “they loved Landon and Erica too. I think it should go in this room here where we’re making great memories. So we all can see and feel it.” Dean replied.

  Nick nodded, and I knew he was extremely grateful. I just realized these were his first holidays without his parents. Although I have no idea what his life had been like, it must still be hard. I made a mental note to ask him about his parents and his life with them. From what I’m seeing it must’ve been great. Dean opened Max’s gift next which was a belt with a buckle that said Marvel and a robe with bug’s bunny on the back in his Space Jam gear with matching slippers. He chuckled and stood. He removed his black robe and slippers and replaced it with what Max got him. Max smiled broadly and ran to him and threw his arms around him. After their hug Dean sat back down and Max took his seat on the floor with Nick. He handed over Erica’s gift next which was a beautiful watch with and engraving on the inside. So whenever he looked at the time he read, Family love is timeless.♥ E. He stared at the watch for a while with a small smile. Lastly Nick handed over a gift that came from my mother. It was a couple’s spa date. He just nodded and tucked it back in the envelope.

  Nick turned to me. “Your turn princess.” I looked in shock. I see a few presents under the tree still. I hadn’t thought they’d get me anything. Maybe mom and Dean, but I wasn’t expecting much. Nick handed me over a box from him. I opened it up and peeked inside. On the top was a note in his sloppy scrawl, this is more for Landon than it is for you. I looked at the contents and gasped. I looked over at Nick wide eye. The box was filled to the brim with sexy lingerie from Agent Provocateur. I felt their curious eyes in the box before I looked up. Erica burst into laughter and Landon groaned and threw his head back against the couch. I shut the box closed as I felt the heat rising. I didn’t even remove the note so I know they saw it. Nick was laughing as he handed me a second, also from him. This time I opened it more wearily. There was another note at the top, this time saying This is way more for you than it is for Landon. Although I’ll dream about when you open this. I looked at what was inside and at first I was confused. Erica and Nick laughed even harder while Landon eyebrows shot up and then he wiped his hand down his face. He shook his head and put it down. I looked again and realized it was a vibrator. I shut the box closed forcefully and knew that I was bright red. I hate him. He passed me a third box, also from him. I narrowed my gaze on him not accepting it. He placed it on my lap and threw his arms up in surrender.

  “I swear this is your real gift.” He promised.

  I opened it reluctantly. Inside was a soft yellow cashmere sweater. It was beautiful. There was also a few other pretty different pieces in yellow. A dress, a shirt, etc. I looked up at him in question and he shrugged.

  “I really liked you in yellow,” was Nick’s explanation. I smiled at him.

  He handed me Max’s next. He got me a Sleeping Beauty onesie that looked totally snug for the winter. He also got me a tiara, and he explained I remind him of a princess and he couldn’t find me a halo. My heart warmed. I opened Erica’s next and it was a beautiful designer bag with matching shoes. She said to start my collection and she will make I expand. There was a also a box where she loaded in a ton of smaller packages of makeup. There had to be 50 bottles of glosses, I noted a handful of the pink one she has been saying is destined for me. I opened Landon’s next. Inside was a necklace. I lifted it to get a better look at the charm. It was a diamond incrusted swing. On closer inspection I saw it was engraved with the word Angel. I looked over and met Landon’s eyes and caught him watching me. I rubbed my fingers over it not quite able to comprehend that he got me something, mainly this. It was meaningful. I put the necklace in his hand and turned my back to him. I dipped my head and pulled all my hair up out the way. I felt him move closer and he snapped the necklace in place. I felt his finger trail down my spine and I broke out in Goosebumps. He grabbed my hand to release my hair and ran his hand through it.

  Nick cleared his throat, “Umm, there’s more here Lucy.” He said.

  I snapped back to attention and looked up to see Erica smiling from ear to ear. Dean was also giving us a smile while my mother scowled. I turned to Nick and his expression matched Erica’s but his eyes held a knowing look. I accepted the second package from Landon and inside was a bracelet that matched the chain. It was the same diamond incrusted swing but larger, and it ran around the whole width making up the bracelet. They were connected by diamonds in the centers. He turned it over for me and let me read that engraving on this one. Forever my angel, L. I felt my eyes water up. And I met his eyes again. He gave me a soft smile and held it out for me to put it on. I turned my body towards him and lifted my left wrist. I know why I decided this wrist and I wasn’t ready to look too far into it right now. Our knees were touching and he grabbed my hand pulling it closer to him rubbing his thumb back and forth on my wrist. He snapped the bracelet on me and held me by the wrist for a minute. His eyes searching mine, demanding something of me. And I knew what it was. These don’t come off. I gave him a small nod and he released me. I had Dean’s gift next. He had a gift card for $5,000.00 in there for a high end appliance store. He laughed at everyone’s expressions and confessed that was really a gift for everyone but better in my hands since I’m the only one cooking. The second gift was an all-expense paid trip to Paris for four days. Right after the New Year, which is just a week away. I may have squealed, and everyone laughed. I looked up at Dean, and he must’ve seen the question in my eyes and confessed that Landon mentioned it to him that I’ve always wanted to go. He’s so grateful for everything I’ve done for him and his family, how could he not. I actually jumped up and hugged him. He laughed then instructed for me to read everything. As I did I saw that there were two rooms and would cover up to five first class plane tickets. It hadn’t dawned on me before that I might be going alone I was just so happy to be going.

  It was then that what we all did became clear, “is it just me or did we all just gift ourselves with all these trips and stuff?” I asked.

  Dean caught on and laughed while Nick asked in confusion, “the amount of tickets we all got. Like when you opened your game tickets you already knew who was going with you. I kind of feel like this is a theme. Everyone got at least 4 tickets or more. There are only 4 tickets for the events Erica is away at school.” I pointed out. He laughed as he figured out where I was going with this and nodded.

  Today was great. Looking back at all everyone got, I can feel the love and thoughtfulness put into each one. I glanced down at my bracelet and smiled running my finger along the design. I looked up to watch Landon watching me and I gave him a bright smile. I looked around the room before I made my next announcement.

  “So, now that gifts are open I am heading into the kitchen. I think today is a good enough reason for my lasagna and maybe a salad and some of that garlic bread you love Maxamillion.” He fist pumped the air in a yes!

  Nick groaned, and then proposed to me which prompted a smack on the head from Erica. Landon was already ripping open packages that Max had instructed him to help with.

  A few hours later I had to go upstairs and change. I was super-hot in the kitchen. The sauce has been cooking up for a good three hours and it was time to get the cheese cut and put the food together for the oven. I ran to my room and changed into a tank top and sweat shorts. I threw my hair up in a bun on the top of my head to keep it out of the food. When I got back downstairs I washed my hands and got to cutting up the cheese. Once I got the lasagna in the oven I took out the stuff for baking. I decided to whip up a strawberry cheese cake. When I finally had that cooking I decided to do the salad. I was standing by the cabinet cutting up some tomatoes when I felt a finger trail from one hip to the other. I knew who that fingered belonged to and shivered. I looked up to see Landon w
alking to the fridge as if nothing happened.

  I went back to cutting thinking I imagined the whole thing. When he was walking back he stopped behind me. He wasn’t touching me, but I could feel him all over my body. The heat radiating off his body overpowering me. He peered over my shoulder still without touching me and asked, “What’s that for… lasagna?”

  I shook my head, “No, it’s for the salad.” I responded.

  “You want some help?” he asked.

  I shrugged; he splayed his hand across my exposed stomach. My shirt must’ve ridden up while I was moving around the kitchen. He applied a very small amount of pressure to get me to move away from the chopping board. When he reached for it, I swatted at him.

  “What?” he asked confused.

  “Wash. Your. Hands.” I told him pointing at the sink. No way was he getting in here and touching my food without clean fingers. I don’t care how much he makes my body tingle. He grinned at me and washed his hands. He came back and I gave him some cucumbers to slice. After a few minutes I had to fire him because I was pretty sure if he continued we’d find his finger in the salad. He took a seat at the breakfast bar and got comfortable. Nothing was said but I continued to work and he just watched me. After a while Nick and Max came into the kitchen with remote control cars and almost killed me. They got kicked out of the kitchen and dragged Landon with them. I laughed at them. When I peeked into the living room I saw all four of them racing the cars.

  I slow cooked the lasagna because it was pretty early. At around 4 I got a text from Mel asking if she can come over. I told her of course and knew she’d be here within the half hour. I knew her family opened gifts early then her whole family came over around noon and they ate dinner early. By 4 they’re mostly drunk and she gets more information than her ears can deal with so she fled. Most time she’s come by my house over the years and we exchanged gifts. She made Christmas real for me.

  We had just finished eating and I was in the kitchen cutting up the cheesecake when I heard the door. I skipped over to let Mel in. I swung it open and bellowed as obnoxiously as possible, “MERRRY CHRIST-“I stopped. Mel wasn’t standing in front of me, Dan was.

  He took a step in but I didn’t move back to let him in, “Hey Dan, what are you doing here?” I asked.

  “Well don’t look so happy to see me.” the smile he was previously wearing at my greeting faded and he looked a bit sad.

  “No, it’s not that… I just mean I spoke to you when you came yesterday and told you I couldn’t see you today. I was spending time with my family.” I told him. Warmth spread through me when I thought about it. This was my family. That’s how they treated me. And thinking of the extent and thought I put into their gifts it went both ways.

  He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “Yea I know it’s just that I missed you and really wanted to see you today. Besides I wanted to give you your gift.” He told me.

  I gulped. Shit, why did he get me something? I didn’t even think about getting him anything for Christmas. My mind scrambled for something to say, but he beat me to hit. His head drooped and he said lowly, “you didn’t get me anything. Its ok, I get it. You might not have had money to get anyone something.” My stomach clenched. Yes I didn’t come from money, but I’ve always did my best with what I had. I mean, I didn’t spend an exuberant amount of money on anyone’s gift… but that’s not the point. It’s the thought. I put a lot of thought and effort into every gift I bought. I just hadn’t thought about him.

  Just then Mel popped up in the doorway. “I’ve come with love peoples” she sang. I smiled at her and she pushed her way past me. “Oh and I raided the liquor, they’ve had more than enough already they won’t miss this.”

  Nick must’ve heard her enter because he bounded towards her and scooped her up in his arms. He gave her a tight hug and swung her around, bags flying in the air. “Merry Christmas sweet cheeks.” He said and planted what sounded like a very wet kiss on her cheek. Her face brightened from her blush and I laughed. He put her down and pulled out the liquor she scored. “A woman after my own heart. Would you feel ok to get married right now? Its Christmas right?” he asked her.

  I chimed in, “just so you know before you make your decision, he proposed to me earlier too for my lasagna.”

  Mel cracked up laughing, and swatted his chest, “so I’m not number one on your list? No way. I can’t be anyone’s sloppy seconds because she turned you down.” She said taking off her coat which Nick took from her.

  “Oh Puh-lease, I knew she wouldn’t say yes with… “Nick caught himself and paused. He looked over at us and then said, “by the way, she’s not poor. She gives pretty fucking awesome gifts if you ask our family.” Oh so Nick was there longer than I thought.

  Dan scowled, “how is it ok for Mel to be here and not me? Even if they’re dating so are we. She’s not family and to be honest they aren’t your family yet either.” He said.

  I sighed, “Mel is here because she is my best friend and she’s been around for Christmas evenings for years.” I explained.

  He let out a long breath, “fine.” He fingered my chain and I wanted to push his hand away. It didn’t feel right him touching it. I backed up a bit so it could fall from his hand. He noticed the matching bracelet on my wrist and said, “those are pretty. Did your mom buy you that for Christmas?”

  Before I can answer another voice piped up. “Nope, I did.” Landon said.

  Dan’s gaze swung to Landon. “Why, you don’t even talk to her and you treat her like shit. Why would you buy her… “His gaze zeroed in on the charm then the design of the bracelet, “swings?” he asked.

  I tensed; I didn’t want to have this conversation. Not now when today has been so great. Landon shrugged and walked over to where we were standing. He picked up the charm and inspected it. He flipped it to where the inscription was and ran his thumb across it. Then he placed it back against me gently but his whole hand pressed it down and I could feel his pinky close to my breast. My breathing picked up speed at the contact. He looked past me at Dan with a blank face, “because I can.” With that he went into the kitchen to where Nick and Mel were watching.

  “Can we talk outside?” Dan asked. I sighed, I didn’t want to. I really didn’t want to. I was thinking of a way to get out of this when the opportunity presented itself. I felt it before I realized what was happening. Someone was putting something on my back. I spun around to find Max with his Spiderman web shooter and was dousing me in webs. Erica was creeping behind Nick, Landon, and Mel with her own. They were so busy laughing at me they didn’t see her coming. She jumped up and shot them all down. They all went fleeing to the living room. Max didn’t. He stayed and looked from me to Dan.

  “Lu, please don’t leave. I want you to play with me. It’s Christmas, and I thought you said you made me a cheesecake and we could have some soon. We can’t have any if you leave. Don’t you still want to play with me?” he asked.

  I bent down to him and ruffled his hair. “I promised I will be here with you today and it would be the best right? I’m not going to let you down.” I looked myself over at all the web covering me, “but know its war Maxamillion. You sprayed me down; I’ve got payback to give. You better run, and run fast pretty boy.” He squealed and took off as Erica ran back in the room and threw me two cans.

  “You’re on my team! It’s three on one. It’s going down.” Erica said out of breath. I laughed, as I got my ammo all setup. Then I remembered Dan.

  “Sorry, can we talk later?” I pleaded for him to give me a break here.

  “I could stay and even out the teams?” he offered.

  I gave him a forced smile, “sorry but not today. I promised him it’ll be family day. I can’t have you stay here. Forgive me and we’ll talk later?” I asked.

  He nodded. He started for the door when I was scooped up and tossed into the air. I screamed. Landon caught me and I threw my arms and legs around him laughing willing my heart to calm. I slapped his shoulder, �
�you almost killed me dummy!” I screamed at him through my laughter. He turned my back towards Max.

  “She’s covering me, and she’s on your team. If you spray me you’re going to hit her. Are you willing to sacrifice your own?” he asked him.

  I realized my current position. I was wrapped around Landon’s front with my arms and legs wrapped around him. I had my face nuzzled in his shoulder. He had one hand under my ass holding me up and pressing me against him and the other arm out ready to spray Max. I sniffed him in, and I think he heard because his head turned a bit and he smiled down at me. I smiled back and held onto him tighter. I placed a small kiss to his neck. It was so close to my mouth I couldn’t stop myself. I felt him shift me so I was covering his front where his pants started to strain. He placed a kiss back on me right on the corner of my mouth. I sighed. I caught Nick out of the corner of my eye staring behind me with a cocky grin. I lifted my head and looked to see Dan still standing in the doorway watching with a dark look to his eyes. He met my eyes and then turned and left. I should feel bad. I should get down, I should do a lot of things, but I didn’t. I remained in Landon’s arms pretending to be a hostage and enjoying the closeness. The game picked up and I freed myself from Landon. As we continued to run around the house I found myself hiding behind the couch. Landon tackled me and pulled his web shooter to my face.

  He leaned down and said, “kiss me Lucy, kiss me or I’ll shoot.”

  I didn’t need any more prompting. I grabbed the back of his head and brought his mouth down on mine. I immediately melted. I felt it, what I’ve been missing. All the feelings of longing, like, hate, anger, hurt, sadness, joy. It was all there pumping through my blood. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him even closer. This time I was the one demanding entrance and he complied. His hands massaged up and down the sides of my body, from my thighs up my arms and back down again. I groaned into his mouth, and we were interrupted.


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