Losing Her (The Lexington Series Book 1)

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Losing Her (The Lexington Series Book 1) Page 35

by Belle Winters

  I refused to look at him because if I did, I would burst into tears. “Yes?” I asked.

  “Look at me baby.” He pleaded. I shook my head. “Please?” he begged. I sighed and looked at him. His eyes were red and he had tears running down his face. “I’m so sorry baby. That should’ve never happened. I was supposed to protect you and I failed. I fucking failed you and look at what they did. And they killed our baby, something we made together. It’s not something I would’ve wanted now but knowing that there was a piece of me growing in your body. That there was something that was a mix of both of us; I can’t say that thought doesn’t make me happy. I want you to finish school and everything, but damn if I can’t be selfish in being happy I knocked you up. And someone fucking stole that from us. They killed something that we made in the most fucked up way. Can you forgive me Lucy? Please don’t leave me.” Landon pleaded.

  I grabbed his hand and tugged. He shook his head again, “you’re hurt. I don’t want to make anything worse for you.” He explained.

  “Please? I really need you to hold me right now. I need your strength.” I begged.

  He took off his shoes and I moved over gritting my teeth from the pain. He climbed in next to me. I lifted my head so he could slide his arm underneath and I maneuvered painfully so that I was lying on his chest. I wanted the most comfortable position because I wasn’t planning on letting him leave. He stroked my hair and I winced in pain. My head was really sore.

  Landon noticed and froze, “what’s wrong with your head Lucy?” he asked.

  I shrugged, “its sore. Someone must’ve been pulling at my hair or hit me with something.” I told him honestly.

  He swore under his breath and I could feel his heart beat picking up speed. I placed a kiss to his chest and ran my hand up and down his chest and stomach soothingly. Slowly his heart beat went back to normal. He placed a kiss to my hair and I fell asleep to the beat of his heart.

  I woke up to a rumble against my cheek. I inhaled deeply and smiled. Landon. I opened my eyes slowly to see Dean standing by the bed and Landon laughing.

  “Seriously Lucy?” Dean asked me.

  “What?” I responded.

  He pointed out a finger going between me and Landon. “You two can’t go one night huh? The nurse comes to get me since she thought you were brother and sister saying I should come check on you. Imagine my surprise when I find you in the wrong room in the wrong bed breaking the rules since you shouldn’t have anyone else in your beds.” He crossed his arms and stared at us. When no one said anything for about two minutes he started to tap his foot, “if you two haven’t noticed I’m waiting for an explanation here. What the hell am I supposed to go out there and tell that woman so she doesn’t call the cops on me for letting siblings knock boots?”

  We both laughed and I answered, “I promise we didn’t have sex in here.” I said as way of explanation to Dean. He laughed now and shook his head.

  “I’ll think of something, but thanks for the effort Lucy. And if you two change your mind, make sure to put a sock on the door.” Dean said and turned. Nick had just walked into the room a few second ago and paused.

  “Did you just give us permission to knock boots while we’re in the hospital?” Nick asked. He didn’t wait for an answer and turned around taking off. We heard him scream down the hall, “sweet cheeks I’m coming! Uncle D said we can do the dance with no pants!”

  Dean groaned. “Sweet lord, these people are going to be happy when they get to kick all of us out of here. Let me go do some damage control over Nick.” He walked out the room at that.

  We laughed as Dean left. Landon leaned down and pressed a kiss to my lips. “How you feeling babe?” he asked.

  “Better that before.” I admitted.

  He nodded, “good. When the nurse came in when you fell out I told her you were still in a lot of pain. She said they didn’t give you a high dosage of the pain meds because with you out they didn’t know how much you needed. But she increased it.” he explained.

  I sighed, “You’re fucking awesome Landon. I love you.”

  He smiled, “Love you too angel.”

  “Good because I’m super tired and I want you to get up and grab water or pee or whatever you need to do now cause once I fall back asleep your stuck as my prisoner.” I told him.

  He laughed, “I’ll grab some ice and water. The ice I want you to eat before you go to sleep.” He said getting up. “Then when you wake back up you’re going to eat.” He demanded.

  “Yes sir.” I said with a salute.

  He rolled his eyes, and began walking back to the bed with two cups. He sat them down and got back in the bed. He handed me the ice chips with a stern look that said don’t you fuck with me.

  We were released the next day. Samantha came to the hospital to speak with the doctors to hear firsthand all of their instructions. She informed us she wanted to come as soon as she heard, but wanted to give us private family time. Mel’s parents were there when we exited the building and they hovered over all four of us like mother hens.

  Nick being Nick said, “I love how my future in-laws care so much about me.”

  They laughed and Mel scoffed. He gave her a dirty look and she laughed. Both of Mel’s parents worked and they were familiar with the dynamic between us. They knew we were all somehow involved and the guys felt really guilty which means they were sticking like glue. He wouldn’t give them any peace if he couldn’t be around her.

  Nick took in a deep breath and said, “It’s great to be free. Feels like I just broke out of jail.”

  Dean rolled his eyes, “you and Landon were supposed to be gone yesterday. You’re the ones who didn’t want to leave so you faked a bunch of absurd symptoms. Everyone knew you were lying but the nurses fawned over you eating it up and extended your stay.” He informed everyone.

  I arched an eyebrow at Landon and he shrugged, “it worked right?” Was his only response and I could only shake my head at him.

  Nick opened the backdoor to Mel’s parent’s car. He helped her inside then jumped in and closed the door. Mel’s parents looked at each other and her father shook his head. Yes, we all know Nick invited himself into their car for a ride. Landon helped me inside Sam’s SUV and got in also. Dean and James got in with us and we all headed over to James and Samantha’s house. They helped us into the house and Nick carried in Mel’s stuff that her parents packed. A little while later Nick and Landon rode back to the house to pack some stuff for me and them. At some point Samantha convinced Dean it would be better if he stayed as well with Max. She didn’t want him to be alone and not have us. They had 3 spare rooms.

  They came back a few hours later with clothes and Max. The house was packed with people and Samantha made a big meal. She made spaghetti since my jaw was all fucked up and Mel took quite a beating to the face and was all swollen. We were all spread out in the backyard so there were enough seats for everyone. Mel’s parents, James, Samantha, Dean, Nick, Landon, Max, Mel, and me. Max was extremely curious about the bruises on me and Mel. Dean had told him we were all in an accident by way of explanation to our absence and for the inevitability of him seeing the marks. Max broke down, he was so afraid. The last accident he knew of was the one with Nick’s parents. Dean told us how sad he’s been the last few days when we never showed. So once he got to the house and saw me he launched himself at me. It hurt like hell but it was worth it. This poor boy cried because he thought I died. He deserved a hug. Landon scolded him and told him he has to be a lot gentler with me because I got hurt.

  Mel’s parents left when it got late. We all went up to our rooms for bed. The boys weren’t going back to school until the next week. Dean and James were both very concerned about any of us going back knowing we were at a party with no one but people from the school. So whoever attacked us would be there. Landon and Nick however, couldn’t wait to get back because they wanted to get to the bottom of this. They knew it would be much harder for someone to pull this shit during school.
We would get reported if we missed a class, and with the situation we heard the school was on lockdown. There had been cops there questioning people but haven’t made any progress.

  Since this was such a good school and there were a lot of rich kids there, that meant there were a lot of rich parents. Parents with power and money that kept the school up and running. More than a few were extremely nervous about their kids being there after what happened. Although it wasn’t on school grounds, they suspected whoever was involved were students there. Their kids were basically going to school with criminals which made them uneasy.

  Landon cuddled me the whole night. I know that all of this has been doing a number on him. He feels responsible, for all of it. And I know he’s mourning the loss of the child we didn’t know about. God, my poor man. I’ve been trying to assure him that he wasn’t the one to blame but he wouldn’t accept it. He nods to placate me but I know he doesn’t mean it. I can see it in his eyes.

  I was jolted awake by the sound of screeching that could only come from one person. My mother. I groaned, the bitch has been absent since she got kicked to the curb and she comes now at the worst fucking time. I got up from the bed and made my way downstairs.

  “I don’t care who you are. Get my daughter because she is leaving.” She said.

  “I’m really going to need you to calm down. They are all still asleep and they don’t need to be woken up right now, especially with this nonsense.” I heard Samantha say.

  I picked up my speed. This wasn’t her fight to deal with. “Newsflash, just because you married her father doesn’t give you any right to make a decision here. She’s barely his daughter.” My mom said as I rounded the corner.

  “Quit it mom. Why are you here?” I asked her.

  She looked my way and her eyes widened in horror. She raked me over with her eyes. Everyone here knew what happened and there was no reason to hide. I had on sleep shorts and a tank, so a bunch of my marks were visible. “You see, you wanted to fucking stay there and this happens to you. It never would’ve happened if you had just come with me.” She said.

  I rolled my eyes, “they didn’t do this to me. Someone at the school did and they did it to them too. I don’t see how moving out with you would’ve prevented this.” I told her and walked to stand behind the counter.

  She sighed, “Your so naïve. You’re blinded just because you’re sleeping with one of them.”

  “Rebecca…” I heard Landon say from behind me. I turned my head his way. He was only wearing sleep pants and he had some serious bed head. I licked my lips as I trailed my eyes across his perfect abs.

  I turned to Samantha, “Did you just turn on the oven or something?” I asked her. I was suddenly burning up.

  She smiled and arched an eyebrow, “you want to blame the heat on me. I saw you checking him out. How the hell did you make it through the night sleeping next to that?” She looked over at Landon, “and you. It’s too early in the morning. Turn down the hotness before you start walking around the house. There’s no reason for a 17 year old to have a body like that.”

  Landon chuckled and came up right behind me. He planted his hands on the counter and pressed his front against my back. He dropped a kiss to my temple, “Morning babe.” He whispered.

  I grinned and looked up, “well hello there.” I responded.

  My mother cleared her throat. “Well you might as well get your goodbyes out because you’re coming with me. This little rebellion thing you’re doing is over. You are not an adult and you are in no place to make these decisions for yourself. Just look at you. That should be proof enough.”

  “This is one way to wake up.” Nick commented as he strolled into the room followed by Mel. Mel was wearing a sleep gown and her hair was in a messy ponytail as if she woke up that way. Nick however was in just a pair of briefs. Seriously?

  “Holy shit Batman. You too?” Samantha said looking at Nick. “What the hell are they giving you kids at that football practice? Come here you stud let me get a feel to see if they’re real. I would’ve tried it on that one but Lucy seems like she might’ve cut my fingers off.”

  We all laughed as Nick sauntered over to her. He spread his arms out to his sides, “you can touch me as much as you like woman. Just be warned, I can’t be held responsible for my body’s reactions. You’re smoking, and if I wasn’t just a little scared of James. I might’ve crawled in your bed when he left for work this morning.” That earned him a slap with the dish rag.

  “Seriously, you encourage this. You are not fit to be taking care of these kids.” My mother said.

  “Woman, we’re just ignoring you at this point. That child,” Samantha said pointing at me, “is not going a damn place that she doesn’t want to. Anywhere where you are would qualify as one of those places. If the others weren’t here, she probably wouldn’t want to be here now since you came here. Feel free to let yourself out at any moment.” She turned her attention to the rest of us, “what do you kids want for breakfast. Nick, you better not name everything you can think of either.” She warned.

  We told Samantha what we wanted and she started to cook. Landon grabbed my hips and pulled me away from the counter. He guided me towards a chair and he took a seat pulling me to his lap. He placed a kiss on my shoulder.

  “Listen Lucy, I have a new boyfriend. His name is Randy and –“my mom began but was cut off by Landon.

  “My father’s client Randy? And you had the nerve to talk about Lucy. You’re a slore.” Landon told her.

  Her mouth dropped open, “you’re going to let him talk to me like that?” she asked me.

  I arched an eyebrow at her, “you know I’m not one for lies. If the shoe fits well…” I trailed off with a shrug.

  My mom stomped over to where I sat, “you take that back you little bitch. Then you get your shit because we Are. Leaving. I am done with this discussion. These boys are becoming a bad influence on your life. You need some discipline. Now move it young lady.” She said with more hate than I think she ever threw at me.

  Landon’s grip tightened. “You need to back –“he was cut-off.

  Samantha turned from what she was doing at the stove and looked at Landon, “Oh no you don’t. In this house, you do not have to handle her. I will.” She came to stand right beside where we were sitting and turned to face my mother. “You’re a little too fucking close for my comfort. You will not be allowed to talk to her like that in my home, and I swear if you lift your hand to her in my presence I’ll give you the show you’re looking for. Now get your shit and get the fuck out of my house.”

  My mother paled, “did you just threaten me?” she asked.

  Samantha scoffed, “I wouldn’t waste my breath on a threat. That’s a fucking promise. Now get.” She turned to Nick and pointed, “And you go lock the door behind her.”

  Nick strolled over to where my mother stood and held a hand gesturing towards the door. “You heard Sexy Sam. Let’s go lady.” Nick told her.

  My mother sent me a glare and stomped out of the door. When Nick locked it he turned to everyone and asked, “you think a house might fall on her like in the Wizard of Oz?”

  We snickered and Mel rolled her eyes. “Do you have a rest button Nick?” she asked him. He shook his head and she sighed. The rest of the morning continued as if nothing had ever happened.

  We spent the rest of the week lounging around the house. Sunday, the boys couldn’t contain their excitement to be going back to school. They were itching to get some retribution. That concerned me, these people were obviously dangerous. I mean they were using, drugs, bats, rape. I didn’t want either of them getting hurt. No matter how much Mel and I begged them they wouldn’t let up. All they did was reassure us that things would be fine. As the week progressed, every day they came back home more and more agitated. They weren’t getting the answers they needed. No matter who they threatened they wouldn’t tell them anything. It wasn’t that they were keeping their lips shut. It appeared that no one knew. Whoever did
this was very careful. On Thursday, Landon was extremely distracted when he came home. Every time I asked him about it he told me it was nothing. I was sure it had to do with who hurt us.

  That night in bed I turned to him, “Landon I know it’s something and it has to do with whatever happened to us that night. Can you tell me? Does Nick know? We should all be on the same page about this. Is it something bad?” I asked him.

  He sighed, “god Lucy do you have to be such a pain in the ass? I told you it was nothing and you keep fucking pushing. There’s a reason why I’m not telling you so fucking drop it already. I’m not going to tell you.” He said then turned to his side so his back was to me.

  My heart dropped. He just admitted to keeping secrets, and he also just insulted me for caring. He thought I was being a pain for being concerned about all of our wellbeing’s. He can take that bug up his ass and keep it. I got up and left the room, he didn’t say a word. I went into the room with Max and climbed in bed with him. Dean opted for the couch.

  The next day I spoke to Mel and she said that Nick had been a little weird. When they spoke about it that night he told her that when him and Landon was questioning one of the cheerleaders she said she didn’t know about anything that happened. The last time she had saw Landon was when he was making out with Delilah. Mel didn’t pull any punches. She wouldn’t have held that information back from me knowing that I would want to know if that bastard cheated. She was just as pissed when I told her about the conversation last night. It was obvious he didn’t want to tell me because then he would be forced to admit he cheated on me with that bitch. She told me that her nor Nick saw them together, because I would’ve known sooner and Nick might’ve punched him on the spot. That I believed.

  When Landon came home he looked downright pissed. He had no idea I knew what he wasn’t telling me but it didn’t matter. We avoided each other. I went to bed early and was woken up to him getting in bed later. He put his arm around me and I flinched. I removed his arm and he sighed. “What now Lucy? Shit. Why is there always a fucking problem with you? I had a long day and if you’re in the mood to question me or bitch at me tell me now so I could go.” He told me.


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