Losing Her (The Lexington Series Book 1)

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Losing Her (The Lexington Series Book 1) Page 49

by Belle Winters

  “I don’t know where I want to touch you first. I want you naked, but I don’t want to take this off of you either. Lucy, you’re making more than my dick hard.” He confessed.

  I made up his mind for him and closed the space between us. I threw and arm around his neck and pulled his head down for a kiss. His hands were everywhere after that. He lifted me and tossed me on the bed. Then he shed his clothes quickly. He watched me for a second and sighed. “We’ll keep this on for now.” And then he dropped on top of me. I was happy we were here almost alone and Max was so tired he could sleep through anything because it didn’t take long or much before he had me screaming. He must’ve really liked the dress.

  Landon and Nick had a game the following week that would determine if their team would make the finals. They have been busting ass so far all season and I was confident he wouldn’t disappoint. This was an important game so we all attended to cheer them on. James showed up with a bunch of guys I didn’t recognize. I’m assuming those were some of the college recruiters who were interested. It was a tight game, both teams wanted to win. Two players ended up getting benched from getting hit too hard. They were neck and neck and in the final quarter, Landon brought his A game. He pushed himself and secured the win. The entire game was phenomenal and I could hear the recruiters saying nothing but great things about him. I was sure that he would have a bunch of offers.

  Landon put his all into football and the team ended up winning the championship. We got through the next few months focusing on school and getting through our senior year. When the end of March rolled around I began to get worried. Everyone else has been hearing back from schools in acceptance except me. I received a few letters back from schools, but they were all ones I applied to just to ensure I had somewhere to go. I didn’t hear back anything from any of the schools that I really wanted to go to. Everyone tried to reassure me telling that there was still time to hear back, but it wasn’t comforting.

  I was in my room painting when Landon stuck his head into my room. “Babe?”

  I waved him in, “yea.”

  He came in with his phone in his hand holding it out towards me, “the phone is for you.”

  I raised an eyebrow. Why would anyone be calling his cellphone for me. When I didn’t take it immediately he rolled his eyes, “She only had my number. Now here.” He said thrusting the phone closer to me.

  I sighed and snatched it and he sat down on the bed. “Hello?” I asked.

  “Hello there. My name is Catherine Jones. You met my husband Luke a while back at a basketball game he attended with your father. From my understanding of the events, he hounded Landon for pictures that you made.” She explained. I nodded in remembrance and then realized she couldn’t see me.

  I let out a small laugh, “Yes I do remember meeting him.”

  “Well I have been trying to get in contact with you. But I’m not the brightest bulb in the box these days. I finally realized I could just call Landon’s number to try to get a hold of you. If that didn’t work, I would be forced to chase down your dad. While I’m on the subject would you mind giving me your direct number? And when were done on the call I can send you a text so you can have mine.” She explained. I gave her my number. I looked at Landon in confusion, I’m not sure what this is all about and he looked curious. “I don’t want to hold you up any longer than necessary but I loved your work. I would like to put up some of your work on my website. I know you’re working on college portfolios, but I would love to showcase some of your work. We don’t have to put them up for sale but for a viewing. You can choose your favorite or best pieces and we can narrow it down from there. This will get your name out there. I will not lie that I may be part of the reason you haven’t heard back from some schools. I’m very good friends with the head of the art department at Ohio State. I was showing your work around saying how this is the type of work we’d like to see more of. This type of natural talent… I had no idea you were applying for art degrees. I think they’re waiting around to see what else I would show. I told them I was going to pursue you to see about a showcase, see how buyers react to your work.”

  I gasped. So I wasn’t hearing back because they liked my work. Not because I sucked. That was a huge relief. “Are you serious?” I almost squealed.

  She laughed softly, “absolutely. Now I hear that boyfriend of yours is a fan of your work. I have a show coming up in two weeks. Maybe you should have him help you decide on some pieces and then I can see you in a week so we can get them in the show.”

  This time I did squeal, “that is awesome, thanks so much. I would love to. And you’re almost right about my boyfriend. He’s a caveman and is going to stick his nose in it anyway.” I told her eyeing Landon.

  His eyebrow shot up and he licked his lips. Why was that so fucking hot? I wrapped up the phone call and then hopped on the bed. I began jumping up and down hooting and dancing on the bed like a fool. Landon just watched me and the next thing I knew I had an audience. I must’ve been making a lot more noise than I thought.

  Nick’s eyebrows shot up. “What is going on?” he asked looking at Landon since I was still celebrating.

  He shrugged, “no clue. I’m waiting for her silly ass to calm down and tell me. It must be good though given that she’s trying to dance.”

  I ignored them I was too happy. Dean came into the room, “well what is it Lucy?”

  “Dean did I tell you life was great?” I asked him still jumping.

  He chuckled and shook his head. Max came into the room and climbed on the bed to jump and dance with me. He had no idea why he was celebrating, I think he was just happy to be able to jump on the bed and not get in trouble. When I began to get out of breath I grabbed Max’s hand. “Guess what Maxamillion.” I said.

  “What? Why are we happy?” he asked.

  “People actually like my pictures.” I told him.

  He stopped jumping and looked at me confused, “I like your pictures Lucy.” he said and I nodded. I made him pictures sometimes and he would keep them all in his room.

  Landon stood up and picked up Max depositing him on the floor, “talk English Lucy.” He told me.

  I sighed and rolled my eyes. “Buzz kill” I muttered. I proceeded to inform the room all about my conversation with Catherine. Landon’s smile was huge by the time I was done and he opened up his arms. I jumped into them and wrapped myself around him. He rubbed my back and whispered in my ear, “congratulations baby. I’m so proud of you. Now I have a reason to raid all your work.”

  I smiled at him and gave him a peck on the lips. His hands made it to my ass, he gave it a squeeze then he groaned. He brought his mouth back to mine. I heard a cough behind us that made me look up, Dean was trying to look anywhere but at us. That made me laugh. “I think that’s our cue to leave. Let’s go.” He said clearing out the room.

  Nick shook his head, “But I wanted to watch uncle D. you’re ruining my fun.” He whined playfully.

  “Beat it Nick,” Landon said. After a pout Nick left out and closed the door behind him.

  Landon laid me on the bed and settled himself on top of me. “You ready to thank me huh?” he asked. I smiled and nodded, I was more than ready to thank him. I grabbed the back of his head and brought his mouth down to mine.

  Throughout the week, Landon helped me pick out 15 of my best pieces. I was grateful for his help, he chose out most of them. It was difficult for me to choose since I lacked the amount of confidence in my work as others seemed to have. I spent the week holed up in the art room for lunch determined to work on the piece I started. I finished it Thursday and snuck it into the stack.

  I had to fight Landon tooth and nail, but eventually he relented and let me meet with Catherine alone. She liked all of the pieces but we narrowed it down to 8 out of the 15. I explained to her I had one more piece I left in the car and it was something I’ve never done before but I loved it. She encouraged me to show it to her and she fell in love. She told me we definitely needed
to show it and it made me giddy.

  Everyone came to support me at the show. I was wrecked with nerves and Landon kept giving me comforting and encouraging words. I was able to calm down for the most part. We looked around at some of the other pieces and I had to admit, she had an amazing eye for art. All of the pieces she had on display were wonderful. I couldn’t believe that she had chosen to show stuff that I created with these. I recognized some of the artist’s work and got the chance to meet a few. Once it appeared that most guests were in attendance, Catherine introduced me and opened up the section she set aside for just my stuff. People entered and I stood frozen in place. This was it, I would hear and see people’s honest reactions to my pictures. Landon snatched up my hand and led me over.

  The pieces were scattered around so there was enough room for people to view them one at a time. I noticed Landon had frozen in the center of the room and I looked up at him. His eyes were wide and he was looking straight ahead. I followed his gaze and saw where he was focused on. It was the picture I had been working on that he hadn’t seen before.

  It was a painting of him. I loved how peaceful and innocent he looks in his sleep. The image was stuck in my mind and I had begun painting it. I never done a portrait before and I had done this one out of memory. As I stared at the drawing I saw how uncanny it was to the real thing, not that anything would ever be better. His eyes met mine and his eyebrow rose in question.

  I shrugged, “I like looking at you when your sleep and it’s seared in my mind. I don’t know I just wanted to paint it.” I explained.

  “And you chose this to show on a day like today?” he asked.

  I nodded, “it’s a special picture.”

  He leaned down and gave me a soft kiss.

  “Excuse me, but that is you isn’t it?” a female voice said.

  We both turned to her, “how long did this take you? Were you actually sleeping or did you pose for this?” she inquired.

  He laughed, “I have no idea how long it took her. I wasn’t there.” He explained.

  She looked on confused and I explained, “I painted this from memory. He doesn’t have the patience to sit through a portrait. Trust me on that.”

  “Are you telling me, you did that by memory? But the detail is amazing. Looking at the subject in the flesh, you seem to have captured every line and curve.” She admitted.

  I glanced at Landon then met her eyes. I gave a playful sigh, “yea, well unfortunately I see that face almost every morning because he won’t stay out of my bed.”

  She gave me a laugh, “either way, people can’t capture details to the extent of your work even with the object in front of them. Do you do all of your paintings by memory?” she asked.

  I shrugged, “I mostly paint in the art room at school or in my room so yes. I just always liked to draw and such so I would do it for fun in my spare time. I’ve never been one to show my work so I wouldn’t even have the courage to take my paint equipment somewhere where anyone could see it. He’s the one that showed it to other people because he’s always raiding my stuff.” I explained.

  “Wow.” She answered in surprise. “It was great meeting you, and your work is fabulous.” She left us then and I realized I hadn’t even gotten her name. I saw her around a few times more talking to different people. She caught my eye a few times and I saw people look over, I wonder what she was telling them. All in all, the show went great and people seemed to genuinely like my work.

  It was a couple of weeks later, but I had received acceptance by all my top 5 schools. It seems Catherine was right. Things became difficult for me then because I didn’t know what to choose. I decided to reach out to Catherine. It was a great decision because she was able to explain the types of art and techniques each school is good for and the types of artists and talents that have come out of them. She gave me her recommendations and I couldn’t help but agree based off of what I learned.

  We had all heard back from the schools we applied for, and Dean put together a special dinner. He got us reservations at a nice Thai place, and we were all going to reveal our choices by presenting the acceptance letter to the school we’ve decided to go to. I was nervous. What if we all ended up in different corners of the world and it was impossible to see each other.

  We all gave our letters to Dean who would reveal them between dinner and desert. Everyone tried to talk and enjoy dinner but the tension was high. Everyone was too curious to really focus on much else. We practically rushed through our food and Dean put us out of our misery.

  “Here we go. Nick is going to Ohio State. Lucy is going to Ohio State. Mel is going to UCLA. And Landon is going to Ohio State.” Dean ran through quickly.

  I gasped. Landon and Nick would be with me, but Mel is going somewhere else. The tension lifted some, but not all the way. Dean asked us to explain and it made enough sense. The art program there was perfect for the type of painting and drawing I’m into. They’re also number one in the football and basketball departments. They’re track team is good, but they’re not great. UCLA was currently the number one in Mel’s field. Nick remained quiet through desert and on the ride home. He went straight to his room and stayed there. Mel noticed Nick’s attitude and went home with her parents. Landon came to my room.

  “We’re going to be together babe.” He said once we were settled in bed.

  I looked up at him and smiled. “I know. I was worried we’d all end up separated. Although we're still not all going to the same place. I think Nick’s sad that Mel is going to UCLA and the rest of us are going to Ohio State.” I explained.

  Landon sighed, “yea I know. I’m not going to lie. I didn’t give them my answer yet. I got into a lot of good schools and to tell you the truth I might’ve accepted the same school as you just so we can be together… but their choses aren’t that easy. Nick would be giving up a lot choosing UCLA basketball over Ohio. But the same goes with Mel, although her sacrifice would be less since our track team is still in the top 10.”

  I put my head on his chest. “I know. It just sucks is all. But it’ll work out right?” I asked him for reassurance.

  He kissed my forehead, “of course it will.”

  After that night, Mel and Nick seemed to be glued together. They seemed both sad and happy and tried spending as much time with each other as possible. It was bittersweet. Prom was just around the corner and she plied herself away from him so that we can go find outfits. Landon and Nick went looking for stuff themselves.

  I ended up finding a pretty lavender dress. Mel went for gold. We sent images to the boys just showing the color so they could match us… yes we were making them match us. We found our shoes and everything in one trip which was awesome.

  Prom was nice. Landon and Nick got a limo and tried to make it a perfect night. Mel and I didn’t care much about any of that stuff but just being with them and having fun. The highlight of the night is when Landon and Nick were voted prom queen and king. Evidently they both got so many votes they couldn’t deny either one a title. Nick decided he wanted to be queen and made Landon dance with him. I recorded it on my phone because no one was going to believe us when we told them this. Nick went all out and made sure to lay his head on Landon. Landon looked so uncomfortable it was hilarious, but he was being a good sport about it. Eventually Nick being Nick took it too far and leaned in like he was going to kiss him. That is when Landon pushed him and walked away. The party picked back up and Landon grabbed me. He was a little grumpy from the show they just put on but after dancing for a while it seemed to have been forgotten. The night was amazing.

  We went back home that night and he told me I needed the full experience. He dragged me to his room when we got in the house. I tried to tell him we needed to go to my room, we spend majority of our time there so that’s where he stored the condoms. He kissed me to shut me up and all was forgotten. We had sex all night, and it was amazing. Graduation came and went then it was summer once again. In the beginning of August, we decided we needed one l
ast trip before starting college. We went to Italy for a week.

  We were three days into the trip and I didn’t want to get out of bed. My body was deep into summer schedule that it seemed wrong to be up before noon. “Get up. We have plans this morning.” Landon muttered.

  “No, I don’t want to. Can I sleep for like another 3 hours?” I whined.

  “Lucy its 10:30 and we need to meet everyone at 12. Get your ass up and sleep later.” He said with a swat to my ass.

  I sat up. “Landon…” he raised his eyebrows in question. I sighed, “Fine I’m getting up but I’m showering alone.”

  He rolled his eyes, “I’ll come in there if I feel like it.”

  Sure enough, I was just putting soap on my cloth when he joined me. He snatched it from me and began washing me. When he washed my breast I flinched and he frowned. “Was I too rough with you or something?” he asked.

  I shook my head. He wasn’t, last night was great. “I think my period is coming is all. They’re sensitive.” I told him.

  “Come on Lucy… I don’t need to know that shit. Now this just feels wrong. Should I be afraid you’re going to start leaking any second?” he asked.

  I shook my head hard at his stupidity and my stomach rolled. I closed my eyes and steadied my breathing to get the nausea under control. He was in danger of me leaking, just not the way he thought. And that would be humiliating if I threw up on him. When I thought it passed I opened my eyes to find him watching me.

  “You’re green are you sick?” he asked.

  I shook my head again and I knew I wouldn’t be able to contain the nausea this time. I hopped out the shower and stood over the toilet and heaved. He threw a towel on me and held my hair. Great, now he’s watching me vomit. When I was done I brushed my teeth and went to the bed. I felt downright tired now. He watched me for a second before getting me some water and crackers. He called Nick and told him we weren’t coming because I wasn’t feeling well. He got in the bed with me and pulled me to him.


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